Favoriting Transmissions from Echo Beach with Derek Westerholm and DJ Babs: Playlist from July 4, 2024 Favoriting

Derek Westerholm's avatar View Derek Westerholm's profile Favoriting
DJ Babs's avatar View DJ Babs's profile Favoriting

Description: Exuberance/Ebullience, banter, possibly an interview, context and connection, the familiar, the strange.

Find: Symphonies of Treble, Words Of Expectation, stab, skronk, shimmer, sheen, The New Sound of Now, Ideas for Walls, pleasure, pith, Flutter and Wow, Motorik, cowbells, disco akimbo, at least one Cantankerous Singer, The German Language, shards of glass, Ethiopian Punk, organic, synthetic, sawtooths & squarewaves, Library Riffage, yesterday's recipes, the wrong speed, intentional static, floating, ethereal, time and timelessness.

Thursday 8 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting July 4, 2024: 3rd. On four. (ie. Fours [or not fours])

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Psychic Graveyard  Scar in the Shape of the United States   Favoriting Wilting  Artoffact Records  2024  Released June 7. Psychic Graveyard are a San Diego band who started out as a trio (About Psychic Graveyard: Noise Rock pioneers, Eric Paul (Arab On Radar, Chinese Stars, Doomsday Student), Paul Vieira (Chinese Stars, Doomsday Student), and Nathan Joyner (Some Girls, All Leather, Hot Nerds), then added Charles Ovett to round out to a quartet. According to most of their internet pages: "Everything else has already been said." Let's leave it there, then. This song mentions the United States, Canada & radio... So pretty much all the things that have been happening this week. Psychic Graveyard (Bandcamp)  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Boar God  Birthplace   Favoriting Birthplace/Inside  Self-Released (Bandcamp)  2022  Boar God describe themselves as "Loud Post-Punk from Montreal." This is one of two songs from a sing released April 1, 2022.They had been as many as four, but by this release were: Eric: Guitar and vox // Sab: Bass and backing vox // Marc: Drums. Boar God (Bandcamp)    0:03:51 (Pop-up)
Section 25  Back In The Day   Favoriting Move On  Nine X Nine Records  2024  Released June 7, 2024 on Liverpool's 9x9 Records. Over here in Canada, "Section 25(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that outlines the circumstances in which individuals, including private citizens, peace officers, and public officers, are justified in using force while carrying out their duties in the administration or enforcement of the law." Over there, in the UK "Section 25 are an English post-punk and electronic band, best known for the 1984 single "Looking from a Hilltop", associated with Manchester record label Factory Records." //// "Section 25 originally formed in Blackpool, England in November 1977. Initially they were a duo of brothers Larry and Vincent Cassidy. After several re-incarnations from 2020 the band are now a duo again - just like they started! Consisting of founding member Vincent Cassidy and long time collaborator Steven Stringer. Section 25 create a fantastic live show. The band released 3 albums on Tony Wilson's iconic Factory Records. Mentored by Joy Division and New Order they have also been produced by Ian Curtis, Bernard Summer and Martin Hannett. Extensively sampled by the likes of The Shamen, Orbital and Kanye West, the band have an impressive post-punk pedigree. //////// S25 have performed all over the world in their 47 years and are perfect for festivals to club venues. Live they are ready to explore the band's rich Factory Records back catalogue... from a Northern Industrial/Heavy Dance viewpoint. //////// Vin Cassidy: "We experiment with vocals, electronics and percussion effects, non-rock guitar and keyboards." //////// Tony Wilson: "Those clever bastards from Blackpool" //////// Peter Hook:"There were only three bands that ever made money on Factory and S25 was one of them." //////// Jon Savage: "Section 25 have evolved from obdurate nihilists into post-punk pioneers."" ///////////// https://section25.com/  *   0:10:23 (Pop-up)
The WAEVE  You Saw   Favoriting City Lights  Trangressive Records  2024  "The WAEVE – the duo of Graham Coxon and Rose Elinor Dougall – have announced a new album City Lights. The follow-up to their self-titled 2023 debut will be out on September 20 via Transgressive Records. Along with the previously released title track, the LP includes the new single ‘You Saw’. Check it out below and scroll drown for the album cover and tracklist. //////// “‘You Saw’ is a song about acknowledging how seemingly tiny decisions can have a seismic impact on the course of one’s life, how sometimes it feels like the way things turn out are predestined,” the duo explained in a statement. “It’s about reconciling a past version with the new version of one’s self and being grateful for how things work out. It’s built around a rhythmic string line to reflect the sense of propulsive forward motion."  *   0:14:34 (Pop-up)
bar italia  The only conscious being in the universe   Favoriting The Tw*ts  Matador Records  2024  Their 2023 album was called "The Twits", this year's 2024 EP is entitled "The Tw*ts", as it should be. Released June 5, 2024. Exclaim! magazine explained on the day of the release: "bar italia have shared a companion piece to last year's The Twits. Today (June 5), they've released The Tw*ts EP as a surprise via Matador. //// The EP was written just after The Twits, and three of its tracks were originally intended to be B-sides to the track "sounds like you had to be there." For that, it sounds like an expansion pack of the record //// The Tw*ts is another quick follow-up for bar italia, who released The Twits and Tracey Denim within months of each other." https://baritalia.bandcamp.com/  *   0:19:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Artificial Light 

