Favoriting Radio Ravioli with Olivia: Playlist from February 12, 2025 Favoriting

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Genre-fluid, ambient textures, global sounds, punk energy, electronica, jangle pop, disco, post punk, soul, r&b, and more...

Wednesday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Wed. Mar 12th, 9pm - Midnight: Olivia and her Co-Host Abbie from Mars
Wed. Mar 19th, 9pm - Midnight: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza - Home Edition (More info...)

Favoriting February 12, 2025: Radio Ravioli presents: Ravioli Tourism Monthly Open Lines Extravaganza [Trees Edition]
Adriene and Olivia guide you in a kind and gentle tour of open minds and open hearts. This month, we're talking about all things related to TREES - trees we remember, special trees, trees as solidarity, trees we've lost, invasive trees, and whatever else you wanna talk about. CALL US AT 201-209-9368 and get on the radio! We're also fielding voice memos for next month's show (pushed to March 19, after the WFMU fundraising marathon) about ideas of home 🏠 - send it to tourism AT wfmu DOT org.

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Artist Track Images Approx. start time
Olivia  welcome   Favoriting   0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
  Music beds during the show included:
Matt Warwick + Olivia Bradley-Skill's Tree Sketch Songs
Kouri Hall - Sean's Key Live at the Franklin
TREES  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
0:05:07 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TREE  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
0:46:02 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TAKING CALLS ABOUT TREES  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
0:58:03 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TAKING CALLS ABOUT TREES  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
1:16:53 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TREE  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
1:35:03 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TREES  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
1:45:17 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TAKING CALLS ABOUT TREES  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
2:43:09 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TREES  TREES   Favoriting
2:53:29 (MP3 | Pop-up)
TREES TAKING CALLS  CALL 201-209-9368   Favoriting
from alan, suicide tree
from alan, suicide tree
2:45:29 (MP3 | Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

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Listener Bop Monroe:

came for the country and bought my own sause!
Avatar 9:01pm

🌲🌴so excited for this!🪴🌳
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 9:01pm
Deano de los Muertos:

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Hey Olivia! It's ravioli time!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:08pm

greetings Olivia and Adriene and pastaheads
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joe mulligan:

oh trees! when I lived in Bloomfield we had an 80 foot sweetgum tree (the spikey/little sputnik balls) and I raked 50 tall home depot bags full of them every year. must have done 20-40 hours of work every year. when we sold the house, the buyers cut down the tree. I was pretty sad. talk about "phantom limbs", I kind of felt that way, that they shouldn't have done it
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm
Dan S:

"I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree."

Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree
Indeed, unless the billboards fall
I'll never see a tree at all.

(some jokebook I read in fifth grade)

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:14pm
Dan S:

↳ money&pain @9:13
Pretty funny.
Jay Wolf:

What is this? My Shazam can’t figure it out. 😂
Avatar 9:15pm
Listener Bop Monroe:

btw greetings from Tannersville DJOlivia.
just did quick walkies with Alanna and we got 1/4" invisible snow falling and yes the trees are gorgeous.
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joe mulligan:

↳ Jay Wolf @9:14
Adriene makes her own sound collages.
Jay Wolf:

I dig
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

I always loved that line in Salem's Lot where the old guy, when asked if he believes a place can be evil, says "I've seen trees that look like tortured spirits." Cause Ive done a lot of hiking and certainly have seen trees like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:18pm
Dan S:

The urban tree, like the urban human, must be strong to survive.
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joe mulligan:

right now in the north bay/north of SF the magnolia and acacia trees are blooming.
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Deano de los Muertos:

I sent an email as the show began, feel free to share the photo

My town is named Alna - latin plural for Alder trees. We have about a hundred trees to each person
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:19pm
Dan S:

The trees were unclothed, so PG-13. :-)
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Franco Twinkie:

↳ joe mulligan @9:08
I've got a story for you, Joe!
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Deano de los Muertos:

↳ brycepunk1 @9:17
So many great lines in that book

Sometimes you need more than trees.
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joe mulligan:

↳ Franco Twinkie @9:19
Franco! do tell!
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I think about specific trees often.
There's a hiking trail in NorCal up in the redwood trees. Those trees are so old and large and beautiful and majestic looking up at them makes your head spill a little.
That trail I believe is called Cascade, it's like being in a prehistoric time period. You can only hear the wind rustling the leaves and as you get closer to the Pacific you can hear the breaking waves.
Go see it for yourself it is amazing.
Avatar 🍝 9:23pm

Right, trees live in a community. It was mentioned in hope jahren best seller I read. Wiki sez -
Her book Lab Girl (2016) has been praised as both "a personal memoir and a paean to the natural world", a literary fusion of memoir and science writing, and "a compellingly earthy narrative"

