Favoriting Cat Bomb! Radio with Maggie Hertz!: Playlist from January 17, 2025 Favoriting

Maggie Hertz!'s avatar View Maggie Hertz!'s profile Favoriting

A show that kinda feels like Casey Kasem cookin’ up crockpot shortwave pirate radio, but with a lot more curbside cassette mixtapes, lost radio serials, French Canadian comedy… and zings, pings, and static. Or, well, maybe it doesn’t feel anything like that at all.

Friday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Fri. Mar 14th, 3am - 6am: Maggie Hertz and her Co-Host Alan 6

Favoriting January 17, 2025: Close Encounters of the Hiss-y Kind!!

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Comments Images Approx. start time
Bib  Two-Faced Planet   Favoriting Biblical   
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Slipper  UFO Nights (in Belgium)   Favoriting Slipper   
0:02:59 (Pop-up)
Alien Boys  Silencer   Favoriting Self-Critical Theory   
0:04:44 (Pop-up)
Battle Of Disarm  Our Invasion   Favoriting Victim Of War   
0:06:49 (Pop-up)
Yo Man, Go!  Shoot For The Stars   Favoriting Yo Man, Go!   
0:09:30 (Pop-up)
Zombie Giuliani  Planet Earth (Live at DFS*)   Favoriting Billionaire Death Squad   
0:12:27 (Pop-up)
Candy  Alien   Favoriting Demo   
0:23:53 (Pop-up)
Magnets  Alien Heart   Favoriting Demo   
0:26:22 (Pop-up)
Mirror  Saturn   Favoriting Mirror   
0:28:57 (Pop-up)
Pile  Tin Foil Hat   Favoriting You're Better Than This   
0:30:50 (Pop-up)
Pile  It Comes Closer   Favoriting All Fiction   
0:33:42 (Pop-up)
Dangerbird  Alien Cop   Favoriting Homestead   
0:36:53 (Pop-up)
Kevyn Dymond & Mark Shafer (with Mike Patton)  Alien Mother   Favoriting Play Something Else   
0:44:41 (Pop-up)
The Globs  Aliens in Our Midst   Favoriting Do You Feel Weird?   
0:45:56 (Pop-up)
Set-Top Box  Alien Game Show   Favoriting CAS-SET 2: TV GUIDE   
0:49:33 (Pop-up)
Boredoms  Boil Out UFO   Favoriting Boretronix 88'   
0:52:00 (Pop-up)
The Implicit Order  A Strange Harvest   Favoriting Our Haunted Planet   
0:54:58 (Pop-up)
Street Thunder  Universe End   Favoriting Galaxies  + Coast To Coast AM w/ Art Bell | February 26th, 1995 
0:56:30 (Pop-up)
Suckdog  The Alien   Favoriting Little Flowers Dying   
1:14:30 (Pop-up)
Alto Stratus  Alien Sky   Favoriting Liquid Sky   
1:17:32 (Pop-up)
Synergy + Larry Fast  Program 1   Favoriting The Jupiter Menace (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)   
1:19:49 (Pop-up)
WKBW Halloween Archives  People, Places, Things   Favoriting    
1:35:47 (Pop-up)
Maggie's Missed Connections  From George To Lauren/ Diner Jake Gyllenhaal   Favoriting    
2:08:50 (Pop-up)
Trigger  Stratosphere   Favoriting Single   
2:10:22 (Pop-up)
Charlie  Spacer Woman   Favoriting Single   
2:15:21 (Pop-up)
Koto  Visitors (Alien Mix)   Favoriting Visitors   
2:23:07 (Pop-up)
Lili & Sussie  Sending Out A Message (Kissing The Alien Mix)   Favoriting Anytime   
2:29:32 (Pop-up)
Royalcash  Space Traveller   Favoriting Single   
2:34:37 (Pop-up)
Maggotron  Return To The Planet Bass   Favoriting Bass Planet Paranoia   
2:41:58 (Pop-up)
Squash  Pink U.F.O.   Favoriting Single   
2:48:29 (Pop-up)
Hashim  We're Rocking The Planet   Favoriting We're Rocking The Planet   
2:54:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:00am
Paulo AD:

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Adi From Sheffield:

Morning all. Im actually out of bed and dressed this week.
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tom tom the pipers son:

hello maggie and all... i believe i've told my ufo story here before but i guess it bears repeating...
Avatar 3:02am

thought i'd say hi before slip into the subconscious aether...

