Favoriting Serious Moonlight Sonatas with Carol: Playlist from March 17, 2024 Favoriting

CarolCrow's avatar View CarolCrow's profile Favoriting

An odyssey of the ears powered by the moon, the stars, & a pixie dusting of ecstatic electricity...

Sunday 6 - 9am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sun. Mar 9th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Dan Bodah
Sun. Mar 16th, 6am - 9am: Carol and her Co-Host Daniel Blumin

Favoriting March 17, 2024: Marathon Moon #2 w/ Brian D

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
The Cars  Hello Again   Favoriting Heartbeat City    1984    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Beethoven  Moonlight Sonata (Cyberpunk Remix 2020)   Favoriting         0:03:36 (Pop-up)
David Bowie  It Ain't Easy   Favoriting The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars    1972    0:09:15 (Pop-up)
The Beatles  It's All Too Much   Favoriting Yellow Submarine        0:11:40 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Dr. Who   Favoriting





0:22:08 (Pop-up)
Datashock  Tinnitus Isst Außenwelt   Favoriting Geltungsbereich Universum  Bureau B  2023  Pledge $20 or more now to get in the running for this LP!!!  0:26:38 (Pop-up)
William Basinski & Lawrence English  Mono No Aware 1.1   Favoriting Selva Oscura  Temporary Residence Ltd.  2018  Pledge $75 or more anytime during the show & get in the running for 3 William Basinski LPs  0:30:28 (Pop-up)
John McGuire  A Cappella   Favoriting Vanishing Points/A Cappella  Unseen Worlds  2023  Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this LP  0:47:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Timelords 

Doctorin' the tardis (minimal mix)   Favoriting





0:57:06 (Pop-up)
Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith  Ivry   Favoriting The Peyote Dance  Bella Union  2019  Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this LP from Bella Union  1:05:26 (Pop-up)
William Basinski  Please, This Shit Has Got To Stop   Favoriting Lamentations  Temporary Residence Ltd.  2020  Pledge $75 or more anytime during the show & get in the running for 3 William Basinski LPs: Lamentastions; On Time Out Of Time; & Selva Oscura  1:26:32 (Pop-up)
William Basinski  Untitiled   Favoriting Moog One (live at Moogfest 2019        1:33:14 (Pop-up)
Kasper Bjørke Quartet  061016   Favoriting The Fifty Eleven Project  Kompakt  2018  Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this 3-LP clear 180-grsam vinyl set with download code & poster  1:45:46 (Pop-up)
David Tennant/Spice Girls  Dr. Who   Favoriting         2:03:37 (Pop-up)
Bill Bailey  Dr. Who As reimagined by belgian jazz   Favoriting         2:06:23 (Pop-up)
David Gilmour, Rick Wright & Nick Mason  One Of These Days   Favoriting Live 1994 Concert at Earls Court - London        2:10:05 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Careful With That Axe, Eugene (single version)   Favoriting Cre/ation: The Early Years 1967–1972  Pink Floyd Records  2016  Pledge $20 or more now to get in the running for this 2-CD set!!!  2:24:30 (Pop-up)
Swans  No More Of This   Favoriting The Beggar  Young God  2023  Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for this 2-LP set!!  2:43:22 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:01am
Eric the Hat:

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Yes, I did set my alarm to wake up in time for Serious Moonlight Sonatas! 🥰 Good Morning, Carol! Good Morning, Moonathoners! 😊 Hello again! 😎❤️
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Good Greetings Carol and Brian D.. Happy marathon everyone
Cooh John:

Good morning Carol and 🌙 moonsters from my AirBnB 2 blocks away.🙋

Good morning everyone!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:03am
Balthazar B:

Good Mooning Carol, Brian D and all!
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Brian D:

Good morning, Moonlighters. Pledge to support great radio and have a chance to win some amazing prizes.
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Balthazar B:

↳ Brian D @6:04
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I can't pledge (stupid new banking rules) but I love The Cars, this show and the station

hello, havnt heard that in decades so good thx
Greg k:

Good Morning Carol! Good Morning Brian and all listeners!
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Michael of Cologne:

Good morning Carol & Brian & all.
Chris Crisco:

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:08am

Good Morning! We're here waiting for your pledge!
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Brian in UK:

Hello Carol & Brian.

