Favoriting The Hour of Crap with Don-O: Playlist from July 26, 2024 Favoriting

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The Hour Of Crap is an hour's worth of crap and I make no apologies!

Friday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting July 26, 2024: Melted Snowball 2024 with Bob, Don and Mitchell!
This 'X-mas In July' show pays tribute to Mitchell Kezin and his fabulous 2013 X-mas music documentary 'Jingle Bell Rocks!' Plus, this weeks 'The _____ Of OTE' maybe be X-mas themed, (A Weatherman Christmas) but it's less on the holiday cheer and the Weatherman and more on Don Joyce bickering about his microphone.

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......and, yes, John Waters will be there!
......and, yes, John Waters will be there!
......and, yes, John Waters will be there!

Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
National Lampoon  National Lampoon’s Tradition Christmas Show 1   Favoriting     MP3    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bob Newhart  Bus Drivers School   Favoriting     MP3  .....for MarkTime....  0:01:45 (Pop-up)
Home To Emily (Theme from The Bob Newhart Show)  Inner City Band   Favoriting     MP3    0:07:56 (Pop-up)
Driving Instructor  Bob Newhart   Favoriting     MP3    0:10:59 (Pop-up)
The Go-Nutz  Snacking Santa   Favoriting Happy Birthday, Jesus Vol. 1 & 2  Sympathy for the Record Industry  MP3    0:18:58 (Pop-up)
The Moog Cookbook  Santa Claus Is Coming To Town   Favoriting     MP3    0:20:53 (Pop-up)
The Moonglows  Just A Lonely Christmas   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:29:15 (Pop-up)
James Brown  Christmas Is Love   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:31:40 (Pop-up)
Jesse Mae Hemphil  Merry Christmas, Pretty Baby   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:37:41 (Pop-up)
National Lampoon  National Lampoon’s Tradition Christmas Show 2   Favoriting     MP3    0:41:19 (Pop-up)
Miles Davis w/ Bob Dorough  Blue X-mas (To Whom It May Concern)   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:43:53 (Pop-up)
Ron Holden  Who Says There Ain't No Santa Claus?   Favoriting Rockin' Christmas The 50's  Rhino  MP3    0:46:31 (Pop-up)
Clarence Reed  Winter Man   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:49:27 (Pop-up)
Plan 9  Merry Christmas   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    0:52:17 (Pop-up)
Free Design  Close You Mouth (It's Christmas)   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3  .....for Otis Fodder (who's returning to WFMU in August).....  0:59:40 (Pop-up)
The Coctails  First Snowfall   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:01:46 (Pop-up)
National Lampoon  National Lampoon’s Tradition Christmas Show 4   Favoriting     MP3    1:04:25 (Pop-up)
Private Charles Bowen  Christmas In Vietnam   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    1:05:20 (Pop-up)
Jimmy Donley  Santa Don't Pass Me By   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:08:17 (Pop-up)
Nathaniel Meyer  Mr. Santa Claus   Favoriting Rockin' Christmas The 60's  Rhino Records  MP3    1:11:16 (Pop-up)
The Rockin’ Stockin’  Yulesville U S A   Favoriting Rockin' Christmas The 50's  Rhino Records  MP3    1:13:36 (Pop-up)
Rita Faye Wilson  Sleigh Bells, Reindeer & Snow   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:16:12 (Pop-up)
John Waters & Mitchell Kezin  John Waters' Jingle Bell Rocks! Excerpt   Favoriting     MP3    1:18:35 (Pop-up)
Paul 'Fat Daddy' Johnson  Fat Daddy   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:20:15 (Pop-up)
Akim & The Teddy Vann Production Company  Santa Claus Is A Black Man   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:23:39 (Pop-up)
Heather Noel  Santa Came On A Nuclear Missile   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3    1:29:32 (Pop-up)
National Lampoon  National Lampoon’s Tradition Christmas Show 7   Favoriting     MP3    1:32:10 (Pop-up)
The Sonics  Don't Believe In Christmas   Favoriting Rockin' Christmas The 60's  Rhino Records  MP3    1:33:02 (Pop-up)
Santo & Johnny  Twistin' Bells   Favoriting Rockin' Christmas The 60's  Rhino Records  MP3    1:34:38 (Pop-up)
Little Cindy  Happy Birthday Jesus (A Child's Prayer)   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:36:49 (Pop-up)
Alvin & The Chipmunks  Sleigh Ride   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  Rhino Records  MP3    1:39:41 (Pop-up)
Tiny Tim  Rudolph The Red-Hosed Reindeer   Favoriting Tiny Tim’s Christmas Album  Rounder  MP3    1:41:39 (Pop-up)
Janet Lane & Rhythm Westerners  I Want A Boyfriend For Christmas   Favoriting A John Waters Christmas  New Line Records  MP3    1:44:05 (Pop-up)
The Mighty Sparrow  The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot   Favoriting Jingle Bell Rocks! OST    MP3  (unofficially)  1:51:33 (Pop-up)
National Lampoon  National Lampoon’s Traditional Christmas Show Part 9   Favoriting     MP3    1:53:22 (Pop-up)
Don Joyce  excerpt   Favoriting The Weatherman’s Christmas    MP3  2014  1:55:22 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