Hello Maggie & all assembled.
Avatar 3:03am
Maggie Hertz!:

Goooood morning, y'all!!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:02
Let's her it again!!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:00
Wooo!! Look at you go!
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William Hellfire:

I saw a UFO in 1992 ish. Ruby and I coming home from work it flew over our car. Ringwood NJ 10:30 pm. Cast a blue light over everything and was silent It looked like a gyroscope in the center of a triangle.
Avatar 3:05am

good morning from Brussels.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:05am
Paulo AD:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:00
Consider it a triumph :)
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:05am

Hi Maggie and cats from space!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:03
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Paulo AD:

I've deffo seen a few UFO and encoubter d the aliens that control us
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Maggie Hertz!:

Morning, Yvang and Davey and Mr. Hellfire!
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William Hellfire:

Morning Maggie and cat bombers...and all that ride the chariots of the gods!
Avatar 3:10am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ northguineahills @3:02
Thanks for hanging out for a bit! Long time, no seeeee!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:11am
Paulo AD:

The aliens I met actually look like this background
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:12am
Spikey BXL:

Good morning Maggie, bombers.

In Tape Hiss We Trust
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Adi From Sheffield:

↳ Paulo AD @3:05
It's a miracle. I have started waking up earlier this week.
Avatar 3:12am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @3:11
See, I feel like that would be TOO on the nose if I were an alien shapeshifting on my earth visit
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William Hellfire:

↳ Paulo AD @3:11
Did they dance like in that Christopher Walken movie?
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @3:12
Morning, Spikey!!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:13am
Paulo AD:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:12
Once this week I got up at 7:30...havent done that in a while
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tom tom the pipers son:

i saw a ufo as a young teen... my friends an i had just finished playing soft ball in the street and were walking home from dinner and about a block away was a flying saucer ...it was still light and i could see a silver metallic object with sequential lights around the rim and a dome on top....it moved away very slowly and seemed to jump in space but transitioning smoothly...when it was gone an air force jet flew in it's direction
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:14am
Paulo AD:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:12
I'm telling you man, there were three of the. Unless they were taking a form I'd recognise. Their father was horus
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:14am
Adi From Sheffield:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:12
Where better to hide than in plain sight at a radio station. A perfect place to discover about humanity...by interacting with Woof Moo listeners 😂
Hi from Holland:

Aloha! A hissful morning fellow Katz...
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:15am
Paulo AD:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:12
I could deffo see you being an alien
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Adi From Sheffield:

↳ Paulo AD @3:13
I've been hitting the 7's and I have to say I do like it.
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:12
my ufo sighting was an "on the nose" "flying saucer"
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William Hellfire:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:14
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Paulo AD:

I've deffo met some other worldy creatures during my time touring lol
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Adi From Sheffield:

When I read Lynch was 78 I was mildly surprised. I mean obviously it makes sense of course but he just didn't seem his years. He just was, he had a permanence about him.

I saw a U.F.O. in Thailand once. It was a golden dot hovering like a helicopter. It moved as though it wasn't sure where to go. It had me completely mystified for quite a while. The next day I saw people launching paper balloons with candles in them from the beach. Problem solved.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:22am
Paulo AD:

↳ Matthew @3:21
Hahaha this is brilliant
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tom tom the pipers son:

the court let guiliani keep his home...
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:14
HAHAHA! You're not wrong!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:14
Heyyyy! :)
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @3:15
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:15
Very interesting! What time of day was thissss?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:25am

hola Maggie, y'all
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Will thee SG OCNY:

Hi Maggie and all, trying to crash... diggin the tunes
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:25
around six o'clock....dinnertime
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Matthew @3:21
Ah!! But probably a trip at the time ya saw it!
Avatar 3:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Will thee SG OCNY @3:26
Hey hey, Will! Thanks for hanging!!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:27am
Adi From Sheffield:

Okies kids. Staying in the cans but hitting the streets. I need coffee and that girl with the horns needs attending to 😁 www.instagram.com...
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @3:25
Gooood morning!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:26
So like dusk!! Interesting!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:26
Literally I reckon
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William Hellfire:

When I met producer Sam Sherman he seemed genuinely disturbed that I lived in Ringwood. He was talking about wanaque also being a hot bed of alien activity.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Adi From Sheffield @3:27
Wooo, sup Betsy!? Have fun! We'll be here jamming out

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:26
It was! I also watched a lot of ants devouring a huge moth carcass on the same hotel balcony, which was much creepier.
Hi from Holland:

Can't wait for the radio drama...
Avatar 3:29am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:28
It's def a departure from the usual!
Hi from Holland:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:29
I'm all ears 😹
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:28
I didn't realize that area was known for activity!
Avatar 3:30am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Matthew @3:28
I'm drawing a mental picture as we speak!

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:30
Your show would have made the perfect soundtrack for it.
Avatar 💣 3:32am
William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:29
In 1963 a bunch of people witnessed a UFO rise out of the water by the dam. It was in the news paper and police were among the witnesses. All the old men at the ol forge used to talk about it.
Avatar 3:32am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Matthew @3:31
Damn, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me tbf
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tom tom the pipers son:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:27
yes but still light...i forget what time of year it was.... i began to doubt my memory of it, but i was out on the island visiting parents when a childhood friend showed up at the house and first thing out of his mouth was "remember the flying saucer...?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:32am
Hugo (NL):

Hi Maggy, fellow tapers!
I live in Baarn in the Netherlands, which is close to an old military airport in Soesterberg. US military was also stationed there.
Back in 1979 there were several UFO sightings done by military staff. It was reported, and then...nothing happened. The staff who got the reports denied it was a UFO sighting. Some people think it was some advanced prototype flying object by US military.
The official reaction by the Dutch army suggested it was a mirage, caused by cars nearby the airport, together with temperature differences.
I don't know what to make of it.
Dutch broadcasting company VPRO made a radio doc about it which you can find here: www.youtube.com... it is in Dutch but fun to listen to if you understand the words.
they interview people who saw the 'strange lights'.

A couple of years ago a Dutch director made a movie about it, also fun to watch.

Though several journalists looked into it, it never got clear what has happened.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:32
....currently googling!
Avatar 3:33am

Gooooooooood morning Maggie:)
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ tom tom the pipers son @3:32
It's wild to even comprehend seeing one in the light of the sun... I never hear stories of it! I love it!
Avatar 3:34am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hugo (NL) @3:32
This is wild!!! Gonna do some digging on the subject! :D
Avatar 3:34am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ ILoveHorses @3:33
Goooood morning!! :)
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:35am
Paulo AD:

I've definitely seen one in the forestry in merthyr. Alot of weird shit happens there mind
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:32
Whoa, there was a sighting in '66 that I'm reading about! Happened Jan. 11th as well! Tis the season...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:36am
Hugo (NL):

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:34
Yes, it is interesting.
I found an article in English about the docu:
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @3:35
I'd imagine that land has history!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hugo (NL) @3:36
Thank youuuuu!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:36
That's it! Used to spend drunkin nights at the old man bar getting stories. When Ruby was a kid her and some friends were home alone watching an orb fly over cupsaw lake when her parents came home they saw it too. They watched it for a half hour before it disappeared. Crazy town.
Avatar 3:41am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:39
That's nuts!! Yeah, I'm digging into an article about it as we speak! Sooooo insane!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:42am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

Hey everybody!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:36
Oh hell yeah. It was by the Reservoir that has a village under it
Avatar 3:42am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @3:42
Hey there, Spatulator!!
Hi from Holland:

I've always wanted to put one of those "Alien Abduction" warning signs in a forest somewhere...
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William Hellfire:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:47
Haha great idea!
eric the hat:

Hi friends
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ eric the hat @3:48
Happy Friday, Eric!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:47
Cat Bomb fully endorses thisssss
Hi from Holland:

↳ eric the hat @3:48
You can't fool us mate, we're not getting onboard your circular shiny floating skyboat...
Avatar 3:50am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:49
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Hi from Holland @3:49
Immediately smitten with you.
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Eric the Hat:

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Paulo AD:

To be fair, everything is connected to ancient astronauts haha could it be ALIENS
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @3:42
I've seen pics of that reservoir and it looks like a vortex all by itself! I'm sure some weird ass shit happened there!
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:48
Hi hello!
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Eric the Hat:

I’m alive still
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Alien Game Show" by "Set-Top Box"
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Paulo AD:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:50
Oh trust me, I've told many a tale about it on here
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @3:51
It's soooooo goooood
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Eric the Hat:

Maggie. I live your alien setup. Nice. My uncle and I saw ape like aliens in 84 in Woodbury ny. Years before we met.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:54am
Paulo AD:

↳ Eric the Hat @3:51
Well, that's a good start
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Paulo AD:

↳ Eric the Hat @3:53
You mean like big foot?
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Paulo AD @3:54
Start to a muthafuc*in ending
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Paulo AD @3:54
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Eric the Hat:

It had a lemur face. Along the tracks between highland Mills and Central Valley.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @3:53
Thanks!! Very cool!! I haven't heard a lot about beings like those!
Avatar 💣 3:55am
Eric the Hat:

No one can walk there anymore. Since 9/11 apparently.
Hi from Holland:

↳ Song: "A Strange Harvest" by "The Implicit Order"
That's a nope cloud!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:56am
Paulo AD:

I've been listening to alot of alien podcasts recently
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Eric the Hat:

I saw a “monkey”. Some yards from where my uncle Jimmy saw it. As I said. Several years before he met my aunt Mary. But one thing is sure, mad people seen them. also, it coincided with the upside down v shaped vessels moving up and down the Thruway
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:57am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

On a positive note, I haven't had an anal probe lately....I've been procrastinating on getting another colonoscopy. My family has a history of bowel cancer.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 3:58am
Paulo AD:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @3:57
Well, that's something
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @3:57
Are you testing your stool on the regular?
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @3:57
Is this positive or are you missing out ??
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Eric the Hat:

Of course, also saw the rectangular craft north of the San Francisco peaks in 2010. I had witnesses and was sober.
Avatar 3:59am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @3:57
Veryyyyyy interesting!!
Avatar 💣 4:04am
Eric the Hat:

You heard about the ships seen in 84? Also throughout the seventies in the Harriman state park area.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:04am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

↳ Maggie Hertz! @3:58
I dunno.
The preparation for the colonoscopy was pretty awful.
On the other hand, the actual procedure was really good. They injected some drugs into my catether and asked me to count down from 10. I think I made it to 6 then woke up and felt like I had a really really good sleep.
Avatar 💣 4:04am
Eric the Hat:

I also always saw a small man standing behind a bush in my back yard in Newburgh.

