Heartaches and Pain
"Heartaches and Pain" by "Charles Bradley"
2010 Daptone Records
The Como Mamas
He's Calling Me
"He's Calling Me" by "The Como Mamas"
James Hunter Six
Satchel Foot
"Satchel Foot" by "James Hunter Six"
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Pick It Up, Lay It In The Cut
"Pick It Up, Lay It In The Cut" by "Sharon Jones &...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! It's your favorite DJ, the bunny, coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with some cloudy skies and a temperature of 52 degrees. But don't let that dampen your spirits, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way to warm you up. And hey, don't forget to grab your umbrella before you head out, because the humidity is at 56 percent. But don't worry, we'll keep you dancing and singing in the rain. So sit back, relax, and let the bunny take you on a musical journey through the swinging 60s. Stay tuned, my friends!
Booker T. & The MGs
Hip Hug-Her
"Hip Hug-Her" by "Booker T. & The MGs"
James Hunter
Drop On Me
"Drop On Me" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
101 Strings
"Flameout" by "101 Strings"
Back announcing the set
The Mighty Imperials
Chico's Barnyard
"Chico's Barnyard" by "The Mighty Imperials"
Lou Ragland
I Travel Alone
"I Travel Alone" by "Lou Ragland"
I Travel Alone
Ronnie Forte
Nervous Breakdown
"Nervous Breakdown" by "Ronnie Forte"
That Was Whiskey Talkin' / Nervous Breakdown
Moses Dillard
Pretty As a Picture
"Pretty As a Picture" by "Moses Dillard"
Pretty As A Picture / Go 'Way Baby
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, it's the bunny here on the Rock and Soul Stream, bringing you the grooviest tunes from the 60s and beyond. But before we get into the music, let's take a look at the weather. It's a beautiful afternoon here in the Big Apple, with clear skies and a temperature of 52 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 53 percent, so you can leave your frizzy hair worries at home. So get out there and enjoy the sunshine, and keep it locked right here on WFMU for all your rock and soul needs. Now let's get back to the music, baby!"
The Olympians
"Neptune" by "The Olympians"
The Sugarman 3
Pure Cane
"Pure Cane" by "The Sugarman 3"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"youcanbeloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Lou Rawls
It's an Uphill Climb to the Bottom
"It's an Uphill Climb to the Bottom" by "Lou Rawls"
Too Much!
The Supremes
Oh My Poor Baby
"Oh My Poor Baby" by "The Supremes"
Light Lunch & the Freeloaders
How Can I Win Your Love
"How Can I Win Your Love" by "Light Lunch & the Fr...
Light Lunch
Sunny & the Sunliners
If I Could See You Now
"If I Could See You Now" by "Sunny & the Sunliners"
Maxine Brown
Let Me Give You My Lovin'
"Let Me Give You My Lovin'" by "Maxine Brown"
Let Me Give You My Lovin'
Music behind DJ:
The T-Bones
No Matter What Shape
"No Matter What Shape" by "The T-Bones"
Back announcing the set
Joe Tex
Someone To Take Your Place
"Someone To Take Your Place" by "Joe Tex"
Dog food
"Dog food" by "WES DAKUS"
Dobie Gray
See You At The Go Go
"See You At The Go Go" by "Dobie Gray"
Patty & The Emblems
Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl
"Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl" by "Patty & The Emblems"
The Impressions
Fool For You
"Fool For You" by "The Impressions"
The Regents
"Runaround" by "The Regents"
Minstrel And Queen
"Minstrel And Queen" by "Impressions"
The Impressions
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with clear skies and a temperature of 53 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 51 percent, so you can leave your frizzy hair worries at home. Looks like it's gonna be a great day to hit the streets and soak up some sunshine. So put on your shades and turn up the tunes, because we've got some rockin' and soulful tracks coming your way. Stay tuned, folks!
Charles Bradley
Brother, I'm Down (Bonus Track)
"Brother, I'm Down (Bonus Track)" by "Charles Brad...
2010 Daptone Records
The Como Mamas
99 and A Half Won't Do
"99 and A Half Won't Do" by "The Como Mamas"
The Kents
I Found My Girl
"I Found My Girl" by "The Kents"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"badlittleloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
Bob & Gene
Somebody's Doin It (War)
"Somebody's Doin It (War)" by "Bob & Gene"
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens
Jordan River
"Jordan River" by "Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens"
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Humble Me
"Humble Me" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the Rock and Soul Stream on WFMU. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with clear skies and a temperature of 53 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 51 percent, so it's the perfect day to get out and enjoy some tunes. Whether you're strolling through Central Park or cruising down the streets of NYC, the weather is on your side. So put on your shades, roll down those windows, and let the music take you away. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you all a far out day. Keep it locked right here on WFMU for the best rock and soul hits of the 60s. Peace out, my friends!
James Hunter Six
A Truer Heart
"A Truer Heart" by "James Hunter Six"
Brenton Wood
The Oogum Boogum Song
"The Oogum Boogum Song" by "Brenton Wood"
James Hunter
Gold Mine
"Gold Mine" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
"M-23" by "the Electric Flag, an American Music Band"
Back announcing the set
Evil One
"Evil One" by "Sapphires"
Evil One
Al Garner
I'll Get Along Without You
"I'll Get Along Without You" by "Al Garner"
Wilson Pickett
A Man & A Half
"A Man & A Half" by "Wilson Pickett"
Fabulous Counts
Dirty Red
"Dirty Red" by "Fabulous Counts"
Mike and Ray
If You Only Knew
"If You Only Knew" by "Mike and Ray"
If Only You Knew
O.V. Wright
You're So Good to Me
"You're So Good to Me" by "O.V. Wright"
Nucleus Of Soul
Music behind DJ:
Fathers Angels
Bok to Bach
"Bok to Bach" by "Fathers Angels"
Back announcing the set
The Mighty Imperials
Soul Buster Part I feat. Joseph Henry
"Soul Buster Part I feat. Joseph Henry" by "The Mi...
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