Magnolias are in bloom, sun is out. Spring is in the air.
Avatar 🌜 6:14am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ Song: "It's All Too Much" by "The Beatles"
Beatles!? How come I don't know this one?
Avatar 6:14am

Welcome everyone! So happy to be here with you all!!
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Brian in UK:

↳ Michael of Cologne @6:14
Feels like it should be on All Things Must Pass.
Avatar 6:15am

Good morning beloved Carol and Sonatkins❣️
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Brian in UK:

Favourite line in Yellow Submarine when the Beatles are trapped in Blue Meanie glass. John's character says 'Blue glass; must be from Kentucky'.
Tom from Stirling:

Bonjour! Hello!
Avatar 6:17am
Eric the Hat:

Bedt show on the waves right here
Avatar 6:18am
Eric the Hat:

Best* Show*
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "It's All Too Much" by "The Beatles"
Enough is too much. Or is it?
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Aaron Working In Newark:

Good Morning Carol <3
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Vanessa bikes:

give us a call!
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Andrea C:

Hi Carol, Brian D, and everyone! Just popping in to say hiiiiiii and PLEDGE!!!
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Balthazar B:

Britain..we are not that united.
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Brian D:

↳ Balthazar B @6:24
Exactly. Well, except in your love for WFMU.
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Brian D:

A pledge of $20 or more gets you in the running for this Datashock LP.
Avatar 🌜 6:30am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ Brian in UK @6:15
Sure does.
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↳ Brian D @6:27
Did you see the WFMU footie scarf? That's a team to root for
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Brian in UK @6:16
Throwing a Spaniard in the works.
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Bas NL:

Hello Carol! Hello Brian D! Hello assorted Earthlings!
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Brian D:

↳ fred @6:31
Ah yes, it's a beauty. And hooligan-free.
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Balthazar B:

↳ fred @6:31
Standing on the terraces woof mooing the team on!
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Mono No Aware 1.1" by "William Basinski & Lawrenc...
William Basinski knows what's what. And whatnot.
Avatar 6:36am

Gmornin Moonpledgers
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Call 800-989-9368 to pledge right now! Seriously, right now!
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Balthazar B:


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Joey C:

Good morning Carol, Brian D., and everyone listening. I will be visiting Athens GA in November. I have a big road trip planned, to include NOLA and Chapel Hill NC. Good luck getting pledges to your amazing show.
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Balthazar B:

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Balthazar B:

Avatar 6:44am

↳ Balthazar B @6:44
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If any rich people out there want to close up the marathon during this show it will only cost you $180k!
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London Calling Francky:

Morning Carol & Brian and all Moonlightists from grey miserable damp London Town! Thank you for the good Sunday morning vibes!


Please pledge!! WFMU is the only streaming service you need! Plus a pair of socks from Carol…BONUS!!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 6:49am
Balthazar B:


hellos, ok I’m serious now
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↳ goes211 @6:49
Hells yeah!
Eric the Hat:

I love hearing you guys slightly chatting over the music.
Avatar 6:50am
Beast of Boonton:

Mic is on
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Brian D:

A pledge of $20 or more will get you in the running for this beautiful LP John McGuire Vanishing Points/A Cappella courtesy of Unseen Worlds.
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Joey C:

Hot mic

Brian your mic is on
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Balthazar B:

it is..
Eric the Hat:

Sounded cool.
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Brian D:

↳ Barbie @6:50
I just told the "producer."
Eric the Hat:

More like a show sorta
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Balthazar B:

↳ Eric the Hat @6:51
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Brian D:

It's a good thing I'm not working blue this morning.
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NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:

Good morning Carol and Brian D! Good morning moonlight enjoyers! We are enjoying some moonlight ball chase time at the dog park just before dawn
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Brian D:

A pledge of $75 or more will get you in the running for the William Basinski "prize pack" of three records, all courtesy of Temporary Residence: On Time Out of Time, Lamentations (double LP) and Salva Oscura.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "A Cappella" by "John McGuire"
Sounds like Carol is singing along.
Avatar 🌜 6:57am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ Tom from Stirling @6:54
What a remarkable piece!
Avatar 6:57am
dan in wisconsin:

↳ Song: "A Cappella" by "John McGuire"
I imagine this is what benevolent cenobites sound like when they arrive to collect marathon pledges.

