The Feeling Is Real
"The Feeling Is Real" by "George Pepp"
The Feeling Is Real
Great Experience
Don't Forget To Remember
"Don't Forget To Remember" by "Great Experience"
Keb Darge & Paul Weller
George Tinley & The Modern Red Caps
Ain't Gonna Worry About You
"Ain't Gonna Worry About You" by "George Tinley & ...
Ladies & Gentlemen (The Best Of George Michael)
I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
"I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore" by "Gibralters"
Side By Side / I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny, coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 38 degrees and a humidity of 55 percent. Looks like those clouds are rollin' in, so make sure to grab your umbrella before you head out. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and fuzzy. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you a far out day!
Nobody Loves Me
"Nobody Loves Me" by "Ikettes"
Nobody Loves Me / Camel Walk
Gloria Edwards
(I Don't Need Nobody to Help Me) Keep Up With My Man
"(I Don't Need Nobody to Help Me) Keep Up With My ...
They Call It Crossover (More Mid-Tempo Soul Gems)
Gwen Davies
My Man Don't Think I Know
"My Man Don't Think I Know" by "Gwen Davies"
In Style Rare Soul Uncovered Vol 3
Music behind DJ:
Stu Phillips
Skip To My Mary J.
"Skip To My Mary J." by "Stu Phillips"
Back announcing the set
Charles Bradley
You Think I Don't Know (But I Know)
"You Think I Don't Know (But I Know)" by "Charles ...
Last Night
"Last Night" by "Mar-Keys"
James & Bobby Purify
Somebody Cares
"Somebody Cares" by "James & Bobby Purify"
HB Barnum
It Hurts Too Much To Cry
"It Hurts Too Much To Cry" by "HB Barnum"
It Hurts Too Much To Cry
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with some clouds rolling in and a temperature of 38 degrees. Don't let that chill in the air get you down though, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to warm you up. And speaking of heat, the humidity is at a comfortable 53 percent, so you won't have to worry about any frizzy hair today. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away on this cloudy but soulful day in NYC."
Henry Strogin
Love Insurance
"Love Insurance" by "Henry Strogin"
Love Insurance / I Wanna
The Isley Brothers
Just Ain't Enough Love
"Just Ain't Enough Love" by "The Isley Brothers"
Music behind DJ:
The Beach Boys
Little Saint Nick
"Little Saint Nick" by "The Beach Boys"
Back announcing the set
Herb Johnson
Carfare Back
"Carfare Back" by "Herb Johnson"
Gloomy Day / Carfare Back
The Aladdins
Help Me
"Help Me" by "The Aladdins"
The Sandpebbles
Forget It
"Forget It" by "The Sandpebbles"
Dennis Coffey
Getting It On
"Getting It On" by "Dennis Coffey"
Donnie Elbert
Your Red Wagon
"Your Red Wagon" by "Donnie Elbert"
Your Red Wagon (You Can Push It Or Pull It) / Never Again
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Man of Mystery
"Man of Mystery" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Ruff Francis & The Illusions
Give Me Mercy
"Give Me Mercy" by "Ruff Francis & The Illusions"
Bobby Fuller And The Fanatics
Our Favorite Martian
"Our Favorite Martian" by "Bobby Fuller And The Fa...
Herbie Goins & The Nightimers
Number One In Your Heart
"Number One In Your Heart" by "Herbie Goins & The ...
Herbie Goins
No Brag Just Fact
"No Brag Just Fact" by "Hesitations"
No Brag Just Fact / Momma, Look Sharp
Honey & the Bees
Why Do You Hurt the One You Love
"Why Do You Hurt the One You Love" by "Honey & the...
Honey (9)
Honey Bees
She Don't Deserve You
"She Don't Deserve You" by "Honey Bees"
One Wonderful Night
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, it's the bunny here on the Rock and Soul Stream, bringing you the grooviest tunes and the latest weather report for all you hipsters out there in NYC. It's a cloudy afternoon with a temperature of 38 degrees and a humidity of 52 percent. So make sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before you head out, because it's looking like a wet one out there. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tracks coming your way to keep you grooving through the rain. Stay tuned, my friends, and keep it locked on the Rock and Soul Stream for all your musical needs. This is the bunny, signing off.
David Ruffin And Jimmy Ruffin
When My Love Hand Comes Down
"When My Love Hand Comes Down" by "David Ruffin An...
Let's Get Back Together
"Let's Get Back Together" by "Honeybees"
Up All Night, Vol. 2: 30 Underground Soul Hits
Hot Cinnamon
No One Loves You
"No One Loves You" by "Hot Cinnamon"
Northern Soul Fever Volume Two
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
Wonderful Land
"Wonderful Land" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
When The Other Foot Drops
"When The Other Foot Drops" by "Sharon Jones & the...
Can't Take No More
"Can't Take No More" by "Turn-A-Rounds"
General Assembly
Sensitive Mind
"Sensitive Mind" by "General Assembly"
Lovin' Time / Sensitive Mind
I'm So Thankful
"I'm So Thankful" by "Ikettes"
I'm So Thankful / Don't Feel Sorry For Me
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with some cloudy skies and a temperature of 38 degrees. But don't let that get you down, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to warm you up. And hey, don't forget to stay hydrated out there, because the humidity is at 52 percent. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away on this cloudy day. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you all a far out afternoon.
A New Love
"A New Love" by "Impressions"
Curtis Mayfield, the Impressions
Wilson Pickett
Mustang Sally
"Mustang Sally" by "Wilson Pickett"
Music behind DJ:
The Shadows
A Place in the Sun
"A Place in the Sun" by "The Shadows"
Back announcing the set
Touch Me, Hold Me, Kiss Me
"Touch Me, Hold Me, Kiss Me" by "Inspirations"
Touch Me, Hold Me, Kiss Me
Booker T. & The MGs
Slim Jenkins Place
"Slim Jenkins Place" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
Major Lance
Think Nothing About It
"Think Nothing About It" by "Major Lance"
Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um - The Best Of Major Lance
The Olympians
"Mars" by "The Olympians"
James Hunter
Nothin' I Wouldn't Do
"Nothin' I Wouldn't Do" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
101 Strings
"Flameout" by "101 Strings"
Back announcing the set
Brenton Wood
The Oogum Boogum Song
"The Oogum Boogum Song" by "Brenton Wood"
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