Favoriting The Flange & Frigate with DJ GeorgyGirl: Playlist from March 15, 2024 Favoriting

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Welcome to The Flange & Frigate - the UK's premier pub and social club, playing the finest in British psych, fey pop, mod, and lounge!

Friday 4 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting March 15, 2024: The Flange & Frigate #277 - 2024 WFMU Marathon Week Two!

On today's Flange & Frigate Show with DJ GeorgyGirl, it's Week Two of the 2024 WFMU Marathon and I'm bringing you the second part of your MOST favourited tracks from the dancefloor!

We only have a few more days left to reach our target, so help me and WFMU to keep on keeping on! Click that pledge banner at the top of the page!

Welcome to The Flange & Frigate - the UK's premier pub and social club, playing the finest in British psych, fey pop, mod, prog, and folk!

*** PLEASE NOTE EARLIER UK DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME! 4 pm to 6 pm Eastern/8 pm to 10 pm GMT only on #sheenasjungleroom ***

#British #FeyPop #Lounge #Psych #Mod #WFMU #Marathon2024

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Approx. start time
Lulu  The Boat That I Row   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Yardbirds  Stroll On   Favoriting 0:03:49 (Pop-up)
The Small Faces  Afterglow (Of Your Love)   Favoriting 0:06:34 (Pop-up)
Thunderclap Newman  Something In The Air   Favoriting 0:10:05 (Pop-up)
The Who  I Can See For Miles   Favoriting 0:14:22 (Pop-up)
Brian Auger Trinity  Season Of The Witch   Favoriting 0:19:24 (Pop-up)
The She Trinity  Climb That Tree   Favoriting 0:26:58 (Pop-up)
T Rex  Rip Off   Favoriting 0:30:30 (Pop-up)
The Hollies  King Midas In Reverse   Favoriting 0:34:39 (Pop-up)
Van Der Graaf Generator  Theme One   Favoriting 0:38:12 (Pop-up)
The Zombies  Time Of the Season   Favoriting 0:41:30 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Waterloo Sunset   Favoriting 0:45:01 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Shangri-La   Favoriting 0:48:40 (Pop-up)
The Equals  Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys   Favoriting 0:54:28 (Pop-up)
The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown  Give Him A Flower   Favoriting 0:57:17 (Pop-up)
The Small Faces  Itchycoo Park   Favoriting 1:00:13 (Pop-up)
The Spencer Davis Group  I'm A Man   Favoriting 1:03:22 (Pop-up)
The Who  Won't Get Fooled Again   Favoriting 1:06:49 (Pop-up)
Traffic  Paper Sun   Favoriting 1:15:00 (Pop-up)
Dantalion's Chariot  The Madman Running Through The Fields   Favoriting 1:19:10 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  Space Oddity   Favoriting 1:23:56 (Pop-up)
The Move  I Can Hear The Grass Grow   Favoriting 1:29:27 (Pop-up)
The Creation  Making Time   Favoriting 1:32:30 (Pop-up)
The Quik  Bert's Apple Crumble   Favoriting 1:35:29 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Victoria   Favoriting 1:38:02 (Pop-up)
The Open Mind  Magic Potion   Favoriting 1:42:26 (Pop-up)
The Tornados  Telstar   Favoriting 1:45:33 (Pop-up)
The Toast  Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall   Favoriting 1:48:37 (Pop-up)
The Moody Blues  Ride My See-Saw   Favoriting 1:52:36 (Pop-up)
The Easybeats  Friday On My Mind   Favoriting 1:57:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

<hums happily|>
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Time to pour myself a delicious Malbec and get these decks set up :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I wonder how many people will remember that we're an hour earlier this week? ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

<waves at Mr Peaslin through the window> Hello, lovely! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I wonder if there's any leftover potato salad in the fridge ... ?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:43pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

<runs Hoover around>
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:43pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

ha! I didn't forget! one hour earlier! Hello Georgy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:43
Dearest PK! I knew you'd be on the ball :-)
It's so lovely to see you <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I got so into painting today that I *still* haven't sent you that email. Lol.
You know how the creative process makes the world stop ;-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Here's some potato salad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:45pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:45
OH MY!!! You know exactly what to do to make me happy, you lovely person, you :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:45
Look what I just finished brewing for you :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:46pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

I have quite the cold right now. Snotty and coughy and all that.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:46
Absolutely ideal!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:46
Oh dear! You poor thing - you have my utmost sympathy <3
Let me get you a crochet blanket :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:47
Thanks. *snirrrfff*
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:47
You get yourself nice and comfy by the fireplace.
If The Barman's late today we can always have an open bar :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

And I'm sure I can rustle up some sandwiches from somewhere :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Tuck is in the kitchen so I guess he'll take care of the bitterballen and the other snacks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:50
Oh, bless him! He's a trooper :-)

Don't you worry about that friend.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Neither one looks right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Tuck @3:50
Tuck! Hello, my lovely one! <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:51
Let's keep it at a good fryer. (-;

Hiya GG! How are you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Tuck @3:51
I can spell that ;-) LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:52pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Tuck @3:51
Still shaking off this absurd cough but getting there :-) I've got creative things to keep me occupied :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:52
Yes I wonder whether if it's a little covid. Maybe I should do a little test tomorrow.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

better safe than sorry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:53
CJ and I had that thought, too. This doesn't feel like regular flu :-(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm mainly just *so damn tired*. Which annoys me. I like to be doing things.
Maybe this is the Universe telling me to slow down a little? ;-)
Avatar 3:54pm
The Barman:

*emerges from the cellar dressed silver lame jumpsuit, riding boots and sombrero, and carrying a garden rake and a signed photo of Jan Turkenburg*

Evening GG. Mr PK, hello!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:54
Looking magnificent as always, you lovely thing! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:54
I never pictured you in silver, but my word, that does look jolly good on you <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

A signed photo of Jan as well!
Avatar 3:56pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:55
How are you m'dear? Glass of Malbec before we kick off?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:54
I like the nod to Jilly Cooper, you saucepot ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:56
That would be most splendid, thank you :-)
Avatar 3:57pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:55
It's my abiding fondness for Gerry Anderson's UFO that does it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @3:57
Well, hats off to you, I say :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @3:54
Hahaha! Great outfit!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Stanley said he wasn't sure if he'd be early but he'll be here nevertheless :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

Jilly Cooper? wasn't she the wine taster on food and drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:58
Jilly Goolden :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Jilly Cooper wrote the saucy riding novels ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Here we go!
Avatar 4:00pm
The Barman:

*unlocks the pub doors*
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:58
Oh yes of course. Silly me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Speaking of kinky boots, I wonder if we have some silver ones in the attic?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:00
One is wine and cheese, and the other is wine and sleaze ;-)

Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:00
There always are silver boots in the attic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ zzzm @4:01
Hello, lovely! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:01
This is very true, and part of the reason we all love the Flange :-)
Avatar 4:01pm
The Barman:

↳ zzzm @4:01
Evening zzzm, good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

We have the lovely John on the phones today. Paul's off at some art gallery or other :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:00
LOL! I always found Jilly Goolden very amusing. I presume she always swallowed her wines during the rehearsals.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "The Boat That I Row" by "Lulu"
Getting started with my Nov.3rd sister. :)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:02pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:02
Hi Rev!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:02
Oh, she was definitely five sheets to the wind during broadcast ;-)
Avatar 4:03pm
The Barman:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:02
Ah, Mr Rabbit, great to see you.
Your usual?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:02
Dear Rev! Hello, my lovely! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:02
How are things with you? You were very much missed on Wednesday <3
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:04pm

