Favoriting Kitsch & Sync with DJ GeorgyGirl: Playlist from February 19, 2025 Favoriting

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Music, love & spoken word for the groovy jet-set generation. Dig what's really happening for today's people.

Wednesday 2 - 4pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting February 19, 2025: Kitsch & Sync #025 - Cosmic

On today's Kitsch & Sync with DJ GeorgyGirl, we have a request from the always wonderful Paper Kosmonaut for MORE lounge-era tracks from behind the Iron Curtain! I'll read from Arthur C Clarke's "2001" over some fabulous Apollo Sound library music, alongside a collection of Eastern Bloc disco, funk, and general grooviness.

Music, love & spoken word for the groovy jet-set generation. Dig what's really happening for today's people.

2 pm to 4 pm Eastern/7 pm to 9 pm GMT only on #sheenasjungleroom

#Soundtracks #NowSound #SpokenWord #Lounge #LibraryMusic #SunshinePop #SpaceAgePop #EasyListening #AOR #Bubblegum #60s #70s #ApolloSound #ArthurCClarke #2001

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Waldemar Matuska  Barbarella (An Angel Is Love)   Favoriting       0:00:00 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Piotr Figiel Ensemble  At A Breakneck Pace   Favoriting       0:04:06 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Günther Fischer & Band  Hochzeitsnacht   Favoriting       0:08:10 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Uve Schikora Combo  Oh, Angela   Favoriting       0:10:20 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Warning   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  0:15:09 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Alexander Zatsepin  Tanets Robotov   Favoriting       0:18:14 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Czechoslovak Radio Dance Orchestra  Love To Love You, Baby   Favoriting       0:21:07 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Jaan Kuman Instrumental Ensemble  Terminus   Favoriting       0:25:25 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Never Mind   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  0:31:24 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Gruppa Valentina Badiarova  Dialog   Favoriting       0:34:32 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Raimonds Pauls  Teater   Favoriting       0:38:52 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Melodiya  Pochemu   Favoriting       0:41:31 (MP3 | Pop-up)
The Ted Nord Sound  Flambeau   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  0:46:33 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Discobolos  Kyvadio   Favoriting       0:49:29 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Viktor Sodoma  Vysoká Lira   Favoriting       0:52:18 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Iveriya  Pesnya O Gruzii   Favoriting       0:55:38 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Today Is The Day   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  0:58:22 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Alexander Zatsepin  Tanets Shamana   Favoriting       1:01:03 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Arsenal  You've Made Me So Very Happy   Favoriting       1:03:13 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Via Poyushie Serdsta  Polyot V Nochi   Favoriting       1:08:13 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Sunny Escapade   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  1:12:10 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Gunnar Braps & The Magnetic Band  Liiklus   Favoriting       1:14:40 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Viktor Ignatyev's Ensemble  Krasye Maki   Favoriting       1:17:08 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Electra  Über Feuer   Favoriting       1:20:40 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Red Light   Favoriting APSCD 216 Lo-Fi - Original Lounge Music  Apollo Sound  2000  1:27:20 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Pavel Novák & Vox  Kočičí Král Felix   Favoriting       1:30:10 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Petr Spálený  Lesní Víla   Favoriting       1:33:05 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Cheeky Jane   Favoriting       1:35:53 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Budapest Radio Orchestra  Alone In A Crowd   Favoriting       1:39:37 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Vodogray  Vospominanie   Favoriting       1:42:50 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Flamingo  Zlom Vaz   Favoriting       1:46:04 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Karel Černoch  Uz Tu Nesmím Zůstat   Favoriting       1:49:45 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Polish Radio Orchestra  Poker Game   Favoriting       1:51:54 (MP3 | Pop-up)
Jazz Cellula  Polobotka   Favoriting       1:55:50 (MP3 | Pop-up)

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

Welcome one and all to our weekly visit to the comfy and cosy blanket fort! :-)
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David The Splatter:

Greetings, DJGG. I have warm tea and Mucinex, getting the last of the phlegm out of my system.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David The Splatter @1:56
Hello, my lovely!! I'm sorry you're still feeling poorly - but VERY pleased that you're at last coming out the other side. Come and get settled and I'll grab you an extra crochet blanket :-)
Avatar 1:58pm
Mr. Oxford:

Hello DJ GG!

Interesting book choice! Never read it but of course I saw the Kubrick movie once many years ago which I will never forget - on a flight from Calgary to Frankfurt with my eyes glued to the small LCD screen on the seat. I really need to watch it again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:58
Hello, dear Mr O!
I love the trippy bit in the middle with all the colours :-)
Avatar 1:59pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ David The Splatter @1:56
Hello David! Hope you get better soon.
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David The Splatter:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:59
Thank you. Good afternoon to you, as well.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Getting ready for some Eastern Block rocking beats.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:00
Dearest PK!!! This is all your idea - and a jolly good one it is, too :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:00
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Jan Turkenburg:

Hi Georgy and friends!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @1:58
The book - and its successor, 2010 - are good reads.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:00
Hello, lovely Bri! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Jan Turkenburg @2:01
Darling Jan! Hello, my sweet :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:01
Hey GG! :)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:00
Hey Bri!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:01
I once bought a paperback copy from a thrift store, made a pile of sandwiches, and spent the entire day on the beach :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:01
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Barbarella (An Angel Is Love)" by "Waldemar Matuska"
I mean, come on! How great is this??
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:02
Eating the book and reading sandwiches!
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Jan Turkenburg:

Hello Bri!
Avatar 2:02pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @1:59
That's exactly the part I remember too. The lights in the plane were off and that colourful part was extra bright for me. Seeing that movie on a small plane screen added a weird twist to the experience. I have wanted to see on a proper TV screen or a theatre screen during a screening, but I have never got around to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:02
That's the one ;-) LOL
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:02
Woah - I imagine seeing that whilst travelling at extreme speeds must have been wild!!
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Bri The Beatnik:

Hey Jan!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

You will notice today that I have precisely zero minutes to back announce. Lol
Avatar 2:04pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:01
Hello PK! Never knew there was a successor too! Interesting.
asheville jon:

Is that a chicken joke? 🐓
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ asheville jon @2:04
Hello, my lovely! :-)
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David The Splatter:

Jan, Bri, Kosmonaut, AshevilleJon: Hello there!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Look at us all cosy in here <3
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Mr Fab:

Listening, but super busy!
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Bri The Beatnik:

Hey David!

Greetings to DJGG and other friends!
I love the Eastern European theme today! Looking forward to extreme grooviness!
Avatar 2:05pm
Mr. Oxford:

Hello Jan, Bri, Asheville Jon, Mr. Fab!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Paper Kosmonaut sent me some delicious Eastern Bloc music which then sent me off down a rabbit hole of further discovery ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

Kim Sorise did a great Soft tempo episode of global grease this past Monday I think ya’ll would like!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:05
Hello, dear Mr Fab!
PLEASE tell everyone what you have coming up on Friday :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Ron @2:05
Hello, my lovely! :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:05
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:04
Arthur C Clarke wrote three sequels to 2001.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

I did allow enough time today to mangle a great many pronunciations of names and the like ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:06
Three? I only know of 2010! I shall have to look out for the others <3
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:03
It certainly was. But a bit uncomfortable too. I would not do it again haha.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

My friends and I used to called "2010" - ten past eight ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:07
I'm not surprised ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:07
After 2010 came 2061: Odyssey Three and 3001: The Final Odyssey.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:08
3001 sounds properly future :-)

Although I remember when 2001 sounded like the future. Lol
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Hochzeitsnacht" by "Günther Fischer & Band"
This lush sounds almost make you want to have been living in the GDR.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:10
Right? The female vocalist has the most beautiful voice <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Oh, Angela" by "Uve Schikora Combo"
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Oh, Angela" by "Uve Schikora Combo"
Shake dein Kartoffelsalat!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:10
The DDR museum in Berlin is a lot of fun, to be honest :-) Although the Soviet issue apartment buildings are basically what I now live in ;-)

Do you know the name of the singer of "Hochzeitsnacht"? Her voice is indeed fantastic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:11
Das ist richtig! Und toll! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Ron @2:11
I don't but I completely agree! I need to find more :-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Ron @2:11
All I can find on Discogs so far is his daughter Laura but that appears to be from later.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Uschi Bruning! www.discogs.com...
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Uschi: www.discogs.com...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:13
Lol. You beat me to it by about 30 seconds ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I found this after PK :-)

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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ wenzo @2:14
Hello, my lovely!! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:14
Her childhood back story is pretty damn rough

Yes, Uschi Bruning..I just found this too....DJGG, please play more of her in coming weeks.!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Ron @2:15
I'll see what I can find :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:13
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Mr Fab:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:05
Oh, well, if you insist!

On my show this Fri morning, I'll be doing a tribute to David Johansen/New York Dolls/Buster Poindexter, and related songs. And, thanks to WFMU people who know people, David Jo the man hisself WILL BE LISTENING.

But I'm not nervous about it. Perish the thought!
Avatar 2:17pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Mr Fab @2:16
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:16
I know you'll do him proud <3
And I'm very proud of YOU :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr Fab @2:16
That sounds wonderful!
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David The Splatter:

↳ Mr Fab @2:16
I will be tuned in on Friday for that!
Avatar 2:19pm
Mr Fab:

I'm also including classic blues/ r'n'b songs that influenced him. So hope he likes it.

Sadly, he's not long for this world...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:19
I have no doubt that it will absolutely make his day <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Love To Love You, Baby" by "Czechoslovak Radio Da...
YES! This is happening :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Love To Love You, Baby" by "Czechoslovak Radio Da...
Radio dance orchestra. They make your radio dance.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:22pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Love To Love You, Baby" by "Czechoslovak Radio Da...
I love the "Shaft" drums on this <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:22
They're making mine positively shimmy! :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr Fab @2:19
Amazing! Wishing him the best days
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I have a swimming update!
After my "oh God, I've lost the ability to swim" panic just before I came down with some cold/virus thing .... I am now BACK in the pool and swimming around like a shark again. Hurrah! :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

I listen a lot to the Slovak symphony orchestra, cool dance orchestra they had too!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:24
The quality on a lot of these records is truly stunning. I had such a great time putting today's show together :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:24
Yay! I feel that way about dancing, every now and then I get cold feet like I gotta force myself to get up and get exercise, but it’s slowly getting better
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Mr Fab:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:24
well then you gotta play all those 'do The Swim' novelty dance songs.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:25
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:25
I am EXTREMELY proud of you!! I know how hard it is to find that mental strength so you are doing great <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:25
Ah, Little Nell :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:26
Thank you! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:25
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Mr Fab:

↳ Mr Fab @2:25
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:24
It's like swimming - You never forget how to do it.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:26
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

My skin still smells of chlorine and that makes me deliriously happy :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr Fab @2:26
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:27
I love the smell of chlorine! Or when the shower is freshly bleached
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Also, I bought some new biker style boots over the weekend, and did a fashion show with those and my neoprene leggings. I felt like a complete bad ass ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:28
I swear if I could find a perfume that has that as a base I'd be happy :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:28
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:28
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:28
As in fashion show for the family, in my living room. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Anna Wintour was NOT in attendance ;-)
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David Shortell:

I read the book "2001" before I saw the movie. When it finally got shown on TV in the late 70's,
I noticed differences.
The odyssey was shortened from Saturn to Jupiter. The close call in the Asteroid Belt was left out, as was the conclusion where the Star Child destroys a launched nuke.
The movie had Bowman try to rescue Poole, unlike the novel. I believe Bowman aging to dotage was another thing Kubrick added.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:29
Fashion show nevertheless!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @2:32
Hello, my lovely!! I'm going to have to rewatch the movie now :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:32
There was a fair amount of strutting and posing going on :-)
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Mr Fab:

I def recommend reading "2001" before seeing the film. Kubrick dispensed with most of the narrative that explain just what the hell is going on in favor of pure sound/visual poetry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:33
And borrowed his neighbour's driveway paving slab ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ David Shortell @2:32
I think it was because Kubrick thought Saturn was too hard to replicate. And well, for movies, they often leave stuff out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:35pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:34
Saturn is ... the one with the rings?
(As we established last week, my knowledge of the planets is sketchy at best. Lol)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Mr Fab @2:33
That makes sense. I need to read the book then.

I did not understand fully what was going on when I saw the movie. But nevertheless the visuals and classical music soundtrack made me marvel what I was seeing.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Dialog" by "Gruppa Valentina Badiarova"
You absolutely, categorically, cannot beat a walking bass in my opinion :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:33
And cheering and clapping too hopefully!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:35
In the book Clarke also explains HAL's reason for its failure.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

It's fully 24 years later - why do all living rooms NOT look like this??
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:37
Yes :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:37
Oh, that didn't work. Durn.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Basically all the tangerine and white futuristic 60s plastic interiors :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:35
The film makes the whole story more weird and impressive because of the lack of explanation. But I also really like the original story..
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Hands up everyone who used HAL's closing down speech as their Windows '95 close down sound? :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:37
In Finland there is this kind of chair which I am sure some fancy homes have: www.atomic-ranch.com...
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Paper Kosmonaut:

If we would be like they predicted in the sixties, we'd all wear silver spandex with a goldfish bowl on our heads.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Also, the first person to say why the computer is called HAL gets a virtual hug from me :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:40
My dollhouse has two, made by me :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:40
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:40
And the problem with that is ..? Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:41
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Mr Fab:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:41
I heard that was just a coincidence?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:42
It was in a documentary, I think - it was supposed to be because HAL was one better than IBM, so the letters were the ones before in the alphabet :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

At an error key press, my first PC would say "I'm Sorry, Dave but I'm afrais I can't do that..."
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:39
Yeah I can imagine. I am also guessing it would be fun to compare the two and how both approach the story differently and capture different elements.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:43
Yep. Guilty of that one, too ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Name a Kubrick movie that ISN'T based on a book.

Trick question ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Open the pod bay doors, HAL.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:41
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:44
Dr. Strangelove? quick guess.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:44
I'm making a note to send you photos :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:44
Nope - that's a book :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:40
I miss the sound of my windows ‘98 closedown, I heard it as “ha hoy”
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I'm guessing that Kubrick was just a big reader :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:45
Computers were a lot more fun then, I think :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

The pod bay doors scene by the way, is still amazing. It is completely silent. Because there is no sound in space. It has been filmed so well.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:45
For sure! More aesthetic too! :)
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Bri The Beatnik:

I wanted my dad to paint my living room in 60s pinks and oranges :)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:44
Sure! Thanks! Upon seeing the dollhouse comment, I was actually remembering few photos I saw on Facebook of crafts you had created.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:46
And all the blocking in that movie is *chef's kiss*.
That and The Andromeda Strain
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David Shortell:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:08
I read “2010”. As good as that series of novels is, the 1984 movie “2010” (starring Roy Scheider as the character William Sylvester played in Kubrick’s 1968 film) was lousy.
The filmmakers apparently thought it would liven things up to have the astronauts bicker, unlike in the novel.
It also dispensed with Kubrick’s important radical technique of substituting music for sound in the space scenes. Sound doesn’t actually exist in space, but the movie “2010” ignored that fact.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:47pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:46
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @2:46
I endorse this :-)
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Mr Fab:

If you are pressed for time, the Arthur C Clarke short story "The Sentinel" was the basis for "2001."
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:46
Aha! It may very well be on there, too :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @2:47
I'll have to put that on the Kitsch list :-)
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David Shortell:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:44
It is? I knew novelist Terry Southern wrote the screenplay, but when was the novel published?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

The monolith in the film and the book also differed greatly. Kubrick thought a standing black monolith would be more impressive.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ David Shortell @2:46
I am so tired today that I read that as "Sylvester Stallone in Kubrick's 1968 film". THat would have been wild.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @2:48
I ... don't know. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:48
Wild and with odd dialogue :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:44
I completely forgot Dr. Strangelove was made by Kubrick!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Most sequels are not as good as the first/original film. The Godfather being an exception. As well as Aliens.
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like wow man
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:48
Hopefully you can see these :-)


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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Aitch @2:50
Hello, lovely Aitch! :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:50
Those yuccas are AWESOME!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:50
The sequel is usually the "Oh shit! We didn't know the first one would be such a big hit! Quick! Grab more money!"
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↳ Mr. Oxford @2:50
Gen. Buck Turgidson one of the great movie names.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:51
Thank you :-) <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Aitch @2:52
They're polluting our bodily fluids.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:49
Yo HAL..ayeh diid it!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:53
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Vysoká Lira" by "Viktor Sodoma"
It sounds a little like Mikki Disco from Channel Nine. Disco baby Hot!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

The downside to doing any kind of foreign language show like this, is that they may be saying the most objectionable things and I'd be none the wiser!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:54
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Aitch @2:52
Good morning Aitch!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:54
Well,Viktor's last name suggests he likes the backdoor..
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:50
Super cool!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Vysoká Lira" by "Viktor Sodoma"
"Look at that man in the hat,
He looks like a twat,
I'm going to kick him up the buuuuuum"

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David Shortell:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:49
I cheated and looked up the answer to your original question, but I won’t spoil it for those who want to guess.
As for “Dr. Strangelove”: I see that its basis, Peter George’s “Red Alert”, was NOT a comedy!
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:52
The new military boss certainly the Jack D. Ripper type.
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David The Splatter:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:55
"Vysoká Lira" suggests a lot of money, so the two may be connected.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:55
I did have to stifle a guffaw in the back announce ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @2:56
I wonder if the decision to make it a comedy was based on Sellers being involved?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

These Commies were certainly a groovy bunch
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:56
I think it is the only way to approach the issue of a total 'nucular' war.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:58
Oh God, absolutely!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Today Is The Day" by "Polish Radio Orchestra"
"The daily routine of shrieking at The Others" sounds like my average Tuesday
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:54
Actually, at the end of the first track "Barbarella" the singer was rather passionately saying "Soul!" "Bodyyyy!". But that was not even remotely objectionable.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

IMHO the idea of it just needs to be ridiculised. Absurdised.
Otherwise I cannot cope with it.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @2:59
Ask my ex brother in law who broke my VHS of "Barbarella" ;-)
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David Shortell:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:52
Even when it makes no sense.
What did Inspector Callahan do after the "Dirty Harry" end credits, jump into the lake and retrieve the badge he threw away?
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David (in London):

Evening GG and assembled kool kats.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @2:59
I completely agree - when you're confronted with true horror sometimes you have to go fully into true absurdity to try and absorb it. The other way is the road to madness.

Bloody hell - that was profound of me
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herro dere.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ David The Splatter @2:56
I think it was about a high lyre.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ David (in London) @3:00
Evening, David!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @2:59
I can't bear plotholes like that. Keeps me up at night. This is why I can't watch time travel movies. They completely do my head in! Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:01
Hello, lovely dale! :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @2:50
These are LOVELY!!! Thank you for sharing!!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:00
They run kind of parallel to one another and have quite a few intersections. You really need to keep your eyes on the road you are driving on.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:01
My pleasure :-)
They fit in the palm of my hand <3
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David (in London):

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:01
In that case, never ever watch Primer, GG.
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Bri The Beatnik:

Hey Dale and David!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:02
VERY well said <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:02
I shall steer clear ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Tanets Shamana" by "Alexander Zatsepin"
I think this tuned was sampled, sounds familiar
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David Shortell:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:00
Yet the similar but non-comical "Fail Safe" opened the same year!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Even "Back to the Future" makes my head hurt
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Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Tanets Shamana" by "Alexander Zatsepin"
The Star Trek sounds really make this track
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:03
Yes!! It's been bothering me
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @3:03
Hell of a year then!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @3:03
All the bloops and bleeps :-)
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David (in London):

Mr PK, Bri, Mr Oxford, David S, Dave the S, Aitch et al: hello good people.
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hey now bri!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Tanets Shamana" by "Alexander Zatsepin"
Is this where Michael Jackson got his vocal burst-outs from?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "You've Made Me So Very Happy" by "Arsenal"
Yes! 💗
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Strangelove was 64?
Definitely a hell of a year ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:04
Hello, my dear one! :-)
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David The Splatter:

↳ David (in London) @3:04
Greetings, David!
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:02
That is so adorable!! I was wondering how small they are. I find miniature things (and the concept too) quite fascinating. And I admire adaptation of the concept in some way in art.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "You've Made Me So Very Happy" by "Arsenal"
I am particularly impressed with the person banging the tea tray in the background
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↳ Song: "You've Made Me So Very Happy" by "Arsenal"
this dude really emotes!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:04
I made a box of records and a pair of headphones that are TINY. :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @2:52
Oh absolutely.
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David (in London):

↳ Song: "You've Made Me So Very Happy" by "Arsenal"
As a Spurs man, I cannot endorse this.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:05
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:05
This band also do a version of Lucrezia McEvil :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:05
Do you have picture of that?! How fascinating!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:05
LOL! I was waiting for that from someone ;-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:06
Give me two seconds :-)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:05
they could have done a horn rock cover without the horns. i would have appreciated it.
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David Shortell:

↳ David The Splatter @3:04
Three Davids? This chatroom ain't big enough for the three of us. I'm leaving.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:06
I was raised on Blood Sweat and Tears ;-)
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Mr Fab:

↳ David (in London) @3:05
As a basketball fan, I was wondering what does this song have to do with the San Antonio Spurs? Oh, wait...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:06
Box of records: www.instagram.com...

Headphones: www.instagram.com...
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Paper Kosmonaut:

The more Davids, the David-er!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David Shortell @3:07
No! You are The Kitsch Trifecta! :-)
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David The Splatter:

↳ Song: "You've Made Me So Very Happy" by "Arsenal"
"Smooth Sounds of English Football", now on K-TEL Reecords
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David The Splatter @3:08
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David The Splatter:

↳ David Shortell @3:07
Stay! There's strength in numbers!
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David (in London):

Where is David in California? We need him to bolster the gang.
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:07
al kooper era was great.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

The Troika of Davids :-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:08
AMAZING WORK! I love the sleeves but the curled headphone cord is just wonderful.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Polyot V Nochi" by "Via Poyushie Serdsta"
So the random occurence of Sylvester Stalone was apt in the chat :)

And the title means "Polyglot in the Night". I am now wondering if Stallone is a polyglot. I shall found out. Here I come Internet!
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David (in London):

Iron Curtain Guitar Hero is my new band.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:09
Oh yes!! You could all be David Squared then :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:09
I need to play more BS&T here <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:09
I was definietly cross eyed at the end of it but so worth it :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:10
You're a psychic! :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...whenever it's Music behind the Iron Curtain
- I link to 'How The Beatles Rocked the Kremlin' :
...not for insight on what Lounges were like there ...but how even scoring records was like dealing in hard drugs over here ...or worse...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:10
I FULLY endorse this :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:11
Hello, dear Rev! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Song: "Polyot V Nochi" by "Via Poyushie Serdsta"
Bowie's snuck in on sax!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:10
Polyot in Russian is "flight" so, Night Flight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:13pm

better to be raised on blood sweat and tears than ho ho's and cartoons as i was.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dale @3:13
I was raised on all 3! :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:13
That would make an excellent title for your autobiography tho: "Raised On Ho Hos and Cartoons" :-)
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David The Splatter:

↳ dale @3:13
I was raised on Ho-Ho's and cartoons, look how well I turned ou... oh. Nevermind. ;D
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:08
Ahhh FABULOUS WORK!! I love the headphone so much!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:14
Thank you :-) <3
Avatar 3:15pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:12
You are right, PK. I am sooo tired this evening that I misread 'Polyot' as 'Polyglot' and I did not even question it hahah oh my.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

What a great show this is, Georgy. The music is stunning.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

When I was about 10 years old around 1974 or thereabouts
...'2001' had an effect on me like nothing before or since. Really actually disturbed me with both implications & imagery... A sort of intellectual adolescence or something ...& it hit me as Kubrick Film, Arthur C. Clarke Book - & even Jack Kirby Comic. That's some heavy doodz...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:16
Thank YOU for sending me so many amazing tracks - you really inspired me :-) <3
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:15
Nevermind, Mr. O. (-:
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:16
It truly is a mind blower
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Song: "Liiklus" by "Gunnar Braps & The Magnetic Band"
'Liiklus' in Estonian means Traffic. Here is a fun Estonian word: "liikluskindlustuse kontroll" which means Traffic Insurance Check.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:16
...to think the Film was only six years old itself then...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:17
And now ... my new band name :-)
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i really loved when all that loungecore came out. it was the perfect cleansing antidote to grunge.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:17
I mean, to be fair, it's held up exceptionally well!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:18
That's when I started DJing :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:18
An ex-gf born 1970 ...got nothing from '2001' whatsoever. Thought it dull & silly.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ dale @3:18
I used to be grunge at 14, now Loungecore’s one of my fave aesthetics :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:19
My daughter's the same - she finds 70s films in particular too obscure and drawn out. It's funny how different generations respond to different things :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:19
There is something deeply thrilling to me about an easy listening cover of a 60s rock song :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ dale @3:18
Seemed - ? - people really wanted some Movement to cop style from & socialize around... An in to Jazz for some ...there was some Swing dancing around then...
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Bri The Beatnik:

I love avant garde films, I made dad watch “pull my daisy” he hated it
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:19
For 2001, you really need to have a different kind of attention span.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:21
I wrote an article about that :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:17
Haha, Here is a band name I am consider: lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas

In Finnish that means Airplane Mechanic Trainee I believe. Or some variation of that.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:20
For sure! Ultra lounge on the rocks is a fab fave of mine! :)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:21
Awesome! It’s one of my faves! :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:21
How on earth does that equate to Airplane Mechanic Trainee?? LOL
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:21
I still have all my old CDs of that series :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:22
Love it! :)
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Bri The Beatnik:

I’ve been on a big swing kick myself lately
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

On the plus side - gratified with all the Lynch elegizing to learn he & Kubrick were mutual admirers - & it's not just me sees parity twixt them...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

Fun Fact: my involvement in the whole loungecore thing was how I met Sheena's own Otis Fodder ... who years later conveyed the message to me that Mr Fab wanted me to join the new WFMU satellite station. And here we are :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:23
I had no idea that they were mutual fans! That seems very correct to me <3
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:22
I have also seen Aeroplane jet turbine motor assistant mechanic non-commissioned officer-in-training. Even the Finns seem to disagree about the exact meaning. But yeah, I do not know how all those equate hahaha. I just know very basic Finnish thanks to my lovely friend. I do not intend to go super deep at the risk of coming across such long words haha.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:23
I love that! I started diggin lounge sometime in high school, I found that Sheena’s was labelled as a lounge station, I knew of it but had to listen more often once I found that out! :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:24
We'll have to get Photocopy Cha Cha to clue us in :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:25
Sheena is now its own genre I think ;-)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Song: "Über Feuer" by "Electra"
What is an Über feuer? A fire in a cab? A supreme fire that will rule all other fires?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

They call it 'Finnish' to note actually coming to the end of such a word ??...
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:25
For sure! I love it’s variety!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:25
It's the one fire to rule them all ;-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:23
I have never heard the term 'Loungecore' before. I am glad it exists. I need to get more into it/easy listening music. Underrated for sure.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:25
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:26
Arthur Brown's one?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:26
You've come to the right place! :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:26
HA! Yes. This precisely :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:26
Best tip in finding Easy listening albums: Charity Shops! :)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Tolkien loved Finnish.
That's good enuff for me.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:25
Yes and if you disagree, they can say So Suomi then!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:27
I remember back in the day when it became impossible to find any easy listening or lounge albums in the charity shops in Brighton because everyone was a DJ ;-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:25
Yes, a Finn such as he needs to be consulted with.

Also, I have made a note of asking my friend about this too.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:25
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:28
Aw man! What a scene though :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:28
Photocopy is one of the nicest people :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:28
I once bought 75 albums for about £20 in the good old days ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:29
Amazing! :)
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:29
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Explorers Room may give exposition to Lounge
...amongst the Exotica (siblings, @ least ??), Avant, Dub & so on :
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:29
The money I got from DJing paid for the taxi home essentially. Lol
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I do NOT miss the days of lugging record crates and flight cases to DJ gigs. No thank you.
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Mr. Oxford:

I am not sure if I mentioned this (or if anyone else has), Finnish langauge has some funny words.

One example is "kalsarikännit" which refers to the practice of a person consuming alcohol beverages alone at home while wearing only underwear/underpants.
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Mr Fab:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:30
Otis Fodder plays lotsa lounge.

I def try to feature some on my show.
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↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:30
One of the best shows across all the streams
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:31
Oh!! Have you seen the Russell Howard/Greg Davies video about this? It is truly fabulous :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:28
I am sure. It is funny how he and I live in different countries. But probably not all that far from each other.
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Bri The Beatnik:

Lounge is life!
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:32
No I haven't! I am looking it up right now.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:32
I was just looking for it! www.youtube.com...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:33
It's both funny and very sweet :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:33
That phrase sounds so beautiful to say phonetically.
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↳ Mr. Oxford @3:31
de rigueur I believe?
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:33
Mr. O, the link is here www.youtube.com...
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:33
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:29
My brother, ~9 years older than me (b. early 1955) would - in the 1970s - come home with four inch stacks of LPs weekly - & sometimes 100s ! He said - some other Hippie was a speadfreak or something - & sold his whole collection cheap... Apparently something like this happened periodically ! He might hand down doubles ; @ one point I had three LedZep IIs myself, iirc...
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:33
It's one of my go to videos :-)
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Georgy! I'm here let's party
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:34
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Mr Fab:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:25
I've borrowed the term "lowbrow" from the visual arts world for all Sheena-eque musics.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Feldy @3:34
Darling Adam!! Thank you so much for donating to my swim! That absolutely made my day <3
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:31
That is truly Lounging.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @3:34
I'd say that's pretty damn accurate :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

Yay Feldy’s here!
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↳ Mr. Oxford @3:32
Like Scott in Oz is about 900km/550 miles away from me, but here that's close
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David The Splatter:

↳ Mr Fab @3:34
It fits!
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Mr Fab @3:34
Yes! Or as Rex says “no-brow” is awesome
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Feldy @3:34
Hey Adam! Always good to see you. braisedanddeglazed.com...
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Bri The Beatnik:

It took me a while to come round to Disco lounge, now I love it!
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↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:35
Hiya Bri!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:37
My official mantra and always worth repeating: there is no such thing as bad disco
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David (in London):

↳ Feldy @3:34
Yo, Feldmeister!
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:35
So happy to support your journey, GG! It's truly inspiring :)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:38
:) My mom is huge on KC and the sunshine band she says “now that’s rock n roll!”
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Let's dance "The Swim" to this number
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Feldy @3:39
I promise to make you proud :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:39
I saw them live just before the pandemic and they were wonderful :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:40
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:40
The main stage at Hyde Park in the Summer. They were one of the support acts for Phil Collins :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:41
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:41
It was the perfect setting :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

I gave myself a task this week with the back announces! ;-)
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↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:36
The Royal Ballen of Bitter! Thanks PK!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

One thing is certain: This show is ending up on my immense 1TB iPod.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:33
Thanks PK and thank DJ GG!

