Favoriting Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman: Playlist from July 6, 2024 Favoriting

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Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.

Saturday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting July 6, 2024

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Habesha 2000 Band  Habesha Traditional Song 3   Favoriting Staring Into The Sun  Sublime Fequencies  2011    0:03:15 (Pop-up)
Oh No  Pardon Me   Favoriting Dr. No's Ethiopium  Disruption Productions  2010    0:07:57 (Pop-up)
Oh No  Madness   Favoriting Dr. No's Ethiopium  Disruption Productions  2010    0:08:46 (Pop-up)
Ayalew Mesfin  Hasabe (My Worries)   Favoriting Hasabe - My Worries  Now-Again  2018    0:10:38 (Pop-up)
Mulugeta Haile Michael  Unknown   Favoriting "Sample Record" 7"  Philips  197?    0:14:33 (Pop-up)
Muluken Melesse  Ete Endenesh Gedawo   Favoriting Wotetie Mare / Ete Endenesh Gedawo 7'  Amha  1975    0:18:09 (Pop-up)
Mahmoud Ahmed with the Ibex Band  Eho Ho Gedama   Favoriting Tezeta / Eho Ho Gedama 7"  Kaifa  1975    0:22:41 (Pop-up)
Alexander Hawkins and Sofia Jernberg  Muziqawi Silt   Favoriting Musho  Intakt  2024  https://alexanderhawkinsintakt.bandcamp.com/album/musho  0:27:10 (Pop-up)
Poets of Rhythm  Ethiopia   Favoriting Live at The Maze, Nottingham, UK, 2006  N/A  2006    0:34:41 (Pop-up)
Mulatu Astatke  Assosa Derache   Favoriting Sketches Of Ethiopia  Jazz Village  2013    0:40:48 (Pop-up)
Oh No  World Traveler   Favoriting Dr. No's Ethiopium  Disruption Productions  2010    0:50:49 (Pop-up)
Ethiopian Street Poet  Unknown   Favoriting Street Poem in Ethiopia  N/A  2013  https://youtu.be/CMXnbRH2-tg?si=oHaKPnumZDqt2NMf  0:54:50 (Pop-up)
Alèmayèhu Eshèté  Tashamanalètch   Favoriting Heavenly Ethiopiques - Best Of Ethiopiques Series  Heavenly Sweetness  2014    0:56:41 (Pop-up)
Seyoum Gèbrèyès  Hamétègnaw   Favoriting Heavenly Ethiopiques - Best Of Ethiopiques Series  Heavenly Sweetness  2014    1:00:47 (Pop-up)
Slim Smith  What a Situation   Favoriting People Funny Boy – The Upsetter Singles 1968-1969  Doctor Bird / Cherry Red  2024  https://www.cherryred.co.uk/label/doctor-bird/various-artists-people-funny-boy-the-upsetter-singles-1968-1969-2cd  1:07:40 (Pop-up)
Sahib Shihab  Jamila   Favoriting Jazz Sahib  Savoy  1957    1:10:15 (Pop-up)
Stark Reality  Prelude To Say Brother   Favoriting Acting, Thinking, Feeling  Now-Again  2013    1:15:57 (Pop-up)
Karen Dalton  Something On Your Mind   Favoriting In My Own Time  Paramount / Just Sunshine  1971    1:19:25 (Pop-up)
Jacques Coursil  IV - The Removal (Act I)   Favoriting Trails Of Tears  Universal Jazz  2010    1:22:47 (Pop-up)
The Beach Boys  Wonderful   Favoriting Smiley Smile  Brother  1967  Mono  1:37:30 (Pop-up)
Sathima Bea Benjamin  Africa   Favoriting African Songbird  Matsuli Music  2013    1:39:48 (Pop-up)
The Mellotones  What A Botheration   Favoriting People Funny Boy – The Upsetter Singles 1968-1969  Doctor Bird / Cherry Red  2024  https://www.cherryred.co.uk/label/doctor-bird/various-artists-people-funny-boy-the-upsetter-singles-1968-1969-2cd  2:01:15 (Pop-up)
Sarathy Korwar  Bol (feat. Zia Ahmed & Aditya Prakash)   Favoriting More Arriving  Leaf  2019    2:06:03 (Pop-up)
Litto Nebbia  El Revolver Es Un Hombre Legal   Favoriting Canciones Que No Quieren Morir  VampiSoul  2024  https://www.forcedexposure.com/Catalog/VAMPI.304LP.html  2:15:10 (Pop-up)
Stanton Davis And The Ghetto Mysticism Band  Isis Voyage   Favoriting Isis Voyage  Cultures of Soul  2014    2:20:07 (Pop-up)
Lee Perry  What a Situation aka What a Botheration   Favoriting People Funny Boy – The Upsetter Singles 1968-1969  Doctor Bird / Cherry Red  2024  https://www.cherryred.co.uk/label/doctor-bird/various-artists-people-funny-boy-the-upsetter-singles-1968-1969-2cd  2:30:14 (Pop-up)
Rəhman Məmmədli  Yanıq Kərəmı̇   Favoriting Azerbaijani Gitara Volume 2  Bongo Joe  2024  https://rhmanmmmdli.bandcamp.com/album/azerbaijani-gitara-volume-2  2:36:19 (Pop-up)
Ornette Coleman  Civilization Day   Favoriting Science Fiction  Columbia  1972    2:41:33 (Pop-up)
RK Nagati  De L'Orient A L'Orion   Favoriting Mobilisation Générale: Protest and Spirit Jazz from France (1970-1976)  Born Bad  2013    2:47:39 (Pop-up)
Siegfried Kessler / Gus Nemeth / Stu Martin  De L'Orient À Orion   Favoriting Solaire  SouffleContinu  2023    2:52:36 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:04pm