Mornin' all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ The Barman @4:03
Please, Sir !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Mr Beany is still on holiday, I think, or we could see how many artists he's seen in concert :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:04
The good Cap'n Aitch is in the house! Splendid to see you, good sir! :-)

Hello Georgy! Hello everyone! Happy Friday at long last!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:03
I had you in headphones out on errands ! Which I certainly appreciate.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Stroll On" by "The Yardbirds"
Both Beck & Page. Which was quite brief.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:04
Dear Elizabeth! Hello, my lovely! And thank you so much for your blog support. That means so much to me <3
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Aitch @4:04
Good morning, Aitch! We're still there tomorrow. Good to know.
Avatar 4:05pm
The Barman:

↳ Aitch @4:04
Mr Aitch, welcome to you sir.
A little pick me up from the bar for you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:05
Ah! You had some saucy language on headphones - good move ;-)
Avatar 4:05pm
Mr Fab:

I'm here! Here to hear!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:05
VERY brief but still jolly good :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Elizabeth @4:04
How nice to see you, Elizabeth.,
Avatar 4:06pm
The Barman:

↳ Elizabeth @4:04
Ms Elizabeth, welcome to you.
Your usual?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:05
MR FABULOUS! Hello, my lovely one :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr Fab @4:05
Mr. Fab! Welcome!
Avatar 4:06pm
The Barman:

↳ Mr Fab @4:05
Mr Fab, good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:06pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

*snirrrrrrffffff* - pardon me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I highly doubt there are any un-clicky stars today but you never know ;-)
Avatar 4:07pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Stroll On" by "The Yardbirds"
Never saw the Yardbirds of course, but given my choice, I would have loved to have been at the show they did on a boat to Catalina Island.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:06
Oh bless you. Have another blanket <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:07
That or The Marquee scene in "Blow Up" :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:07
up til now you are right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

yARdbiRdS like these polite young team of professional English fellows ...who had a secret formula for incendiary turbo fuel they used with restraint.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

It so happens that it would have been Keith Relf's birthday next week ... ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:08
I might throw in a curve ball ;-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:07
I now have this tea - it is actually really nice. www.jumbo.com...
Avatar 4:09pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Afterglow (Of Your Love)" by "The Small Faces"
Never fails to send a shiver down my spine this one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:08
AND my favourite tagline of all the bands - "Everybody knows that three feet make a yard, but every Moddy knows that five faces make The Yardbirds" :-)
Avatar 4:10pm

DJ Georgy! I'm so glad to be back at the F&F. I've been lost in the misty moors of Manhattan.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:09
You know I alway like new stuff. There's still so much to discover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:09
I do love a Clipper tea :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:09
One of Steve's finest moments <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:10
TEEDY!!! A hero's welcome to you, sir! <3
Avatar 4:10pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @4:10
Mr TDK, welcome to you.
What can I get you to drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Nobody taught us more about Blues & Playing Gittar than the yARdbiRdS. I *still* try to play that stuff...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:10
There is a stunning tea shop in Brighton called Bird & Blend, which I adore <3
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ TDK60 @4:10
How nice to see you Teedy. Welcome!
Avatar 4:11pm
DJ Guin:

afternoon kids!
howdy Mz. GG
Hey there, Pk
What's shakin' Rev?
Mr. Fab!
and Jerry Mathers as The Barman!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:11
One of my fave bands ever :-)
Avatar 4:11pm
The Barman:

There's something in the air.
I think it's that new Febreeze air freshener you bought earlier in the week, GG.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:11
DJ Guin! Hello, my lovely! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:11
I thought the jasmine and frog would set the place off nicely :-)
Avatar 4:12pm

↳ The Barman @4:10
Well, here's Barman on staff tonight. Being so tired from wandering, it's a strong Americano for me tonight, sir.
Avatar 4:12pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Guin @4:11
Evening DJ Guin.
Something from the bar?
Avatar 4:12pm

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:11
Paper K. Good evening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:12
There's some fine potato salad floating around as well :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Guin @4:11
Hi there Guin!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:12pm

We HAVE to get it together NOW!
Avatar 4:12pm
DJ Guin:

↳ The Barman @4:12
a glass of Cabernet, good Sir.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I *say* there's potato salad, but I currently have the bowl ;-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

quite the bunch of regulars in spite of the earlier time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @4:12
The good doctor! Greetings, my lovely one! :-)
How's the pup classes going? :-)
Avatar 4:13pm

Hello! Barman. Fords gin? with Fever Tree Cucumber tonic please?
Avatar 4:13pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Something In The Air" by "Thunderclap Newman"
I love the way that Thunderclap just puts this bonkers barrel-house break right in the middle of the song. Utterly inappropriate but it just works,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:13
This is making me very happy indeed :-)
Avatar 4:13pm

↳ DJ Guin @4:11
DJ Guin: I haven't seen you down in this shire in ages.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

More poetato salad: www.errenskitchen.com...
Avatar 4:13pm
The Barman:

↳ doctorjazz @4:12
Evening Doctor. What'll you have from the bar?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:13
Wasn't this his mum as well? Double bonkers :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:13
Fabulous! Thank you :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

poetato salad - with a whiff of old fashioned horror.
Avatar 4:14pm
The Barman:

↳ Domenic @4:13
Ah, Mr Domenic, great to see you in tonight.
Coming right up.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Brian in UK:

↳ The Barman @4:11
Hello Georgy & friends. Think that aroma is PLEDGE.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:14pm

Got another one tonight-they're fun (but we were away the last week, didn't get to work on "stay" for today, bad students..._
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "I Can See For Miles" by "The Who"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Domenic @4:13
DOM! Hello, my lovely :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

↳ The Barman @4:13
It's nice out-something with an umbrella...
Avatar 4:15pm
The Barman:

I can see four miles. After that it gets a bit hazy to be honest.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:14
Dear Brian!! Thank you so much for your generous pledges, my lovely <3
Avatar 4:15pm

↳ The Barman @4:13
Barman. Ha. Clever, eh? You never know what can be thrown in. Funny but good to remember (for my smash hits workshop).
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:15pm

BIG sounds so far GG
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:14
Also, I like this ;-)
Avatar 4:15pm
The Barman:

↳ Brian in UK @4:14
Mr Brian, welcome to you.
What can I get you to drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:15pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @4:14
Puppies!! I wish I was there :-)
Avatar 4:15pm
DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @4:13
Really? GG might say differently. I am one Episode from a restraining order 🐧
Avatar 4:16pm

↳ Brian in UK @4:14
We have Brian in tonight too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:15
When I take off my glasses, I struggle to see four inches, to be fair. Lol
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:15
Miles Davis, Miles Jupp, the other two are just a little too hazy.
Avatar 4:16pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Song: "I Can See For Miles" by "The Who"
we myopic listeners take umbrage with this dubious claim
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:15
Thank you, my lovely! Hopefully they're making the day start nicely for you :-) <3
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:16pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:15
11 puppies all together...it's class the 1st 45 minutes, then just free form play time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:16pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:15
Oh, pish tosh! You are always welcome here :-)
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Brian in UK:

↳ The Barman @4:15
A Light & Bitter would do me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:16
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↳ doctorjazz @4:16
They're all cute, but there's one little mini poodle in a tutu, who has some real attitude!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @4:16
This is making me think of the Buzzfeed interview videos with puppies <3
Avatar 4:17pm

↳ DJ Guin @4:15
DJ Guin: In truth, I've been away.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:16
Just made it, with time change now 7am start, then we change and it goes to 6am for the winter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:17
That's our delivery driver's nickname ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @4:17
STOP! That sounds adorable :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:18pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:17
6am + winter is NOT a good combo!
Rob in San Francisco:

good day GG and denizens of the F&F
better late than never!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

One of my daughter's friends has just moved from Portland to New Zealand, and I said it was a bit mean to be sending her there in the Winter!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:17
To make it controversial a Brown & Mild.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Rob in San Francisco @4:18
ROB!! Hello, my dear one! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:19
There's a joke in there somewhere ;-)
Avatar 4:20pm
The Barman:

↳ Rob in San Francisco @4:18
Mr Rob, evening to you.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Ms Elizabeth, you just made me cry. In a good way. <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Season Of The Witch" by "Brian Auger Trinity"
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I need Julie Driscoll's amazing coat from this video.
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Brian in UK:

The buds on our white Magnolia burst open this week. Spring has sprung.
Avatar 4:22pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:21
And let's not forget to mention Brian Auger's magnificent organ.
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I'll take any days I can get GG, they're all good.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

How IS everyone today? I know that our dear PK is poorly <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:22
Oh, how lovely! I adore magnolias <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:22
I love a growly organ, and his is the finest in the land :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Brian in UK @4:22
That is such a beautiful sight. Those porcelain flowers on nude branches.
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Brian in UK:

↳ The Barman @4:22
At least he did not disabuse his organ unlike Keith Emerson. Not so Nice.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @4:22
And most glad I am that you are here <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:23
I love the smell of magnolias - so heady <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:23
Keith Emerson was the living example of "do not run with knives"!
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Brian in UK:

Trouble is the wind & rain hasten their demise.
Avatar 4:24pm
The Barman:

↳ Brian in UK @4:23
Yes indeed Mr Brian. No one should jam a knife into their organ, ever.
Avatar 4:24pm

↳ Song: "Season Of The Witch" by "Brian Auger Trinity"
I betcha this Auger+ was spun on WFMU, back in the night. *In the Upsala turn of the '60s-'70s days. Betcha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:24
That made me wince
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:24
Heady days indeed! <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:24
Or knife jam in their organ.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:24
When we were last in Bournemouth, one side of the Lower Gardens was bordered by magnolias in full bloom and it was *heavenly* :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:25
Could be worse, toe jam.
Avatar 4:26pm
DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @4:24
DJs also burned 'trees' and draft cards!
Upsala! Upsala! Upsala! (to the tune of Attica,Attica)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:25
That's an album title, surely?
"Knife Jam In The Organ"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:26
Better than Toe Fat. Lol
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:26
Think it's a Butthole Surfers album.
Avatar 4:27pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:26
Sounds a lot like our precious evening spent together many moons ago...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

"Best Christmas roast potatoes - did 'em in Toe Fat!"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:27
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:26
They are magnificent. There is one in Ludlow already in full bloom. That's it from Gardeners World for this week.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Toe Jam is a nice song by David Byrne. With an even nicer video.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:27
;-) <3
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Bri The Beatnik:

It feels so early to have the Flange on, but I’m diggin it!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:27
Magnolias, jasmine, old roses ... I like a good heady scent :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:28
BRI!! Hello, my lovely one :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Unsurprisingly, I am wearing "White Diamonds" today :-)
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The Barman:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:28
Ms Bri, welcome to you. Everything groovy baby?
And what will you have to drink?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Hiya Bri!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:28
Congratulations on passing your driving test.
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DJ Guin:

@The Barman - Pour one out for Kurt Wallinger? gone much, much too soon.
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DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:28
wouldn't strike me as a Liz Taylor gal, but to each their own
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Brian in UK @4:29
Thank Brian! Hey GG! Barman, I’ll have a screwdriver in celebration!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:29
I like my perfumes to enter the room before I do ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

Hey Pk! :)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

What? Kurt Wallinger died? now that's sad.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Rip Off" by "T Rex"
<waits for The Barman> :-)
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The Barman:

↳ DJ Guin @4:29
Good call DJ Guin, it's a sad loss.
Memorial round for everyone.
Rob in San Francisco:

↳ The Barman @4:20
how good of you, Barman - I could do with a decent bourbon neat please
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

<raises glass to Kurt Wallinger>
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:30
Corner of Stoke Newington Common and Northwold Road in the house!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:31
Avatar 4:31pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Rip Off" by "T Rex"
I forgot this song existed! Love it!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:31
From one of the finest albums ever committed to vinyl :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

*cough cough cough * grmbl.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:32
Avatar 4:33pm

Bolan was a friggin' Elf. He knew how to do it.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:32
Oh, my dearest PK. :-( Can we get you anything? <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:33
That he did. And we are all the better for having him in our world, however briefly <3
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Bri The Beatnik:

I have to do a podcast in school about 60s music, I’m interviewing my dad
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:33
I still have a pot of tea, thanks.
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Brian in UK:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:32
Some grog perhaps.
Avatar 4:34pm
DJ Guin:

old bandmate of mine returned from the UK on a semester abroad claiming that The Waterboys were to be huge over here, as I had correctly predicted about U2...sad to realize that never came to fruition. and I hate U2 nowadays, but still enjoy the WBs and World Party.
Avatar 4:34pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @4:33
We're like that in N16, Mr TDK.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:33
Would you be able to send me a copy? I would LOVE to hear it!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:33
T-rex was the first years of the seventies though.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:33
<3 Shout if you need anything, tho :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Brian in UK @4:33
No alcohol for me, thanks.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:34
Alas, The Waterboys had only a brief moment in the sun :-(
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The Barman:

↳ Song: "King Midas In Reverse" by "The Hollies"
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "King Midas In Reverse" by "The Hollies"
Sadim Gnik!
Avatar 4:35pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:34
That’s true
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:35
Why this was never a big hit still mystifies me
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↳ Song: "King Midas In Reverse" by "The Hollies"
Great tune!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:35
LOL! ;-)
Avatar 4:35pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:34
Of course! :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @4:35
Those harmonies are <chef's kiss> :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:35
yay! Thank you :-)
Avatar 4:36pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:35
Ms Kim isn't keen on it, which baffles me.
Avatar 4:36pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @4:33
the 60's. JFK got ventilated, the Beatles arrived to save our souls, we never landed on the Moon, the Beatles announce their breakup. A+!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:36
We'll give her a pass on that, on account of her being so lovely :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:35
Think it was a moment in the moon!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:36
I thought The Beatles landed on the Moon? No?
Well ... that changes EVERYTHING
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:36

I have the first batch of Bitterballen here. With the flags, of course. https://www.gekonntgekocht.de/wp-content/uploads/Bitterballen_holl%C3%A4ndisch-940x627.jpg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Tuck @4:37
My favourite kind! Thank you :-)
Avatar 4:37pm

↳ The Barman @4:34
Indeed, Barman. Fine neighborhood, there.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Theme One" by "Van Der Graaf Generator"
Excuse me while I have a Hippie Freak Out :-)
Avatar 4:38pm
Mr Fab:

Speaking of that STUNNING poster:

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DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:37
the Beatles nearly appeared in the Lord of the Rings...the Stones in Clockwork Orange...it's 2024 and they still cannot get there without blowing shit up.
Avatar 4:39pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:38
Go for it, GG.
Perhaps not the full Stacia, though?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @4:38
In all its colourful glory! What a beauty it is, too :-)

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Brian in UK:

H to He, Who Am The Only One. Discuss.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @4:39

Feel better PK!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:38
Those pieces of information still blow my mind :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Elizabeth @4:39
Thanks Elizabeth. I hope it's just a cold.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:39
<puts undergarments back on>

Ahem. As you were.
Avatar 4:40pm
The Barman:

↳ Blissland @4:39
Evening Blissland.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:39
Hello, my lovely! :-)
Avatar 4:40pm

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:34
PK, T. Rex did go back into the Sixties in their earlier freak folk period. Not to be didactic. Can I get you a tea?