Skids are from Dunfermline, not Dumfries
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:00am
NotARealDoctor in Norfolk VA:

Hey that's me!

Our blackcurrant bushes make great jam. You are correct
Eric the Hat:

Yay! Thanks guys
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Balthazar B:

Some serious prizes!
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Good morning Carol, Brian, and all!!! 🍀🍀🍀
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06am
Brian D:

Pledge of $20 or more gets in the running for DOUBLE LP from Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Ivry" by "Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith"
Howl at the moon. Scream all night.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Marley P. Dogg:

Good morning Carol and Brian!
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Balthazar B:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @7:04
Good morning Will! What sort of pie is that?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:14am

Good Sunday morning, Carol and Brian!!
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Balthazar B:

Cookies are good too..I really like pie though.
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Balthazar B @7:11
they were 4 leaf clovers, luck to all
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Balthazar B:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @7:14
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Soo many facets to pledge for...
The Mothership 🎸, Rock'N'Soul 🎵, Give the Drummer 🥁, Sheena's Jungle Room 🎶, brick and mortar building 🏢, Monty Hall 🎟, the awesome and extensive Archives 💾🗃, the servers 💻, the website 🌐, the bandwidth 📈, multiple transmitters 📡🗼, electric💡, plumbing 🚽, licensing fees💲, unexpected and expensive repairs 🛠, etc!!!

Freeform ain't free, give what you can!
Pledge, and Pledge often!!!!

WFMU is the GOAT!!!🐐
Long live the WFMUniverse!!!

💻 Pledge Online pledge.wfmu.org...
Serious Moonlight Sonatas With Carol Crow!!!
☎️ Pledge via phone 1 800-989-9368
Avatar 7:20am

Good day, DJs Carol and Brian.
Tom from Stirling:

Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:24am
Will thee Sound Guy:

thank you
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Bas NL:

I've experienced William Basinski on stage twice... such beautiful sounds! This is a mighty Grand Prize!
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Brian D:

Still a chance to get in the running for Sidewalk Collective for a pledge of $20 or more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30am
Brian D:

↳ Bas NL @7:28
Agreed, Bas. A genius and I don't toss that term around lightly.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @7:24
Will, you lucky guy!
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Please, This Shit Has Got To Stop" by "William Ba...
Oh my goodness.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:33am
Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Tom from Stirling @7:30
I'll try to give you some luck 🍀🍀🍀
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Balthazar B:

Avatar 7:37am
dan in wisconsin:

Basinki is stellar. So is Robert Rich who created the 8 hour continuous piece of music called 'Somnium' which I think he actually had concerts where people were encouraged to bring sleeping bags whilst listening. For a while it was the longest continuous piece of music before The Flaming Lips surpassed it, and then they were surpassed by another artist's longest piece.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:39am

Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone!!
Tom from Stirling:

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↳ Strandlund @7:39
“It’s easy to 1/2 the potato when there is love “ 🥔
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Strandlund @7:39
Happy St. Patrick's day!!! 🍀🍀🍀
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Balthazar B:

↳ RB @7:42
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Congratulations Beth!
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

Good morning Carol, Brian D., and moon 🌙 🌖 units. Late to the party today.
Avatar 7:48am

Beautiful, beautiful music this morning. As always.
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Song: "061016" by "Kasper Bjørke Quartet"
this is delicate yet powerful
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Toothgrinder Tom:

Good morning and happy St. Pat’s, Carol, Brian and all serious moonlight sonateers! Hope you’re raking in the cash.
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Brian D:

A pledge of $20 or more will get you in the running for Kasper Bjørke Quartet, The Fifty Eleven Project courtesy of Kompakt.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 7:51am
Will thee Sound Guy:

💻 Pledge Online pledge.wfmu.org...
Serious Moonlight Sonatas With Carol Crow!!!
☎️ Pledge via phone 1 800-989-9368
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Brian D:

Hey. It's St. Patrick's Day! Bring FMU the luck of the Irish.
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Avatar 🌜 7:57am

