Favoriting Mid-Valley Mutations with Austin Rich: Playlist from December 10, 2024 Favoriting

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A combination of collage, new experimental records and other bits and bobs, Mid-Valley Mutations is a tour through the mind of Austin Rich, who has been broadcasting in some form since 1998. Heavily influenced by Dr Demento, Don Joyce and old fashioned College Radio, Austin creates Audio Essays on a variety of subjects, and even just plays records, from time to time. Sometimes Live music and Interviews will grace the program, helping create a situation where you don't really know what you're going to hear, when you tune in. What you need to know is when you enter the Mid-Valley region, be prepared for the Musical Mutations... in whatever form they take.

Tuesday 9 - 11pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 10, 2024: Punk For X-Mas, Week 1

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Images Approx. start time
This Is Supposed To Be The New World?
X  The New World   Favoriting More Fun in the New World  Elektra  1983 
0:00:32 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Astronauts 

Baja   Favoriting

Surfin' with the Astronauts 

RCA Victor 



0:03:19 (Pop-up)
Living In Doom Town
Agent Orange  Fire In The Rain   Favoriting River's Edge Soundtrack  Enigma Records  1987 
0:08:46 (Pop-up)
Messages  Tony Charge   Favoriting Exhibit A  Play Records  1985 
0:11:47 (Pop-up)
The Radiators From Space  Prison Bars   Favoriting TV Tube Heart  Chiswick Records  1977 
0:15:24 (Pop-up)
The Avengers  We Are The One   Favoriting Dangerhouse Volume 1  Frontier  1991 
0:18:11 (Pop-up)
The Bags  Babylonian Gorgon   Favoriting Dangerhouse Volume Two: Give Me A Little Pain!  Frontier  1991 
0:20:44 (Pop-up)
The Muffs  Get Me Out of Here   Favoriting Nardwuar The Human Serviette Presents... Clam Chowder & Ice Vs Big Macs & Bombers  NardWuar Records  1991 
0:23:15 (Pop-up)
Wipers  Doom Town   Favoriting Over the Edge  Brain Eater Records  1983 
0:26:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Astronauts 

Miserlou   Favoriting

Surfin' with the Astronauts 

RCA Victor 



0:30:08 (Pop-up)
Nothing Mean's Nothing Anymore
Madelynn Von Ritz  When I Close My Eyes I See Blood   Favoriting Cruising: Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  Lorimar Records  1980 
0:36:14 (Pop-up)
Calamity Jane  Come On   Favoriting Stars Kill Rock  Kill Rock Stars  1993 
0:38:17 (Pop-up)
Hazel  Mr. Magazine Man   Favoriting Drinking From Puddles: A Radio History  Kill Rock Stars  1999 
0:41:12 (Pop-up)
Alley Cats  Nothing Means Nothing Anymore   Favoriting Dangerhouse Volume 1  Frontier  1991 
0:43:14 (Pop-up)
Rye Coalition  White Jesus of 114th Street   Favoriting KARP / Rye Coalition Split 12"  Troubleman Records  1995 
0:46:23 (Pop-up)
Saccharine Trust  Neruda's Wave   Favoriting The Great One Is Dead  Recess Records  2001 
0:50:19 (Pop-up)
Nicole Panter  Fuck   Favoriting Drinking From Puddles: A Radio History  Kill Rock Stars  1999 
0:52:40 (Pop-up)
The Bambi's  I'm Not Loose   Favoriting Exhibit A  Play Records  1985 
0:57:31 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Astronauts 