↳ The Barman @4:40
oh, I think I'll have a pint of your freshest ale
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:40
even loller
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:40
Avatar 4:41pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:39
Googly-fy a search on Ringo. He was the Director of Photography on Magical Misery Tour...drums are the least of his talents.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Theme One" by "Van Der Graaf Generator"
Apologies for the boobage there, kids!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ TDK60 @4:40
I know, Teedy. But then they weren't T-Rex.

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:40
I see you played Afterglow before I arrived, it's such a good record
Avatar 4:41pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:36
Of course!

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:05
I love it! My husband wants to start following it also! I have to email him the link to the blog!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:41
I should have delayed it for you! :-)
But ... always lovely to see you :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:41
You've given me two reasons to be very happy today :-)

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:06
Nice to see you also! Sorry for the delayed response! Little chaotic here at work!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:41
I'm halfway through refurbishing the balcony :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:42
That's ok, I can hear it anytime. But thank you
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:42

Rod Argent
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "Time Of the Season" by "The Zombies"
This reminds me of the CBS sampler. The Rock Machine Turns You On. 15 tracks for 15/-.
Avatar 4:43pm
DJ Guin:

#1 Reason to <3 GG - no incessant begging for pretty polly. i will send some rubles soon, I hope.
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↳ Song: "Time Of the Season" by "The Zombies"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:43
The Man, The Legend :-)
AND Colin Blunstone <3

↳ The Barman @4:06
Thanks Barman! Sounds good to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:43
I had that a million years ago and VERY stupidly lost it in a move :-(
Avatar 4:44pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Time Of the Season" by "The Zombies"
I love the way that in the 60s, all these young kids who would - five or ten years earlier - have likely been working dead end jobs in factories or offices, were suddenly allowed to express themselves and turn out to be musical geniuses capable to making tracks like this.


I remember when this record came out, it was like nothing else anyone had heard
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:43
That's jolly kind of you <3
What makes me happy is seeing this lovely full pub with the people I adore in it <3

The last time I was in the UK in 2019, it was the last week of October- so we gained an hour- When I came back to the U.S. we fell back in hour- in the span of a week- I went through 4 time changes! LOL!
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

Happy marathon day, DJ Georgie Girl! I'm looking forward to hearing your premium! 🥰

The hits just keep on coming
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:44
My goodness, that comment is true and beautiful and made me cry. genuinely <3

another Ray Davies masterpiece
Avatar 4:45pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Waterloo Sunset" by "The Kinks"
London anthem!
Avatar 4:46pm

↳ Song: "Waterloo Sunset" by "The Kinks"
This is almost a kind of song when one stands.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:46pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:44
have you heard the wonderful show that Becky did on Rock n Soul?

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:42
I can't wait to see it!
Avatar 4:46pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Song: "Waterloo Sunset" by "The Kinks"
Dirty old river, but you keep rolling
this song.... :`(
Avatar 4:46pm
The Barman:

↳ bluecharlie @4:45
Evening bluecharlie. Good to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:46
I'm not sure
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:45
I once flew to Germany and arrived one hour before I took off! LOL
Avatar 4:46pm

↳ TDK60 @4:46
...let's drop the 'almost.'
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ bluecharlie @4:45
HELLO, my lovely!! So lovely to see you!!! <3
Avatar 4:47pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Blissland @4:45
so under-fucking-appreciated
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↳ Elizabeth @4:41
Where's the blog!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:45
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Brian in UK:

Wistful Kinks.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:45
One of the finest records EVER :-)

↳ doctorjazz @4:47
Georgy's blog?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:46
<3 Coming very soon, I promise :-)
Avatar 4:47pm

Crowd! a toast to the KINKS!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:46
I'll find a link for you and email it over. Well worth hearing :-)
Avatar 4:48pm
DJ Guin:

rut roh
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:47
YES! :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:47
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DJ Guin:

stream is no mas.
Avatar 4:48pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @4:47
Doubles all round!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:48pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Shangri-La" by "The Kinks"
Speaking of the majesty of The Kinks ...

I prefer chocolate watchband

One of these days/years- I would love to visit Waterloo Bridge in London
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Maybe an idea for a future flange to do a show with artists doing alternative versions or demos of their songs?
Avatar 4:49pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Shangri-La" by "The Kinks"
And talking of doubles!
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DJ Babs:

Hello Hello lovely Frigateers and Marathoners!!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:49
Great band, great name, useless object ;-)
Rob in San Francisco:

Yay a Kinks double header!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:49
Ooooo! I like this! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Babs @4:49
Hi there Babs!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:49
I shall take you there at the appropriate hour :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Babs @4:49
BABS!!! Hello, gorgeous!! <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:49
indeed, but tastes good
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "Shangri-La" by "The Kinks"
Perhaps an English comparison to Pleasant Valley Sunday.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Rob in San Francisco @4:49
It'll be a triple this week ;-)
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:50
I'll meet you both there.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:50
I need chocolate now. Lol

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:50
:) :) There and Itchycoo Park, which is Valentine Park? Maybe?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:50
I have never thought of it like that before, but you are absolutely spot on there <3
Avatar 4:51pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Babs @4:49
Evening DJ Babs, great to see you.
What can I get you to drink?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:50
It's a date! :-)

I have some more bitterballen for everyone. Enjoy! https://www.laurasbakery.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/bitterballen-2a.jpg
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:50
Oh goodness yes!! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Tuck @4:51
YAY! <3
Avatar 4:51pm
DJ Guin:

The Beatles were the Beatles.
The Stones copied the Beatles.
The Kinks? arguably precursors to the Ramones - Joey sounds an awful lot like Ray Davies & Ronnie Spector had a baby
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
DJ Babs:

↳ The Barman @4:51
Hello lovely barman! I would love a double martini, extra dirty with olives if you please and thank you!!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:51
The Kinks were their own genre :-)
Avatar 4:52pm
The Barman:

↳ Elizabeth @4:50
And there's the Clissold Arms in Fortis Green, a lovely pub where the Kinks played their first gig. Does a nice lunch.
Avatar 🍷 Swag For Life Member 4:52pm
Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Guin @4:51
"Ray Davies & Ronnie Spector had a baby " sounds like a Cramps song.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:52
Where I sat on the couch, strategically on Dave's face ;-)
Avatar 4:53pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:52
see? that's why i loves you. great minds and all.
Avatar 4:53pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Babs @4:52
Good choice. Coming right up.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

My dolls house blog for those who are interested :-)
Avatar 4:53pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:52
For a USABian, I learned more about England from that combo than most other bands in that era.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:53
Avatar 4:53pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:52