Happy St Paddy's Day and UP THE VILLA!!!!
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Balthazar B:

Neil Peart had big drums.
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Balthazar B @7:57
and a lot of them
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A Patrick pledge on St Patrick's day! How cool is that?
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Balthazar B:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @7:59
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Happy 80th birthday to John Sebastian.
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! 💚

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Will thee Sound Guy:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am

↳ Heidee @8:00
Green beer? It should be black (though I've been told Guinness has a reddish tint, it doesn't stay long enough in my glass to verify that)
Avatar 8:03am

↳ Brian D @7:53
DJ Brian: The NYC St. Pat's
parade was yesterday. Post-parade, I got to observe the celebrants in bright green, walking in a non-sober fashion down the boulevards.
Avatar 🌜 8:03am

Tom Baker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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↳ fred @8:02
That's Paddy Day for you!

My favorite Dr. Who is Tom Baker
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Balthazar B:

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Brian D:

↳ TDK60 @8:03
I got to see that, too. I'm limiting my celebration to shepherd's pie for dinner.
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Brian D:

You still can get in the running for Kasper Bjørke Quartet with a pledge of $20 or more.
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Asheville Jon:

Nice to hear Spice this morning! :)

did anywho work the scarf better than Tom Baker?
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Dr. Who" by "David Tennant/Spice Girls"
The coveted 6-9AM time slot on WFMU-FM: Carol, Brian, and that other guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am
Brian D:

↳ Tom from Stirling @8:07
That other guy is such a hack! (I'm kidding.)
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↳ Brian D @8:05
I got pretty drunk yesterday. I don't fight it, so that when I stumble it's time to go, I know I can handle the hour it takes me to get home
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ fred @8:08
My sister had a party at their house. we haven't gone home yet
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↳ Song: "Dr. Who As reimagined by belgian jazz" by "Bill B...
Spikey should hear this!
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Vanessa bikes:

David Tennant is the best! after he came back as 14th doctor I forced Jeremy to make Doctor who playlist for wake: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:10am

good morning!!
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Dr. Who As reimagined by belgian jazz" by "Bill B...
You also get treated to comedy on Carol's show. On occasion.
All the more reason to Pledge.
Joey C:

The Pinkest of all Floyds
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Will thee Sound Guy:

Meddle is one of my favorite Floyd albums
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morning. squeakers the cat let me sleep in.
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↳ TDK60 @7:59
A very hapPpy 80th BirtHdAY to John Sebastian!
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Brian D:

↳ fred @8:08
Those days are over for me. But I don't miss them..
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "One Of These Days" by "David Gilmour, Rick Wright...
David, Rick, Nick. But not the other guy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am
London Calling Francky:

↳ Song: "One Of These Days" by "David Gilmour, Rick Wright...
Yeees! Three quarters of the Floyd doing Meddle stuff! Or three fifths of the Floyd, depending on how you want to look at it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14am

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @8:12
Fearless would match well with the WFMU footie scarf
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Balthazar B:

↳ Tom from Stirling @8:14
Avatar 8:19am

For Carol and any other Doctor Who/David Tennant fans out there: www.youtube.com...

↳ PaulRobeson1924 @8:13
Yes much happiness to him. A really sweet guy. I did some work for him, in his home years ago. A real gentleman.
Avatar 8:21am

WFMU management could arrange a Welsh pronunciation workshop for the DJs. Maybe..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22am
Ken From Hyde Park:

St. Patrick and his blind date: www.comicskingdom.com...
Avatar 8:22am

that's Che(K)ia !!!... not Chechia.
Tom from Stirling:

Ellen! You're in for it now.
Avatar 🌜 8:22am
Michael of Cologne:

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @8:09
One of my sisters has her birthday on St. Pat's Day, strangely enough every year!
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↳ TDK60 @8:21
Paulo is a master of zoom meetings, he could breeze through that
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↳ fred @8:23
Bonjour, Fred. We have a possible solution looming.
Tom from Stirling:

Chechia Cheese
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

↳ Tom from Stirling @8:14
The other guy got tiresome, unfortunately.
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Brian D:

↳ kuriousornj @8:22
Sorry to all you lovely Czechs out there.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:26am

