With Your Love, With Your Kiss
"With Your Love, With Your Kiss" by "Johnny Powers"
The Leaves
A Different Story
"A Different Story" by "The Leaves"
Johnny Cash
All Over Again
"All Over Again" by "Johnny Cash"
Rockabilly Gal
Hayden Thompson
"Hayden Thompson" by "Rockabilly Gal"
The WordD
You're Always Around
"You're Always Around" by "The WordD"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny coming at you live on the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining bright and the sky is as clear as can be. Looks like we're in for a hot one today, with temperatures reaching a steamy 87 degrees. And don't forget to stay hydrated, because the humidity is at a sticky 63 percent. But hey, that's just how we like it here in the Big Apple, am I right? So grab your shades and your sunscreen, and let's get this day started with some rockin' tunes. This is the bunny signing off, but stay tuned for more groovy music on the Rock and Soul Stream.
Jaycee Hill
Romp Stompin' Boogie
"Romp Stompin' Boogie" by "Jaycee Hill"
Jimmy Murphy
Baboon Boogie
"Baboon Boogie" by "Jimmy Murphy"
The Rolling Stones
Child Of The Moon (remake)
"Child Of The Moon (remake)" by "The Rolling Stones"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"youcanbeloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
The Seeds
I Tell Myself (mono 45)
"I Tell Myself (mono 45)" by "The Seeds"
Chris Carpenter
This World (Is Closing In On Me)
"This World (Is Closing In On Me)" by "Chris Carpe...
Carl Perkins
Pink Pedal Pushers
"Pink Pedal Pushers" by "Carl Perkins"
Marty Robbins
Mean Woman Blues
"Mean Woman Blues" by "Marty Robbins"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining bright and the sky is as clear as can be. We've got a temperature of 88 degrees and a humidity of 63 percent, so it's gonna be a hot one today. Make sure to stay hydrated and wear your sunscreen, folks. But don't let that stop you from getting out there and enjoying this beautiful day. So crank up those speakers and let's get this day started with some rockin' and soulful tunes. This is the bunny signing off, but I'll be back with more weather updates throughout the day. Stay tuned!
James Bounty
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
"Actions Speak Louder Than Words" by "James Bounty"
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Just Give Me Your Time
"Just Give Me Your Time" by "Sharon Jones & the Da...
Music behind DJ:
Back announcing the set
Eddie Hodges
The Water Is Over My Head
"The Water Is Over My Head" by "Eddie Hodges"
The Lovin' Spoonful
You Didn't Have to Be So Nice
"You Didn't Have to Be So Nice" by "The Lovin' Spo...
Shootin' Beavers
"Shootin' Beavers" by "Tornadoes"
The Sunshine Company
Love, That's Where It Is
"Love, That's Where It Is" by "The Sunshine Company"
Johnny Carroll
Rock Baby Rock It
"Rock Baby Rock It" by "Johnny Carroll"
Marvin Gaye
One More Heartache
"One More Heartache" by "Marvin Gaye"
Music behind DJ:
Gerry & Paul & the Soul Emmissaries
Little Bit of Soul
"Little Bit of Soul" by "Gerry & Paul & the Soul E...
Back announcing the set
Donnie Elbert
Your Red Wagon
"Your Red Wagon" by "Donnie Elbert"
Your Red Wagon (You Can Push It Or Pull It) / Never Again
Gene Pitney
Last Chance To Turn Around TRACK
"Last Chance To Turn Around TRACK" by "Gene Pitney"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
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