I would go to Itchykoo park just to get high and feed the ducks with a bun
Avatar 4:53pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:52
or a John Waters movie
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Guin @4:53
Indeed! hahaha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:53pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:53
They are, arguably, the most British of the British Invasion :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:53
It had to be done ;-)
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DJ Babs:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:53
I'm so in love with your dollhouse Georgy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:53
I'm with you on that :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
DJ Babs:

Also, when ppl ask me to choose between the Beatles and the Stones my answer is always "The Kinks" LOL
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Babs @4:54
I have a psychedelic balcony in the works ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Babs @4:54
Avatar 4:55pm
The Barman:

I honestly don't think I have ever heard the phrase 'I don't like The Kinks' uttered by anyone. Ever.
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DJ Guin:

DJ Babs? Player Two enters the Arena... LOL
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DJ Babs:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:54
will it have tiny christmas/patio
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Babs @4:54
I love the Beatles and I like the stones but there's a special place in my musical heart for The Kinks.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @4:55
We don't associate with "those types" ;-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:53
Poor management, infighting & being too English did them no favours in the Sixties in America.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Babs @4:55
Of course! And nine million plants :-)
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DJ Guin:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:55
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DJ Babs:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:55
EEEEEEEEE I can't wait!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @4:55
The band that make Oasis look like happy families, sadly.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:54
Psychedelic balcony? I really am getting curious now, GG
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DJ Babs:

↳ Brian in UK @4:55
I would agree with that.

↳ The Barman @4:55
Actually I have. He's a maga q-anon racist and misogynist
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:55
When I was living in Germany and homesick, I always turned to The Kinks for comfort <3

And he hates the Kinks

For those that live in the U.S. Derv Gordon will be touring the East Coast of the United States - this summer! No dates have been announced yet!
Avatar 4:57pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:56
::::does a SPIT take:: hey, 'member when RAY got stabbed while out on a date? wtf, ray.
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DJ Babs:

I swear those two Gallagher knobs do it just for the press, and I like to imagine they are having secret family suppers.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:56
I absolutely categorically will send you that email :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ Blissland @4:56
Three out of three is solid.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:56
Then he'll not get served here!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @4:57
Oh, how fabulous!!! <3

↳ Brian in UK @4:57
I could go on but you get the gist
Avatar 4:58pm

I have this barstool theory the Scouser Fab4 were trying hard to be Chuck Berry/Buddy Holly. Then, as time marched, they had some funny tea and began talking about "sitting in English gardens" and such.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @4:57
Plus heart attack, etc :-(
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The Barman:

↳ Blissland @4:56
Oh dear.
Well, let's have another drink and forget him,
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Give Him A Flower" by "The Crazy World Of Arthur ...
Well now, well now! First one that is not clickystarred.,

I love this Arthur Brown song too
Avatar 4:58pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ Babs @4:57
In either of their defenses, I can admit I hate my brother. No tears when that bastich keels over.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Babs @4:57
Noel used to live here in Brighton. Never saw him tho. Lol
I *di* see Liam one day and he was VERY tall.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @4:58
"Funny tea", eh? Is that like Stanley's Mushroom tea? ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @4:58
Aha!! :-)
Avatar 4:59pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:59
a blanket term for many substances, let's say.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:58
Did, not Di. Fingers aren't working :-)
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↳ The Barman @4:46
Good Evening, Barman! 😊 Would you mind pouring me Guinness? 😋
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The Barman:

↳ Song: "Give Him A Flower" by "The Crazy World Of Arthur ...
Mr Arthur, I really must pull you up on your lackadaisical attitude to road safety,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @4:58
It's so camp and fun :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @4:57
Yes! I am leaving work now-so I must sign off! Can't wait to make Irish soda bread to your show on Sunday!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Itchycoo Park" by "The Small Faces"
Speaking of Itchycoo Park :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Elizabeth @5:00
Please send me photos! And safe journey home! <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Tuck just brought me a plate of stroopwafels for my tea. But you van all take one if you like. i.ytimg.com...
Avatar 5:01pm
DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @4:58
Excellent theory. I can admit to increased creative flourishes while on THC (as I am at the moment). both john and Paul and George's inhibitions were removed with 'tea' and they wrote honestly. remarkable what THC does for some.

Tell you what I'll do
Avatar 5:01pm

↳ Song: "Itchycoo Park" by "The Small Faces"
Was this possibly one of the first radio hits with the phasing effect? (I've not looked it up on Wickedpee yet...)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:01
Oh, yummy YUMMY! Thank you, Tuck! <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Elizabeth @5:00
safe journey home, Elizabeth.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:01
Possibly, yes :-) And my fave song of all time :-)
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Georgy! PK! Barman! Flangers!
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DJ Guin:

↳ Song: "Itchycoo Park" by "The Small Faces"
Must...do..as..Small faces...command... <<inhales>>
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:01
This or Rainbow Chaser by Nirvana.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Feldy @5:02
ADAM!!! Hello, you beautiful love, you! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Feldy @5:02
Adam! welcome. veluwe-plaza.huisjebezorgd.nl...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:02
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The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:01
Nirvana's Rainbow Chaser I think is even earlier (though not as successful sadly).
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:02
Good call! I'm thinking the latter
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↳ Brian in UK @5:02
Brian, I haven't heard that. This Small Faces was a charting hit in the States.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:02
And sampled by Brighton's Rizzle Kicks :-)
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:02
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
This'll confuse everyone who forgot about the time difference ;-)
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The Barman:

↳ Feldy @5:02
Mr Adam, welcome to you good sir. Great to see you.
What can I get you from the bar?
Avatar 5:04pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
Mr Stevie!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
waiting for Hawkshaw to join in... no... not yet... hey... what is happening....
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↳ The Barman @5:03
Whiskey, good sir! Thanks!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:04
The Hawk! <3
Avatar 5:04pm
DJ Guin:

GG uses this riff as an opener..it got me thinking...but, whether her beautiful self by birth or choice, we love her more.
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↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
The bass guitar timbre on this SDG hit was heavy for the audio sonics of the tyme.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Feldy @5:03
psst.. That is German. 'Dank je" is the Dutch variant.
Avatar 5:05pm
The Barman:

↳ The Barman @5:04
19 when he wrote and sang this. Jeez leweeze.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:04
One of my fave riffs EVER :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:05
It's a proper BANGER! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:04
He's present many times on my iPod.
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:03
They never hit America. Though there first album, arguable the first concept album was reissued on vinyl earlier this year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:05
And to be, what, 20? 21? And have been in three freaking bands??? Genius.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:05
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
Jimmy Miller on drums?
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:05
oof! LOL Dank je :)
Avatar 5:06pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:05
every time i hear that riff, i think of the Flange and the Frigate
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

7 pm to midnight on WFMU this Sunday!
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↳ Brian in UK @5:05
Thanks, Brian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:06
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by "The Who"
I know I played this a couple of weeks ago, but it bears repeating :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "I'm A Man" by "The Spencer Davis Group"
Georgy, did you get to see the link I sent you of the Who at Shepperton when you were poorly. So frigging good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:08
I did and it was FABULOUS! You helped raised my spirits immensely <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:08
there was some kind of gating effect throughout the Who show
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:09
That doesn't surprise me :-)
Avatar 5:09pm