8th Line Of Duoro   Favoriting

Grind/8th Line Of Douro 



Paul, Bobby and Connor. The band's sound has been shaped and honed over five years together. Inspired by Bobby's jazz freedom, Paul's WFMU eclecticism, and Connor's "Our Band Could Be Your Life" independence, they have reconfigured to play for their own sake, drawing on each other's strengths to create a living, breathing sound that could not be made by anyone else. https://artlighte.bandcamp.com/ --- Also, catch them playing Toronto live @ Sneaky Dee's tomorrow (full disclosure, Babs & I are also playing this show in our band), July 5, early show, 7pm doors. A-Minor Presents: Psychic Weapons w/ Artificial Light & Timehole /// Fri Jul 5 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Doors 7:00 PM) Sneaky Dee's Concert Venue 431 College Street, 2nd Floor 


0:23:13 (Pop-up)
Edie Sedgwick  Martin Sheen   Favoriting Her Love Is Real...But She Is Not  DeSoto Records  2005  Edith Minturn Sedgwick Post was an American actress, model, and socialite, who was one of Andy Warhol's superstars, starring in several of his short films during the 1960s. This is NOT that Edie Sedgwick. Washington DC's Edie Sedgewick named for the Andy Warhol Superstar, formed in 1999 when Justin Moyer and Ryan Hicks wrote some songs about celebrities. After releasing a record, Edie stopped playing in 2001 when Justin was diagnosed with epilepsy and could no longer drive on tour. In 2004, Justin began performing in drag solo. After five years, he ditched the dress for the release of "We Wear White." Sadly, since 2012 there have been no releases....    0:32:17 (Pop-up)
Serious Drinking  The Revolution Starts at Closing Time   Favoriting The Revolution Starts at Closing Time  Upright Records  1982  Serious Drinking were an English humorous punk rock band from Norwich, England, whose lyrical themes often covered football and drinking. The band formed in February 1981, taking their name from a Sounds headline to an interview with The Cockney Rejects, with most members having met at the University of East Anglia. The band were firm favourites of John Peel and recorded four sessions for his BBC Radio 1 show.    0:34:39 (Pop-up)
Chain and the Gang  Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day   Favoriting Experimental Music  Dischord/Radical Elite  2017  It's not a TFEB if Babs' doesn't ONCE again try to utter the name of the great Ian Svenonious without any incident. This version differs from the Escapism version, this one being far more garage-y and less Suicide-y. Chain & the Gang is led by Svenonius, the prime mover behind the bands Nation of Ulysses and The Make-Up, and author of two books, Psychic Soviet and Supernatural Strategies for Making a Rock 'n' Roll Group, not to mention online talk show host and auteur filmmaker.    0:37:59 (Pop-up)
B​é​ton Plastic  Cr​é​teil Cr​é​tin   Favoriting B​é​ton Plastic  Craignos  2020  Moronic Moron. Do we need to say more? Béton Plastic is a fake band created by Kim Giani. The imaginary members are Lucien Pantin (vocals), Bruno Pantin (guitar), Richard Plastic [Riri] (drums), Filipe Plastic [Fifi] (bass) and are located in Pantin, Île-de-France, France.    0:40:33 (Pop-up)
Kelley Stoltz  It's Crap   Favoriting Hard Feelings  Chuffed  2019  Kelley Stoltz (born 1971) is an American singer, songwriter and musician. He currently resides in San Francisco. His music has been compared to that of Brian Wilson, Velvet Underground, Nick Drake and Leonard Cohen. While living in New York in the mid-1990s, Stoltz served as an intern with Jeff Buckley's management company where he worked as a "fan-mail" sorter. In 2001, he recorded a track by track cover of Echo & the Bunnymen's Crocodiles album recorded on his 8-track tape recorder. Stoltz played rhythm guitar in Echo & the Bunnymen on their UK, European and USA tours 2016–2018.    0:42:30 (Pop-up)
The Nightingales  Paraffin Brain   Favoriting Paraffin Brain / Elvis, The Last Ten Days 7"  Cherry Red  1982  Nightingales (a.k.a. The Nightingales) are a British post-punk/alternative rock band, formed in 1979 in Birmingham, England, by four members of Birmingham's punk group The Prefects. They had been part of The Clash's 'White Riot Tour', recorded a couple of Peel Sessions, released a 45 on Rough Trade and, years after splitting up, had a retrospective CD released by US indie label Acute Records. Described in John Robb's book on 'post punk' Death To Trad Rock as "The misfits' misfits" and comprising an ever-fluctuating line up, based around lyricist/singer Robert Lloyd, the Nightingales enjoyed cult status in the early 1980s as darlings of the credible music scene and were championed by John Peel, who said of them – "Their performances will serve to confirm their excellence when we are far enough distanced from the 1980s to look at the period rationally and other, infinitely better known, bands stand revealed as charlatans"    0:44:30 (Pop-up)
Archie Campbell  Golf, Golf, Golf   Favoriting The Cockfight & Other Tales  RCA  1966  Archie Campbell (November 7, 1914 – August 29, 1987) was an American comedian, writer, and star of Hee Haw, a country-flavored network television variety show. After a stint in WWII, he returned to begin a career in radio, that led him to hosting the Grand Ole Opry...and eventually Hee Haw.    0:47:36 (Pop-up)
Wild Billy Childish & The Blackhands  Who Do You Think You Are Kidding??   Favoriting Live in the Netherlands  2008  Veronica Music  Billy Childish (born Steven John Hamper; 1 December 1959) is an English painter, author, poet, photographer, film maker, singer and guitarist. Since the late 1970s, Childish has been prolific in creating music, writing and visual art. He has led and played in bands including the Thee Milkshakes, Thee Headcoats, and the Musicians of the British Empire, primarily working in the genres of garage rock, punk and surf and releasing more than 100 albums. He is a consistent advocate for amateurism and free emotional expression. Childish co-founded the Stuckism art movement with Charles Thomson in 1999, which he left in 2001. Since then a new evaluation of Childish's standing in the art world has been under way, culminating with the publication of a critical study of Childish's working practice by the artist and writer Neal Brown, with an introduction by Peter Doig, which describes Childish as "one of the most outstanding, and often misunderstood, figures on the British art scene".    0:50:09 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Covfefe   Favoriting

