Favoriting The Funhouse with Harry Parmenter: Playlist from January 5, 2025 Favoriting

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A weekly hour of unpredictable rockin' fun featuring unheard music with occasional history, commentary and anecdotes from host Harry Parmenter. THE FUNHOUSE offers the listener a brief respite from the onslaught of daily existence.

Sunday 9 - 10pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
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Favoriting January 5, 2025: EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED IN 2025!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
The Stranglers  The Waltzinblack (Intro)   Favoriting The Gospel According To The Meninblack  EMI  1981  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Bryan Ferry  The Only Face   Favoriting More Friends  Rhino  2002  CD  0:02:23 (Pop-up)
Kelly Wynton Trio with Wes Montgomery  If You Could See Me Now   Favoriting Complete Live At The Half-Note '65  Lone Hill Jazz  2005  CD  0:04:30 (Pop-up)
Rod Stewart & Jools Holland  Sentimental Journey   Favoriting Swing Fever  Rhino  2024  CD  0:12:25 (Pop-up)
Karl Blau  Fallin' Rain   Favoriting Introducing Karl Blau  Raven Marching Band / Bella Union  2015  CD  0:15:43 (Pop-up)
Lush  Sweetness & Light   Favoriting Ciao! The Best Of Lush  4AD  2000  CD  0:24:53 (Pop-up)
A Produce  Inscape and Landscape   Favoriting Brine: The Anti-Surf Soundtrack  Beach Recordings  1996  CD  0:30:21 (Pop-up)
SUSS  Gunfighter   Favoriting Ghost Box  Northern Spy  2018  CD  0:35:14 (Pop-up)
Martina Topley-Bird  I Still Feel   Favoriting Forever/Wait  Awal  2021  CD  0:39:40 (Pop-up)
Black Angels  The Sniper   Favoriting Phosphene Dream  Blue Horizon  2010  CD  0:44:50 (Pop-up)
The Cult  Wild Child   Favoriting Stoned Immaculate: The Music Of The Doors  Elektra Entertainment  2000  CD  0:48:46 (Pop-up)
Fontaines D.C.  Televised Mind   Favoriting A Hero's Death  Partisan/Rough Trade  2020  CD  0:51:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

Hi Harry
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 8:59pm

nobody expects the spanish inquisition
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

Evening Harry and Happy New Year!

hey my man
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:00pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi Harry and all!!!
Happy New Year!!!

Hello Harry!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Tom in Brooklyn:

Hi Harry and all! Happy New Year!
Avatar 9:02pm
Harry Parmenter:

Hello All! Welcome and Happy New Year to everyone! appreciate you tuning in.
Avatar 9:03pm
Harry Parmenter:

Fatherflot! Cali! Bluesman! Jessie! Tom! and nobody EVER expects the Spanish inquisition, Aitch! Indeed...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

greetings, Harry and all!
Avatar 9:04pm
Harry Parmenter:

spodiodi welcome! thx for joining and listening.
Avatar 9:05pm
Harry Parmenter:

aside to F2 and Mistress J--will be catching your archives last week on my next long drive north. Hope everyone out there doing well and had good holidays.

Hi Harry & Co... I expect that everyone expects that the Lions will win tonight???...:)
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:06pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
All is well Harry. Hope you enjoyed the holidays.

oooo Wes Montgomery. nice
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:06
Lots of chaos but yes. You too.
Avatar 9:07pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ rychurd @9:06
alright rychurd yeah sweet one eh
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:06
gotta play the game right CC?!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:05
Sounds good.
Avatar 9:09pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:08
hey question for you Fatherflot: that version of I Can't Stand It--that off a Sally CD reissue? Couldn't find online.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:09pm

I'll send it your way via email
Avatar 9:10pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:09
ah excellent. and then Good Rats' version I myself have played also seems to have disappeared. Love that version. Thx man.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:07
That right thumb of Wes playing such soft notes. Wow!

↳ Song: "If You Could See Me Now" by "Kelly Wynton Trio wi...
dad really liked Wes M and all the jazz folks of that era
Avatar 9:11pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:10
yeah so fine. can you imagine being in that small room hearing this stuff? bliss.
Avatar 9:11pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:11
such good stuff.

Oohhhhhh! This is soothing my anxious soul riiiiiiight now! Thank you for playing!
Avatar 9:12pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Bluesman @9:11
glad you dig it! had same effect on me when i came across it.

