Every Night About This Time
"Every Night About This Time" by "The Upsetters"
Richard Berry & The Pharaohs
Have Love Will Travel
"Have Love Will Travel" by "Richard Berry & The Ph...
The Intrigues
In A Moment
"In A Moment" by "The Intrigues"
The Dells
It's Not Unusual
"It's Not Unusual" by "The Dells"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny, coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with some cloudy skies and a temperature of 41 degrees. But don't let that get you down, because the humidity is only at 39 percent, so it's not too sticky out there. Make sure to grab your shades and your umbrella before you head out, because you never know what Mother Nature has in store for us. But no matter the weather, we've got the tunes to keep you grooving all day long. So sit back, relax, and let the bunny take you on a musical journey through the swinging 60s. Stay tuned, my friends!
Dorothy Berry
Lonely Lover
"Lonely Lover" by "Dorothy Berry"
Northern Soul Fever Volume Two
The Chestnuts
This Is My Love
"This Is My Love" by "The Chestnuts"
The Sheppards
"Tragic" by "The Sheppards"
Music behind DJ:
The Tornadoes
Alan's Tune
"Alan's Tune" by "The Tornadoes"
Back announcing the set
Marissa Gatti
Love's What You Need
"Love's What You Need" by "Marissa Gatti"
Detroit Dynamite
Mad Lads
Sugar Sugar
"Sugar Sugar" by "Mad Lads"
Chuck Edwards
Bullfight #2
"Bullfight #2" by "Chuck Edwards"
Albert King
cold feet
"cold feet" by "Albert King"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens! This is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with some cloudy skies and a temperature of 41 degrees. But don't let that get you down, because the humidity is only at 40 percent. So put on your bell-bottoms and get ready to boogie, because we've got some hot tunes coming your way. Stay tuned for more rockin' and rollin' on the Rock and Soul Stream. This is the bunny, signing off.
Curley Moore
soul train
"soul train" by "Curley Moore"
James Dixon
You've Got To Move
"You've Got To Move" by "James Dixon"
Music behind DJ:
The Bunny
"trainloop" by "The Bunny"
Back announcing the set
The Jay Cee's
the waddle
"the waddle" by "The Jay Cee's"
Just Crazy About You Baby
"Just Crazy About You Baby" by "Embers"
Far Away Places / Just Crazy About You Baby
Why Wonder
"Why Wonder" by "Echoes"
Why Wonder
Frankie Lymon
Sweet And Lovely
"Sweet And Lovely" by "Frankie Lymon"
Sweet And Lovely
Sugar Pie Honey
"Sugar Pie Honey" by "Promatics"
Everybody's Talkin' / Sugar Pie Honey
I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
"I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore" by "Gibralters"
Side By Side / I Won't Be Your Fool Anymore
Music behind DJ:
Ronnie McNeir
Sitting in My Class (Instr.)
"Sitting in My Class (Instr.)" by "Ronnie McNeir"
Back announcing the set
Mr. Gasser & The Weirdos
Hey Rat Fink
"Hey Rat Fink" by "Mr. Gasser & The Weirdos"
the Electric Flag, an American Music Band
"M-23" by "the Electric Flag, an American Music Band"
Original Motion Picture Sound Track: The Trip
Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)
"Sad, Sad Memories (Instr.)" by "Tempos"
West Coast Winners
Patty & the Emblems
what's the use
"what's the use" by "Patty & the Emblems"
Bob & Gene
Your Name
"Your Name" by "Bob & Gene"
Charles Bradley
The World (Is Going Up In Flames)
"The World (Is Going Up In Flames)" by "Charles Br...
2010 Daptone Records
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens
What Have You Done
"What Have You Done" by "Naomi Shelton & the Gospe...
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
Hey there, all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a groovy afternoon here in the Big Apple, with clouds in the sky and a temperature of 40 degrees. But don't let that get you down, because the humidity is only at 43 percent, so it's not too sticky out there. So whether you're walking the streets of NYC or just chilling at home, make sure to grab your favorite tunes and keep it locked right here for the best rock and soul hits. This is the bunny, signing off and wishing you all a far out day.
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Long Time, Wrong Time
"Long Time, Wrong Time" by "Sharon Jones & the Dap...
Music behind DJ:
Brian Auger
The In Crowd
"The In Crowd" by "Brian Auger"
Back announcing the set
The Como Mamas
Count Your Blessings
"Count Your Blessings" by "The Como Mamas"
James Hunter Six
This Is Where We Come In
"This Is Where We Come In" by "James Hunter Six"
"Trouble" by "Agents"
Northern Soul Fever 2a
Otis Redding
"Satisfaction" by "Otis Redding"
Music behind DJ:
Mr. Weather
Current Weather
"Current Weather" by "Mr. Weather"
"Hey there all you cool cats and kittens, this is the bunny coming at you lyyve from the WFMU Rock and Soul stream. It's a beautiful afternoon here in the Big Apple, with clear skies and a temperature of 40 degrees. The humidity is at a comfortable 39 percent, so you can leave those umbrellas at home. Looks like it's gonna be a groovy day, so get out there and enjoy it! Now let's get back to the tunes, keep it locked right here on the Rock and Soul stream."
Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis
Easy Big Mama
"Easy Big Mama" by "Rusty McDonald W/ Maxwell Davis"
James Hunter
Chicken Switch
"Chicken Switch" by "James Hunter"
Music behind DJ:
Pedro Santos
"Savana" by "Pedro Santos"
Back announcing the set
The Mighty Imperials
Thunder Chicken
"Thunder Chicken" by "The Mighty Imperials"
I Can't Stop You
"I Can't Stop You" by "Performers"
I Can't Stop You
The Olympians
Sirens of Jupiter
"Sirens of Jupiter" by "The Olympians"
The Hesitations
Go Away
"Go Away" by "The Hesitations"
What's One More Lie / Go Away
The Del Knights
"Compensation" by "The Del Knights"
Music behind DJ:
David Axelrod
The Fly
"The Fly" by "David Axelrod"
Back announcing the set
The Sugarman 3
Take It As It Comes feat. Charles Bradley
"Take It As It Comes feat. Charles Bradley" by "Th...
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