Favoriting Observations of Deviance with David Mittleman: Playlist from December 21, 2024 Favoriting

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Observations of Deviance is a vinyl focused, free form program that harkens back to early days of underground FM radio. Your host, David Mittleman, hunts down the most exotic, unusual and off-the-beaten-track music from around the world in a number of genres: Spiritual Jazz, Free Improvisation, Experimental Electronics, Ethnographic Oddities and World-Wide Psychedelic Funk. You are guaranteed to hear sounds you’ve never heard before.

Saturday 7 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting December 21, 2024

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
Negativland  The Perfect Cut (Rooty Poops)   Favoriting Helter Stupid  SST  1989    0:02:26 (Pop-up)
Space Blanket  Bubble Portal   Favoriting Sonic Balms For Soothing Souls  Byrd Out  2025  https://danalogue.bandcamp.com/album/sonic-balms-for-soothing-souls  0:04:43 (Pop-up)
Green Cosmos  Kalimba Suite, Part 1   Favoriting Abendmusiken  Frederiksberg  2025  https://frederiksbergrecords.bandcamp.com/album/abendmusiken  0:08:51 (Pop-up)
Brandon Lopez, DoYeon Kim  II   Favoriting Syzygy, Vol. 1  577  2025  https://577records.bandcamp.com/album/syzygy-vol-1  0:14:44 (Pop-up)
Dub Syndicate  Intercommunications   Favoriting Out Here On The Perimeter (1989-1996)  On-U Sound  2025  https://dubsyndicate.bandcamp.com/album/out-here-on-the-perimeter-1989-1996  0:19:54 (Pop-up)
Damon Locks  Click   Favoriting List Of Demands  International Anthem  2025  https://intlanthem.bandcamp.com/album/list-of-demands  0:24:34 (Pop-up)
Los Pambelé  Cannabis   Favoriting Cannabis / Marihuana 7"  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/cannabis-marihuana-2  0:33:08 (Pop-up)
Tim Berne  Oddly Enough   Favoriting Yikes Too  Screwgun / Out Of Your Head  2025  https://timberne.bandcamp.com/album/yikes-too  0:35:41 (Pop-up)
Traxman  I Want U To Ghost   Favoriting Da Mind Of Traxman Vol.3  Plant Mu  2025  https://traxmanmu.bandcamp.com/album/da-mind-of-traxman-vol-3  0:41:10 (Pop-up)
Ammar El Sherei  Enta Enta   Favoriting Music From The East  WeWantSounds  2025  https://wewantsounds.bandcamp.com/merch/omar-el-shariyi-ammar-el-sherei-music-from-the-east-lp-special-edition-black-vinyl-with-2-page-insert  0:44:24 (Pop-up)
Jane Birkin - Serge Gainsbourg  La Chanson De Slogan   Favoriting Jane Birkin - Serge Gainsbourg  Fontana  1969    0:56:11 (Pop-up)
Hideo Shiraki / Charlie Mariano / Akira Fukuhara / Hidehiko Matsumoto / Masao Yagi  Jinku   Favoriting KING Jazz RE​​​:​​​Generation Vol​​​.​​​2 - Selected by Yusuke Ogawa (Universounds)  180g / Sound Fuji  2024  https://180g-soundfuji.bandcamp.com/album/king-jazz-re-generation-vol-2-selected-by-yusuke-ogawa-universounds  1:02:18 (Pop-up)
Deadly Headley  Independent Man (Horn Cut)   Favoriting 35 Years From Alpha  On-U Sound  2024  https://deadlyheadley.bandcamp.com/album/35-years-from-alpha  1:08:59 (Pop-up)
The 107th Street Stickball Team  Toma Guajira   Favoriting Saboreando - Pot Full of Soul  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/saboreando-pot-full-of-soul  1:13:50 (Pop-up)
Lars-Göran Ulander  Moose On The Loose [Per Henrik Wallin Trio (1977)]   Favoriting Öppet Två  Caprice  2024  https://capricemusic.se/nyheter/oppet-tva-lars-goran-ulander/  1:16:42 (Pop-up)
Chris Brown - Ben Davis - Zeena Parkins - William Winant  Minotaur   Favoriting Scree  Relative Pitch  2024  https://relativepitchrecords.bandcamp.com/album/scree  1:23:57 (Pop-up)
James Brandon Lewis Trio  Five Spots to Caravan   Favoriting Apple Cores  Anti-  2025  https://jamesbrandonlewis.bandcamp.com/album/apple-cores  1:26:15 (Pop-up)
Sonic's Rendezvous Band  City Slang   Favoriting City Slang / Electrophonic Tonic 7"  Easy Action  2014    1:34:40 (Pop-up)
Montparnassse Musique  Kamoulan (Montparnasse Musique Remix)   Favoriting Family First  Real World X  2024  https://montparnassemusique.bandcamp.com/album/family-first  1:39:49 (Pop-up)
Los Darlings de Huaneco  Marihuana   Favoriting Cannabis / Marihuana 7"  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/cannabis-marihuana-2  1:46:50 (Pop-up)
The Fury  Ender’s Game   Favoriting Live From Brooklyn  Giant Step Arts  2024  https://thefurybrooklyn.bandcamp.com/album/live-in-brooklyn  1:49:50 (Pop-up)
Aniceto Molina Y Su Conjunto  Cumbia Candela   Favoriting Cumbia Sabrosa Vol. 3: Sonidero Bangers from the Codiscos Vaults  Rocafort  2024  https://rocafortrecords.bandcamp.com/album/cumbia-sabrosa-vol-3-sonidero-bangers-from-the-codiscos-vaults  1:57:05 (Pop-up)
Eddie Gale  The Coming Of Gwilu   Favoriting Eddie Gale's Ghetto Music  Blue Note  1968    2:02:52 (Pop-up)
Los Africanos  Together People (Pamoja Watu)   Favoriting Together People / It's Your Thing 7"  VampiSoul  2024  https://vampisoul.bandcamp.com/album/together-people-pamoja-watu  2:16:38 (Pop-up)
Karen Borca, Paul Murphy  Good News Blues   Favoriting Entwined  Relative Pitch  2024  https://relativepitchrecords.bandcamp.com/album/entwined  2:19:35 (Pop-up)
McCoy Tyner, Joe Henderson, Henry Grimes & Jack DeJohnette  Taking Off   Favoriting Forces of Nature: Live at Slugs’  Blue Note  2024  https://store.bluenote.com/products/mccoy-tyner-joe-henderson-forces-of-nature-live-at-slugs  2:34:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:49pm