Woo Ooo Woo

Can't go wrong with Hot Rod...:)
Avatar 9:15pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:14
nice swing record from him and Holland

Why do I have a feeling that the next song will be the by the Lime Spiders or Mudhoney? Ha ha!
Avatar 9:20pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Bluesman @9:19
Ha and keep guessing! Mudhoney? Saw them once in Brooklyn. Was not, er, mellow...
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:20pm

↳ Song: "Fallin' Rain" by "Karl Blau"
Nice vibe
Avatar 9:21pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:20
Michigan J Frog:

Hey Harry! Commanders beat Dallas! Bring on Tampa! Go Lions!
Avatar 9:22pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ PAULS @9:21
hey Paul S: saw a favorite of yours by Peter Kaukonen; son of Jorma?
Avatar 9:22pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:21
yes your teams are hot. no Globes gig for you tonight?
Avatar 9:23pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:21
GO Commanders! (live in texas, grew up in DC)

Hey Harry -- younger brother!

I often wonder if bookies are like stock brokers???...:)
Avatar 9:23pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ PAULS @9:23
ah cool, got it thx. yes MJ Frog is a HUGE Commanders fan
Michigan J Frog:

↳ PAULS @9:23
Where in DC Pauls? I lived in Woodley Park, Tenley Town, Cap Hill, etc
Michigan J Frog:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:22
Just some parties later!
Avatar 9:25pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:24
I grew up in Bethesda/Walt Whitman HS, lived in Mt Pleasant, Arlington, Dupont right near the Hilton for the longest
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:25pm

Beauty of a segue way Harry! 😇
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↳ Michigan J Frog @9:24
Worked at a few restaurants in Georgetown after college then Reuters then NPR
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:25
hey that means a lot Jess, thx. yeah Lush, didn't know their stuff but dig it.
Avatar 9:28pm

↳ Song: "Sweetness & Light" by "Lush"
Love Lush! I do a cover of "For Love" at open mics every so often...
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

↳ PAULS @9:25
I lived in Mt. Pleasant and was there during the 1991 riot - got tear-gassed by DC police and almost crashed my car into a city bus that was completely on fire. Craziest night of my life.
Avatar 9:28pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ PAULS @9:28
i gotta get more into their stuff. will start with that one
Avatar 9:29pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:28
HA! I was there, too! I lived on Adams Mill Rd at the bottom of the hill so it didn't get too bad near me but it was crazy for sure
Avatar 9:29pm
Harry Parmenter:

what precipitated said riot?
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↳ Harry Parmenter @9:29
A black female MPD officer shot and killed a guy from El Salvador
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Harry Parmenter:

Powder keg.
Avatar 9:31pm

It was also during Cinco de Mayo, kind of a tinderbox. Small, tight block neighborhood, too many people
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:31pm

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:29
Police shooting. But the neighborhood (which had been burned down in '68 and not fully recovered even then) was on edge after an illegal bank had collapsed and lots of Central American laborers had lost all their saving. It was Cinco de Mayo and people were dead drunk on the streets at 9 am and getting crazy.
Avatar 9:32pm

Ah right I forgot about that bank!

↳ Song: "Inscape and Landscape" by "A Produce"
anti-surf or below-surf?
Avatar 9:34pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:33
anti. compilation by Mermen bass player Allen Whitman.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm

I lived half a block from 16th street. My GF has just showed up that day from Indiana with her brand new car and we were out having dinner in Adam's Morgan. It broke out while we we eating and it was a war zone trying to get back. And when we did get back to the street after getting tear gassed, half the block was on fire. We got into her new car and just as we were about to turn onto 16th, a city bus completely engulfed in flames comes skidding through the intersection.

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:34
liked the original bass guy; the new girl is ok but not the same
Avatar 9:36pm

↳ Fatherflot @9:35
"Welcome to Washgton, honey!"
Michigan J Frog:

↳ PAULS @9:25
I went to Deal and Wilson in the district back in late 70s/early 80s
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:38pm

↳ PAULS @9:36
Exactly! She should have known something was up when someone had put a mattress in a giant pothole on our block and spraypainted on an abandoned car: "Hey Marion Barry --- why don't you stop smoking crack and fix this pothole?""
Avatar 9:38pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:37
I was Whitman '79
Avatar 9:38pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:36
totally agree. you have a copy of ONLY YOU the live cd down at the pier circa 96? heck you were probably there.
Michigan J Frog:

Hey Harry is this Suss all instrumental?
Avatar 9:39pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:38
believe so with some vox samples at the top. they're usually just insrumental.
Michigan J Frog:

↳ PAULS @9:38
Wilson 83! Damn there are people (other than Harry) older than me here.
Michigan J Frog:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:39
cool, once again you've turned me onto something new
Avatar 9:40pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:38
SUSS is mostly instrumental yes -- my former boss, Bob Holmes, is in the band, with Pat Irwin from The Raybeats.
Avatar 9:41pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:39
Ha! yes old old old... Like me, you must've done some time at Booeymonger's and Kemp Mill Music...

have worked Tricky and Massive Attack shows but don't remember her
Michigan J Frog:

↳ PAULS @9:41
Oh yeah, Booeymongers was a late night hang. Fox and Hound in Dupont and Dan's Cafe in Adams Morgan too
Avatar 9:45pm

↳ Michigan J Frog @9:44
Dans! the tiny airplane bottles!

I'm curious if anyone has a good handle on what Payola was all about back in the day???...:)

↳ Song: "The Sniper" by "Black Angels"
Austin & Awesome
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:46
pay djs get airplay
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Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:46
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

Milly & Al's
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↳ Fatherflot @9:47
the raven!

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:47
Like Taylor Swift maybe???...:)
Avatar 9:48pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ CC @9:48
you lost me there. it's long gone.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:49pm

↳ CC @9:46
Read Hit Men by Fredric Dannen.
Michigan J Frog:

↳ PAULS @9:45
Michigan J Frog:

Harry the Cult sound like spinal tap on this one!

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:48
Dig this Wild Child cover!!!.:)

↳ CC @9:46
just record industry bribes to broadcast music
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:50pm
Will thee SG OCNY:

Thank you Harry, been diggin the tunes
Avatar 9:51pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @9:50
alright Will. happy new year to ya.

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:50
Kinda like bookies then???..:)
Michigan J Frog:

↳ Fatherflot @9:47
Heaven and Hell

remember FM 1960s and 70s had to listen and remember for half an hour to hear a DJ and few commercials
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:52pm

I saw the Cult open for Metallica at the Allentown, Pennsylvania fairground. They were sacrificial lambs
and were being pelted with shit by the Metallica fans.

Cool-Ass show tonight!

↳ Song: "Televised Mind" by "Fontaines D.C."
Dublin wow this is great
Avatar 9:54pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Bluesman @9:52
Thx Bluesman. Glad you dig it.
Avatar 9:54pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:53
yeah this band is something.

↳ Fatherflot @9:52
Some people can be so rude...:)

more enlightening than "unexpected"
Avatar 9:55pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:52
tough gig opening for anybody that big
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

↳ Song: "Televised Mind" by "Fontaines D.C."
like that major to minor chord change
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm
Tom in Brooklyn:

↳ Song: "Televised Mind" by "Fontaines D.C."
Reminiscent of Syd Barrett. Like it!
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

Perfect way to put Sunday in the books Harry. Enjoy the week.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
Tom in Brooklyn:

Great show, Harry. Thanks!
Avatar 9:56pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Tom in Brooklyn @9:55

Great show Harry!!!...cheerz all..:)
Avatar 9:57pm

Thanks for a terrific show, Harry! good to meet you Michigan J Frog!
Avatar 9:57pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Jessie @9:55
Thx Jess. Mistress of a Thousand Moods thursdays 6pm ET folks. great stuff. and Fatherflot's Spot Fridays at 6m ET as well. Great stuff weekly. Thank you Everyone for listening and hanging on the board. Appreciate it.
Avatar 🥃 Swag For Life Member 9:57pm

Thanks Harry. Back to my classroom tomorrow. You've helped me steel myself.
Avatar 9:57pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ PAULS @9:57
thx all! A good week and 2025 to all.

↳ CC @9:54
they booed Hendrix/Monkees Tour
Avatar 9:58pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Fatherflot @9:57
Alright something constructive on my end! So glad to hear it. Have a good week in the classroom
Avatar 9:58pm
Harry Parmenter:

↳ Cali4nyaStreamin' @9:57
Prince / Stones, Waits / Zappa etc. Tough gig opening.
Michigan J Frog:

↳ Harry Parmenter @9:57
you too

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