I painted plein air landscape for years, winter trees I loved the best
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Welcome, Tree City USA — www.arborday.org... 🌳
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Deano de los Muertos:

I’d rather be surrounded by trees than people
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↳ joe mulligan @9:08
"prickerballs"! haven't seen one in years.
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joe mulligan:

"Redwood trees often grow in circles, called "fairy rings," because they sprout from the roots of a parent tree, creating a circular pattern around the original tree's base, especially when the parent tree dies and new sprouts emerge from its root system, effectively "cloning" themselves and forming a circle of young redwoods; this allows the new trees to benefit from the established root network of the parent tree for nutrients and support."
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↳ joe mulligan @9:25
- as fairy ring mushrooms. from one mycelium

“the island of missing trees’ is told mostly from the perspective of a fig tree.
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joe mulligan:

↳ Bklyn_Dutch @9:23
is that Cascade Falls in Marin or farther north?
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↳ Katharsis @9:24
and i, with photographs. just one reason i Love winter, bare trees.
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joe mulligan:

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:25
haha that's them!
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joe mulligan:

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:27
oh neet, I didn't know that
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Deano de los Muertos:

calls or not, this is turning out amazing so far
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↳ joe mulligan @9:28
Cascade Falls is behind the town of Mill Valley.
The Cascade Train runs from Muir Woods out to Stinson Beach, it's a hike with a lot of changing scenery as it runs around the base of Mt Tam.
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Deano de los Muertos:

climbing trees for fun is definitely a memorable period of youth
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↳ Bklyn_Dutch @9:30
*Trail not train.

Justice for Adriene's dad. get him on survivor!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:34pm

i believe it's true; as bananas. not trees.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
Deano de los Muertos:

Wow! Adriene just reminded me that my dad had built us a tree platform that had to be at least 50 ft up…definitely high enough that no one would dream of jumping into the above-ground pool below
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:37pm

without proper equipment, i pruned 5 very old apple trees a few years ago mostly by climbing to where i needed to cut.
they were horribly ignored and had a zillion suckers + rotten branches - so it took weeks.
...weeks of enjoying work.

When I was 4 I climbed really high into a pine tree by our house and half way down I ended up hanging from a branch and screaming my head off. My dad came to my rescue.

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:37
Oh man. When we moved to this house the small orchard was covered in bittersweet. We spent months cutting them free and uprooting it. Finally raised pigs in the orchard and they uprooted the last of it. And enjoyed the fallen apples.

You should read the poem “Letter to the Person Who Carved His Initials Into the Oldest Living Longleaf Pine in North America" by Matthew Olzmann, it’s pretty great

yes. bring on the info
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 9:42pm

Given the Survivor player who climbed a rock and fell off and injured himself and got medically evacuated a year or two ago, I wonder if they even *let* them climb trees anymore. (It was too bad about him, he seemed interestingly chaotic.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:43pm

I had 2 mango trees that I grew from seeds. I have 4 mangoes and made sorbet from then. I planted the seeds flat side up in african violet soil with some rooting hormone to keep fungus away. 2 sprouted and grew over the years to 6 ft in my nyc loft. they are amazing! the seedling sprouts are totally magical looking

My son went to a school up the road that practiced place-based education. They were climbing trees constantly. Super good for coordination and spatial awareness, creative problem solving, etc..
Steve in bearsville:

Eucalyptus trees burst into flames.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm

↳ money&pain @9:37
wow, that sounds like this property my sister bought! asiatic bittersweet, wysteria, "tree of heaven" [hell!], poison ivy...and japanese knotweed. it took years...saved many trees, but it was too late for some.

↳ Steve in bearsville @9:44
They were planted originally because they grow fast and they thought they'd be a great lumber source, but the wood splits.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:46pm

↳ money&pain @9:40
my sister planted indigenous bittersweet to replace some of the invasive one but it couldn't compete, sadly.

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:44
Yeah, wysteria and roses are both predacious bastards.
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

Eucalyptus are not native to CA.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm

I have some boxes I made of eucalyptus wood. Really lovely stuff, but very brittle. Full of resin

cool coel, it was a “period” of my work a long time ago. I think about returning to landscape painting however it feels over. now more interested in dancing in the landscape than representing it in paint. landscape painting in part for me was a permission to just stand out in the landscape and stare-like having a dog-I feel like we need to justify standing outside in modern society or people think one is crazy or up to no good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

years ago i was with a florist who brought home eucalyptus for kindling in the woodstove, and yes it violently burst into flame!

more tree facts: ginko trees are some of the only plants on earth that refuse to work with subterranean fungal systems, which 99% of all plants do use!