Going live in about 11 minutes. A ridiculous amount of great new music & new reissues, plus some rare vintage vinyl favorites
Avatar 7:00pm

YES! We are now live!
Laura Panic:

I am here for ridiculous amounts
Avatar 7:09pm

↳ Laura Panic @7:08
Avatar 7:11pm

↳ Song: "Kalimba Suite, Part 1" by "Green Cosmos"
"an undiscovered gem of German jazz... "Abendmusiken" by Green Cosmos is the first and only release by this quartet, which originally came out in 1983."
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:14pm

Violation of the norms of standard musical quantities is a serious matter, and will be reported to the authorities
Avatar 7:16pm

↳ Song: "II" by "Brandon Lopez, DoYeon Kim"
Brandon Lopez: bass
DoYeon Kim: gayageum
Avatar 7:18pm

Ample portions shall always prevail here. A cornucopia of sounds.
Avatar 7:21pm

↳ Song: "Intercommunications" by "Dub Syndicate"
"A brand new set of Dub Syndicate ‘versions’ utilising rhythms from their classic 89 - 96 period. Adrian Sherwood has gone back to the original tapes, working his mixing desk magic to find new angles on the timeless pulse of Lincoln Valentine “Style” Scott, with fresh overdubs from Cyrus Richard (Dub Asante Band)."
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

Seems you're keeping the amounts just the whimsical side of ridiculous, smart move :)
Avatar 7:26pm

Avatar 7:36pm

↳ Song: "Oddly Enough" by "Tim Berne"
Tim Berne - alto saxophone
Tom Rainey - drums
Gregg Belisle-Chi - guitar
Avatar 7:47pm

Avatar 7:49pm

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:16pm

hi Observant ones! listening while doing some online course (required by end of the year). nice company!
Avatar 8:17pm

Hi there Dr J!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 8:18pm

Dont't recognize any names in this set so far...that's cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:21pm

Greetings David and all
Avatar 8:24pm

↳ Song: "Minotaur" by "Chris Brown - Ben Davis - Zeena Par...
Zeena Parkins: harp
Chris Brown: piano/electronics
William Winant: percussion
Ben Davis: cello
Avatar 8:25pm

Welcome one and all
Avatar 8:50pm

↳ Song: "Ender’s Game" by "The Fury"
Mark Turner - Saxophone
Lage Lund - Guitar
Matt Brewer - Bass
Tyshawn Sorey - Drums
Avatar 9:04pm

↳ Song: "The Coming Of Gwilu" by "Eddie Gale"
Avatar 9:17pm

↳ Observations @9:04
pic of my vinyl copy

Avatar 9:19pm

↳ Song: "Good News Blues" by "Karen Borca, Paul Murphy"
my photo of KAREN BORCA from 1999

Avatar 9:21pm

↳ Song: "Good News Blues" by "Karen Borca, Paul Murphy"
Karen Borca (born September 5, 1948, in Green Bay, Wisconsin) is an American avant-garde jazz and free jazz bassoonist.

She was an assistant to Taylor's longtime collaborator, saxophonist Jimmy Lyons, while he was artist-in-residence at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont in 1974. Borca and Lyons got married, and she played in his ensemble until he died in 1986.

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:26pm

Stork played several tracks a few weeks ago which featured Karen Borca, within a Jimmy Lyons birthday tribute.
it's good to finally be exposed to so much of her.
Avatar 9:34pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:26
awesome, that sounds cool
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

↳ Song: "Taking Off" by "McCoy Tyner, Joe Henderson, Henry...
just got this LP in the mail, haven't taken the wrap off (DJ Peter has been playing a good bit of it on his show).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 9:50pm

Almost the end, been digging the sounds, thanks David!
Happy Holidays all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:03pm

Thanks David!
Avatar 10:03pm

thanks everyone!
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