Donald Trump Songs 

The Donalds 


“Despite the constant negative press covfefe,”.......... 


0:52:22 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Curtis Hasselbring 

Youth Against Fascism   Favoriting

Big Choantza 

Skirl Records 




0:56:27 (Pop-up)
Th' Faith Healers  Delores   Favoriting L'  Too Pure  1990 / 1992  Ok, so now we're down this wormhole again... Th' Faith Healers likely never really got their full due... This song is fantastic. Many of their songs are fantastic... Early 90's gem somewhat buried in the dusts of time... Perhaps it will come around again... L' is a 1992 compilation on Too Pure that collected a handful of songs from the singles of Th' Faith Healers therebefore; Delores being from debut 1990 single. "Th' Faith Healers began life as a punk cover band in which Ben played drums and Tom on guitar. Settling on The Faith Healers as a suitable moniker, they were soon making drunken fools of themselves at every available opportunity. Joe saw them and something at the core of their shambolic mess appealed -- so when a vacancy arose, he jumped at the chance to join. Ben and Tom remember Joe's joining as the point at which they started to become serious about their music, despite the initial attraction being the band's relaxed attitude. //// Three gigs later, desperate to play somewhere other than the Dublin Castle public house, the threesome recruited expatriate Scot and sometime Falcon barperson Roxanne, principally because the promoter at The Falcon had promised them a gig just so he could see her sing. They dropped the 'e'. Joe later claimed it had been stolen by Thee Hypnotics, and a legend was born. //// Amongst the crowd at these primitive gigs were Richard Roberts and Paul Cox, the most implausible record company executives imaginable, who had decided to set up their own label in order to 'go public' with some of the emergent talent they'd been putting on stage at their Sausage Machine Club in Hampstead's White Horse basement. Too Pure Records' maiden release was a compilation, Now That's Disgusting Music, that put new bands alongside the more established likes of Mega City Four and Silverfish. Th' Faith Healers contributed 'Jesus Freak', and soon afterwards accepted the invitation to become Too Pure's first signing. //// In mid-1990, Th' Healers recorded their first 12", 'Pop Song', 'Delores' and 'Slag', which was released following a nationwide tour supporting Lush. Suddenly, alongside Silverfish, Th' Faith Healers were touted by the press as prime movers in the Camden Scene: a loose aggregation of North London-based grunge/noise merchants whose followers indulged in a dance known as The Lurch and frequented gigs at The White Horse, The Falcon and The Bull & Gate. The Lurch (as both the scene and everyone involved in it became collectively known) convened for its Biggest Night Out in November at the L.S.E., where Th' Healers played a headline gig of such alcohol-fuelled proportions that Tom doesn't remember it happening at all..."    1:02:11 (Pop-up)
Prolapse  Government Of Spain   Favoriting Ghosts of Dead Aeroplanes  Cooking Vinyl Records / Jetset Records  1999  Amongst my all-time favourite vocal hooks is "The Government Of Spain Is All Evil" -- Fair enough, then -- Criminally underlooked band. Look them over, please... "Ghosts of Dead Aeroplanes is the fourth album by the band Prolapse, released in May 1999 on Cooking Vinyl Records in the UK. The album was again produced by Donald Ross Skinner, who was by then a fully fledged member of the band" //// "A call back to [previous album] The Italian Flag follows in the form of The Government Of Spain. While the structure and vocal arrangement owes much to Visa For Violet And Van, the actual sound of the song is in fact far closer to Headless In A Beat Motel from the first album. The song crackles into life with Linda, as though over an intercom, chanting "Be told, retell." Her vocals from there express concern about a death on a runway and Mick's vocals burst in just before the guitars stream up to a frantic hammering that accompanies his rapid and glorious build up to the chorus: "The government of Spain is all evil!" //// By the time Linda has got on to utterances about stinking hell on earth and misery, Mick's chorus has shot off into a desperate screech and rocketed by a few more octaves than one could reasonably expect the human vocal cords to cover. The song finally fades into Linda's crackly chanting and disappears. In an album consisting almost entirely of new and wildly successful experiments in sound, Government stands as a solitary monument to their previous sounds and in doing so, somehow manages to top the lot of them."    1:09:39 (Pop-up)
Nuage Flou  La Vie Des Rois   Favoriting Conversations Avec Nuage Flou  Fishbum Records / A Billion Records  2019  From Montréal, Québec, released January 19, 2019. Nuage Flou are Eva: guitare et vox // Sylvain: bass, sax et vox // Anis: drums. //// Musique par Nuage Flou /// Paroles par Eva Stone. //// Here are some 'get to know you' excerpts from a website called Canadian Beats... "Care to introduce yourself to our readers?: 'We are a trio from Montreal. We have been called furious rock with a whirlpool of noise and thunderous drums. Eva Stone is our guitarist and pedal wizard, Sylvain is our bassist and Anis, our drummer; both Eva and Sylvain are on vocals. We just launched a tape called “Conversations avec Nuage Flou” via Fishbum Records.' //// Tell us a bit about your music and writing style: 'It’s a variety of things: cats, tragedies, Seven inches and luck.' ///// For someone who has yet to see you live, how would you explain your live performance?: 'We are a fun live show with many unexpected twists and turns. We suggest earplugs when you see us live.' //// If you were asked to suggest only one of your songs for someone to hear, which would it be?: 'La Vie Des Rois.' //// Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, so who are your current favourite Canadian bands/ artists? 'Check out Boar God, Les Martyrs de Marde, Xarah Dion and Beep Test.'" Nuage Flou (Bandcamp)    1:14:56 (Pop-up)
Melt-Banana  Flipside   Favoriting 3 + 5  A-Zap Records  2024  MELT-BANANA 8th Album "3 + 5" OUT on August 23rd, 2024!!! --"According to the album’s bio, written by the BBC’s Olli Siebelt, 3+5 “showcases the duo’s visionary musical approach and extraordinary abilities as performers: Yasuko Onuki’s giddy, hyperactive vocalizing and Ichiro Agata’s glitchy, cyberpunk guitar, delivered at dizzying speed, bathed in aggressive electronic sounds… 3+5 provides a fresh experience and perhaps inspiration for all.” 3+5 will span nine new songs." --- "Melt-Banana is a Japanese noise rock band [formed in 1992] that is known for playing extremely fast noise rock and hardcore punk mixed with experimental, electronica and pop-based song structures." // "In 1997, they created their own recording company, A-Zap (formerly Iguana Coax), and re-issued most of their early albums. Around this time, drummer Sudoh Toshiaki quit. Oshima Watchma became the new official drummer in February 1998." // "Watchma left the band in 2000, and since then the band has had different drummers on their tours and albums." https://melt-banana.net/  *   1:18:59 (Pop-up)
Kim Gordon  ECRP   Favoriting ECRP (Single)  Matador Records  2024  Kim Gordon has unleashed “ECRP,” a new standalone single arriving three months after her sophomore solo album, The Collective. //// Similar in style to the songs on The Collective, the Justin Raisen-produced “ECRP” features industrial, hip-hop-influenced sonics and stream-of-consciousness lyrics. Throughout the track, Gordon uses body part imagery (“Vein to the chest/ Tubes like garden hose/ Pumping in the fresh”) and sings of “rumors of free speech.” //// The music video was filmed in the streets of New York City and directed by Gordon’s daughter, Coco Gordon Moore. Kim Gordon- "ECRP" (Official Music Video) ////////// Gordon is about to kick off the first European run of her tour and will return for a North American leg in August before heading back across the pond in October."  *   1:20:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Song 1   Favoriting