↳ Song: "Careful With That Axe, Eugene (single version)" b...
My name is Shannon and I was brought up on string quartets, and I still like it loud! 😂😂😂❤️
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Will thee Sound Guy:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:22
Happy Birthday to your sister
Avatar 8:27am

I'm not Chech :)
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Brian D:

Pledge $20 or more to get in the running for Pink Floyd's Cre/ation: The Early Years courtesy of Pink Floyd Records.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:27am
Will thee Sound Guy:

🪓 ⚒ 🪓
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Careful With That Axe, Eugene (single version)" b...
The talking parts on Carol's show are always interesting. All the more reason to Pledge.
Avatar 🌜 8:28am


The pine tree pollen here has turned my corgi’s feet green for St. Patrick’s Day.
Avatar 8:29am

I must head out of this beautiful show. Well done, Carol & Brian, you're a dream team. 🧚‍♀️🧙‍♂️✨
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29am

Good morning Carol and all Moonies. PLEDGE NOW
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↳ JB @8:29
FU JB™ Hope you are doing well
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↳ Heidee @8:29
Some grading not to do I guess?
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↳ Song: "Careful With That Axe, Eugene (single version)" b...
WHOA MAMA! Hiya Balthazar B
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "Careful With That Axe, Eugene (single version)" b...
That explains it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31am
Brian D:

↳ Heidee @8:29
Carol = everything good. Brian = all the gaffs.
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↳ fred @8:30
I try not to... :-)
Hi JB, Bye JB!
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↳ Heidee @8:29
See ya, Heidee. I didn't see you here to say hello.
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Brian D:

↳ kuriousornj @8:27
But you're their advocate.
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↳ Brian D @8:31
Yer awrigh 😘
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Bye Heidee
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↳ Michael of Cologne @8:22
Happy B-Day to your Sister, Michael!!
Avatar 8:33am

↳ TDK60 @8:31
Bye TDK, Pabs, sweeties. Would love to stay bu ahm gaun the noo.
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↳ Pablexa™ @8:30
FU Pablo™. Rough times, wish I could report some good news. Almost got in a fight yesterday
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Balthazar B:

↳ JB @8:30
Good mooning JB..I see Pablexa™ has arisen. Hope you are both well.
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Brian D @8:31
True to your persona, Brian? You're great.
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↳ JB @8:33
Soz Mate!
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Balthazar B:

↳ JB @8:33
Oh no..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35am

Howdy Heidee and good bye-eeee Heidee
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It's so nice seeing all the moons on the message board!!
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↳ Balthazar B @8:34
I wouldda won, I was in the right

↳ Brian D @8:26
Avatar 8:36am

The Archive is amazing. I think I heard manager Ken recently say it costs about $40,000 annually to maintain.
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ JB @8:33
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It's weird: I know Doctor Who's theme from the first notes, but have never seen a single episode
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Love Saranac Lake
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

"Known quantity." Why thank you, Carol, that's very kind of you.
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Balthazar B:

↳ JB @8:35
Always good!
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↳ Michael of Cologne @8:36
Yeah... Someone trying to bully me at my part time job. Lucky that a few people got in between
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↳ Balthazar B @8:37
You know it!!
Toothgrinder Tom:

I have spent many hours watching Dr Who, first in high school with Tom Baker in the role.
Toothgrinder Tom:

When the budget for costumes, sets and special effects were something equivalent to a ‘Sigmund And The Seamonsters’-type show.

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @8:41
Vacuum cleaner hoses etc.
Charming :)

↳ JB @8:39
That's a real coward bullying someone at work where they figure you'll get fired if you defend yourself. Right cross to his chin is in order
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am

Careful with those socks, Carol
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ JB @8:39
Good to hear.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "No More Of This" by "Swans"
Socks. They're great for when you go bike riding.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:45am
Balthazar B:

↳ dday @8:43
Yes it's more than naughty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

I was wearing Carol's socks yesterday!
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Balthazar B:

I wear my socks to hospital appointments..it's a good conversation starter..
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Brian in UK:

See you on the dog side of the moo(n).
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ dday @8:43
It's strange, but not uncommon: 'bullying' is called 'mobbing' in German.
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Brian in UK:

↳ Song: "No More Of This" by "Swans"
This is kind of reminding me of F W Cornog's East River Pipe.
Tom from Stirling:

↳ Song: "No More Of This" by "Swans"
When do you wear the socks?