She needs to get pigs! They'll root it out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

here upstate there is a big arboretum down the road from me, the Cary Institute
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↳ money&pain @9:47
oh yes, those beautiful wild roses! i have scars from dealing with those!
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Barney Grubbs:

eucalyptus also tend to drop large limbs without much notice—classic australian things that want to kill you
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Dislike a tree? Well, the ginkgo gets no respect (hi Rodney!). Because of its smelly fruit

Oak trees spread so wide because they are providing shade to conserve whatever moisture falls on their shallow, widely spread roots.
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↳ newton @9:43
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Deano de los Muertos:

Someone talk above Mangrove trees!

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:49
A lot of "wild roses" were planted a century or two ago, and will not die
Dan from PEI.:

Mostly birch and maple where I am.
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↳ Ashi @9:48
Refuse? Interesting. Someone should spk to them.
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During the El Nino period in CA about twenty years back the winds off the ocean completely crushed a grove of eucalyptus trees and flattened a homeowner's fence.
I spent a good ten days cutting all that wood up and building a new fence (it was a job). The woods smells great but you can't burn it in the pot-belly heater.
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↳ Katharsis @9:48
take your time to gaze Lovingly at the world, and pity those who don't understand!
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there was a chestnut tree on a lawn on the street in newark where i lived as a kid and me and my cousins used to get so excited when the chestnuts dropped - we would collect them in bags just to collect them - we didnt do anything with them
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Barney Grubbs:

there’s a usda paper on the history of eucalyptus in california—got widely planted in the late 1800s because native hardwood trees were being overharvested www.fs.usda.gov...
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Deano de los Muertos:

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Deano de los Muertos:

I wasn’t expecting a blind tree caller, that’s cool
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↳ alanSixº @9:53
My sis in Peekskill has two chestnut trees, and them nuts are delicious. (I once picked some in Central Park, not tasty at all)
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↳ money&pain @9:51
i tried to control them! -'probably stupid of me; but for a few years i'd prune them back and shape them, like a cultivated rose, let them flower then make sure to cut off all the berries as soon as they started to form, so the birds wouldn't spread the seed.
but it was impossible to keep up with! duh!
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↳ herb.nyc @9:57
chestnut trees are their own kind of magic
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Speaking of Survivor, the best version is a foreign rendition, Australian Survivor, which premieres its new season Brains vs. Brawn II in just a few days. Unfortunately it's mysteriously not legally streaming in the U.S., but easily available if you sail the high seas -- arr, matey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:00pm

maybe that was a tree calling to say hi
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I've been loving these shows Olivia
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm

What wood the tree do?

↳ coelacanth∅ @9:57
It sounds like a valiant struggle. I was soft on the roses, but my wife, thankfully, was ruthess.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm

we are trees!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:07pm

maybe the car deserved it?

hi olivia!!!! <3

I 💙🌳
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:13pm

Broccoli is a favourite
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the scariest halloween ever in NJ was when there was a rapid ice storm that made all the tree limbs real heavy and the trees were snapping like twigs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:15pm


↳ coelacanth∅ @10:15
Very funny!

↳ coelacanth∅ @10:15
That reminds me of the tree that would ""eat" Charlie Brown's kites.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:19pm

i've read that about the eucalyptus in california. this guy knows.

My poor neighbor had a driveway lined with cedars that all fell over in a windstorm a few years ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

...in any case it' more than a little obvious that humans obliterating trees as they do will increase every major climate and weather disaster, including wind patterns.

when i see a house with no trees near it i feel discomfort, like looking at a raw, irritated skin condition.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

I love cedar wood

i had ravioli for lunch
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:24pm

Spruce trees are the most popular trees for Cape May Warblers. There's a Spruce at Garret Mt we all call the Cape May Tree -- sometimes there's 4 or 5 in the tree at one time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:26pm

↳ traven @10:19
isn't true that kudzu can grow over 3'/day?
...extremely invasive...and then thy sell it in health food stores for 5-10 bucks for 3 ounces!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:28pm

kudzu: external-content.duckduckgo.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @10:26
(correction: 1'/day)

You may well be right on kudzu being extremely invasive. However, I never knew it's sold in health food stores.

Where do I begin.
I guess the beginning is best.
It was a bright, beautiful summer day in the early suxties. We were just kids.
We're were sitting in our favorite spot in "the woods" talking about our fondness of girls. Two girls in particular. Johnny-Boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of matches. He began striking each match and shaking them out one at a time whilst lamenting his desire for Joan.
Then, to our left, we saw a fire break out. Then, further back, we saw another fire break out. We tried to stamp the fire out. We tried. I swear we tried.
"The Woods" were no ordinary woods. They were, "Our Woods." This was our playground. This is where we would dream about our adventures defeating evil forces. This is where we would play war.
On this day, this was a war between us and the fire that defeated us and destroyed two-thirds of "The Woods."
The next day, the owner of the property, whose wife once taught my mom to drive a 3 speed on the column car, asked me why I didn't alert his family of the fire. A fire that came as close as one hundred feet to their house. I shrugged my shoulders defenseless for an explanation as my parents looked on displaying no judgment.
Ironically, the owner was a Fire Department Chief / Captain.
"The Woods" were destroyed of any magic that it once held.
It haunts me from time to time.
Now, the property holds two apartment buildings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:30pm

↳ coelacanth∅ @10:29
still, if you plant that you need to be prepared to eat a foot of kudzu a day to keep it controlled
Avatar 10:31pm

this is intense!
Avatar 10:31pm

kudzu starch has a lot of health benefits- I make a drink with it when im sick. it helps your bloodflow get going. You can use it instead of cornstarch which means you can make all your fav unhealthy starchy food healthy >:)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm

↳ newton @10:30
nom nom nom!
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you guys do an amazing show btw
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:36pm

kudzu root good for quitting booze, purportedly
Avatar 10:40pm

↳ Faye @10:31
kudzu fries mmm!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:41pm

Adriene, maybe they are! ...worrying about what the hell shit we're gonna pull next!
(like so many people are right now constantly thinking about *those other people*)
Avatar 10:43pm

my favorite trees are willow tress
Avatar 10:43pm

the weepies are pretty cool

wow ashamed what an experience to carry as a young person. hugs
Avatar 10:47pm

love agnes varda
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 10:48pm

In NJ, Norvin Green State Forest is cool.

↳ chresti @10:22
My neighbor across the street who turns bowls and other woodworking helped us clear our trees from the drive in exchange for pies to work with. When we bought this house, it had a linen closet lined with cedar to keep the moths away. Sam with the linen closet in our apartment in Greenwood Bk.


I heard crystal meth time instead of crystal nap time lol
Avatar 🍝 Swag For Life Member 10:52pm

↳ money&pain @10:50
Those used to be pretty common, cedar lined closets for keeping moths off your clothing. I grew up in Bklyn, we had those in our place when I was a kid.

↳ coelacanth∅ @10:22
At the same time, and sorry to be a real drag, but the extreme weather is leading people to cut down trees so they won't fall on their houses.

↳ Bklyn_Dutch @10:52
People would put their clothes in cedar chests in the summer. too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:56pm

↳ money&pain @10:53
i know... it's a sort of vicious cycle

I’m an Eastern Hemlock fan. They grow under the forest canopy and can thrive without a lot of light, which is unique among conifers. They are also under siege from the Hemlock woolly adelgid. We need to care for them. Thanks for the show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:58pm

(actually aspirin was originally from white willow bark)

Back in the 1890s a German chemist working for Bayer
formulated aspirin. Several months later he also formulated heroin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm

ah -that makes sense. magnolia petals are thick...sturdy.
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Richard S:

One of the most famous trees in the world: en.wikipedia.org...
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Spatulator (formerly elwyn5150):

IIRC, the cane toads were brought to Queensland to protect the sugar cane crops from some insect.

There's currently a TV series on Australian (ABC) called "Eat the Invaders" which is about trying to make invasive species into edible dishes by humans.

Favorite trees are Linden, Beech Willow and Chewy trees! Going to plant these trees in mt yard-when in Spring is it good to plant trees?

When Europeans first arrived in the Eastern US they began clearing the hardwood forests and most of the trees were cut down. Supposedly in the early 18th century a squirrel could travel from what is now Florida to Maine without ever touching the ground
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Chris from Brooklyn:

All you need maple syrup wise

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:30pm

↳ Patty @11:16
it depends on the species, and your location.
most often it's early spring in the northeast u.s. - often early autumn is also acceptable
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:31pm

i tried to think of a favorite tree, but there're too many! so many different reasons to like a tree
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:32pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I have a childhood memory of climbing up into a maple tree and sending little seed helicopters spinning to the ground below.

Yeah he did lol
eric from lake hiawatha:

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

The dark woods…….unconsciousness

let's hear some crown shyness talk man
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:39pm

many trees will do it though.
-and you can embed something in certain trees (like tamaracks) for it to grow around...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:42pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm

(maybe better) external-content.duckduckgo.com...
Avatar 11:52pm

Thank you for the tree talk!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks, Olivia & Adriene. As they say, I must now make like a tree and leave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

i learned about the ginkgo soon after graduating high school, got a job as a groundskeeper... kept thinking someone was allowing their dog to shit there!
until a coworker told me it was the berries
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

Thanks Olivia! Thanks Adriene!
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