Timehole 22 

Self Released 


Timehole is a free form improvisational band from Toronto. They are not concerned or bogged down by trivialities like album names or song titles...oh no...numbers will do just fine. 22 was released recently in May....one part shoegaze, one part drone, one part psych... Timehole (Bandcamp) --- Also, catch them playing Toronto live @ Sneaky Dee's tomorrow (full disclosure, Babs & I are also playing this show in our band), July 5, early show, 7pm doors. A-Minor Presents: Psychic Weapons w/ Artificial Light & Timehole /// Fri Jul 5 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Doors 7:00 PM) Sneaky Dee's Concert Venue 431 College Street, 2nd Floor 


1:24:50 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Song 3   Favoriting

Timehole 22 

Self Released 


Timehole is a free form improvisational band from Toronto. They are not concerned or bogged down by trivialities like album names or song titles...oh no...numbers will do just fine. 22 was released recently in May....one part shoegaze, one part drone, one part psych... Timehole (Bandcamp) --- Also, catch them playing Toronto live @ Sneaky Dee's tomorrow (full disclosure, Babs & I are also playing this show in our band), July 5, early show, 7pm doors. A-Minor Presents: Psychic Weapons w/ Artificial Light & Timehole /// Fri Jul 5 2024 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM (Doors 7:00 PM) Sneaky Dee's Concert Venue 431 College Street, 2nd Floor 