↳ Song: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by "The Who"
Believe it or not, Richie Havens did a cover of "Fooled" on his last album. He just did it in his Havens folk-rock cover style.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:10pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm on the autism spectrum so I am AWFUL with emails. I do try but sometimes they get away from me <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:09
Maybe it was not archived that way. How is the flu now anyway?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:09
I need to fins this <3
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:09
It is a cliche but Mr Havens could sing the telephone directory. If such a thing still exists.
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DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @5:09
wouldja expect it any other way? Haven was Haven.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:10
Still fighting it but I'm getting there :-)
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The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:07
Mr TDK, for post show, here's a lovely little piece of time-capsule footage of them:
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:10
Find, even

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:10
I've been told I have asperger's syndrome
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:10
The compression levels on the archives can get a bit squeezy. And not in a "Mama's Got a Squeezebox" way ;-)
Avatar 5:11pm

GG: "Nobody Left to Crown" -- a good album. With his usual style, talking about current events. 2008 I believe.
Avatar 5:11pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Just got done interviewing dad on his fave bands, he mentioned a lot of the bands you played today! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:11
Do you feel better for knowing? I felt like a wright had been lifted off me when I found out <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:12pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:11
I shall hunt that out after the show. Thank you :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:11
Well, then give him a hug from me! <3
Avatar 5:13pm
DJ Guin:

shoot..i think i saw Ritchie Haven...Central Park..No Nukes Rally type of protest/concert...Joan Biaz might have been there...we're talking 1982 and weed

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:12
Actually I couldn't really care less, it's nothing more than a label to me. I've been through the wringer with people trying to categorize me, to no avail
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:13
I would have LOVED to see that <3
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by "The Who"
Keith motherf*cking Moon.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:13
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Blissland @5:13
Just be you.
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Brian in UK:

↳ The Barman @5:11
My original copy is so tatty, cheap British covers compared to the thick cardboard from America at the time..
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:13
And goodness only knows what song he was playing :-)
The man was a BEAST <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:13
I've survived for what it's worth
Avatar 5:14pm

↳ DJ Guin @5:13
I was there DJ Guin. Came from out of town. A million folks.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:14
Well that part is good :-)
Avatar 5:14pm
DJ Guin:

Zak Starkey has his old man's talent AND Mooney's tutelage

Entwistle is really impressive on that as well
Avatar 5:15pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:12
I will!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:14
When I saw him drum for The Who he did sound exactly like Moon :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Borrelnootjes! images1.persgroep.net...
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Blissland @5:15
Damn straight.
Avatar 5:15pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Paper Sun" by "Traffic"
Double Mr Stevie! Hurrah!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:15
Let's face it, The Ox was the time keeper in that band :-)
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DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @5:14
no shit? it was the best of times, it was the blurst of times
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:15
Avatar 5:15pm

↳ TDK60 @5:14
Don't recall Havens tho. Do recall Springsteen, Yoko, Rita Marley.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:15
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:15
I knew you'd like that :-)

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:15
I think he has about 20 fingers
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Brian in UK:

Love that pink Island label.
Avatar 5:16pm
Bri The Beatnik:

Just put this one on a tape I made!:Paper sun
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:16
Another one of my faves :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:16
That's go nice on a t-shirt :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:16
Same here! Plenty of summer of love vibes going on! :)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:15
Mooney was not exactly a metronome but he was perfect with the Who
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:17
Exactly! :-)
Avatar 5:17pm
DJ Guin:

↳ TDK60 @5:15
shit. you are correct, TDK. we went in the 'hope' to see Springsteen, but I had to bail to go my job. Yoko was there. we were probably kind to her, given how fresh it still was.
Avatar 5:17pm

↳ Song: "Paper Sun" by "Traffic"
Their debut cut. And one Paisley trip
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:17
That's what I like to hear :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:17
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Brian in UK:

Amazing to go from Keep on Running to Paper Sun in three years.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:17
that sounds groovy
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:17
I bought this on an EP :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:18
Steve's talent is genuinely astounding :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @5:18
It was! :)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:18
...on the first Traffic long player. At least in the US version.
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Brian in UK:

And now some serious phasing.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:19
I think Zoot Money is highly underrrated
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Brian in UK:

In memory of Len Tibbits etc....
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I've got a setting on my player where I can add extra phasing ;-)
I might do that
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DJ GeorgyGirl:


↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:20
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

LOL. That was fun ;-)
Avatar 5:21pm
DJ Guin:

Avatar 5:21pm
Bri The Beatnik:

I sense a psychedelic summer coming on
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:20
Set phasers to..er...phase!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

On my player it says "Flanger" which is appropriate :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:19
Think Paper Sun was not on Dear Mr Fantasy over here.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:21
I'm pretty sure you're right - I know it's never where I think it should be when I got to add it to a playlist
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "The Madman Running Through The Fields" by "Dantal...
I heard the phasing while i was taking a leak and even there it soiunded amazing.
Avatar 5:23pm
DJ Guin:

it took me a minute to 'eplain what The Flange & the Frigate was to a friend. it was though i was a shut-in before.,..
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:23
I thought I heard you laughing from the pub bathroom :-)
Avatar 5:24pm

↳ Brian in UK @5:21
Ah..I see Brian.
Avatar 5:24pm
DJ Guin:

<<---- too high. comments to a minimum.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:23
Thank you for spreading the word tho! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:23
It was a genuine oh wow through the snot and sore throat.
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Brian in UK:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:23
Did you wash your hands at the same time?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:24
You speak as much as you like :-) No limits here :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:24
I do feel for you <3
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David Shortell:

↳ Song: "The Madman Running Through The Fields" by "Dantal...
For years I thought this was an original track by Eric Burdon and the Animals. It's on their final album "Love Is" (1968). Zoot Money and Andy Summers of Dantalion's Chariot were musicians on that album.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

No, silly, after I took the leak.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:24
Obviously not while you're in them lavatory. You know what I mean. Lol
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ Guin @5:24
It just takes longer to write them, then there are fifteen comments gone by in a flash.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

that previous comment was for Brian.
Avatar 5:26pm
DJ Guin:

Praise Be to David. He is seated at the Right Hand of the Father. Amen.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @5:24
Hello, lovely!! :-)
I think I've played their version on here - it is jolly confusing tho, like you say :-)
Avatar 5:26pm
The Barman:

↳ David Shortell @5:24
Evening Mr David.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:26
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Brian in UK:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:25
Taa Daa!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Space Oddity" by "David Bowie"
I still miss Bowie.
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Asheville Jon:

howdy folks
Avatar 5:26pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Guin @5:26
Amen to that.
Avatar 5:27pm
DJ Guin:

Patron Saint of the Shape Shifters & Superfreaks
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:26
I forget that he's gone, and then I remember and I get sad all over again :-(
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Asheville Jon @5:26
Hello, my lovely! :-)
Avatar 5:27pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Won't Get Fooled Again" by "The Who"
I didn't hear. Was this the truncated version on the 7"?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:27
<---- THIS <3
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The Barman:

↳ Asheville Jon @5:26
Mr Jon. Great to see you in tonight.
What can I get you from the bar?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @5:27
It was the full fat version. Only the best for my Frigateers :-)
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Asheville Jon:

↳ The Barman @5:27
Moxie, as per usual.
Or, a Dr. Enuf.
Avatar 5:28pm

Was just looking at the various players on this Bowie. Interesting group from different places. Terry Cox on skins -- from Pentangle!
Avatar 5:28pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Guin @5:27
And patron saint of those who keep their urine in the fridge...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:28
And Mr Wakeman :-)
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Brian in UK:

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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Spacebrother Greg says he finds it amusing how I say "marathon".

