Love And Desire
"Love And Desire" by "Patrice Holloway"
Love & Desire: The Patrice Holloway Anthology
Paul Sindab
Do What You Wanna Do
"Do What You Wanna Do" by "Paul Sindab"
Do Whatcha Wanna Do / Give Me Your Heart
Paula Parfitt
Love Is Wonderful
"Love Is Wonderful" by "Paula Parfitt"
I'm Gonna Give You Back Your Ring / Love Is Wonderful
I Can't Stop You
"I Can't Stop You" by "Performers"
I Can't Stop You
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with a temperature of 51 degrees and a humidity of 76 percent. Looks like those clouds are hanging around, but don't let that dampen your spirits. We've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and fuzzy inside. So sit back, relax, and let the music take you away. This is the bunny signing off, but don't go anywhere because we've got plenty more rockin' and rollin' coming up next. Stay tuned!
Barbara Lynn
You're Gonna Be Sorry
"You're Gonna Be Sorry" by "Barbara Lynn"
My Kind of Girl
"My Kind of Girl" by "Prophets"
I Can't Make It / My Kind Of Girl
"Detour" by "Persians"
Detour / I Can't Take It Anymore
Music behind DJ:
Soulful Jerk
"Soulful Jerk" by "Ramblers"
Back announcing the set
Maurice McAlister
I'd Rather Do It Myself
"I'd Rather Do It Myself" by "Maurice McAlister"
Baby Hang On / I'd Rather Do It Myself
Too Many Memories
"Too Many Memories" by "Passions"
Northern Soul Fever Volume Two
Dean Courtney
I'll Always Need You
"I'll Always Need You" by "Dean Courtney"
I Gotta Dance to Keep My Baby
"I Gotta Dance to Keep My Baby" by "Radiants"
I Gotta Dance To Keep My Baby / Noble The Bargain Man
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in NYC, but we've got some rain coming down, so make sure to grab your umbrellas before you head out. The temperature is sitting at a chilly 51 degrees, so you might want to throw on a sweater or two. And don't forget to stay hydrated, because the humidity is at a steamy 76 percent. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to keep you warm and grooving. So sit back, relax, and let the bunny take you on a musical journey through the rain.
Ray Charles
Tired of My Tears
"Tired of My Tears" by "Ray Charles"
Sweet and Sour Tears
Smokey Robinson And The Miracles
Crazy About The La La La
"Crazy About The La La La" by "Smokey Robinson And...
Music behind DJ:
Fathers Angels
Bok to Bach
"Bok to Bach" by "Fathers Angels"
Back announcing the set
Phil Flowers & the Underdogs
"Discontented" by "Phil Flowers & the Underdogs"
Crazy for Lovin'
"Crazy for Lovin'" by "Sugar Pie Desanto"
Go Go Power - The Complete Chess Singles 1961 - 1966
Can't Work No Longer
"Can't Work No Longer" by "Impressions"
People Get Ready
Lou Rawls
Win Your Love
"Win Your Love" by "Lou Rawls"
Win Your Love
Herb Johnson
Carfare Back
"Carfare Back" by "Herb Johnson"
Gloomy Day / Carfare Back
Music behind DJ:
The United States Of America
Hard Coming Love
"Hard Coming Love" by "The United States Of America"
Back announcing the set
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Got A Thing On My Mind
"Got A Thing On My Mind" by "Sharon Jones & the Da...
The Shadows
"Kon-Tiki" by "The Shadows"
Plus 4
Happiest Girl in the World
"Happiest Girl in the World" by "Plus 4"
Happiest Girl In The World / Hang On (My Love Is On The Way)
She Blew A Good Thing
"She Blew A Good Thing" by "Poets"
She Blew A Good Thing / Out To Lunch
Preston Peters
Got to Have Peace of Mind
"Got to Have Peace of Mind" by "Preston Peters"
Got To Have Peace Of Mind / Bad News
My Sweet Baby
"My Sweet Baby" by "Puzzles"
I Need You / My Sweet Baby
Honey & the Bees
Dynamite Exploded
"Dynamite Exploded" by "Honey & the Bees"
Honey (9)
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, but unfortunately, we've got some rain coming down. So make sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before you head out the door. The temperature is sitting at a chilly 51 degrees, so don't forget to bundle up. And with a humidity of 82 percent, it's feeling pretty damp out there. But don't let that stop you from getting out and enjoying some of that sweet, sweet rock and soul music. Stay tuned for more tunes and updates on the weather, right here on the Rock and Soul Stream."
Ray Crossen
Try Some Soul
"Try Some Soul" by "Ray Crossen"
Try Some Soul
Easily Misled
"Easily Misled" by "Remarkable"
A Voice In Time 1939 - 1952
Gordon Staples And The Motown Strings
Sounds Of The Zodiac
"Sounds Of The Zodiac" by "Gordon Staples And The ...
Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
"M-23" by "the Electric Flag, an American Music Band"
Back announcing the set
Dana Valery
You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies
"You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies" by "Dana...
Billy & The King Bees
"Bango" by "Billy & The King Bees"
Rex Garvin (And the Mighty Cravers)
You Don't Need No Help Pt.1
"You Don't Need No Help Pt.1" by "Rex Garvin (And ...
Northern Soul Fever Volume Two
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, but unfortunately, we've got some rain coming down. So make sure to grab your umbrellas and raincoats before you head out, folks. The temperature is a chilly 51 degrees, but don't let that dampen your spirits. And speaking of damp, the humidity is at a whopping 84 percent, so you might want to bring a towel to dry off. But don't let the weather get you down, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to warm you up. Stay tuned, my friends, and keep it locked right here on the Rock and Soul Stream. This is the bunny, signing off."
Rhetta Hughes
Light My Fire
"Light My Fire" by "Rhetta Hughes"
Re-Light My Fire
Charles Bradley
God Bless America
"God Bless America" by "Charles Bradley"
Roy Lee Johnson
So Anna Just Love Me
"So Anna Just Love Me" by "Roy Lee Johnson"
GSCD 098
Music behind DJ:
Soulful Jerk
"Soulful Jerk" by "Ramblers"
Back announcing the set
There Is
"There Is" by "Dells"
Dells Anthology
The Mighty Imperials
Duck Hunt
"Duck Hunt" by "The Mighty Imperials"
Bo Diddley
Dearest Darling
"Dearest Darling" by "Bo Diddley"
Winfield Parker
I Love You Just the Same
"I Love You Just the Same" by "Winfield Parker"
I Love You Just The Same / My Love
Gerri Grainger
I Go To Pieces (Everytime)
"I Go To Pieces (Everytime)" by "Gerri Grainger"
Music behind DJ:
Back announcing the set
Got You On My Mind
"Got You On My Mind" by "Admirals"
Jack Arel & Jean-Claude Petit
Ahmedabab Theme
"Ahmedabab Theme" by "Jack Arel & Jean-Claude Petit"
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