1:30:19 (Pop-up)
Friends of Dorothy  Hässleholm   Favoriting Hässleholm  Friends of Dorothy  2021  Not much on this band to be found except that have many explicit songs and are very queer friendly. Hässleholm is a locality and the seat of Hässleholm Municipality, Scania County, Sweden with 18,500 inhabitants in 2010. It gained the city title in 1914 and was then classified as one of Sweden's smallest cities. During the 20th century, it developed into a military hub. After the end of the Cold War, most of the military establishments were disbanded or moved to other locations. In 2000, Hässleholm's Cultural Center ("kulturhus") was opened. It features theatres, a library, a visitors center, and restaurants. East of the town center is the hometown park ("hembygdspark") with a statue called "Snapphanen", by the sculptor Axel Ebbe [sv]. The statue reminds of the area's history as a center for Scanian insurgents during the 17th-century struggles between Sweden and Denmark.    1:34:25 (Pop-up)
The Bug Club  Quality Pints   Favoriting Lonsdale Slipons Single  Sub Pop Records  2024  Last month, the Bug Club announced their signing to the iconic Seattle label and shared “Quality Pints,” Quality Pints is a wild two-minute rager that reminds me of the Buzzcocks and the Vaselines. It’s all about something the band has surely experienced during all that touring: the search for a decent beer in various cities around the world. In addition to the explosive punk-rock energy, the song has a hip-shaking rock ‘n’ roll element, manifested in a rattling tambourine and occasional outbursts of electric-shock lead guitar. Mark Riley gives the thumbs up so you know it's good!  *   1:36:35 (Pop-up)
The Blamers  Sex Trail   Favoriting Class Living  Agitated Records  2024  Released in March, 'Class Living' is the debut album from Sydney Rock band The Blamers. The band have a mission to simplify rock back to its basic proto-punk form...it’s a cross between rock, punk and retro pop...all the things we like!    1:38:54 (Pop-up)
Quintron  Place Unknown   Favoriting Are You Ready For An Organ Solo?  Three One G  2003  Born in Germany, Q came of age in Mobile, Alabama and St. Louis, Missouri. Combing electronic know-how and sonic flair, he headed to Chicago when he was 17, where he hooked up with Bulb records, who up to this point released most of his material. Quintron relocated to New Orleans in 1991, and during a bit of Mardi Gras magic, met his wife Miss Pussycat, a renowned puppeteer and proprietor of the now defunct theater space Pussycat Gardens. They've been working together on music, sexy costumes, musical gadgets, infomercials, and over-the-top live shows ever since.    1:41:31 (Pop-up)
Camille, Le Chiffre Organi-Ization  Rodin   Favoriting Rodin Single  Soundflat Records  2024  Here's CAMILLE, the effortlessly cool and stylish singer, rockin' her French elegance reflecting the 60s Ye-Ye girl spirit with this very first record accompanied by her talented well known musicians friends LE CHIFFRE ORGAN-IZATION. She loves jazz, art and fashion and last summer she wrote her very first song. If you are an undeniable fan of Jaqueline Taeib, Cleo, Suzanne Gabriello, Gillian Hills, Catherine Spaak, Sylvie Vartan, Francoise Hardy, Sheila, "Rodin" will most certainly take you right back in time. Camille sings about love, life and loneliness, an original composition about the love affair between Auguste Rodin and his student Camille Claudel...  *   1:45:05 (Pop-up)
Crack Cloud  The Medium (Bureau RMX)   Favoriting The Medium Single  Crack Cloud  2024  Crack Cloud return! Last week we played Blue Sky, and this l'il gem dropped a few weeks prior on June 18th...“The Medium” mostly goes for a giddy take on old-school Clash-style punk rock, complete with yobby British accent, at least until the string quartet comes in at the end. The lyrics riff on the entire idea of punk — a form of rebellion that’s not too difficult to turn into a money-making enterprise. Even with all that irony, it’s a restlessly sunny track, and it has a video to match. Band member Zach Choy co-directed the clip for “The Medium” with Aidan Pontarini, and it shoes all those cloudy crackers running around and having a great time.  *   1:47:34 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fusco, Brugnolini, Rizzati, DaLuca 

Piccolo Mary   Favoriting

Piacevole Ascolto 

Editioni Leonardi SRL 




1:51:20 (Pop-up)
Blur  Look Inside America   Favoriting Blur  Parlophone Records  1997  Musically the song bears a very strong resemblance to End Of The Century, to the degree that it almost seems like a musical sequel to that song. The song’s lyrics serves as a reflection on the band’s relationship with America, as Damon claims that despite being forced to pander to the US market through acts such as appearing on ‘second rate chat show(s)’, he has come to accept America for what it is. While it is not his kind of country, he ultimately has to stop trying to ‘make her mine’, and come to the conclusion that as a whole, America isn’t all that bad.    1:58:05 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Babs! Derek! Beach Bums!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
DJ Babs:

HEyooo buddy! You're firsties again!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

( 👁️)

howdy y'all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:01pm

G'day Babs, Derek & Beach Bums!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:02pm

↳ Scott_Oz @8:01
( 👁️)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm
DJ Babs:

Helllooo and welcome good Professor!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
DJ Babs:

And scoooooooottttt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm

↳ prof.fuzz @8:02
Fuzzman! 🍕🍻😎🤙💨🍺
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:03pm
DJ Babs:

Tonight's an extra special night...it's our 3rd anniversary of Beachin' together! I cannot believe it!
  🏝 8:03pm

hello! excited for another night at the beach
Avatar 8:03pm
Alli B:

Hiiii! 🍹

Hey folks! Been a while eh! cheers
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

  🏝 8:04pm

happy anniversary III!
Avatar 8:04pm
Alli B:

Cheers to 3 years of this incredible experience!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:03
congrats! y'all got talked up real nice on EFD's show comments on weds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
DJ Babs:

Hellooo GS! Savinoooooo! GS!
Avatar 8:05pm
Sean the guy who likes records:

Happy beach-versary!