  🎸 6:01pm
Listener Robert:

This reminds me of a play we put on at P.S. 108: "The Day the Martians Landed". That supposed day was a Christmas.
Avatar 6:05pm

↳ Listener Robert @6:01
Good Jolly Crap, Listener Robert!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:10pm

hey now. this is truly crap. i love it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:11pm

never knew the theme had a name...
Avatar 6:11pm

↳ wenzo @6:07
Good Bob, wenzo!
Avatar 6:12pm

↳ dale @6:11
That was a bit of a shocker myself.
Avatar 6:17pm
Buddy Runyan:

That “fella” would probably have a gun if it was today.
Avatar 6:18pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:17
Hey, Buddy!
Avatar 6:19pm
Buddy Runyan:

Hi all you “crappers!”
Avatar 6:19pm

↳ Song: "Snacking Santa" by "The Go-Nutz"
.....and now for the X-mas portion of this episode. Good luck to us all!!
  🎸 6:20pm
Listener Robert:

↳ Song: "Bob Newhart" by "Driving Instructor"
That one made me LOL, and I never say that unless it's literally true, even though I heard that one years ago. See, dying is instantly great for a career.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:21pm

↳ Song: "Snacking Santa" by "The Go-Nutz"
sounds like they really listened to dinner with drac.
  🎸 6:23pm
Listener Robert:

↳ Listener Robert @6:01
Anyway, you've no idea how far out it was. Hey, it was the 1960s, even in grade school.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:24pm

Hey all yous guys
Avatar 6:25pm

Good rocky microphone, dale and Feldy!
Avatar 6:27pm

Avatar 6:27pm

Avatar 6:30pm

Weather update: it's currently 112 degrees right now......but you guys know that by now, especially Buddy.
  🎸 6:33pm
Listener Robert:

Many years later, I figured out that the play, written by one of the teachers, I think, was really a way of explaining Christmas celebrations around the world without running afoul of church-state separation, because it was "really about spacemen", see.
Avatar 6:33pm

↳ Don-O @6:30
However, according to Weather Unground, in my neighborhood, it's really 120.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:34pm

↳ Don-O @6:30
Yeah we’re cooking here in PHX
Avatar 6:34pm

↳ Song: "Christmas Is Love" by "James Brown"
You get the feeling James is improvising the lyrics?
  🎸 6:36pm
Listener Robert:

We got to shoot Party Poppers on stage to simulate the Southern tradition of Christmas fireworks. But we didn't have enough for both performances, so we just used the already-spent ones and said, "Bang!" Either that or The Man had cracked down between performances.
  🎸 6:38pm
Listener Robert:

Hell, the fire code didn't even allow lights on the tree.
Avatar 6:38pm

↳ Don-O @6:33
In Laughlin, NV (across the river) it's 114. The sun is laughing at us all!
Avatar 6:40pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @6:33
Just saw 114, 118 and 120 at the Riviera station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm

good aloha, Don-O and all!
Avatar 7:01pm

↳ spodiodi @6:59
aloha good, spodiodi! Please don't mind the mindless holiday cheer!!
Avatar 7:34pm

We're at the half-way point of this show!
Avatar 🎸 7:36pm

Ho Ho Ho Don-O and Crappers
Avatar 7:38pm

↳ Cp304 @7:36
Good Egg Knog, Cp304. I hope you don't mind the X-mas stuff.....
Avatar 🎸 7:47pm

Maybe Santa will bring me some readers.. I finallly submitted to a pair yesterday, and lost them already

This is crap and I like it
Avatar 7:52pm

↳ Stanley @7:49
Good Hello, Stanley......and it's going to be crappier after these two tracks are finished!
Avatar 7:54pm

↳ Song: "National Lampoon’s Traditional Christmas Show Par...
Avatar 🎸 7:56pm

Bonus Crap!
Avatar 7:58pm

Is that the laughing button, Buddy?
Avatar 8:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

