Favoriting The Hour of Crap with Don-O: Playlist from July 5, 2024 Favoriting

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The Hour Of Crap is an hour's worth of crap and I make no apologies!

Friday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting July 5, 2024: Slack to Las Vegas 2024
After we demolish X-day 2024, we spend 3 hours with old new and the ridiculous that is Las Vegas, including some rare floor shows that didn't survive these days of F1 and YouTubers roaming those Vegas streets. Special mention to www.notleavinglasvegas.com.

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
The Church Of The SubGenius    Hour of Slack #637 (Final show before X-day (Recorded June 23, 1998)    MP3  edit  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Sheila Simone  Folies Bergére Show in Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3    0:08:04 (Pop-up)
Martin Mull  I Haven't Got A Vegas Idea   Favoriting Sex & Violins  ABC Records  MP3    0:10:32 (Pop-up)
  Calvin Apartments       MP3    0:13:37 (Pop-up)
The Doubleclicks  The Sirens of Treasure Island   Favoriting   Bandcamp  MP3    0:14:31 (Pop-up)
April Winchell & Mr. KABC  The quintessential celebrity sighting   Favoriting     MP3    0:17:17 (Pop-up)
Stardust Hotel & Casino  Lido de Paris Opening   Favoriting     MP3  circa 1989  0:23:29 (Pop-up)
Tourist Records  Sights & Sounds Of Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3  side 1  0:42:18 (Pop-up)
KDWN-AM  Sand Dunes/Bali Hi Blair House   Favoriting     MP3    0:48:49 (Pop-up)
Tourist Records  Sights & Sounds Of Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3  side 2  0:49:30 (Pop-up)
Stardust Hotel & Casino  Lido 25th Anniversary   Favoriting     MP3    0:55:31 (Pop-up)
Stardust Hotel & Casino  Lido De Paris/Jazz It Up   Favoriting     MP3    0:56:12 (Pop-up)
Stardust Hotel & Casino  Lido de Paris/Bananas   Favoriting     MP3    0:59:21 (Pop-up)
Rod Rogers & the Travis Jay Jones Orchestra  Lights Of Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3    1:04:57 (Pop-up)
Alex Stein  Las Vegas is taking advantage of tourists   Favoriting     MP3    1:07:15 (Pop-up)
Imperial Palace  Bravo Vegas/Introduction   Favoriting     MP3    1:13:30 (Pop-up)
  Las Vegas Last Oasis In America       MP3  audio/edited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdTx5G0y_h4&t=656s  1:25:27 (Pop-up)
Charles Supin/KDWN-AM  Weekend In Las Vegas 03   Favoriting     MP3    1:40:29 (Pop-up)
Godfrey Cambridge  Las Vegas - Sodom And Gomorrah West   Favoriting     MP3    1:49:07 (Pop-up)
Las Vegas Scene  Wes Dakus   Favoriting     MP3    1:54:14 (Pop-up)
Patton Oswalt  Cirque du Soleil   Favoriting     MP3    1:56:14 (Pop-up)
Joni Adams  Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3    1:58:44 (Pop-up)
Vegas  Woody Allen   Favoriting     MP3    2:01:47 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Straight To The Top (Vegas)   Favoriting Franks Wild Years  Island Records  MP3    2:04:05 (Pop-up)
Gus Giuffre & Stan Skiba  The Las Vegas Story   Favoriting     MP3    2:07:29 (Pop-up)
The Magnetics  Las Vegas   Favoriting     MP3  this is the b-side o 'The Las Vegas Story' single  2:13:06 (Pop-up)
1140 KXNO  Casino Radio   Favoriting     MP3  Circa 1993  2:22:58 (Pop-up)
Dunes Hotel & Casino  Musique Casino de Paris de l'hôtel casino   Favoriting     MP3  sides 1 & 2  2:30:44 (Pop-up)
Nevada Public Radio  Las Vegas Extravaganzas   Favoriting The Las Vegas I Remeber    MP3    2:45:14 (Pop-up)
Hunter S. Thompson (sort of)  End Of The Road.../Outro   Favoriting Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas  Margaritaville  MP3    2:55:53 (Pop-up)
The Dead Kennedys  Vivia Las Vegas   Favoriting Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas OST  Geffen Records  MP3    2:59:23 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:02pm
Mr Fab:

Hello, slack-filled fellas!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

Hey Don-O and crew
Avatar 6:03pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:02
You survived your marathon, Fab!! Congratulations!
Avatar 6:03pm

↳ Aitch @6:02
Xappy X-day Vegas, Aitch!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm
Asheville Jon:

aw, it's this crappy show again.
hi everyone!