To US ears it sounds like "merethen" apparently. Lol
Avatar 5:30pm
DJ Guin:

↳ The Barman @5:28

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:28
You know what's really impressive, if you have the isolated tracks of Space Oddity and listen to the orchestration, it is so complex and somebody actually bothered to compose all of that
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The Barman:

Mr Roy, always a joy when he arrives on the playlist.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "I Can Hear The Grass Grow" by "The Move"
a themed show on super senses with pop groups, maybe? The Who could see for miles, those Move dudes hear grass grow...
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:30
Well you are a posh bird!!!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:30
I know that there are loads of isolated tracks on YouTube. I'll have a listen after the show :-) I always find those fascinating
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:30
The greatest beard in the universe :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:30
I'm writing all these down :-)
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DJ Guin:

↳ Brian in UK @5:30
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:31
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:30
Am I? Lol. Someone once said that I sound like "a Boho Emma Thompson". ;-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:31
Yes, most are probably from the same sources as what I have, which are stems extracted from those video games
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:32
You're much classier than her.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Making Time" by "The Creation"
The Great Pottery Throw Down!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:32
I was watching a video about the samples used in daft Punk, and Bowie cropped up :-)
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↳ Song: "I Can Hear The Grass Grow" by "The Move"
I suspect I can hear Bev Beven's "frog" voice durng the chorus in this track...
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:30
PK - The Bevis Frond has song I think is called "I Have Eyes in the Back of My Head." But I think B.F. falls outside the era of GG"s show, tho they're English.

They're really handy for making karaoke tracks, especially when the backing vox are isolated from the lead
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:32
<blush> Thank you :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:33
DON-O!!! Felicitations, my friend! A celebratory drink for Don-O, please, Mr Barman! <3

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:32
Have you seen the posthumous Bowie dvd?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:33
Ooo, what year?
Avatar 5:34pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:33
He actually started the band at school in the 60s, so there may be some kind of legal loophole...
Avatar 5:34pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Making Time" by "The Creation"
Love this one! Was introduced to it in a car commercial as I was just getting into 60s garage rock. I told dad I could tell it was a 60s song, he didn’t believe me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:34pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:33
The one that was at the cinema? Or another one?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:34
It's a stunner :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:33
Nick Saloman did support Arthur Lee on a radio show here briefly. Think I still have it on cassette.
Avatar 5:35pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:34

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:34
Moonage Daydream. It's very much worth checking out, especially after smoking a bowl
Avatar 5:35pm
The Barman:

And Boney M cover The Creation. Couldn't make it up.
Avatar 5:35pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:34
Not sure! I have a tape around this cassette castle somewhere.

Barman - yes I know they have longevity. I like how he seems to have mixed psych with a dash or spoonful of the punk, etc.

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:34
the Creation had some good ones
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:35
Ah yes! I saw that at the cinema! It was INCREDIBLE!
Avatar 5:35pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Space Oddity" by "David Bowie"
A big flop in the USA when it first came out shortly before Apollo 11 launched.
I suppose most Americans never heard it until the 1972 RCA reissue.

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:35
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:33
Make it a cherry coke. A drink a week before the birthday. Better make it official.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

I personally didn't really enjoy Moonage Daydream. Not as a Bowie fan and not as a film maker.
Avatar 5:36pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @5:35
For sure! Was listening to Paintwr man earlier
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:36pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:35
That still baffles me. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:36
I'm always happy to celebrate you :-)
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The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:36
That's interesting Mr PK. Why was that?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:37pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:36
For me, it was strangely emotional seeing his beautiful face on the big screen <starts to cry>

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:36
I'm trying to recall the title of my favorite but it escapes me at the moment. But it's very heavy and has lots of guitar feedback
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Bri The Beatnik:

I’m breaking my lent sacrifice for today ;)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:37
I'm giving up Lent for Lent ;-
Avatar 5:38pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:34
GG- 1980s-to-90s maybe? "Eyes"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Victoria" by "The Kinks"
The Triple!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ The Barman @5:37
I really think it was too incoherent. I didn't like the repetitiveness, it didn't tell a good story, it was just a 'collage' of imagery and I just couldn't get into it.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @5:37
Ooh I think I know which one you’re talking about, forget what it is too
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:38
I might be able to squeak it into a fill-in show then ;-)
Avatar 5:38pm

↳ Song: "Victoria" by "The Kinks"
You had to play this rocker!!!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Victoria" by "The Kinks"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:38
Oh yes :-) Fave Kinks song :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:38
Heck yeah! Lol, I ate meat last Friday, don’t tell anyone! Hehe
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:39
What happens in the Flange, stays in the Flange ;-)
Avatar 5:39pm
The Barman:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:38
Though I did enjoy it, that's an entirely fair assessment Mr PK.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I Say.
God Save The Kinks.
Avatar 5:40pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:39
Thanks love! :)
Avatar 5:40pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Something In The Air" by "Thunderclap Newman"
The only non-Badfinger song in the soundtrack of "The Magic Christian", the 1969 film which Anglicized the 1959 short novel byTerry Southern.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:40
I heartily concur :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:39
Wha hey.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:40
I say that too.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @5:40
Ah yes!! Well reminded :-)
Avatar 5:40pm

↳ Song: "Victoria" by "The Kinks"
Another round for the London Kinks!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:40
It covers a lot of bases ;-)

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:38
How Does It Feel. I had to look it up
Avatar 5:41pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:40
Coming right up.
Avatar 5:41pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Blissland @5:40
Oh yes! The very Oasisy one.yet Ride covered it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:41pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

The current Flange total for the week is 69%.


This amuses me because I am a saucepot :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I genuinely do always want to know that you're all okay <3
Avatar 5:42pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Magic Potion" by "The Open Mind"
Killer wah alert!
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Brian in UK:

Raise a glass to Georgy.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:42
Care for a spin on the dancefloor? :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

In spite of my cold, i really am okay. I am happy and I enjoy my life and your company.
Avatar 5:43pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "Shangri-La" by "The Kinks"
The "Arthur" album was underappreciated in 1969. I preferred it to the other rock opera bearing a man's name that some other English group released that year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:43
Avatar 5:43pm

GG - Bandcamp says Bevis Frond song Eyes in back of Head = 1987.
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The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:43
Lead the way, Jaguar.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:43
Your friendship makes ME happy <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @5:43
SUCH a great album :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:43
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Brian in UK:

↳ David Shortell @5:43
Was that Derrick by the Unexpected Trousers?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:44pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:43
I shall add that to my list :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Also, my dolls house needs to have a plant called the Bevis Frond :-)
Avatar 5:44pm
Bri The Beatnik:

There’s a great music video someone made to this song! m.youtube.com...
Avatar 5:44pm

↳ Brian in UK @5:43
Barman, before we close, another Americano please as Brian from Salops has saluted our DJ.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:44
Oooo! Thank you! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:44
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Brian in UK:

↳ TDK60 @5:44
TDK60, I refer you to my comment at 5.35.
Avatar 5:45pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:45
Of course! :) Sometimes for movie night, I show dad old psychedelic music videos people put together on YouTube
Avatar 5:45pm
The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:44
Coming right up Mr TDK.
Comes with a free bag of John Innes No.3 potting compost.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Telstar" by "The Tornados"
This track is when the 60s starts in the UK for me <3
Avatar 5:46pm
David Shortell:

↳ Brian in UK @5:44
Tell me more about that!

heh ... supposedly the beginning of Telstar is a toilet flushing in reverse
Avatar 5:46pm

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:45
Nice show
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:45
And "Head". Love that movie :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:46
Knowing dear old Joe, I wouldn't put it past him ;-)
Avatar 5:46pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:45
Heck yeah! I also love Telstar 69 by Velvett Fogg, (I actually heard the ‘69 version first thanks to Owl sun!”
Avatar 5:47pm

↳ Brian in UK @5:35
Oh yes, Brian. I saw that, and that is some groovy history.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Domenic @5:46
Thank you, my lovely! :-)
Avatar 5:47pm
DJ Guin:

..called a cab..thank you one and all for the banter and companionship...think of me again, now & then..until next time. bye all!
Avatar 5:47pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:46
I’ve always wanted to see that one!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:46
LOVE Velvett Fogg :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ David Shortell @5:46
Another time maybe. A lost classic. Well, in my mind!!!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ Guin @5:47
Bye Guin!