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Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:08pm

Hi David and Streamers!
Avatar 7:09pm

Hey Dr. J😎
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

hey folks!
Avatar 7:14pm

Future episodes of Observations of Deviance will include exclusive interviews with:

1. Arnaud Dolmen (Guadeloupe)

2. Steve Beresford (UK)

3. David Toop (UK)

4. Rəhman Məmmədli (Azerbaijan)

and more
Avatar 7:15pm

Greetings mack
Avatar 7:16pm

hot show!
Avatar 7:17pm

↳ Artanker @7:16
Avatar 7:18pm

I'm about to switch from the home listening situation to headphones, so I'll be glad to have this in my ears as I navigate Brooklyn street heat. Hello Observations and peoples! Glad to meet ya!
Avatar 7:21pm

*wakes up* hola david and deviantes!
Avatar 7:21pm

Welcome north
Avatar 7:24pm

↳ Song: "Eho Ho Gedama" by "Mahmoud Ahmed with the Ibex Band"
updated track listing
Avatar 7:29pm

↳ Song: "Muziqawi Silt" by "Alexander Hawkins and Sofia Je...
In the duo, traditional songs from Ethiopia, Armenia, Sweden and elsewhere become the starting point for the development of an exciting and very personal sound world.

David Toop writes in the liner notes:

“Where is home, where is return for the scattered? Soft and crystalline, a music of edges, silence and tangential shoots, Musho dwells in these questions, invites the listener to consider displacement, migration, identity, responsibility, bloody history, the seepage of culture and community, but more than that, invites listening.”