Happy thirdiversary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm
DJ Babs:

Aww that's wicked! Derek ran across Evan's show and yes we were so surprised and rather chuffed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

SEAN!! Heya buddy! Thank you for hangin with us tonight!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Tom in Brooklyn:

Hi D&B - 3 years, great! Hi All!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

And I know I'll say this many times tonight especially if I have some wine...but we'd not be here without you AMAZING PEOPLE so thank you so much!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
DJ Babs:

Hello Tom!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hello Ulra, Prof.fuzz, Scott, GSuu, AlliB, Savino, SeanTGWLR, TominBrklyn, Hello hello hello!!!!!

Oh yeah I also heard EFD shout out you guys, and he played Creeping Nobodies as well
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:07pm

So next year will be 4²
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

Aww, thanks for all the Congrats, y'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
DJ Babs:

Can't think of a better place to be on a Thursday night! It's amazing to discover music with friends!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @8:04
Yes, that was very kind of Evan Funk Davies to play a track from my old band & send a shout out about this show... Will have to read the comments, that's really lovely of everyone to say nice things... We are amongst so many great & amazing ppl. This is really so special to us, each and every week a pleasure!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:10pm
Derek Westerholm:

Congrats to EFD on his 20th anniversary, too, that's fantastic! He's a legend, to be sure!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:11pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:09
there are so many quality shows in the WFMU universe, so it's easy for one to slip under radar. i'm happy to have been steered here this evening. so far so good!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:12pm

His show isn't on a great time for me these days, but EFD one of the station's greats. Happy 2 0 to him!
Avatar 8:13pm
Alli B:

This song is smoooooth
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:13pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz @8:11
We aim to please! Things go all over the place but yes, if you’re a fan of Evan’s taste we align quite nicely. 20 years?? A legend!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Alli B @8:13
I should get this for Juicebox eh Alli?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ savino @8:07
Savino, that's wild, & wonderful to see you in the chat again! Hope Savinoland is excellent these days!
Avatar 8:15pm
Alli B:

Oh for sure! This would have the midnight crowd going mental
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:17pm
DJ Babs:

I will make that happen! Also I love this song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm
DJ Babs:

Also I love that this project is a couple it makes the love songs that much better.
Avatar 8:21pm
Alli B:

Yeah that’s lovely
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
DJ Babs:

Derek’s sets are full of wonderful surprises this week!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm
DJ Babs:

Holy Robert smith! I’m ok with that
  🏝 8:24pm

ha true nice to hear
Avatar 8:24pm
Mr Fab:

A third birthday? Does that mean we get to spank Babs three times? Or better yet, she gets to spank us!

Here’s to many more years, This show has been an utter delight.
  🏝 8:25pm

i like Gring!
  🏝 8:27pm

the Sneaky Dee's show will be amazing! looking forward to it!

Hoping to see you fine folks at sneakys tomorrow! Timehole sounds cool too, like garagey trip-hop… what’s actual start time?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:29pm

I just caught a horror spoof movie on ScreenPix recently called Pandemonium. It's set in my home state of Indiana, but Tom Smothers plays a mountie investigating the murders. This is never explained. Except he gets to wear the costume and say 'ooot' a few times. Paul Reubens and Carol Kane are also in it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:29pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Mr Fab @8:24
I shall dole out the paddlin's. Three years? That's a paddlin'
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:30pm
DJ Babs:

Honestly we are shocked and pleased when anyone comes out to see us! LOL. But we do have a fantastic time and hope to entertain!
Avatar 8:33pm
Mr Fab:

That’s great about Evan Funk Davies. That’s the thing with radio, you never know who’s out there. It’s like this giant, invisible audience. Sometimes you’re think you’re doing it for like you and three other people.
Avatar 8:34pm

↳ Song: "Birthplace" by "Boar God"
I was in the car listening and loved this song...high all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
DJ Babs:

lauraaaa helloooooo!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:34pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @8:29
I gotta find that movie! I'm very pro Smothers brothers....
Avatar 8:35pm

↳ laurapanic @8:34
that was quite the typo. Maybe all should be high...that is a different philosophical discussion
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ savino @8:28
Savino, I think the Sneaky Dee's show starts just after 7pm, the whole thing has to be over by 10pm, as they will be clearing the club for a dance night.

Ok thx D!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

↳ Song: "Martin Sheen" by "Edie Sedgwick"
When you need a hair spray that takes charge of your hair. Martin Sheen. www.dailymotion.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm
DJ Babs:

In the old days I would be so offended to play before 10 pm and now....it's THEE BEST TIME SLOT lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ laurapanic @8:34
Laura, right on, so glad yoiu loved the Boar God... Just found out about them this week, from our next-door-province Quebec, just 5 or 6 freeway hours down the road from us in Montreal. So many great bands in Montreal... Got another one coming up in my next set...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

^ yoiu = "you", kinda like how high = "hi"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:40pm
DJ Babs:

We are headed to Montreal in a few weeks so hopefully we'll be able to see/find some bands and records while there.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
DJ Babs:

Oh yeah, all the record store staff see me coming LOL
Avatar 8:44pm
Sean the guy who likes records:

Loving this set guys!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

That Sheaves record I mentioned last week made this list of best punk on BC for June (as did Sn​õ​õ​per) daily.bandcamp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm
DJ Babs:

Pascal at Beatnik has offered me access to the inner 7" sanctum next time I'm there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
DJ Babs:

Nice! I checked out Sheaves it's GREAT
Avatar 8:49pm
Sean the guy who likes records:

Feck ya!
Avatar 8:50pm
Alli B:

LOVE Archie!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Babs:

HAHAHA! I didn't know it was the guy from HEE HAW!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50pm
DJ Babs:

I'm sorry but I thought my head would explode at this point during the debate.
Avatar 8:51pm
Alli B:

I thought that meme talking about watching the last season of the USA was painfully funny
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
DJ Babs:

And also painfully sad....hey at least UK voted Labour back in...HOORAY!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

Avatar 8:53pm
Alli B:

Tbh, I was surprised that they did. Thankful, but surprised.
Avatar 8:53pm

↳ Song: "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding??" by "Wild Bill...
Childish fans would love this book, from the perspective of the women in his sphere at the time, in the various bands. It's a great perspective on the whole world of Childish and those in his orbit.

Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:53pm

↳ DJ Babs @8:52
In a full landslide, by the looks of it.
Avatar 8:54pm
Alli B:

Into it
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

Do you happen to have Newtown Neurotics' "Kick Out The Tories" lying around?
Avatar 8:54pm
Sean the guy who likes records:


Hi all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @8:55
Kristine, hello!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @8:54
Not I...!

Speaking of Birmingham, catch ‘This Town’ if you can, pretty good
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:59

↳ Derek Westerholm @8:58
hi derek, how are you??
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:05pm

Reminds me of Messer Chups' Hollywood Devils, in which Zombierella namedrops Klaus Kinski, Udo Kier, Willem Dafoe, etc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

↳ savino @8:59
Wait!? This town with the brother sister? I fucking LOVE that show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Kristine @9:01
Kristine, doing alright, all & all... Settling into the sticky summer, trying to get a day here & there, concentrating on music & radio things when possible, all those sorts of things... How are you? How's the world of KristineK?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
DJ Babs:

Hiiiii Kristine!!!! You are back! How was Switzerland?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

↳ Song: "Covfefe" by "Donald"
German weirdos Doc Wör Mirran have a song/album called Covfefe too docwoermirran.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

↳ ultradamno @9:09
There a live clip on you tube of them playing it and they all have Trump masks on
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "Delores" by "Th' Faith Healers"
Th' Faith Healers are one of those bands who you are happy if their songs don't end... And they knew it... So they generally didn't rush the job.

↳ DJ Babs @9:07
CH was wonderful ! we were all over the place and everything was beautiful! saw lots of cows and ate everything and bought all the cheese so i am happy lol!

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:07
things are good! back two days now and i think i am over jetlag already. its so humid here compared to over there, which is not agreeing with me!

i actually made it! better late than never ☹️
Avatar 9:13pm

↳ Song: "Government Of Spain" by "Prolapse"
this is so cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ shellioh @9:13
Shellioh, hello hello!!!!
Avatar 9:14pm
Alli B:


finally home!
PJ Garfield:

Congrats on the anniversary show :) See ye tomorrow night at Sneakys, cheers for the shout out, that’s wicked, should be a fun one
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

↳ ultradamno @9:05
Full lyrics (minus the occasional 'ooooh' for emphasis):

Boris Karloff
Bela Lugosi
Vincent Price
Christopher Lee

Klaus Kinski
Udo Kier
Willem DaFoe
Robert Englund
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ laurapanic @9:13
I will champion the greatness of this band 'til the end of my days... Sometimes they sound like a war, sometimes they sound like a brooding meditation, sometimes they are oppositional, sometimes they are in accord... It all depends, really.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
DJ Babs:

ohh it's getting super dark.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
DJ Babs:

↳ PJ Garfield @9:14
Hi PJ! Thank you so much! Looking so forward to tomorrow! :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
DJ Babs:

↳ shellioh @9:14
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

Unfortunately the rain stopped so this is now fighting fireworks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ PJ Garfield @9:14
Thanks PJG! Lovely to see you here!

love this nuage flou!
Avatar 9:18pm
Alli B:

This song is INCREDIBLE
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:17
Fighting or is the one augmenting the other? Like those times when you are in the car and the windshield wipers squeak or signal clicks to the music in an unbelievably pleasing way...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:18pm

I think the phrase 'crepey skin' may overtake 'covfefe' though...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
DJ Babs:

↳ ultradamno @9:17
No! It’s for WITH fireworks! Lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "La Vie Des Rois" by "Nuage Flou"
The other Montreal discovery of this week... I love it so much!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:15
You’ve sold me 💯 on prolapse. Honestly I think it’s the name that held them back lol.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:20pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:18
That works for Bat Chain Puller (a song Beefheart famously took Drumbo out to his car to listen to the wipers for instruction on what he wanted)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm
DJ Babs:

I will
Also say I totes get why ppl love Melt Banana. Also Melt Banana makes me long for Atari Teenage Riot
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi DJ Babs, Derek, and all!!!
Avatar 9:22pm

↳ DJ Babs @9:21
oh Atari Teenage Riot!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:22
Hello there Will-theeSGOCNY... What sounds are happening these days?
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:23pm