At the hospital.
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Balthazar B:

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:47
Mobbing is what crows do..this is a good choice of word in German..I'm guessing English takes the word from German?

Carol, your show has been such a highlight over the years. I want the entirety of my mouse pledge to go to you. I’m guilty of never even applying to a dj as it’s just been recurring for years, but wow, I need to thank you for your amazing curration skills. much love. Chris in Philly
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Balthazar B:

You were in Mexico init..
  🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:53am

Thanks, Carol and Brian!
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Brian in UK:

Congratulations Carol. Wirth every cent.

Brian, see my avatar, it is a chicken!!!
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 8:54am

Smash that goal and I for one would like to hear the Peyote story! 😂
Toothgrinder Tom:

I thought mobbing was an intimidation tactic when hostile people surround you and prevent you from moving around freely.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54am

↳ dday @8:43
Sure is, he didn't expect me to call him on it and likely wouldn't have done it if 3-4 other guys were there. I'm glad the manager was there

↳ Michael of Cologne @8:47
Quickest way to stop a bully is call their bluff with a sucker punch. Shuts them down. I can't tell you how many times as a 4'11" tall HS student I did just that. Works like a charm.I even became friends with some of them afterwards
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Charles in Chicago:

↳ Balthazar B @8:50
Other way 'round, if a german word ends with "ing" it's a loanword from English, no German verbs have that ending
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Balthazar B:

↳ Toothgrinder Tom @8:54
Avatar 8:56am

Carol, Brian, thanks.
Best for the last day of the fundraiser.
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Peter from Saranac Lake NY:

@Brian D, it's "new-finland."
Tom from Stirling:

interjections galore
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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Balthazar B @8:50
Thanks. According to Duden 'mobben' comes from "engl. to mob" but gets to mean 'to harass someone at work'.
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Charles in Chicago:

"Mobbing in der Schule"
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Ken From Hyde Park:

There's me! Thank you!
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Balthazar B:

↳ Charles in Chicago @8:55
I get stuff the wrong way around.
mark denver:

no money but I will donate three pairs of my grandpa's socks..call me for details
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Charles in Chicago:

Interesting that thay say "mobbing" (english) and not "mobben" (deutsch) - clearly a loan-word and intended that way
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Mlle Carol Thanks 4 the great Sunday morning music. few DJ's bring such diverse music
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↳ dday @8:55
Opposite end of the spectrum. I'm 6'5", never really got bullied. But you're right, gotta stop it early.

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Michael of Cologne:

↳ Charles in Chicago @8:58
Yep. It always sounds strange in my ear.
Tom from Stirling:

Good story.

Or was it?
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 9:00am

Thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00am

↳ dday @8:59
Love you Carol, have a great week.
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Ahhhhhhhhh-mazing work, Carol and Brian D! My heart is full! Thank you! ❤️🫂🥰 🍀
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How boring LOL!!! Luv ya Caz!!!
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Balthazar B:

↳ JB @8:59
Yep..the day before ideally.

↳ JB @8:59
at 19 and 5'7" tall 120lbs. I bar bounced for 3 years.

(/10 psychology, 1/10 brute force.

In the whole time I think I raised my hands 3 or 4 times.

Fighting drunks is not advisable
Avatar 🌜 Swag For Life Member 9:01am
Balthazar B:

↳ Charles in Chicago @8:58
Words are great!
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Balthazar B:

Thanks everyone! Have a great week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02am

↳ dday @9:01
Nice! My small {normal sized) friend used to throw me around. Probably 5'6" and 120, but a wrestler

↳ JB @9:02
My Grandad on my Dad's side was a PBA amatuer boxer. We learned how to box around age 8
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Will thee Sound Guy:

a scrappy little guy can be a ferocious opponent. my takeaway, don't fight

↳ Will thee Sound Guy @9:05
I never advocate for violence, just the opposite but defending yourself from others is sometimes necessary. I taught my girl step-kids ways to protect themselves from violence. It's invaluable training
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