I'm Not Like Everybody Else [Mono Mix]
"I'm Not Like Everybody Else [Mono Mix]" by "The K...
Face to Face
The Byrds
Have You Seen Her Face
"Have You Seen Her Face" by "The Byrds"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Good morning, New York City! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul Stream. It's a beautiful morning out there, folks. The sun is shining bright and the sky is clear as a bell. We've got a temperature of 71 degrees and a humidity of 83 percent, so it's feeling a little sticky out there. But don't let that stop you from getting out and enjoying this gorgeous day. Whether you're heading to work or hitting the streets, make sure to stay hydrated and keep cool. And hey, why not tune in to the Rock and Soul Stream for some groovy tunes to start your day off right? This is the bunny signing off, wishing you all a fantastic morning in the Big Apple. Keep it locked to WFMU, your home for rock and soul.
Dave Clark Five
Any Way You Want It
"Any Way You Want It" by "Dave Clark Five"
The Zombies
A Love That Never Was
"A Love That Never Was" by "The Zombies"
Music behind DJ:
Fathers Angels
Bok to Bach
"Bok to Bach" by "Fathers Angels"
Back announcing the set
Lancers, The
Somebody Help Me
"Somebody Help Me" by "Lancers, The"
Deep Purple
One More Rainy Day
"One More Rainy Day" by "Deep Purple"
The Country Gentlemen
Saturday Night
"Saturday Night" by "The Country Gentlemen"
The Seeds
Can't Seem To Make You Mine (mono 45)
"Can't Seem To Make You Mine (mono 45)" by "The Se...
Moby Grape
"Omaha" by "Moby Grape"
Love Is The Song We Sing (San Francisco Nuggets 1965-1970
Tony Jackson Group
Come On And Stop
"Come On And Stop" by "Tony Jackson Group"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
"Kon-Tiki" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
The Guess Who
Believe Me
"Believe Me" by "The Guess Who"
TSU Toronados
Play the Music Toronadoes
"Play the Music Toronadoes" by "TSU Toronados"
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