Me likes this crazyness. 1:28 am and very tired. Purrrfect
Avatar 7:29pm

↳ Song: "Muziqawi Silt" by "Alexander Hawkins and Sofia Je...
new to me (Jernberg), and digdug!
Avatar 7:30pm

↳ Song: "Muziqawi Silt" by "Alexander Hawkins and Sofia Je...
reminds me if diamanda galas was mixed w/ shelley hirsch....
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↳ Dutch___☆___ @7:29
hope you're feeling okey dokey!
Avatar 7:37pm

↳ Song: "Ethiopia" by "Poets of Rhythm"
reminds when i have no idea what language i'm speaking

/i don't speak amharic

@northguineahills Not really. Lot of headaches n thats drivin me frighin crazy. Going gor second opinion but can take upto 6 months. Menwhile i cant work. Luckily i live in Holland and still get payed.....be it less, but i dont need a lot.
And howzabout you?
Avatar 7:50pm

↳ Dutch___☆___ @7:46
mentally and emotionally recuperating (from everything in Feb). nothing too bad, just a naggin cold (anoying AF). Just enough to annoy me, but not enough to put me down (it's been 2.5 weeks). sending positive vibes ta ya!

@northguineahills Thx. But have to say Welterusten... i am too tired n have to sleep. Had big BBQ for work...

Good nite everyone. Excellent music!!!
Avatar 7:54pm

↳ Dutch___☆___ @7:53
there are worse things, hope it was a happy bbq (still recovering from july 4th pie party)
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↳ Song: "World Traveler" by "Oh No"
we need john Lennon's wife to collaborate with Oh No, so we can have Ono/Oh No.....

/went to her 80th bday....
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i once wandered into a orlando concenience store that was blaring ethiopian funk. the owner was impressed i recognized it.....
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↳ Song: "Hamétègnaw" by "Seyoum Gèbrèyès"
best of the ethiopiques series? it's still going on!

/gotta take my daily constitution (if i don't take a hike, my leggies rebel)
Avatar 8:12pm

↳ Song: "Jamila" by "Sahib Shihab"
Sahib Shihab - baritone saxophone
Phil Woods - alto saxophone
Benny Golson - tenor saxophone
Hank Jones - piano
Paul Chambers - bass
Art Taylor - drums
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

Liking the jazz set. Gotta run, thanks, David!
Avatar 8:24pm

↳ Song: "IV - The Removal (Act I)" by "Jacques Coursil"
Bobby Few
Perry Robinson
Mark Whitecage
Sunny Murray
Alan Silva
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↳ Song: "Africa" by "Sathima Bea Benjamin"
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↳ Song: "Africa" by "Sathima Bea Benjamin"
Vocals - Sathima Bea Benjamin
Bass - Louis Spears / Basil Moses / Lionel Beukes
Drums - Doug Sides / Monty Weber
Trumpet - Billy Brooks
Tenor Sax / Flute - Basil "Mannenberg" Coetzee
Piano - Dollar Brand
Avatar 9:15pm

↳ Song: "El Revolver Es Un Hombre Legal" by "Litto Nebbia"
"Amazing compilation of Litto Nebbia's recordings from 1971-1988, a magical and prolific time in the career of the Argentine artist and in the history of his record label, Discos Melopea, including different sounds, from jazz to Brazilian rhythms or experimental textures. Hip-hop artists and producers such as The Alchemist, Jay Electronica, and DJs such as Gilles Peterson have openly declared their admiration for Nebbia, generating great interest in his records among collectors around the world. This double-LP compilation comprises twenty-one recordings taken from some of his best-known albums and also rarities, tracks previously unavailable on vinyl and songs taken from his most obscure albums, the vast majority never reissued on vinyl before."
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↳ Song: "Yanıq Kərəmı̇" by "Rəhman Məmmədli"
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↳ Song: "Civilization Day" by "Ornette Coleman"
Alto Saxophone – Ornette Coleman
Bass – Charlie Haden
Drums – Billy Higgins
Trumpet [Pocket] – Don Cherry
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stay tuned after my show for

The Hotwire Mandate with Mike Lupica

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danks and schanes ;), david!
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↳ Song: "De L'Orient À Orion" by "Siegfried Kessler / Gus ...
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Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

Enjoying an archive listen. The grid of LPs you posted on Twit X would make a nice playlist photo here. Don't know if this link will work:
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