Allow me to confess that even while I'm on the comment board, I'm listening alternatively to a Gustav Holst quintet for piano and wind, i.e., not crap.
Avatar 6:06pm

↳ Asheville Jon @6:04
We got some classy crap from Vegas this week!! Good X-day and all that, Ashville Jon!

Music from Vegas? Oh, man, this is gonna be hot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:06pm
Asheville Jon:

is church of subgenius the same as negativland?
Avatar 6:07pm

↳ Dean @6:06
It's all hot and it gonna hurt, Dean!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Asheville Jon:

sorry if that is a dumb question. i never got the relation, if any, between negativland, subgenius, over the edge

Yes, Ashevillle Jon, in the same way that the Roman Catholic Church is the same as LAMBDA.
Avatar 6:08pm

↳ Asheville Jon @6:06
Good question. Hopefully, Buddy will show up and tackle that question...

(Trust me. Coming from me, that joke is way out of bounds.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Asheville Jon:

i mean i've been listening to this stuff for many decades, you think i'd have figured it out by now.
Avatar 6:09pm

↳ Song: "Folies Bergére Show in Las Vegas" by "Sheila Simone"
Folies Bergérrrrrrrrrrrrree!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:10pm
Asheville Jon:

i don't know what LAMBDA is. :(
man, i'm an idiot
Avatar 6:11pm

↳ Song: "I Haven't Got A Vegas Idea" by "Martin Mull"
RIP, Martin Mull!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

hey now.
Avatar 6:12pm

↳ dale @6:11
Now Hey, dale!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

refrigerated air conditioning is the best kind.

Asheville Jon, no, you're not an idiot.
Avatar 6:15pm

↳ Asheville Jon @6:10
You're not an idiot. You're just brave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

Wuts all this crap? the pub is already closed? Work is such a distraction.
Avatar 6:17pm

↳ WR @6:16
We're all drunk with American Slack!! Good crappy Hello, WR!
Avatar 6:17pm

Scantily clad Pirates are AMERICA>
Avatar 6:19pm

↳ Fredericks @6:17
Good Vegs Slack, Fredericks!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:19pm

this is jerry mahoney's sister.
Avatar 6:23pm
Buddy Runyan:

I’m listening now. Bullhead City around 115 degrees at 3 PM.
Avatar 6:25pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:23
Hey, Buddy. Try not to get a groin muscle dancing to these numbers!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:23
named for the catfish?
Avatar 6:26pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:23
Well, Monday, we'll be kissing 121! The concrete will burst in fire......if we're lucky! There's a small black out in Vegas and in Henderson right now....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

why do you people like living in hellfire?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:28pm

....i know it's a dry heat and all.
Avatar 6:29pm
Mr Fab:

This snazzy music goes well after Georgy’s style themed show. Sheenas- the one radio channel with a dress code!
Avatar 6:30pm

↳ dale @6:28
Cheap real estate......except for Vegas unfortunately.....
Avatar 6:31pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @6:26
Right now temperatures in your surrounding area are approaching 120 degrees.
Avatar 6:32pm
Buddy Runyan:

That music sounds like it was recorded open mic off of a PA system.
Avatar 6:34pm
Mr Fab:

↳ dale @6:28
Like the old saying, you don’t have to shovel sunshine!
Avatar 6:35pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:32
Recorded on a VHS tape and filtered through YouTube. That how I got many of these tracks...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:36pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:29
dress code for this number might be feather boas and pasties.
Avatar 6:39pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @6:35
Gives it a distinctive “tacky” quality.

Here in Berkeley, we're sweltering at 78F.
Avatar 6:41pm

I almost played the audio of this video! www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

so much golden entertainment on those MD marathons.

It’s not the heat it’s the humidity

It's not the heat. It's not the humidity.

It's the hell of other people.

↳ Dean @6:47
Samhain has entered the chat
Avatar 6:51pm

↳ DraculasPissBoy @6:46
That would be New Orleans. Great place, avoid the summer!! Worse than Vegas. Oh, and Good Crappy Hello, DracPissBoy!

↳ Don-O @6:51
Viva Las Vegas King. I hope I die on the toilet to!
Avatar 6:53pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Sights & Sounds Of Las Vegas" by "Tourist Records"
666 is her number. Well, it is sin city.

↳ Mr Fab @6:53
666 on the slots pays triple!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

no radio spots for the homeless tent cities?
Avatar 6:57pm

↳ Song: "Lido De Paris/Jazz It Up" by "Stardust Hotel & Ca...
Taken from Jerry's Labor Day Marathon....
Avatar 6:58pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Sand Dunes/Bali Hi Blair House" by "KDWN-AM"
I love how that hotel is called the Sand Dunes. To fool people into thinking they might be staying at the Sands or the Dunes.