I remember a review of Those Darlins where they negatively compared Zazu's vocals to Melt Banana....I love both but don't hear it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
DJ Babs:

Uuuugh this Kim Gordon is soooo hard!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Song: "ECRP" by "Kim Gordon"
"Rumours of free speech"... Great lyric...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:25pm
DJ Babs:

↳ laurapanic @9:22
ATR take me back to a time when I was young and free and silly
Avatar 9:25pm
Alli B:

Can you imagine that we missed Kim in June?!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
DJ Babs:

Yeahhh…I’m very upset about that
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
DJ Babs:

Jah Wobble is coming in August and I do not want to miss that

i am also sad i missed kim play

jah wobble is not playing in august, he is playing next week!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:30pm
DJ Babs:

oh fuck! ok I gotta try and get tickets. noo foolin'
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

@DJ Babs: in the comments on EFD's show, it was mentioned that you would be swearing. i am not disappointed that you are delivering the potty mouth.
we'll get along just fine!
Avatar 9:36pm

↳ Song: "ECRP" by "Kim Gordon"
I'm seeing Kim in a couple of weeks in an art gallery
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

Every time a firework goes off and I don't immediately hear a scream of agony, part of me deflates.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz @9:36
ohohhohoooooooo well you know it was a great debate here but I am who I am and yes it's a salty tongue. Mostly I think because I'm just sooo excited by all these bands!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @9:36
Almost always true... haha.
Avatar 9:38pm
Alli B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:38pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ laurapanic @9:36
Laura, that's amazing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ ultradamno @9:36
How inflated are you, UD? Be careful not too deflate yourself entirely...
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:39pm

This could be a Toy Dolls song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Alli B @9:38
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:39
I wouldn't think very...it's like when people die in Liquid Sky
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:41pm
Derek Westerholm:

Hey all & all... Next up here on Sheena's Jungle Room is Bob Barth's "One Night Stand"... And what does he have in store for you this momentous night? ---- This! Next on Sheena's ---> "Thu. Jul 4th, 10pm - 2am: JULY 4th SPECIAL: Bob chats with the UNC ACHORDANTS & much more!!
LIVE from Los Angeles: Since 2001 they have been the rebels of the acappella scene at the University of North Carolina. Tonight on the show the UNC ACHORDANTS stop by to talk about their history, their brand new album and... Shrek! FILM: BEVERLY HILLS COP: Axel F special. THEATRE: The Matrix Theatre in West Hollywood knows how to blow out pride month with a bang as they present the cult classic PSYCHO BEACH PARTY. CONCERT: Hollywood Bowl! Harry Connick Jr.! Fireworks! Is there a better way to celebrate the Fourth of July? July 4th at 7pm-11pm PT, 10pm - 2am ET."
Avatar 9:43pm
Alli B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @9:36
Also, Prof.fuzz, thanks for being along w/ us this deep into the ride...!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:44
my pleasure. adding this show to my regular listening calendar! right up my alley.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
DJ Babs:

ohhh the wine is kicking in I might be getting maudlin....lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
DJ Babs:

↳ prof.fuzz @9:46
truly it's always so exciting to welcome a new friend to the beach! thank you for joining us tonight prof!
Avatar 9:49pm
Bob Barth:

↳ Derek Westerholm @9:41
Thanks Derek!!! All that plus REEFER MADNESS!!! Happy 4th Everybody!!
Avatar 9:50pm

I say it every week, Bob Barth's show is cool. Even just for his opening song WHICH HE SINGS
Avatar 9:51pm
Bob Barth:

↳ laurapanic @9:50
my Queen, you are too kind. We're gonna have a blast tonight!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ prof.fuzz @9:46
prof.fuzz, so happy to hear that! We love to share! So lucky to be in this world of exc. music all around us! And fantastic ppl. to share with...
Avatar 9:51pm
Bob Barth:

↳ Song: "The Medium (Bureau RMX)" by "Crack Cloud"
Hell yeah, LOVE THIS!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
DJ Babs:

↳ Bob Barth @9:51
Agreed Bob's vocal stylings are NEVER to be missed!!!
Avatar 9:53pm
Bob Barth:

↳ DJ Babs @9:51
LOL - like a car crash you can't unhear!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

Happy 3 years Babs & Derek. I haven't chimed in on chat as I'm basking in some precious winter rays with Gus & beers. But listening & loving the show as always my mates.
Avatar 9:56pm
Alli B:

Babs your laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😍

Hey, all. Another day of adventure.
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 9:58pm

Speaking of the pope...the first millennial saint (I know the picture makes it seem like an Onion piece, but it's real) www.cnn.com...
  🏝 9:59pm

great show! thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
DJ Babs:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ gsdoubleu @9:59
Thank-you, Gsuu!
Avatar 🏝 Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

thx derek and babs!
see y'all again soon!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
DJ Babs:

Thank you EVERYONE for putting up with our nonsense for three years! :-) ❤️
Avatar 10:00pm
Bob Barth:

Follow... www.wfmu.org...

Happy anniversary. See you next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ v-dawg @9:57
V-Dawg! Hello! Yay to adventure!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Derek Westerholm:

↳ Bob Barth @10:00
Onward to Bob, everyone...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01pm
DJ Babs:

goodnight all! We will see you next week..slow fade out......
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