I'm always better having a visit with the F&F.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:47
Thank you, my lovely! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @5:47
It really is good :-)

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:46
Yeah poor Joe, it's a sad story. Nobody should have to answer to landlords, especially geniuses
Avatar 5:48pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ Guin @5:47
Mind how you go DJ Guin.
Avatar 5:48pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:47
Same here!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Eli @5:47
Hello, my lovely!! THAT makes me happy :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Song: "Telstar" by "The Tornados"
Fabulous forward-thinking British Production that did in fact hit in the USA before TheBeatles.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:48
He was a bona fide genius.
Avatar 5:48pm

↳ Song: "Telstar" by "The Tornados"
When I was a kid I assumed this had to be an L.A. surf band.
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↳ Song: "Telstar" by "The Tornados"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @5:48
First UK record to be a simultaneous US/UK Number One :-)
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The Barman:

↳ TDK60 @5:48
The surf is quite strong on the Holloway Road to be fair.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:48
Lol! ;-)
Avatar 5:49pm
David Shortell:

↳ Blissland @5:46
So the Tornados preceded the Velvet Underground's "European Son" in toilet instrumentation!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Don-O @5:48
I imagine someone in Italy put words to it.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:49
- & that a fabulous detail.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

We'll make the target, without a doubt.

What matters to me is all of you <3
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↳ TDK60 @5:48
Same! (I also thought Thunderclap Newman was from SAn Francisco).
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ David Shortell @5:49
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Brian in UK:


↳ David Shortell @5:49
They may have been the first to use a toilet for a commercial recording
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I thought that PWEI were a Welsh band, but that's another story for another time. Lol
Avatar 5:50pm
Bri The Beatnik:

↳ doctorjazz @5:50
So did dad!
Avatar 5:51pm
The Barman:

I wonder if The Toast ever shared a bill with Marmalade?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Brian in UK @5:49
The song would be flooded with words. No one is better than cramming so many syllables inbetween two beats.
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Brian in UK:

Georgy, just keep doing what you do & the F&F will be packed every week.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Get ready to adjust your bow ties and dance next! :-)
Avatar 5:51pm

↳ doctorjazz @5:50
Hi Dr. And when I first heard the Byrds from L.A. I thought they were English or Scots.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:50
It is indeed :-)
Avatar 5:51pm

↳ Song: "Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall" by "The Toast"
I always thought Ringo sung this....
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:51
Doing a cover of Blossom Toes "Tea" :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Brian in UK @5:51
Thank you :-) You're going to make me cry again <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Don-O @5:51
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↳ Song: "Flowers Never Bend With The Rainfall" by "The Toast"
Cousin Paulie tune (he's a distant cousin of MsJazz).
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DJ Guin:

Oi! my Uber is on its way..but I highly recommend Director Wim Wenders films "Perfect Days" - both brilliant and life affirming, imho. Please check it out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:52pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @5:52
Oh! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:52
Always happy to watch a Wenders film :-)

And the hits ... just keep on comin'
Avatar 5:53pm
David Shortell:

↳ Song: "The Boat That I Row" by "Lulu"
The Pussywillows used to sing both this and the Buzzcocks' "Love You More" in their shows, bringing to light the similarity between the songs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Raise your glasses to Mr Ray!
Avatar 5:53pm
The Barman:

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Ha ha, getting us onto a high, GG.
Avatar 5:53pm

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Golly, the Moodies had their wheaties and vitamins that day.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:53
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:53
This ALWAYS makes me happy. I need to watch that video after the show :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:53
They did indeed! :-)
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Back to 1968 with this one. I'm there.
Avatar 5:54pm
The Barman:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:53
Me too. Time for that dance...
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Asheville Jon:

don't forget to watch Stashu and Chuk's wedding!
Avatar 5:54pm

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Strong strong cut.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:54
<runs in for a hug and a dance>
Avatar 5:55pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
back in the early Moody days..they were UP..and then down again..and then back UP...not so much these days
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Asheville Jon @5:54
Oh yes!!! Of course!!! Congrats to the happy couple on their upcoming nuptials!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ Guin @5:55
Love this song tho. Love. It. :-)
Avatar 5:55pm
David Shortell:

↳ DJ Guin @5:52
It's playing in Red Bank on Saturday and Sunday, New Jersey residents.
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Asheville Jon:

Chuk is a good guy. haven't met Stashu yet
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↳ Song: "Ride My See-Saw" by "The Moody Blues"
Great tune! Killer guitar!
Avatar 5:56pm

In about 5 minutes (I think) .... wfmu.org...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @5:55
It's on my Happy Playlist :-)
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Thanks DJ GG!
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Asheville Jon:

thanks for a great show tonight DJGG
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:56
Avatar 5:56pm
DJ Guin:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:55
twas making light of the song and their willies..great song all the same
Avatar 5:56pm
The Barman:

Right everyone, have yourselves a merry little weekend one and all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ doctorjazz @5:56
Thank you, dear doctor! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Asheville Jon @5:56
Thank you, lovely! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
Santos L. Halper:

Thanks GG, luv ya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ The Barman @5:56
Thank you, dearest Barman :-) x
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Georgy, thank you so much for all your great music you spoil us with every week. I enjoy every minute of it
Avatar 5:57pm
DJ Guin:

↳ David Shortell @5:55
watched it in the safety of my home
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Santos L. Halper @5:57
Thank you, my lovely one! <3
Avatar 5:57pm

Well, thanks muchly Georgy, Barman, all! See you back in the F&F sooner than later, I hope.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @5:57
And thank YOU, dearest PK! :-) x
Avatar 5:57pm
DJ Guin:

↳ Song: "Friday On My Mind" by "The Easybeats"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Please know that I adore all of you :-) xx

Every single one a winner
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ TDK60 @5:57
Thank you, lovely Teedy! <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:58

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @5:58
Thank you for the company and the tunes, and the ale
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Friday On My Mind" by "The Easybeats"
Friday is ALWAYS on my mind :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Blissland @5:59
Thank you, lovely! <3
Avatar 5:59pm

Solid show as per usual, DJ GG!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ GG ~
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Don-O @5:59
Thank you, dear Don-O! <3
Rob in San Francisco:

thanks for the fun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @6:00
Thank you, dear Rev <3
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Rob in San Francisco @6:00
Thank you, dear and lovely Rob <3
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