↳ Eric the Hat @4:04
That was me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Greetings, Maggie and unidentified ferro-magnetic objects! 📼
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Matthew @4:05
that’s what I’ve always loved about you
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Matthew @4:05
So weird. Cause it was me too.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:06am
Paulo AD:

↳ Matthew @4:05
Beat me to it haha
Avatar 💣 4:07am
Eric the Hat:

↳ Paulo AD @4:06
You guys’re being mean to me.
Avatar 💣 4:08am
Eric the Hat:

I’ll post a picture of what the alien face looks like.
Avatar 💣 4:09am
Eric the Hat:

Nah. It’s different out there.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:10am

Hey Maggie! Sorry I'm late!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:12am
Paulo AD:

↳ JReganK @4:10
You're on the tardy report
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:14am

↳ Paulo AD @4:12
Ha! Story of my life!
Avatar 4:16am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150) @4:04
Eeeek yeah they're never fun, but the peace of mind ya get after leaving with a clean bill of health is def worth it!
Avatar 4:16am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @4:05
Heyyyy, Ken!!
Avatar 4:16am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ JReganK @4:10
Hey heyyy, JRegan!
Avatar 💣 4:17am
William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "The Alien" by "Suckdog"
I saw Lisa Live when I was 18. She was naked on roller skates. Traumatized. She rolled over my friends glasses.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:18am

↳ Song: "The Alien" by "Suckdog"
Isn't that Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath?
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:18am
Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

The X-Files soundtracks were pretty awesome.
Avatar 4:20am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @4:17
Traumatized??? I woulda killed for this experience!!! lol
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:20am
Spikey BXL:

↳ JReganK @4:18
Certainly! Good morning, buddy.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:20am

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:20
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William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:20
I'm gonna message her in the AM and tell her she was on Cat Bomb Radio! She's super cool. Show was at Maxwells.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:21am

↳ Spikey BXL @4:20
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William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "Alien Sky" by "Alto Stratus"
Love this movie!
Avatar 4:23am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @4:21
I've played her a few times!! I'm lowkey obsessed. Tell her that tooooo lol
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:24am

Happy Friday Maggie and all you cat bombers out there!!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:23
I've got a bunch of her books. She watched Upsidedown Cross. Great writer.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:25am
Spikey BXL:

Am I too boring, too rational, too scary?

Them bloody ETs have never manifested.
Avatar 4:25am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Strandlund @4:24
Happy FriYAY!! lol
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William Hellfire:

Have you seen Without Warning?
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↳ Song: "Program 1" by "Synergy + Larry Fast"
Maggie. Dishing out the Classics!
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:25
You make them be there
Avatar 4:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @4:25
Excellent! I haven't caught any of her writing, but I shall check it out!
Avatar 4:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:25
You didn't believe ENOUGH!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:26am
Krys O.:

Good morning!
Avatar 4:26am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ JReganK @4:25
One simply must!
Avatar 💣 4:27am
Eric the Hat:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:26
If you choose not to believe you still have made a choice.
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:26
I tapped X-files straight to my veins for years.
Avatar 4:27am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Krys O. @4:26
Good morning, Krys!!
Avatar 4:27am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:27
Now that's the way to view it!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:28am
Paulo AD:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:25
That you know of?!?!?!!
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:27
The only thing I ended up believing in, was Gillian Anderson though
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↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:26
You are a prime candidate for Ambassador of Earth!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:28
Had a picture of her in my locker in school
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↳ Spikey BXL @4:27
Single malt X Files. I trust!
Avatar 4:30am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:28
Dang, don't I know it!
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Eric the Hat:

I miss feeling like I might catch on fire or fall in love any given night
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Spikey BXL:

↳ JReganK @4:29
Amen, cask strength
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Eric the Hat:

Where I take the acid and find the junk.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:30
It is an addictive feeling!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:30
I enjoyed a peat monster in a whiskey bar in front of a fire yesterday
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Eric the Hat:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @4:31
Even if it wasn’t happening.
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Eric the Hat:

Just the prospect
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Paulo AD @4:31
Lovely jubbly! Have a 7 sample line up ready for tonight
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↳ Paulo AD @4:31
Nice and smokey?
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:31
I WANT to believe!
Avatar 💣 4:34am
Eric the Hat:

Suspension of disbelief is where it’s at.
Shady Neal:

Mornin' Maggie, everybody
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Shady Neal @4:34
Gooood morning, Neal!!
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Paulo AD:

↳ JReganK @4:31
Smelled like anti septic...... Delish
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Eric the Hat:

Or more long term understanding belief as a temporary function. As substance
Avatar 4:36am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @4:35
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↳ Eric the Hat @4:34
That would have to be stage one of any alien or WFMU DJ encounter!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:34
I can agree with this!
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Eric the Hat:

Straight blazed Maggie. Still have this box of tapes for you.
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Paulo AD @4:35
was it Laphroaig by any chance?
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:37
I'm happily awaiting them!
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Lol! Scottish Drano!
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Eric the Hat:

And actually they’re for all of us. Which is what I’m talking about
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William Hellfire:

Without Warning 1980. Greydon Clark directed it. Alien slasher predator prototype. He hunts people. Jack Palance, Martin Landau, Cameron Mitchell, nevil Brand. Great alien. Check him out. He has these organic discs that he throws at people and they squeak and get under your skin.
Avatar 💣 4:40am
Eric the Hat:

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Eric the Hat:

Maggie. You could play this shit here. Right along with what yr doing.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:43am

↳ Song: "People, Places, Things" by "WKBW Halloween Archives"
DEVO knew!
Avatar 4:46am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:41
I'll check it out!
Avatar 💣 4:46am
William Hellfire:

↳ Song: "People, Places, Things" by "WKBW Halloween Archives"
One Hallows eve my sister got the Orsen Wells alien invasion radio show from the library and we listened to it in bed in the dark. I was so scared I made myself fall asleep!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Spikey BXL @4:37
Literally called peat monster lol
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @4:39
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Paulo AD @4:46
oh yeah, I know it, I am guessing it did contain some
Shady Neal:

Didn't the government release a bunch of classified ufo stuff relatively recently? Did anyone actually look at it? Seems like it just got buried in the news cycle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:50am

if i see a strange airborne vehicle that has "UFO" written on it, *THEN* i'll believe.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 4:52am

↳ coelacanth∅ @4:50
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What is interesting is the psychology of the earthlings that leads to this obsession.

Funny how it's primarily an American thing.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Shady Neal @4:50
I didn't catch that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54am

↳ Shady Neal @4:50
Shady - probably because it debunked it all and that doesn't sell news.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @4:50
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↳ Stanley @4:53
Media driven mass psychosis!
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↳ JReganK @4:55
I agree.
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Paulo AD:

↳ Shady Neal @4:50
Not sure much came out of it
Eric the Hat:

I wish I could be eating crab legs right now.
Avatar 4:58am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:58
I'd settle for a breakfast sandwich!

Aaah this takes me back. I keep expecting to hear "Live from the Kingdom of Nye..."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:59am

↳ Eric the Hat @4:58
Those crab legs could be eating you, if you're not careful.

You never know.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:00am
Paulo AD:

↳ Eric the Hat @4:58
Oh man I had some amazing crab boil last week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00am

Ya can't prove they DON'T exist!
Eh, eh?
Avatar 5:01am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Stanley @5:00
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Stanley @5:00
There's no burden of proof in zero gravity
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Paulo AD:

There's clearly alot of hi tec militraty shit going down. Look at the stealth bomber, they must have been testing that back in the day
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Spikey BXL:

↳ Paulo AD @5:02
But that is stealth to radar detection, not the human eye. Right?
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KickOutTheJams Joe:

GOOOOOOOOD Morning Maggie & gang!
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Paulo AD:

↳ Spikey BXL @5:03
Yeah but I mean when they were testing it it looks weird
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:06am

Hey, Joey!
Eric the Hat:

Been listening three to five since 89
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KickOutTheJams Joe:

↳ JReganK @5:06
hey there JRegan
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Eric the Hat:

Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:10am

Early morning radio's the best!
Avatar 5:10am
Maggie Hertz!:

You can leave your missed connection message over at 929-651-1297
Hi from Holland:

If you're into old time sci-fi radio dramas, check out Sci-FI OTR - http://scifi-otr.weebly.com/ - (40s - 80s) but also TV shows with audio narration, so Star Trek (both Kirk & Janeway) with "voice over for the blind" Fringe and Heroes. Fun stuff.
Avatar 5:10am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ KickOutTheJams Joe @5:05
Gooood morning, Joe!! :-)
Avatar 5:11am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @5:10
Oh rad!! I'll check that out!!
Avatar 5:11am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ JReganK @5:10
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KickOutTheJams Joe:

↳ Song: "Stratosphere" by "Trigger"
dam this is killer
Hi from Holland:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:11
If you look for " Mike Walker Landfall " on the Internet Archive you can listen to one of my favourites - not old (2012) - but very well done on my opinion for a radio drama.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:14am
Paulo AD:

Eric the Hat:

Tried to leave a missed connection message. Some weird shit happened though.
Eric the Hat:

Gotta crash out guys. Live you all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15am

He'll need Milk of Magnesia after this piece
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @5:15
What happened???
Avatar 5:16am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Hi from Holland @5:14
Heck yeah! I'll do that tonight!
Eric the Hat:

As long as someone’s eating Stanley.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Stanley @5:15
Hahaha! Same
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↳ Song: "Spacer Woman" by "Charlie"
such a hot track!
Eric the Hat:

Buncha weird beeping.
Avatar 5:20am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @5:18
Oh no! Okay I gotta fix that I guess!
Avatar 5:20am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @5:18
Maybe the line was busy?
Avatar 5:20am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ BillyLundun @5:17
Hellll yeahhhhh
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:23am
Paulo AD:

I could use some milk of magnesia
Eric the Hat:

I all hoood
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William Hellfire:

Anyone see Xtro?
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↳ Paulo AD @5:23
Makes a great Brandy Alexander!
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Spikey BXL:

that's not aliens, it's an eighties italodisco
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William Hellfire:

Oh wait, Maggie did you ever see Prey? British alien film I think 1978. Alien comes to earth assumes the body of a man and goes to live with two lesbians...spoiler alert he's a cat monster!!!

Thank you Maggie. As I fade

↳ Song: "Visitors (Alien Mix)" by "Koto"

That question mark is my faded ass. Eric the hat out
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ @5:29
You're very welcome! Thanks for hanging!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:31am
Spikey BXL:

Ciao Eric!
Avatar 5:31am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @5:28
Oh I haven't seen this!! I'm intrigued!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32am

↳ William Hellfire @5:28
The trailer doesn't leave much to the imagination but looks like it could be interesting!

Do we have to choose between railing ourselves into the earth or staying alive
Avatar 5:32am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @5:28
Hahahahah! Tomato tomoto!
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↳ William Hellfire @5:28
Lol! That one dioes sound good!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:31
I think it's a loose remake of The Fox. I love it. There's a scene where alien cat falls into a pond and has a freak out.

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Paulo AD:

Imagine though, there were aliens like the 60s darleks. Unlucky chump, I'm staying upstairs
Avatar 5:34am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @5:33
I'm gonna check it out today! omg ALSO!! Thank you for the package!!! I wore the yellow t last show!! and the boys loved the toys!! I have a video of Malc with it that I have to email to ya lol
Avatar 5:35am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ @5:32
Nawwwww... Dealer's choice
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Paulo AD:

I do love some of the atomic age alien films

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:35
Yes ma’am
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Paulo AD:

There's also a place in AD called alien burger which does damn fine burgers
Shady Neal:

I'm going to put buckaroo bonzai in one of my top alien movies
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William Hellfire:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:34
Awesome! Can't wait to see it. I found one last remaining Disco Missile T-shirt has 3 aliens peeping threw a keyhole fisheye style. There were probably only 20 ever made.
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:40am
Paulo AD:

↳ Shady Neal @5:38
Yeah that's a good one. What's that one wit the guy called starbuck?
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Isn't that the place that serves man according to the Twilight Zone alien cookbook?
Avatar 5:40am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @5:39
OMGGGGG!! I love it!! And again, THANK YOU!! It was a stellar care package and, like, I was so excited to see those shirts after being such a fan before I even met ya!
Avatar 5:41am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Shady Neal @5:38
That's a new one to me!! I'll add it to the list!
Eric the Hat:

Dope show Maggie. Thanks. Also. Swell time folks. Futures
Avatar 💣 5:42am
William Hellfire:

↳ Paulo AD @5:40
Battle star galactic. Some fun aliens on the original TV show
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I'm not sure how you reached this page.
(Do NOT use your browser's 'back' button!)
CANCEL the comment and return to the playlist
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ William Hellfire @5:42
Oh agreed!
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Paulo AD:

↳ William Hellfire @5:42
Ahhh yeah, but I'm thinking of another on, hang on I'll see if I can find it
Avatar 5:43am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Eric the Hat @5:42
Thanks so much for hanging out!! Til next week....
Shady Neal:

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:41
You've not seen the adventures or buckaroo bonzai across the 5th dimension? It is right up your alley - 80s chaos, music, ham radio. Its amaIng.
Avatar 5:43am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Fredericks @5:43
Fredericks gets it!!
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Shady Neal @5:43
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Paulo AD:

Last starfighter
Eric the Hat:

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Paulo AD:

Anyone seen starcrash
Eric the Hat:

Return From Witch Mountain
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Paulo AD:

↳ Eric the Hat @5:47
Not the one with the rock lol
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @5:47
Eric the Hat:

Nothing with the rock
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:51am

Thanks, Maggie. Have a great weekend!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:51am

↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:44
Starring: Peter Weller.
Eric the Hat:

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Paulo AD:

As always Hertz, amazing show
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ bradford @5:51
Thanks so much for hanging out, Bradford!
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Paulo AD:

Pink UFO is sending me
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @5:51
Thanks, Pauloooo
Avatar 5:52am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Paulo AD @5:51
Same X-D
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:53am

Thanks Maggie!
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William Hellfire:

↳ Shady Neal @5:43
Fun movie!!!
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...don't take rides from strangers.
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Maggie Hertz!:

↳ coelacanth∅ @5:53
Thanks for chilling with me, Coelacanth!
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Spikey BXL:

Ciao Mags, have a nice weekend
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Thanks Maggie!! Always a treat!!
Avatar 💣 Swag For Life Member 5:54am

Thanks Maggie! I want to believe...
Avatar 5:54am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Spikey BXL @5:54
Have a spectacular weekend, Spikey!!
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William Hellfire:

Great show!!! Keep watching the skys!
Shady Neal:

Is pink ufo a euphemism?
Avatar 5:54am
Maggie Hertz!:

Thanks, Standlund!!! Thanks, Yvang!!
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Thanks, Maggie! Remember. Elvis isn't dead. He just went home!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:55am

Thanks Maggie!
Avatar 5:55am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ Shady Neal @5:54
...I want to believe...
Avatar 5:55am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ BillyLundun @5:55
Thanks, Billy!! Have a great weekend!
Avatar 5:56am
Maggie Hertz!:

↳ JReganK @5:55
A retirement home, i believe you mean!!
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↳ Maggie Hertz! @5:56
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56am

This has been fun. Another great show.
Thanks Maggie.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Shady Neal:

Thanks maggie! Happy friday everybody
Eric the Hat:

Welcome to our retirement home along the clouds
Avatar 6:01am
Maggie Hertz!:

Thanks soooo much, y'all!! Have a stellar weekend!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02am

Keeep looking up star gazers!
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