Favoriting The Hour of Crap with Don-O: Playlist from December 27, 2024 Favoriting

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The Hour Of Crap is an hour's worth of crap and I make no apologies!

Friday 6 - 9pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting December 27, 2024: The Willsaphone Stupid Show presents Dreamscape!!
In an all OTE show, we get dropped into the vat that is the old Wills household of yore, while we also explore the dreams it the shows victims like The Weatherman and Phineas Narco and ignore Ronald Redball!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
The 1-80-G’s  Oven Noise   Favoriting 180-G’s To The Future  Seeland Records  MP3    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Negativland  first slab   Favoriting Willsaphone Release Party    MP3  ....featuring Phineas Narco and Ronald Redball.  0:09:26 (Pop-up)
Negativland  the first slab   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show    MP3  from the unedited original (almost) full radio broadcast  0:33:40 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Happy The Harmonica (live)   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show    MP3  selected from the original radio broadcast  1:03:40 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Dreamscape   Favoriting The Willsaphone Release Party    MP3    1:12:26 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Fuck You, Tough Darts, Jingle Bells, etc   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show  Seeland Records  MP3  CD version  2:03:05 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Weather Reports, Weather Hot Line   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show  Seeland Records  MP3  CD version  2:09:34 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Toilet Noises, Lumpy Gravy, Etc.   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show  Seeland Records  MP3  CD version  2:19:35 (Pop-up)
Negativland  Fake Bacon & Electronic Music Hot Line   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show  Seeland Records  MP3  CD version  2:20:21 (Pop-up)
Negativland  (Still More) Weatherman vs. The Monkees, Casual Talk   Favoriting The Willsaphone Stupid Show  Seeland Records  MP3  CD version  2:28:26 (Pop-up)
Negativland  third and final slab   Favoriting The Willsaphone Release Party    MP3    2:32:53 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

I’m here now, listening. Probably not a lot to comment about. Keep on laughing!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:00pm
Asheville Jon:

aw geez, it's the last crap of the year
Avatar 6:01pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:00
Good HELL-o Buddy and Ashville Jon. Not so much laughing as much as shaking your collective heads in shame of this level of stupidity....
Avatar 6:01pm
Buddy Runyan:

Gas pilot light in my grandmother’s oven.
Avatar 6:02pm

I downed half of Rockstar Punched Fruit Punch, so I'LL be a whole lot stupid VERY soon...
Avatar 🎸 6:05pm

Hey Ho Crap Masters and Boopers
Avatar 6:07pm

↳ Cp304 @6:05
Good HELL-o, Cp304! Blame Buddy for this show.
Avatar 6:08pm

My pronunciation of Daryl's name is a VERY possible DAMNATION!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

Hey Don-O and crew
Avatar 🎸 6:09pm

Awww.. Rip.. a show and blog I should have visited more often..
Avatar 6:13pm
Buddy Runyan:

My first tape recorder from 1966 was an Aiwa TP50R. It had no capstan, only rim drive and overall, very poor fidelity.
Avatar 6:16pm

↳ Aitch @6:08
Enjoy the noise, Aitch!
Avatar 6:17pm
Buddy Runyan:

Not bullying!
Avatar 6:19pm

I think Playboy bought Spice Channel.....
asheville jon:

Holy crap, totally forgot about the spice channel
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Kat in the chat:

Daktari! was great, loved it when I was a kid
Avatar 6:22pm

↳ Kat in the chat @6:21
MST3K had a Daktari Stool joke. WAY obscure joke on me....
Avatar 6:22pm
Buddy Runyan:

Here’s an article about playboy buying The Spice Channel.
Avatar 6:23pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:22
I do remember THAT bit of cable history.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 6:24pm
Kat in the chat:

Still working, doing something incredibly tedious, this is helping me not lose the will to live
Avatar 6:24pm

Hey, Buddy. Did you buy Playboy? You gave them plenty of press.....
Avatar 🎸 6:24pm

They never think it's their equipment malfunctioning
Avatar 6:24pm

↳ Kat in the chat @6:24
Glad to help. Blame Buddy!
Avatar 6:26pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:22
95 Million dollars?! Man, they had the money in those days....
Avatar 6:28pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:22
No, but here’s some audio from the Playboy Channel at Christmas.This is a longer version than what I posted on Facebook.

Fucking ovens. I've had two tank in a half dozen years. Fuck manufacturers. They suck.

In high school I submitted an issue of Playboy as an assignment. I'd annotated it, noting the sexism and commodification. Teacher pushed back a little, but what was he gonna do? I was right.
Avatar 6:31pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Don-O @6:24
My previous comment actually is for this, sorry about that.
Avatar 6:32pm

With all this talk about Playboy I might go through those PDF files of those issues through the 1970's and early 80's. I lost the 60's PDF in the house fire.....

I had the Dorothy Stratten issue, but I don't think it was the one I used for the assignment.

Anyway, I loathed Hugh Hefner. Fuck those guys.
Avatar 6:36pm
Buddy Runyan:

The scanner radio I had back then.
Avatar 🎸 6:37pm

That's pretty sweet Buddy
Avatar 6:38pm

↳ Dean @6:33
The magazine was interesting, but Hef made the whole operation a tad uncomfortable.
Avatar 6:40pm

↳ Dean @6:33
Should you bump into the Playboy Roller Disco Party on YouTube, reach for the peto Bismol. THAT was the magazines real fall from grace.....amongst other things.
Avatar 6:42pm

For the brave, novice and those who don't care.... www.youtube.com...
Avatar 6:43pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @6:37
have that scanner, but now I regularly listen to to my Airspy software defined radio.
Avatar 🎸 6:45pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:43
Now that's cool Buddy.

Naw, I hate Hefner and his shitty rag.
Avatar 6:46pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @6:45
And cheaper, too!
Avatar 🎸 6:47pm

↳ Don-O @6:42
I'll add that to my Sunday exercise playlist Don-O
Avatar 6:49pm
Buddy Runyan:

Frank Zappa was just insulted!
Avatar 6:50pm
Buddy Runyan:

Guess I should post the graduation party tape.
Avatar 🎸 6:52pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @6:46
That may end up being my Christmas gift to myself.. I've hoarded old dish box antennas when customers switch back to cable, looks like it'll screw right on there
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm
Oleh in Pittsburgh:

Hi Don-O and everybody
Avatar 🎸 6:53pm

Ello Oleh
Avatar 🎸 6:55pm

The barometric pressure is steadily dropping here, been raining since 3pm
Avatar 6:55pm

↳ Oleh in Pittsburgh @6:52
Good HELL-o, Oleh! Blame Buddy!
Avatar 6:57pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @6:52
Here’s a good inexpensive SDR dongle.
Avatar 6:57pm

↳ Song: "the first slab" by "Negativland"
SEX DIRT!!!!!!
Avatar 6:58pm
Buddy Runyan:

That is a very embarrassing juvenile performance!
Avatar 7:00pm
Buddy Runyan:

Well we’re through the first hour of this crap!
Avatar 7:02pm

↳ Song: "the first slab" by "Negativland"
Crank this up, y'all!!
Avatar 7:02pm
Buddy Runyan:

Not a musician
Avatar 7:07pm
Buddy Runyan:

Happy The Harmonica m.youtube.com...
Avatar 7:13pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
Strap in everybody. This excerpt is a long one. Prepare to whip out YOUR dream journals....
Avatar 7:20pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
I'm surprised that they didn't rip Redball out from the show.
Avatar 7:23pm
Buddy Runyan:

By the way, the walkie-talkie was on channel 13 family radio service, not CB radio, if not mistaken.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28pm

Avatar 🎸 7:31pm

Gotta take this to the bathroom and shower, get these work clothes off
Avatar 7:32pm
Buddy Runyan:

I had a dream just this week. After being kicked out of my house in Seattle, I was living with Richard Lyons at a rundown hotel. I noticed Richard had two Mercury Monarch cars. That’s it, I woke up.
Avatar 7:36pm

↳ WR @7:28
Be careful of those floating dreams, WR!
Avatar 7:37pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
Phineas once told me that this guy was Redball....I think...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
Sounds like Nightmare on University Street.
Avatar 7:43pm
Buddy Runyan:

How about unpredictably stupid?
Avatar 7:45pm
Buddy Runyan:

Those radios may actually be CBs.
Avatar 7:47pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
Don just yawned!!
Avatar 7:55pm

↳ Song: "Dreamscape" by "Negativland"
Don was married?!
Avatar 7:55pm
Buddy Runyan:

Not to my knowledge.
Avatar 8:05pm

Crappy Crolidays, Don-Crap-O!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Kat in the chat:

Avatar 8:08pm
Buddy Runyan:

My parents wouldn’t last a week if they were alive today. I think they’d be scammed out of existence!
Avatar 8:09pm

↳ Roberto @8:05
Welcome to our stupid holiday party, Roberto!
Avatar 8:11pm

BTW, Bullhead City weather report: in the lower 70's and will be down to higher 60's. We got some clouds but nothing more than that!
Avatar 8:14pm

BTW, again: I took my mom out for a walk this morning. She needs the exercise to keep her repaored heart fit.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:15pm
Kat in the chat:

How's she doing? Does she like to go for walks?
Avatar 8:18pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:15
She doesn't feel like it because she not as active on walks like me, but she knows it is for her heath. She's being careful by using a walker and we go for a block and a half and then going back.
Avatar 8:18pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:15
She is walking a little faster each day. Kinda tricky as we don't have sidewalks in our neck of Bullhead.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Don-O @8:18
That's a problem for sure!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:19pm

Yes, a nice walk every day or at least 5 days a week is very good for us old folks.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:19pm
Kat in the chat:

It's nice that she's showing progress.
Avatar 8:20pm

UT! Got behind on the track listing.....damnation!
Avatar 8:21pm

↳ Song: "Fake Bacon & Electronic Music Hot Line" by "Negat...
Haha he's talking about vegetarian bacon!
Avatar 8:21pm

↳ Roberto @8:21
Morningstar has since gone 100% vegan with their products.
Avatar 8:22pm

Her doctor told her it will probably take her 3 to 6 months to fully recover.....
Avatar 8:22pm
Buddy Runyan:

It’s AI bacon!
Avatar 8:22pm

Avatar 8:23pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:22
That's one way to look at it.
Avatar 🎸 8:24pm

That's awesome you two's are walking Don-O.. I keep trying to get mine to get back into it.. but they got a new grandbaby.. so..
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
Kat in the chat:

I'm under doc orders to walk a half hour each day. I was already doing that (and then some) on the weekends, but it's harder to manage on work days. I've been pretty good about it though. I like my neighborhood!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:26pm
Kat in the chat:

Is there any good fake bacon? I don't eat the real thing very often at all, but sometimes I'd like to use it in a recipe.
Avatar 8:28pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:25
If your neighborhood is safe enough, that always good. My neck of the woods is rather dull. I usually hope for overcast skies. I'm getting sick of the sun since I moved here. Thank goodness for the iPod to keep me from being unbored....
Avatar 8:30pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Kat in the chat @8:26
I only know of Morningstar. Don’t know if still exists.
  🎸 8:30pm
Listener Robert:

Sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Bullock. I always got his name mixed up with "Bullard", a generic name for fictional boss type characters used by Jean P. Shepherd. Was Darryl W. Bullock his real name?
Avatar 8:32pm

↳ Listener Robert @8:30
Casual talk at Dave's house, Listener Robert!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:39pm
Kat in the chat:

I like how you put this together, Don-O. I have the CD but I hadn't heard the release party before.
Avatar 🎸 8:42pm

I bet those service calls, the husband was always there.. nowadays, it's intermittent Internet calls, and the husband is never there, and the wife never knows where any of the cables are
Avatar 8:43pm

All the shows used here are availible on Internet Archive. I uploaded the original Stupid Show episode...though the copy I got only had 4 out of the 5 hours. The Release Part is also on I A....all 5 hours. Phinias Narco has his version/edit on his Bandcamp accoount....Name Your Price price: nationalcynical.bandcamp.com...
Avatar 8:43pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:30
It does, and as I mentioned previously, it is now 100% vegan products.
Avatar 8:44pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:26
My go-to is smoky tempeh strips from LightLife. Smart Bacon, also from LightLife, is also good.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Roberto @8:44
Thanks, Roberto! I'll see if I can find that.
Avatar 8:45pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:45
It's widely available.
Avatar 🎸 8:46pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:26
There is no such thing as "good""fake"anything
Avatar 8:48pm

↳ Cp304 @8:46
Unless they amputated your toung (sic), said this cynical bastard.
Avatar 8:49pm

↳ Song: "third and final slab" by "Negativland"
We be getting all Sex Dirt here....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Cp304 @8:46
I've never been a bacon fanatic, so I might be fine with approximations haha
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:49pm
Kat in the chat:

Depending on what they're made of
Avatar 8:49pm

↳ Kat in the chat @8:49
Pigs definitely prefer it.
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Hey do. Just wanted to slide in and say happy holidays to you and yours. I am wondering if you knew whst became of Don Joyce’s record collection after he passed?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:51pm
Kat in the chat:

hi Aaron!
Aaron in Minneapolis:

Hey kat
Avatar 8:52pm

↳ Aaron in Minneapolis @8:50
Good question.....oh, and good noise, Aaron!
Aaron in Minneapolis:

All my noise is not all good
Avatar 8:54pm

It's too bad that there will be no Life In Hell calendar for 2025. It would have made perfect sense!
Avatar 🎸 8:54pm

Avatar 8:54pm

Gonna have peanut butter and banana sandwich for dinner.
Avatar 8:54pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @8:42
When I was a cable TV technician it was before the internet. Playboy Channel service calls always were with men.
Avatar 🎸 8:55pm

↳ Buddy Runyan @8:54
That's what I was thinking Budday
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:55pm
Kat in the chat:

↳ Don-O @8:54
I had that for a snack today, minus the bread. Such a good combo.
Avatar 8:56pm

Looks like we got 5 minutes left in the show. My thanks to all fer showing up and keeping the chat room busy. Next week Happy New Year.....belatedly show.
Avatar 8:56pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Cp304 @8:46
“Certain Men” would beg to differ.
Avatar 8:57pm

BTW, I MIGHT to a brief FB live from the porch of my Bullhead City house to hear the fireworks on New Years Eve. Blame Buddy for this too.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Kat in the chat:

Very stupid, and fun!
Avatar 🎸 8:57pm

Well, great listening.. I hope this helped Kat get through the tedious werk earlier. Love y'all
Avatar 8:58pm

↳ Cp304 @8:57
Avatar 8:58pm
Buddy Runyan:

↳ Kat in the chat @8:57
And dumb!
Avatar 🎸 8:58pm

↳ Don-O @8:57
I'll have to find my password
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Kat in the chat:

Nice chatting with all y'all. Thanks Don-O, and Buddy!
Avatar 8:59pm
Buddy Runyan:

Another fun show!
Avatar 9:00pm

Happy New Year, y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar 9:00pm

I should play this whole album in future.....
Avatar 9:01pm
Buddy Runyan:

Awkward moment
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