🍌 🍌 🍑 🍑

Jerry approves of this message
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

↳ Song: "Lido de Paris/Bananas" by "Stardust Hotel & Casino"
this is pretty bad. i'd be spending a lot of time in the restroom unless the ladies were scantily clad.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

Hell-O Don-O, Crap-O-Holics
Avatar 🎸 7:02pm

Hell-O Big D, Dumpers and Boopers
Avatar 7:03pm

↳ Mr Fab @6:58
I would have that Gold Key Hotel spot!! That is the most sincere radio spot I ever heard!!!
Avatar 7:03pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:01
Merry X-day Vegas, Cp304!

Oui oui!!!
Avatar 7:04pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:01
Merry (all that jazz), coelacantho!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

↳ dale @7:01
food tastes better, music sounds better, the end of the world looks better when there are scantily-clad ladies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

↳ Don-O @7:04
Happy 5th of july!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

so i look up lido de paris on youtube and there's an emcee type figure with an orangutan. what's up with that? circa 1990.

↳ coelacanth∅ @7:06
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

↳ Song: "Las Vegas is taking advantage of tourists" by "Al...
he's vulnerable AND anxious....
Avatar 🎸 7:08pm

Las Vegas Damnit

Viva, Las Damnit!
Avatar 7:10pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Las Vegas is taking advantage of tourists" by "Al...
This has to be a put-on.
Avatar 7:12pm

↳ Mr Fab @7:10
It was: www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:12pm

haha! the only place he's seen multiple people taking free vaccines on the street at 4 in the morning.
...i know of other dark allies and squats where he could find that
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:16pm

↳ Song: "Bravo Vegas/Introduction" by "Imperial Palace"
is peter lemonjello in this revue?
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Song: "Bravo Vegas/Introduction" by "Imperial Palace"
Here's the video of this show: www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎸 7:20pm

↳ Song: "Bravo Vegas/Introduction" by "Imperial Palace"
The passion..
Avatar 🎸 7:24pm

↳ Song: "Bravo Vegas/Introduction" by "Imperial Palace"
This is a sample worthy set fo sho
Avatar 7:27pm
Mr Fab:

“You don’t think I’m on television with my broad, do you?“
Avatar 7:27pm

For your X-day needs: (after this show) (if you haven't seen this already!) www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎸 7:28pm

↳ Mr Fab @7:27
I don't think he was from the west coast

↳ Mr Fab @7:27
I’m a habitual line stepper
Avatar 7:33pm

We're at the halfway point of this crappy mess.....

“Nothing ruins sex like marriage”-count chokula
Avatar 🎸 7:38pm

That guy with the broom.. sounds like my luck
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

↳ Don-O @7:20
silver bikini-ish outfits on the guys - is that for the ladies titillation or some of the other guys?
Avatar 7:44pm

↳ dale @7:43
.....for the money....
  🎸 7:45pm
Listener Robert:

There was a lady who used to do spots on Coast to Coast AM whose spots I had to listen to many times closely to figure out they were for time shares rather than general plugs fpr Las Vegas.
Avatar 7:46pm

↳ Listener Robert @7:45
Vegas follows us, Listener Robert! This show included....
Avatar 7:55pm
Buddy Runyan:

Vintage hi-fi!

↳ Buddy Runyan @7:55
Cut a rug
Avatar 7:57pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ DraculasPissBoy @7:56
Avatar 🎸 7:57pm

Heya Budday!
Avatar 7:58pm
Buddy Runyan:

Just a bit too sexy!
Avatar 7:59pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @7:57
  🎸 8:01pm
Listener Robert:

I saw Cirque de Soleil in New York and Miami Beach, and none of it ever looked gay to me. Then again, hardly anything does.
Avatar 8:03pm
Buddy Runyan:

Bullhead City and vicinity are now between 118 and 121 degrees.
Avatar 8:06pm
Buddy Runyan:

Avatar 8:06pm

↳ Listener Robert @8:01
I've seen two of those Soleil; Ka was entertaining and confusing and Love was great....and easy to understand....
  🎸 8:06pm
Listener Robert:

I guess I have to develop a sense of "gay" vs. "straight" like Lenny Bruce's on "goyish" bs. "jewish".
Avatar 8:08pm

↳ Don-O @8:06
The language used for the KI show were made up (in my opinion)
Avatar 8:12pm
Buddy Runyan:

Las Vegas = The Meadows
Avatar 8:13pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:12
= The Land Of The Hangover!
Avatar 8:17pm
Buddy Runyan:

Isn’t it actually pronounced Lăs Vegas?
Avatar 8:18pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:17
There's a bigger fuss on how to pronounce 'Neava'.....
Avatar 8:19pm

↳ Song: "Las Vegas" by "The Magnetics"
The air ain't fresh anymore!!!
Avatar 8:21pm

BTW: I forgot to include that Bert Kaempfert track. Nevermind!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

↳ Song: "The Las Vegas Story" by "Gus Giuffre & Stan Skiba"
The narrator mentioned Boulder Dam, looked it up and seems that FDR and his administration used the name Boulder Dam, even though it was initially Hoover Dam when started in 1931. Wikipedia says that in 1947 USA Congress restored the name to Hoover Dam.
Avatar 8:21pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @8:18
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:22pm
Kat in the chat:

Here for the rest of the Vegas crap.
Avatar 8:23pm

One of many of Steven's live streams: www.youtube.com...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:23pm
Kat in the chat:

Ooh Mr Fab, I'm gonna treat myself to that crazy fill-in this weekend.
Avatar 8:24pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:22
Good Crappy Hello....and bad ques, Kat.
Avatar 8:26pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Kat in the chat @8:23
Sorry, got word from the station that for some reason only the last three hours were recorded...
Avatar 8:27pm

↳ Mr Fab @8:26
That stinks. The risk of live radio, I guess.....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:28pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Mr Fab @8:26
Rats! I'll take what I can get, I guess. I took the day off but was actually Doing Stuff. Only hit 95 degrees here today haha
  🎸 8:29pm
Listener Robert:

↳ WR @8:21
So is this another excuse to mention here that I flew on an airliner with Herbert Hoover? Daddy had wanted to take me to meet the pilot -- that was a common diversion in those days, taking kids forward to the pilot's compartment where they'd greet them -- but the Secret Service had the way blocked and wouldn't let us thru. That was the only way we knew Hoover was aboard.
Avatar 8:29pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:28
Yea, that big H is choak holding everywhere....
Avatar 8:31pm

↳ Song: "Musique Casino de Paris de l'hôtel casino" by "Du...
Aggressively bad French accent radio!
Avatar 8:39pm

Anybody pulled a muscle dancing this stuff yet?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Kat in the chat:

Too busy eating cold chicken
Avatar 🎸 8:41pm

↳ Don-O @8:39
My ankle is hurting, but I don't know why
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Kat in the chat:

This is worse French pronunciation than me doing Duolingo in the mornings
Avatar 8:43pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:41
You should hear the first track I played. It was incredibly offensive!
Avatar 8:43pm
Buddy Runyan:

My toenail fungus just got slightly worse.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:43pm
Kat in the chat:

The Flying Carcass?
Avatar 8:43pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:43
In THAT case, You and Mark need Vegas, toot sweet!
Avatar 8:44pm

↳ Song: "Musique Casino de Paris de l'hôtel casino" by "Du...
Paul King is NOT French!!
Avatar 8:45pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @8:43
I’ll just do a bit of tooting.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:43
I got that on my right big toe from the crappy slippers I was wearing around the house (without socks) during the pandemic. Finally got rid of it about six months ago.
Avatar 8:49pm
Buddy Runyan:

Have it on both feet and up my legs. Just wearing flip flops and no socks.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:49
Yikes! Have you had that looked at?
Avatar 8:52pm
Buddy Runyan:

Not yet. My regular physical examination will be coming up in the next month, however.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:52pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:52
Avatar 8:55pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:52
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Kat in the chat:

I'd like to hear a long Martin Mull tribute.
Avatar 8:56pm

Five more minutes before this Vegas crap is over. Thanks for the visit everyone!!
Avatar 8:56pm
Buddy Runyan:

Anyone know if and when Martin Mull said “tough darts?”
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Kat in the chat:

Thanks, Don-O! I'll catch up on what I missed tomorrow. I see April Winchell in there...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:56
It does seem like something he would say.
Avatar 8:58pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:56
We'll find out when I do that Martin Mull show. Tough Darts fer now....
Avatar 8:58pm
Buddy Runyan:

I think it was on an episode of Mary Harrtman Mary Hartman.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

sorry i missed the show, Don-O! will catch the archive
Avatar 8:59pm
Buddy Runyan:

Fun show, even though I know very little of Las Vegas.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Thank you! Don-O!
Avatar 9:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

Awkward moment?
Avatar 9:00pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @9:00
Jello singing.....
Avatar 9:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

Damn typo!
Avatar 9:01pm
Buddy Runyan:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

Looking forward to Martin Mull feature!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm

Thanks Don-O!
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