I Love How You Love Me
"I Love How You Love Me" by "April Stevens & Nino ...
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
The Surprise Package
Out Of My Mind
"Out Of My Mind" by "The Surprise Package"
The Rush Hour
Set Me Free
"Set Me Free" by "The Rush Hour"
The Rock Shop
Is That Your Halo
"Is That Your Halo" by "The Rock Shop"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and groovy gals, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a beautiful night here in the Big Apple, but don't let those clouds fool ya, it's still a bit chilly out there with a temperature of 62 degrees. And let me tell ya, the humidity is no joke, sitting at a steamy 85 percent. So make sure to grab your jackets and umbrellas before you head out, folks. But don't let that stop you from getting down and boogieing to the sweet sounds of rock and soul on this fine evening. Stay tuned for more tunes and updates on the weather, right here on the Rock and Soul Stream. This is the bunny, signing off."
Pepper & the Shakers
Semi-Psychedelic (It Is)
"Semi-Psychedelic (It Is)" by "Pepper & the Shakers"
Bram Rigg Set
I Can Only Give You Everything
"I Can Only Give You Everything" by "Bram Rigg Set"
The Shadows Of Knight
I'm Gonna Make You Mine
"I'm Gonna Make You Mine" by "The Shadows Of Knight"
Music behind DJ:
Musiche Originali Di Ennio Morricone
Beat N° 3
"Beat N° 3" by "Musiche Originali Di Ennio Morricone"
Back announcing the set
Action Woman
"Action Woman" by "Litter"
Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From the First Psychedelic Era, 1965-1968
Whatt Four
You're Wishin' I Was Someone Else
"You're Wishin' I Was Someone Else" by "Whatt Four"
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
Liverpool Five
If You've Gotta Go, Go Now
"If You've Gotta Go, Go Now" by "Liverpool Five"
The Rolling Stones
This Girl Belongs To Yesterday
"This Girl Belongs To Yesterday" by "The Rolling S...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and groovy gals, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a beautiful night here in the Big Apple, but don't let those clouds fool ya, it's still a bit chilly out there. We're sitting at a cool 62 degrees with a humidity of 84 percent. So make sure to grab your jackets and umbrellas before you head out for a night on the town. But don't let the weather dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and grooving all night long. Stay tuned, my friends, and keep it locked right here on the Rock and Soul stream."
49th Parallel
"Labourer" by "49th Parallel"
Master Four
Love From The Far East
"Love From The Far East" by "Master Four"
Love From The Far East
Turley Richards
I Feel Alright
"I Feel Alright" by "Turley Richards"
Soultime Volume 1
Music behind DJ:
Black Sand
"Black Sand" by "Brainticket"
Back announcing the set
The Status Quo
Ice In The Sun
"Ice In The Sun" by "The Status Quo"
Hart Boyce
Words (Demo)
"Words (Demo)" by "Hart Boyce"
Where the Action Is! Los Angeles Nuggets 1965-1968
"Raw-Hide" by "Tornadoes"
Things To Come
Come Alive
"Come Alive" by "Things To Come"
The Liverpool Set
Seventeen Tears To The End
"Seventeen Tears To The End" by "The Liverpool Set"
Bobby Reed
The Time Is Right For Love
"The Time Is Right For Love" by "Bobby Reed"
Soul Spectrum, Volume II
Music behind DJ:
Roland Kirk
Shaky Money
"Shaky Money" by "Roland Kirk"
Back announcing the set
Can't Take No More
"Can't Take No More" by "Turn-A-Rounds"
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
Rock'n'Soul Bunny:
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Rock'n'Soul Bunny: