Favoriting Seven Second Delay with Andy and Ken: Playlist from February 12, 2025 Favoriting

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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)

Wednesday 6 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 12, 2025: The Best Age

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Listener comments!



Can't believe I got through...
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Matt from Springfield:

The "Best Age"? 28 years old.

HI Ken & Andy & Delayers!
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Erin in TO:

Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to the soaking of Andy? I have it in my calendar after Ken's email
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03pm

work. hello
Avatar 6:04pm

either 27 or 42
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Soak Andy with Canadian dollars!
Beulah Fongula:

Andy must stay alive in order to soak him!
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Erin in TO:

I'm conflicted because since he's going to be in Toronto, I feel compelled to try to find him, but also I must participate in the soak

Never mind 'bout your mind, keep your mind on your work. - Tin Huey
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Erin in TO:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @6:04
Since the exchange is so bad, it'll be waaaay more american dollars than CDN.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Erin in TO @6:03
It's only once a year! And the only opportunity for you to lose money - and watch ANDY lose money as well!! 😄
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the best age was the Pleistoscene, or 4
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at 10 you have to go to school... at 5 you're smart already but dont have to do a thing
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Matt from Springfield:

You don't ever need to deal with girls - we're all incel creeps nowadays anyway.
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15 is one of the 10 worst years, from 10-20
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Erin in TO:

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:07
And I can never resist his outrage as he sees the donations pile up

Claiming foetus is the best age.
Also, Andy is chawin the hell out of that ol' Bazooka Joe!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

4 is the best because your mom is still alive, and your siblings are all in school so you get her to yourself.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:09pm

15 is when you hate showering after gym class because you aren't as hairy as everyone else.
ben & Reba:

honest Bernardo from Argentina:

I’ll take a sponge bath if we can do it on air
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

whatever age I am currently will always be the best and I will stand by that. Present Gang
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↳ Erin in TO @6:06
was just listening to zoomer radio - love the 'buy canadian' psa's. go canada!
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Erica from Cranford:

I would go back to 10!
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Matt from Springfield:

Sorry, threw up on my keyboard at the mention of "Summer of '69".

(Uggh, there I go again!!)
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please don't get a ten year old girlfriend now
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Erin in TO:

↳ dale @6:11
My partner works for Zoomer in their advertising department. I'll let him know the PSA's are appreciated!
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Andy's correct, it's 10.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

The Age of Aquarius should be good.
Beulah Fongula:

Problem with 10 is that you are now 2 digits probably forever - not many reach 3 digits. And where do the homeless 3 digits live anyhow?
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @6:12
It's only dawning, it will be centuries before it reaches its stride.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Ken From Hyde Park The 5th Dimension!
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Matt from Springfield:

Found it - but on another Scott Williams show we extolled the virtues of 32:

"Scott Williams:
@fred, I've always assumed all grownups were 32. I was not a grownup in 1983!

Matt from Springfield:
Fine grown-up number, 32. Power of 2, old enough to do pretty much anything but not a geezer yet. Fine number."

↳ Erin in TO @6:12
I love Zoomer Radio! (Buffalo based here) They're creating a new model for what an oldies station can be. And the PSAs are inspiring.

12-14 was pretty cool. Old enough to enjoy "adult" movies and shows but young enough to approach them with the lens of a child. Playing with toys thinking about Terminator and Vampire Hunter D etc lol cool time
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Dan S:

NeverPos! It could be a hit! Both economical and pleasing.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

I'm betting that puberty is the dividing-line between those of us who feel blessed by our relations, social and otherwise, with those of the opposite-or-otherwise-desired gender or feel that they've been unfortunate.
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↳ Ron-ji @6:15
i heard u2 in the oldies mix. didn't sit right with me.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Ron-ji @6:15
Very fun station! And is even receivable on AM down here in Virginia.
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Jeff Moore:

The NeverPos™ Test seems like an ideal product for UNCLEAN-DY Products, Inc.!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:17pm

Andy your comedy workshop class is paying off.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@(((Murakami Whywolf) 🎯
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Erin in TO:

↳ Ron-ji @6:15
Amazing! I'm passing these comments on to him, he's gonna love it
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Matt from Springfield:

"13 is always an ugly age", as I've quoted almost since I was 13 myself. There's no way around it, just have to dig through it.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

NeverPos™ would be a great Modern Gag Gift—another one would be The Exploding Vape-Pen.

"He takes away your sorrow, and replaces it with toys..."
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

hell no at 10 I was old enough to know what was wrong and wayyyyyyyy too young to do anything about it 💀
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why did you brush your teeth in the tub
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Matt from Springfield:

9 would be better than 10 - though with the lowering age of puberty over time, that might be the oldest "innocent" age.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

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Matt from Springfield:

My "vote" remains 28.
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i was depressed at 8

↳ dale @6:16
I know what you mean; when I first started listening 20ish years ago the main music spanned the late 1940s to the early 1980s. It's shifted as the population has aged, We gotta get used to it, I guess.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

30 gang
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↳ Erin in TO @6:17
love midnight blue when i'm up late enough to catch it. suggest to your friend that they put it on during drive time.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

Nonsense, Mr Breckman. At ten I was worried about the Vietnam Police Action, nuclear war, over-population, and trying to understand those of the other kids who tried to make my life hellish.

↳ (Murakami Whywolf))) @6:17
Sounds like updated Johnson Smith catalog items.
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I never found the g chord
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@(((Murakami Whywolf) hello kindred spirit from another time, why were we worrying so much as kids hahah
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Matt from Springfield:

300 is a young age for an elf..

Appreciate nobody saying 20s, so much societal pressure to "enjoy life" and "grow up" at that time but overall can be pretty messy. Lots to figure out as a young adult
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

People picking '13' are implicitly endorsing masturbation over partner-sex.
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↳ newton @6:21
just past the little man in the boat (not the tidy bowl man).

↳ Erin in TO @6:17
Some of the weekend programming, especially Lily Frost's set, could fit pretty easily on WFMU. But this is like the coming together of my two main radio worlds. Freaky, as the kids would say.
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↳ dale @6:23
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Erin in TO:

↳ Ron-ji @6:23
Lily Frost is a good friend of my partner, he's gonna love this. I agree kind of freaky, did not expect to see Zoomer mentions here!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

nobody's talking about how different it is to be, say, 25 in the 90s, vs being 25 nowadays

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:22
why do you think i'm an elf? was it my voice?
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↳ Matt from Springfield @6:22
maybe Nadia was of mercury
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Matt from Springfield:

"Play-Dohs" Retreat!

90% of my experience being 10 was just playing with legos and making shit out of cardboard and duct tape. Pretty good time
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28 peak health for me.
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Matt from Springfield:

That's those crazy co-ed Jewish socialist camps upstate. My camps were just fellow lunkheads, getting no action but obsessed with fire.

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:22
don't most d and d elves come of age at like 100?

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:25
FOr a minutę I thought you were about to talk about the difference between being 25 in the 90s vs being 90 in 2025.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ coelacanth∅ @6:25
Even if it's boring, time passes quickly there.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

I never 'got' the whole 'hating girls thing.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Ron-ji apples and dentures, my friend
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ nadia @6:27
Not sure about D&D - though for a game it would probably be standardized at around then.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

Take the mean of the answers.

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:28
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

wasn't 18 And Life talking about how hard it was to be 18
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Dan S:

My favorite age? “The first ten million years were the worst, and the second ten million years, they were the worst too. The third ten million I didn’t enjoy at all. After that I went into a bit of a decline.” - Marvin, the depressed Android, from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

I stand with Marvin.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@(((Murakami Whywolf) Real, before I discovered 'feminism' it was just 'why are people mean to girls, this isn't right'
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:


↳ Ron-ji @6:28
Come to think of it, I did kind of feel like I was 25 in the 90s (instead of 35) and some days I kinda feel like I am 90 (instead of 64) now.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:27
A girl in my class came back from summer-camp with its 'T'-shirt with its motto 'Communism, Atheism, Freedom'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm

I agree with Sam the Appraiser. 40 is good. You've probably already made your wrist mistakes, you're starting to find success, but you still have your youthful health and vigor.
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↳ McGroovey @6:31
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my best year was somewhere between 30 and 38. but 18 was pretty good.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

Anyone remember Gahan Wilson's amazing comic "Nuts" about actual childhood?
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I was thinking of having a remote hanging from the ceiling

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:30
Very real! So much pressure in those "golden years" to make them count, really gets demoralizing. Also definitely remember fretting about lack of autonomy from 10-18
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ (((Murakami Whywolf) @6:30
It's a different subculture, for sure. Though my knowledge of the camps comes only from NYC comedy writers.

↳ McGroovey @6:31
Wrist mistakes also works. 40 was around the time I had trouble with Carpal Tunnel. (And I agree re the good points of 40)
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↳ Dan S @6:30
I got my Michele Valentine!

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:28
so who standardized it? tolkein?
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:33pm

james at 15 liked james at 16 better - he had sex then.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

An advantage of a young age is that you don't have to worry about paying income taxes.

i'm 15. there has been no discovery of substances yet, but there has been discovery of WFMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:35pm

15 was all that for me too and it was good, but i liked so many girls but was completely clueless. that frustration outweighs the mischief and adventure.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Troy @6:26
Didn't see you up there - 28 for me too.

Old enough age to do anything, young enough in health, still doing young things, active enough to party all night, not yet too set in your ways.
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paddy in matawan:

whats wrong with 35?!?!
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↳ Matt from Springfield @6:35
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

Overall, I mean time marches on regardless so what's the benefit in seeing your best years as being behind you?
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Matt from Springfield:

Andy's only counting his public families from his acknowledged wives.
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(((Murakami Whywolf):

How many people remember the sheer unpleasantness of having to eat when one wasn't hungry, not being able to do when one was, similar for sleeping and waking….

There it is. People with kids wish they could be young again. Those without kids prefer their 30’s and 40’s.

I'm reminded of a scene in The Wild Bunch where the Mexican village elder says, "We all want to be a child again, even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all."
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Ron-ji time is relative!

↳ (((Murakami Whywolf) @6:37
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@GorillaFella 🎵"If only I try, I'll get these golden years to shine!"
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Sam 💥💥💥 Said it all

One thing that seems worth mentioning is the trade off of more body pain as you get older is less emotional/existential pain as you know yourself and your needs better
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Deano de los Muertos:

Thanks Pete 👨‍🌾
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↳ Matt from Springfield @6:37
andy makes charles kuralt look like a monk.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ (((Murakami Whywolf) @6:37
Yes - I visited my old high school and friends after my freshman year of college - and already that place seemed like a police state in comparison! People rushing to places, minors legally required to be stuck there during the day, everything is either programmed for you from above or learned hearsay from other peers. Why would you want to go back to that hampster cage once you're freed!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

I'm voting 80
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:42pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ dale @6:40
That's the advantage for both in producing TV and movies.

"Yep, gotta travel off again for an undetermined period of time, as I am wont to do..."
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

↳ Ken From Hyde Park @6:34
By that logic, the best age is 'extremely rich'.
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↳ GorillaFella @6:40
but it's not gradual. i was at my healthiest and strongest between ~30 years and ~44.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

huge disappointments throughout childhood.
10 sucked, pretty much.
and i know that's the case for MANY children.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ (Murakami Whywolf))) @6:42
THAT's the answer! "Commenters Say The Darndest Things".
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paddy in matawan:

ugh 5 months of that what did everyone think they were time travellers in space
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ok i figured the best age was whatever was before 1998
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i'd pick 15 if i was a cooler 15 year old
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paddy in matawan:

3 was good. got like 6 memories.
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Didn't Limp Bizkit have a song called I did it for the wedgie?
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↳ hectic @6:44
i was a cool 15 year old but most of the kids didn't know it!
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

I wanna know what y'all think you had at 10, and lost it?
Avatar 🚂 6:46pm
(((Murakami Whywolf):

Note that The Abomination has spoken _proudly_ of not having changed since age seven, about the age when he was caught throwing rocks at an infant confined to its play-pen.

↳ coelacanth∅ @6:42
Good point actually, I appreciate you saying that. My dad at 50 can outrun and outlift me at 26 easily. That being said, I feel this is currently the best year of my life as Im just getting a real sense of who I am and what I need in life. Expecting my best years to still be ahead of me though :)
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↳ coelacanth∅ @6:45
exactly. i'm the kind of nerd cool who likes wire and the clash but who the "cool" kids don't get.
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ GorillaFella @6:40
You could say there is less emotion/existential pain and fear as you gain experience and wisdom - but it's also weariness at the world and human nature. "Acceptance" more than "contentment". Though I've learned mindfulness and how to keep my personal contentment over the years.
honest Bernardo from Argentina:

You can’t remember 3 that’s BS

Just name the horse!
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ honest Bernardo from Argentina @6:47
And maybe THAT's why it's the best age!
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

i liked that zager and evans. had the 45. b side is called 'mr. turnkey' about a guy mouldering away in cell block 44.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

dirt and rocks and grass and things?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

2525 is supremely stupid, but far from the stupidest. Ken!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

Geez. 3, parents divorced, effectively homeless, lived in car with mom, nomaded around the US. there is no universal good year so many circumstances.

Worst song - "Make it with you" by Bread
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↳ Erin in TO @6:17
Also a big ZoomerRadio fan. Kept me company many nights on the road and I tell other people about it. Love Szygy and Big Band Sunday Night...the latter I've been listening to 20+ years and now listen while I drive home from my own air shift on another radio station!
Glenn J.:

"The Streak" and "Shaving Cream" were both Number 1 songs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:49pm

↳ GorillaFella @6:46
i hope that is the case!
- my life turned a corner at 26-27.
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

Give the 15 year olds an ancient tube of Propa-PH
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

"be that age forever" different question, stop at 40 and just stay there.

Worst song ever would make a great topic for a future show.
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Erin in TO:

↳ PigeonsAndRust @6:48
Wonderful, I love all these stories :)
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@erik totally, so many ways to take this question that would totally change my answer
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↳ hectic @6:46
haha, yeah! i had to wait until 10th grade to find a few kids i was aligned with.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

I'm voting for the oldest possible age because anything could happen and I believe the best is yet to come damn I mean let's all make it to 100 and be supergrandpas
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ Glenn J. @6:49
"TheProfessorofRock" on YouTube has declared "Disco Duck" to be the worst hit song.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

You can't drive when you're 15. What are these people thinking?

Very insightful comment! I guess thats the double edge sword of awareness. Id much rather have knowledge that makes me feel weary of the world and be accurate in my conceptions than operate off unrealistically hopeful and unfounded beliefs, feels like thats just a path to disappointment. Great point about mindfulness too, just getting into the practice of daily mindfulness meditations and its absolutely changed my life
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Matt from Springfield:

YES! Forget "new music" - WFMU is "new to me music"!! 🤘🐶🐄

↳ coelacanth∅ @6:49
Thank you! Appreciate this ❤️
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Erin in TO:

You couldn't pay me to be 15 again
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↳ mrdonutsu @6:52
You can drive. just not legally.
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↳ Ron-ji @6:32
Yeah, I had wrist/carpal tunnel problems around 40: too much sitting at a desktop computer at work. But then I left that job and my wrist trouble got better.

↳ GorillaFella @6:52
This was @Matt from springfield 6:46, forgot to tag lol
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↳ Erin in TO @6:53
100% agree. It was a dark pit of depression for me.
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↳ beej @6:48
"wild world" by cat stevens... or almost every song on the billboard top 40 within the past 20+ years.
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Can't you drive at 15 in Iowa or somewhere like that?
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15 year old banter is going to be very awkward.
Toothgrinder Tom:

It’s fire.
Angel DiMaria:

Fire 🔥
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↳ beej @6:48
or, along the same lines: any raspberries song. (because they're all about exactly one thing)
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↳ PigeonsAndRust @6:54
As long as you don't make chemtrails.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

I drove at 14 💀 it didn't fix my life, amazingly
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

I think you can drive in New Hampshire at 14½.

Live free or die.

“Thumbs Up/Down” goes back to Ancient Rome
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

the best age to be is whatever age you decide to invest in yourself and your fellow man, and every year thereafter 💖
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ GorillaFella @6:54
I understood :)

The search for truth and awareness is worth it. It just makes you aware that you are heading toward the end of life instead of using that knowledge in your prime. And ++ to mindfulness 💖
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No, I didn't time in Russia, and thumbs-up is NOT an obscene gesture. It means the same as here.
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↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:56
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↳ McGroovey @6:56
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Driving age is younger in them farm states cuz the young'ns need to drive the tractors.
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

A lot of places, a thumbs-up means 'Up your arse!'.

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:56
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ red_door_what_for in ypsilanti @6:56
Speaking of mindfulness! 🙂
Be Here Now 💖

do i get a t shirt if i call back?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:58pm

Where I grew up, in the country in upstate NY, you don't need a license to drive a tractor. That's one reason that guys who lose their licenses start driving their tractor to town.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

@Matt from Springfield @GorillaFella 🫶🕉️🙂☮️✌️
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Matt from Springfield:

A rather fun and insightful episode! THANKS callers and commenters! 💖

THANKS Ken & Andy! Have a good night, everyone!
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Thanks Ken & Andy!
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↳ Roberto @6:57
i read (years ago) that kids in sweden can legally drive tractors for a few years before they get a driver license - including into town...so they started modifying volvos and saabs to look like tractors!
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(Murakami Whywolf))):

↳ Roberto @6:57
…and the population's sparse enough that you're less of a danger to others.
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thanks for the show!

The smoking hot cardiologist?
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Matt from Springfield:

↳ nadia @6:58
INSIST on one!! 😉 Every young fan of WFMU deserves a gratis T-shirt! 😃
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm

Thanks y'all

I just hope I’m as cool as Ken at 65
Avatar 7:02pm

↳ Matt from Springfield @6:59
OH yeah. definetely. i'll just call back next week.
PS i'm nadia. i live a double life.
red_door_what_for in ypsilanti:

↳ Sam @7:00
all these cool folks give me so much to look forward to ✌️
Avatar 🚂 Swag For Life Member 7:17pm
Matt from Springfield:

↳ hectic @7:02
Haha, noted! 😉
Avatar 7:28pm

↳ Matt from Springfield @7:17
i'm cooler when i'm hectic
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