Surfer's Stomp   Favoriting

Surfin' with the Astronauts 

RCA Victor 



1:00:17 (Pop-up)
Rat Race
Circle Jerks  When The Shit Hits The Fan   Favoriting Repo Man (Music From Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)  San Andreas Records  1984 
1:13:38 (Pop-up)
Tit Wrench  Rock and Roll Man   Favoriting Everyone Knows There's A God  Vinyl Communications  1994 
1:16:37 (Pop-up)
Squid Pisser feat. Meghan O'Neil  Violence Forever   Favoriting My Tadpole Legion  Sweatband Records  2023 
1:19:56 (Pop-up)
Worst Case Scenario  Anything With A Mind   Favoriting Worst Case Scenario  Vermiform Records  1996 
1:22:06 (Pop-up)
Wax Edison  My Knife In My Side   Favoriting Fires Rabbits  Self-Released  2011 
1:23:52 (Pop-up)
Damage Deposit  Video Games And The Simpsons Are Killing Hardcore   Favoriting No Hold Back... All Attack!!!  Havoc Records  2002 
1:26:11 (Pop-up)
Men's Recovery Project  Prison Warden   Favoriting Grappling with the Homonids  Vermiform Records  1998 
1:26:52 (Pop-up)
The Dils  I Hate The Rich   Favoriting What? Stuff (v/a)  Bomp  1990 
1:27:27 (Pop-up)
Kaos  Top Secret   Favoriting What? Stuff (v/a)  Bomp  1990 
1:29:08 (Pop-up)
Skullbusters  Rat Race   Favoriting We Got Party  Mystic Records  1987 
1:31:07 (Pop-up)
Active Ingredient  I Hate MTV   Favoriting We Got Party  Mystic Records  1987 
1:32:26 (Pop-up)
Suicidal Tendencies  Subliminal   Favoriting Suicidal Tendencies  Frontier  1983 
1:33:24 (Pop-up)
Deadly Reign  Systems Suck   Favoriting Not So Quiet On The Western Front  Alternative Tentacles  1982 
1:36:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Astronauts 

Astronauts Medley   Favoriting

Surfin' with the Astronauts 

RCA Victor 



1:37:58 (Pop-up)
Sounds & Songs
The Weirdos  We've Got the Neutron Bomb   Favoriting Dangerhouse Volume Two: Give Me A Little Pain!  Frontier  1991 
1:47:19 (Pop-up)
The Vibrators  Rocket To The Moon   Favoriting Guilty  Anagram Records  1982 
1:50:07 (Pop-up)
Tribe 8  Speed Fortress   Favoriting Stars Kill Rock  Kill Rock Stars  1993 
1:52:38 (Pop-up)
The Soviettes  Twin Cities Sound   Favoriting No Hold Back... All Attack!!!  Havoc Records  2002 
1:56:31 (Pop-up)
Crackerbash  Song For Lon Mabon   Favoriting Drinking From Puddles: A Radio History  Kill Rock Stars  1999 
1:58:32 (Pop-up)
The Burning Sensations  Pablo Picasso   Favoriting Repo Man (Music From Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)  San Andreas Records  1984 
2:01:41 (Pop-up)
Pleasant Gehman  Monsanto   Favoriting Drinking From Puddles: A Radio History  Kill Rock Stars  1999 
2:05:42 (Pop-up)
The Eyes  Disneyland   Favoriting Dangerhouse Volume 1  Frontier  1991 
2:09:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
The Astronauts 

Banzai Pipeline   Favoriting

Surfin' with the Astronauts 

RCA Victor 



2:11:57 (Pop-up)
Dead Moon  Graveyard   Favoriting Drinking From Puddles: A Radio History  Kill Rock Stars  1999 
2:21:00 (Pop-up)
Drew Blood  Mohawk Redemption   Favoriting         2:25:22 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
Austin Rich:

Good Hello.
Avatar 8:54pm

Ahoy me hearties!
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Arvo Zylo:

Avatar 8:59pm

↳ Arvo Zylo @8:58
Nice to see you
Avatar 🎸 9:00pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Imaginos @8:54
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Krys O.:

This old biddy needs to get some shut-eye. Have fun, you kiddos!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Austin Rich:

Sleep well, Krys!
Avatar 9:01pm

↳ Krys O. @9:01
Sleep well
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Austin Rich:

Nice to see you in the digital salon, Imaginos and Arvo! Sit down, put your feet up. This one will be fun... hopefully?
Avatar 🎸 9:01pm
Arvo Zylo:

I have listened to punk for a lot of the last 24 hours. Funny that it is also happening here today.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Austin Rich:

I've been thinking about this song a lot lately. Something about the bit about voting for what's-his-name...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:02pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:01
Hopefully there isn't that much overlap...
Avatar 🎸 9:03pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:02
Nausea is also a great track on this album.
Avatar 🎸 9:06pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:02
Zero Boys, Gang Green, Zounds, Wasted Youth, Verbal Abuse, Scream, Ill Repute, Conflict, Blitz...
Avatar 9:07pm

oooh this sounds fun - I'll be here for the first bit, then corporate hell beckons....
Avatar 9:07pm

I screwed up a recipe on purpose once so people wouldn't ask me to cook in the future
Avatar 🎸 9:07pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:03
You are correct, my fault. "I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts" is also a good one on that album though.
Avatar 9:08pm
Mr. X:

A band that I used to be in had an alternate joke name: Punky Duncelings.
Avatar 🎸 9:08pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Song: "Baja" by "The Astronauts"
That is a great cover...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Austin .. just checking out the mutations.
Avatar 🎸 9:09pm
Arvo Zylo:

I know the Wipers are coming!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Fire In The Rain" by "Agent Orange"
One of my fave movies that really captures poor, Oregon punks, and was filmed here in the Mid-Valley! Crispen Glover plays a great methhead in that movie.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Webhamster Henry @9:09
Webhamster Henry! Lovely to see you in the Digital Salon.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Fire In The Rain" by "Agent Orange"
I'm a sucker for Agent Orange. This is the path I think pop-punk should have followed.
Avatar 🎸 9:11pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Song: "Fire In The Rain" by "Agent Orange"
I remember an Agent Orange show in the 90s, it was so empty that those of us who stubbornly tried to keep a pit going basically ended up running laps around a mostly empty room. I have not seen this movie since I was a kid. Probably should fix that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:12pm
Austin Rich:

For those who have not seen this movie: a group of friends discover that one of their close friends had murdered another friend of theirs. The friend group all take sides, and all hell breaks loose. Kids take guns to school... it gets VERY wild.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:13pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:11
I was talking about this not long ago: some legendary shows, by legendary bands, were attended by 12 people and the sound-person.
Avatar 🎸 9:14pm
Arvo Zylo:

I'm going to try to lower my adverb count from now on, sorry...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:15pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:14
No problem. We all talk the way we do.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Prison Bars" by "The Radiators From Space"
The newest addition to my collection. This album came into our store, and I had to pick it up. Just glancing at the cover, I had a hunch it would be great... and it was!
Avatar 🎸 9:16pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:13
In my case, it was my first time seeing crowd members jump on stage and just stay there dancing for a bit, then jump back off into the crowd. No crowd surfing because there was not enough people, but it was pretty wild. Older punkers showing the young bucks how to do it. I still regret not seeing a Toy Dolls show that happened around the same time, I heard talk about that show for years after because there were a whole lot of "first gen punks" who were more wild than anyone. Lots of fighting, though, apparently.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:17pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:16
I regret not seeing the Toy Dolls. Everyone I know who went RAVED about the show for ages.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "We Are The One" by "The Avengers"
If you want a great comp, both volumes of the Dangerhouse Records collection is FANTASTIC.
Avatar 🎸 9:21pm
Arvo Zylo:

My friend stashed what now remains of my vinyl collection. An infinitisimally small fraction of what once was, before the purge I had to make during the pandemic. The only punk vinyl LP I still own is Ramones' Rocket to Russia, unless I'm mistaken. I used to have quite a bit.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Babylonian Gorgon" by "The Bags"
Wish I could have caught one of those Alice Bag shows when she toured about 10 years ago. I heard she was fantastic.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:23pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:21
To have your entire punk collection reduced to "Rocket To Russian" isn't a bad way to go. But I know what you mean; I used to have so many more records, and old roommates and less than considerate "friends" have lightened the load over the years.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Get Me Out of Here" by "The Muffs"
Unlike most of the conversation here in the Digital Salon tonight, I DID see The Muffs when I could, and they were ALWAYS great. I wish I could have seen them more.
Avatar 🎸 9:24pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:23
I have definitely had that happen too. Had a friend from high school steal a lot of my CDs, and I know he sold them to a used CD store that I ended up working at, because I knew the distinctive marks and things. So he sold them for 10 cents each, I sold them for the marked up price to strangers.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:26pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:24
Having stuff stolen from me by old roommates is one of the reasons I have trust issues. So many lost albums over the years...
Avatar 🎸 9:26pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Song: "Get Me Out of Here" by "The Muffs"
This might not be a widely held opinion, but this would not work if it were recorded digitally in pro tools. It works because it was recorded to tape.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:27pm