I still have that laugh box.
Avatar 🎸 8:01pm

↳ Don-O @7:58
That reminds me, I dreamed last I drove up to Jersey, stopped in the station, and ken sold me a hardware device with 10orso buttons on it, said each one you hit has samples of wfmu DJ's saying stuff, and then said they would randomize, and I bought it
Avatar 8:04pm

↳ Song: "excerpt" by "Don Joyce"
That is pure 80's Christmas! A PacMan X-mas record!
Avatar 8:05pm

↳ Cp304 @8:01
Avatar 🎸 8:05pm

↳ Don-O @8:04
That instrumental is a hit
Avatar 🎸 8:06pm

↳ Don-O @8:05
That's what melatonin after a booze session does for me.. I dream again
Avatar 8:07pm

↳ Cp304 @8:06
Taking notes for tonight.....
Avatar 🎸 8:10pm

So, Don did all that looping with cart tapes?
Avatar 8:12pm

↳ Song: "excerpt" by "Don Joyce"
.....and this is where the trouble starts....
Avatar 8:15pm
Buddy Runyan:

Now a lot older and weaker
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:15pm

Hey Don-O and friends!
Avatar 🎸 8:16pm

Hey feldy, I'm enjoying this early gift
Avatar 8:18pm
Buddy Runyan:

Avatar 8:21pm

Good Crappy Egg Nogg Crap, Feldy!

Hi-Ho, Don-O!

Just chiming in to say thanks for the Bob Newhart mini-tribute at the beginning & all the wonderful Crap-mas joy that followed!
Avatar 8:24pm

↳ A➡B @8:23
Thanks, AB! Please don't mind Don Joyce complaining about the phones.....

↳ Don-O @8:24
LOL! Anything Don Joyce does over the air is pure radio magic!
Avatar 8:35pm
Buddy Runyan:

Zoom works best for me.

Just in time for the end. I can't get the damn Time Zones right.
Avatar 8:37pm
Buddy Runyan:

I still have that cord.
Avatar 8:37pm

↳ CraigCo @8:36
Don't worry, I'm holding my breath from my end when Daylight Savings Time kicks back in.
Avatar 8:38pm

↳ CraigCo @8:36
Oh, and good crappy Egg Nog, CraigCo.

Thanks, and back at ya.
Avatar 8:39pm
Buddy Runyan:

They use Focusrite interfaces now
Avatar 🎸 8:40pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:37
The mini to rca red / white? It does work.

I didn't realize this involved doing math.
Avatar 🎸 8:43pm

Steve and Leo figured out Skype, port forwarding
Kat in the chat:

Been here for the bonus crap, thought I’d say hi!
Avatar 🎸 8:44pm

It's Xmas in July Kat
Avatar 8:44pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:43
"Hi" back, Kat. No laundry this week?
Kat in the chat:

Did laundry yesterday!
Kat in the chat:

I have a Focusrite interface
Avatar 🎸 8:53pm

And the ground block too Buddy.. and always at the tap
Avatar 8:54pm

I found a toad about the size of my thumb in my garden the other day. Not sure how he got here, no bodies of water nearby.
Kat in the chat:

I like when the Weatherman explains stuff
Avatar 8:55pm

He kind of sounds like Mr Rogers sometimes.
Avatar 8:56pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @8:40
That should work, remember one of the RCA jacks may have a couple volts of plug-in phantom power. You should installl a capacitor, 1 to 10, positive on the center conductor in series on the RCA jack or use a non- polarized capacitor.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm

i passed a tiny shivering mouse on the sidewalk earlier while en route to buy raisin bran from walgreens... it was in the sun but shivering badly. right on the part of the sidewalk where pedestrians walk. i wonder if she's still there
Kat in the chat:

I never realized that, Craig, but I can hear that now!
Avatar 8:57pm
Buddy Runyan:

Uh oh, Mister Rogers was just insulted😀
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

Avatar 8:58pm

We got a few minutes left here. So my thanks to all for showing up, including Buddy. Llllllater, y'all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm

thanks again, Don-O!! thanks, Buddy!
Kat in the chat:

Not at all, Buddy :)
Avatar 8:59pm
Buddy Runyan:

Alll those radio sounds don’t exist now, it’s all digital.
Avatar 8:59pm

Will this work here? craigco.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 🎸 8:59pm

Thanks for bringing my heart rate down to resting peoples, it's been a ruff week for a cable guy
Avatar 9:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

That was fun!
Avatar 🎸 9:00pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @9:00
Kat in the chat:

I was in Jersey City a couple weeks ago and I brought a lil radio so I could listen to the WFMU broadcast instead of on a computer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

2 words, and they aren't happy birthday <3
Avatar 9:01pm
Buddy Runyan:

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