Lurking here
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Doom Town" by "Wipers"
This record was a gift from The Ramen City Kid, who also shares a love of The Wipers. I have a few of their LPs, but this one is my fave.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:27pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:26
I think a lot of the charm of punk is that it is a very analog medium.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Aitch @9:27
We love our lurkers!
Avatar 🎸 9:28pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:27
I had heard of them in the 90s, but they weren't hard enough for me at the time. I think you were officially the one who converted me as a grown up.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:29pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:28
I used to be like that, too. But as I get older I sort of like that early, "wimpier" punk stuff, back when that was as hard as they could get! Hardcore was Minor Threat!
Avatar 9:31pm
Four Dimensional:

Hey Austin
Avatar 9:31pm

↳ Austin Rich @9:27
Punk was made for analog and vinyl. There's something about the slight hiss and craclkle that enhances the quality
Avatar 9:31pm

↳ Austin Rich @9:29
I've kinda gone the other way! i'M LOVING HARDCORE AND DARK METAL LIKE i NEVER, EVER DID. sorry for caps. Work caps. I use caps for work stuff at times.
Avatar 🎸 9:31pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:29
Screeching Weasel had some angrier stuff, but then they would get too "whiney" for me at the time. I liked The Bollweevils, and the Ramones, and that was really the only pop punk I would like in the 90s. I was more into Minor Threat, The Casualties, early Black Flag, etc.
Avatar 9:33pm

I also love really long songs. More stuff over 7mins!! As a youngster I would have HATED that.
Avatar 🎸 9:36pm
Arvo Zylo:

I liked those long LARD tracks when I was young...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:36
Yeah, LARD got a pass for a lot of stuff that they did.
Avatar 🎸 9:37pm
Arvo Zylo:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:37pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:31
Casualties were underrated. I should listen to them again.
Avatar 🎸 9:38pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @9:37
Ah I guess they have MeToo issues now...

Anti Flag too, another one I saw a lot in the 90s.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:40pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:38
I shouldn't be surprised.

With Anti-Flag, either. I used to love those guys.

I feel like it is far too often I hear about some punk guy that I am now disappointed in. Sigh.
Avatar 9:41pm

↳ Arvo Zylo @9:37
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Mr. Magazine Man" by "Hazel"
Hazel included a "dancer" who was as much a member of the band as anyone else. If Fred was not there, it was NOT a Hazel show.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Mr. Magazine Man" by "Hazel"
"Drinking From Puddles" was a legendary punk show from the Mid-Valley, that hosted a number of great bands / phone calls in their time. This compilation is incredible, and will be featured a few times tonight.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:46pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "White Jesus of 114th Street" by "Rye Coalition"
Probably one of my favorite records of the 90's. I almost wore the grooves flat on this one.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Neruda's Wave" by "Saccharine Trust"
I bought this record from Joe Baiza when we played those shows together, and it sounds VERY good on two LPs at 45. Smart move on his part.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Fuck" by "Nicole Panter"
This is a composite track, using an instrumental I created from the Repo Man Soundtrack, and a phone call from Nicole Panter, the manager of the Germs.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Fuck" by "Nicole Panter"
I had a long correspondence with Nicole for years, where I would ask her stupid questions about the OG punk scene, and about her spoken word records. She must have thought I was a total nerd.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

↳ Austin Rich @9:53
Away in a germy manger?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Aitch @9:56
Anything for the holidays.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 9:57pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Fuck" by "Nicole Panter"
"A Work In Progress..."
Claire & Dan:

Claire says "Bah, Humbug!" Dan echoes the sentiment.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:00pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Claire & Dan @9:59
Ahhhh, Claire & Dan! It is lovely to see you in the Digital Salon!
Claire & Dan:

You will also see us at your performance this week. Dan is bringing his new 3-D camera! So be prepared to be deep.
Avatar 10:02pm

Spell I has been known to replace vegetarian with veterinarian
Avatar 10:09pm

Maybe you'll hate a song today and love it tomorrow
Avatar 🎸 10:10pm
Arvo Zylo:

Compilations can be a way to have out of print singles reissued, too. Much cheaper than expensive out of print singles, and personally, I didn't migrate to the singles section of record stores nearly as often, to be honest.
Avatar 10:14pm

Getting sleepy. Had a great time here
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:10
Absolutely! I love those "Killed By Death" comps for that reason. I can't afford those singles, but I can get those comps.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Imaginos @10:14
It is much later for you than for me. Sleep well!
Avatar 10:14pm
Mr. X:

↳ Song: "When The Shit Hits The Fan" by "Circle Jerks"
The album is almost as good as the movie.
Avatar 🎸 10:15pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Song: "When The Shit Hits The Fan" by "Circle Jerks"
Iggy Pop has a great track on this soundtrack. I'm pretty sure it had the guitarist from The Sex Pistols on it. Allegedly, he made up the song on the spot in the studio with the band.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:15pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @10:14
I would say the soundtrack is as influential as the movie!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:16pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:15
Iggy makes good soundtrack donations. I love his "Dogs In Space" song, too. ("I'm Livin' On Dogfood.")
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Rock and Roll Man" by "Tit Wrench"
Another record I almost wore out in the 90's. Our band, Cathead, lifted riffs from Tit Wrench records any chance we could.
Avatar 🎸 10:18pm
Arvo Zylo:

I thought Tit Wrench was a music fest up to this point...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:19pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:18
I think you would like their stuff. I get their song, "Rave On, Fuckface," stuck in my head ALL the time.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:21pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Violence Forever" by "Squid Pisser feat. Meghan O...
Meghan O'Neil is in a few punk bands: Super Unison and Punch, and probably more.
Avatar 🎸 10:22pm
Arvo Zylo:

The Barbies, by the way, were a New Wave band from 1980 who were recently reissued

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:22pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Anything With A Mind" by "Worst Case Scenario"
This is, essentially, Unwound, minus Sara Lund.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:23pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:22
Hmmmm. Will have to look into that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:25pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "My Knife In My Side" by "Wax Edison"
This record showed up in my "box" at the radio station in Portland, when I worked there. And fortunately it was good, otherwise I would have probably thrown it away; the cover looks like it would be some hippy bullshit.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Austin Rich:

"Prison Warden! Dry your eyes! All the prisoners, need not to make you cry!"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "I Hate The Rich" by "The Dils"
This might be my favorite song.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:28pm
Austin Rich:

The Dils released four singles, and on them, eight songs. EVERY SONG IS EXCELLENT IN EVERY WAY. What an incredible hit-ratio when it comes to music.
Avatar 🎸 10:29pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @10:27
This reminds me of the time I played "Kill From The Heart" really loud in the studio, and all the students left. There was a little student lounge outside the on air studio, which was annoying because these kids would come in and start messing with the studio computer while I was recording.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:30pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Top Secret" by "Kaos"
What? Records was an essential part of the LA Punk Scene. The Dils & The Dils alone would make them absolutely essential.
Avatar 10:30pm
Mr. X:

↳ Austin Rich @10:28
And yet, the lack of more Dils is tragic.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:30pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @10:30
They went on to more music, that was not as great. But yeah... I would love for there to be another secret Dils single that I didn't know about. How cool would that be?
Avatar 🎸 10:31pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:29
It was the Spits version, not the Dicks version, if I recall correctly. I have played both on the radio...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Rat Race" by "Skullbusters"
One of my fave under-rated comps.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:32pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:31
I ADORE The Spits!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @10:30
Yes, let's try to channel the universe where there where more Dils records! That could be our project for Human Dinosaur.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:33pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Subliminal" by "Suicidal Tendencies"
Hands down, one of my fave punk records.
Avatar 🎸 10:34pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @10:33
Saw them in the 90s too, singer still wore a bandana down to his eyelashes...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Subliminal" by "Suicidal Tendencies"
Seeing Suicidal live was really eye-opening. All this bonkers kids in the pit who seemed like they might take you out if you look at them wrong, and then you would have the best conversations between bands. They were EXCELLENT!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:35pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:34
I think he always does that.
Avatar 10:36pm
Mr. X:

↳ Austin Rich @10:33
So I would guess that channeling punk universes requires broken glass and rusty safety pins, rather than the amethyst crystals and redwood scented massage oil needed to channel New Age universes...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:37pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Systems Suck" by "Deadly Reign"
This comp is an amazing snapshot of the late 70s / early 80's punk scene in Cali (and Nevada, aparently). A lot of these bands didn't last long. This comp sort of let's them live into the moder era.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:37pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @10:36
Ha! And some cheap, cheap beer. Pabst? Cheaper, probably?
Avatar 🎸 10:38pm
Arvo Zylo:

There could have been a punk version of MTV that would have challenged the regular MTV, I think, if it had the reach.

Also, I just reluctantly watched this movie called Y2K and it was a crappy cheesy horror movie about a real virus happening on New Years Eve that makes computers go crazy and try to implant all the humans. I just thought the whole time it would be so much better if it were a punk movie, instead it had a cameo from Fred Durst and was just agony to watch.
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Mr. X:

↳ Austin Rich @10:37
Generic BEER
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Arvo Zylo:

↳ Song: "Systems Suck" by "Deadly Reign"
This was a great comp, got it from the Alternative Tentacles mail order the old fashioned way.
Avatar 🎸 10:40pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Mr. X @10:38
Lets Go Do Some Crimes!
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Mr. X:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:40
Plate of shrimp!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:47pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "We've Got the Neutron Bomb" by "The Weirdos"
One of the greatest punk bands / songs.
Avatar 🎸 10:49pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Austin Rich @10:47
Glad I got to see The Weirdos some time in the 2000s.
Avatar 10:49pm
Mr. X:

↳ Austin Rich @10:47
One of my faves, too.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:51pm
Austin Rich:

I suspect we are all in agreement, but The Weirdos are so good as musicians, who also can also dash out a great punk riff, too. It's that combo of sloppy and knowing that makes them great.
Avatar 10:54pm

Thank you for all the good tunes (and tunes trivia) tonight!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:55pm
Austin Rich:

↳ mattorefice @10:54
Matt! I do love when you make an appearance in the Digital Salon! Thank you for droppin' by!
Avatar 🎸 10:55pm
Arvo Zylo:

ok good show thanks and have a good night. Nice to hear live vinyl once in a while.
  🎸 10:56pm
Heather Z:

I've been tuned in all show and loving what I'm hearing while crafting and doing some punk rock laundry!! Thanks for a great night!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:56pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:55
We've got quite a bit of show left! We'll be going long tonight.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Twin Cities Sound" by "The Soviettes"
Way back when, I hosted The Soviettes live on my show, and I have an interview with them in the archive, too. They were a lot of fun live, and their records are great!
Avatar 10:57pm
Mr. X:

Grumpy Punk is sounding altogether too cheerful tonight.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Heather Z @10:56
Nice to see you in the Digital Salon!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:57pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @10:57
It's the only way to get a smile out of him.
Avatar 🎸 10:58pm
Arvo Zylo:

↳ Heather Z @10:56
Hi Heather, yes I think it is time for punk rock dishes over here...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 10:59pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Song For Lon Mabon" by "Crackerbash"
Out here in the Mid-Valley, Lon Mabon was a hatemonger and the leader of a group, The OCA, that tried to pass anti-gay laws in the 90's. Crackerbash wrote this song about wanting to terrorize him the way he terrorized the queer community.
  🎸 10:59pm
Heather Z:

↳ Arvo Zylo @10:58
Hi Arvo! Punk rock chores is the way to do em!!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:00pm
Austin Rich:

"You get just what you earn! You ever see a match burn, TWICE!"
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Austin Rich:

"Time Wounds All Heels They Say!"
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David Shortell:

Maybe there's time for one more Astronauts song:
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Pablo Picasso" by "The Burning Sensations"
I used to think the hight of cool was to drive around listening to THIS song, with the windows rolled down, wearing sunglasses, so everyone could see how cool you are. I did this for real, in the 90's, TOO MANY TIMES.
Avatar 11:02pm
Mr. X:

↳ Austin Rich @10:59
Is old Lon still around? Seems like he would fit right into the upcoming administration.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @11:02
If he hasn't already been given a position.
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Austin Rich:

↳ David Shortell @11:02
Oooo! I didn't know about this one.
  🎸 11:04pm
Heather Z:

↳ Austin Rich @11:02
When we were kids, we liked to change up lyrics to be goofy and I'll never hear this without hearing my friend Leigh say, "Pablo Picasso was never called a cherry wood table."
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:05pm
Austin Rich:

The irony is: Pablo Picasso was most likely very difficult to work with. Someone, most likely, did call him an asshole. And probably very often.
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Mr. X:

↳ Song: "Pablo Picasso" by "The Burning Sensations"
So weren't Burning Sensations actually some other band? Or am I thinking of Juicy Bananas?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:05pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @11:05
You're thinking of The Juicy Bananas, which was just Repo Man cast and Sy Richardson doing vocals.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:06pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Monsanto" by "Pleasant Gehman"
I'm sort of Obsessed with Pleasant Gehman's writing.

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:07pm
Austin Rich:

All the old punks in Southern Cali would go to Disneyland to score drugs or "hook up."
Avatar 🎸 11:07pm
Arvo Zylo:

I like the Repo Man soundtrack and everything but I'm sure plenty of people called Picasso an asshole, maybe not to his face...

In terms of 80s punk soundtracks, Return of the Living Dead is right up there, though, although not pure punk music...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:08pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Arvo Zylo @11:07
Agreed! Return of The Living Dead is one of my fave movies / soundtracks, for sure!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:10pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Disneyland" by "The Eyes"
There was a great Garage Rock band called The Eyes. And there was a great punk band called The Eyes. Was there a great 80's band called The Eyes? I don't know...
Avatar 11:11pm
David Shortell:

↳ Austin Rich @11:03
My favorite alleged Astronauts tune is the theme from “Ride the Wild Surf”: a 1964 Columbia picture starring Fabian, Tab Hunter, Barbara Eden and others.
I don’t believe it’s really the Astronauts playing it though!
Avatar 11:18pm
David Shortell:

↳ Austin Rich @11:10
The first one you’re thinking of is likely the 60’s English freakbeat group known for “I’m Rowed Out”, “When the Night Falls” and “You’re Too Much”.
The Eyes that you played is the punk group with future Go-Go Charlotte Caffey.
I don’t know of any other Eyes.
  🎸 11:21pm
Heather Z:

We have a Ben Morey and The Eyes here in Rochester!
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Mr. X:

Does Yamantaka Eye of Boredoms count?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Graveyard" by "Dead Moon"
One of the best Portland husband / wife bands, I saw Dead Moon every chance I could. Maybe five times? Six? They were always amazing. Toody, Fred's wife / Dead Moon's bass player has a thrift store in Portland, as I understand it.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Mr. X @11:21
I do love The Boredoms.
Avatar 11:22pm
Mr. X:

Fun show, Austin! Thanks for the memories and the new-to-me stuff as well.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Heather Z @11:21
There's an "The Eyes" for the 2020's! Excellent!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:24pm
Austin Rich:

Thanks everyone! Ya'll are amazing.
  🎸 11:24pm
Heather Z:

↳ Austin Rich @11:22
Had to pop back in to mention! They're good, too, from what I recall, and definitely tick the 2020s box!

Night all and thanks for a lovely evening!
Avatar 11:24pm
David Shortell:

↳ Austin Rich @9:53
The same Nicole who acted in the 1981 HBO special "The Pee-Wee Herman Show".
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:24pm
Austin Rich:

↳ David Shortell @11:24
Yes! That was one of the e-mails we traded: me asking her about that!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:25pm
Austin Rich:

↳ Song: "Mohawk Redemption" by "Drew Blood"
This poem brings a tear to my eyes.
Avatar 11:25pm
David Shortell:

↳ Austin Rich @11:24
And of course her brother Gary is the "Jimbo" cartoonist who designed the show's set.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:26pm
Austin Rich:

↳ David Shortell @11:25
YES! Those Jimbo comics are incredible.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 11:27pm
Austin Rich:

And Beefheart is afterward! Ashtray Heart is the song in which Beefheart complains about how punks stole everything from him! How perfect.
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