That was hilarious haha! And also I love how Finnish the Finnish guy is who instructs them on the practice. At the end one of them says "If I did alone what I did with you today, I would genuinely be worried about myself" hahaha.
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↳ David (in London) @3:39
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:43
And "this could be the beginning of a really good porno!" ;-)
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↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:39
❤️ already am
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Feldy @3:44
Consider yourself hugged soundly <3
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...say what you want about Communism
...they really enabled their Bongo virtuosi...
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↳ Song: "Zlom Vaz" by "Flamingo"
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @3:46
Right? This is a Groove Fest and then some! :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Aitch @3:35
I am not sure where exactly Photocopy lives in Finland. He mentioned in a place near Helsinki. Helsinki is about 90 km away from where I am I think. We are seperated by the Baltic Sea. So it's close.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ dale @3:47
I'm having a little groove right now in my office chair :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:47
This could be a meet up for 2025! :-)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:44
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:48
Hahaha maybe.
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David (in London):

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:47
Love that ferry ride across.
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:48
Let’s all meet up in the year ‘25! ;)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:49
I vote YES!
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Also, warm hello to Mr Oxford
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:50
Speaking of which: I dubbed Loungecore as Jarviscore
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:50
Met him ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:51
Awesome! :)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:51
Very tall, very shy, and thoroughly nice man :-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Song: "Uz Tu Nesmím Zůstat" by "Karel Černoch"
Uptight , everything’s alright!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm

I'm wanting to plan a trip this year. Wanna all meet in Netherlands and show up on Jan Turkenburg's doorstep?
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:51
Just like I imagined! :)
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ David (in London) @3:49
I do too, David. It is quite nice. It's just that going from Tallinn to Helsinki requires waking up really early in the morning. Other than, can't complain. I always do Finnish karaoke when they have it on the ferry or read peacefully while looking at the sea.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Feldy @3:51
My Netherlands trip is next year ;-)
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ Feldy @3:51
Avatar 3:53pm
Mr. Oxford:

↳ Feldy @3:50
Warm hello Adam! I am sorry I missed you previously in the chat. I have not been keeping up with the chat well today.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ Feldy @3:51
Lol! I'd like to meet up with the both of you.
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David The Splatter:

I wish I could meet up, but my disposable cash will be going towards moving North and/or the marathon next month.
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Mr. Oxford:

↳ Feldy @3:51
I will be going to Netherlands in May, though for work.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:53
My fund is growing daily :-)
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Mr Fab:

I want to sample GG saying "spasms of pleasure."
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David The Splatter @3:53
Marathon! I'd better get planning!
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:53
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @3:53
That can be arranged :-)
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David (in London):

Don't fall for it Moonwatcher. Today sexual frisson from target practise - tomorrow paying utilities bills and being on hold to the local council for six hours.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr Fab @3:53
Also, you've reminded me that I need to do some recording for you. It's been a tad hectic here of late :-)
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:54
You've read my diary then? Lol
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David The Splatter:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:54
They've got the Darryl shirt listed for the premium, though.
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Paper Kosmonaut:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:54
Kookingk wiz Nico?
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David The Splatter @3:55
I will be making sure that everyone gets that <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:55
Possibly :-)
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Mr Fab:

"Nico" will be singing on my show this Friday!
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Mr. Oxford:

Thank you DJ GG for a great show! Thanks all in the chat! It was a lot of fun today! Have a great day everyone!
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David (in London):

Thank you GG.
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Mr. Oxford @3:56
Thank you, dear Mr O! <3
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Thank you! DJ Georgy Girl, marvellous as always
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David (in London) @3:56
Thank you, dear David! <3
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Bri The Beatnik:

This made my day all the more brighter! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ WR @3:56
Thank you, ever lovely WR! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:56
Thank you, lovely Bri! <3
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David The Splatter:

Thanks, DJGG and all. Wonderful show!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ David The Splatter @3:57
Thank you, my lovely! <3
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David The Splatter:

↳ Mr Fab @3:55
Will "Nico" be giving cooking tips as well? ;D
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Bri The Beatnik:

↳ DJ GeorgyGirl @3:57
Of course! Thank you! <3
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Bri The Beatnik @3:58
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Paper Kosmonaut:

Danke Schön für alle gute Musik, Georgy! Es war Toll! Irre! Geil!
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Paper Kosmonaut @3:58
Thank you, dearest PK! <3
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Mr Fab:

↳ David The Splatter @3:58
No, but something equally unlikely...
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↳ David The Splatter @3:55
durn, no pic yet. Will be getting the Darryl shirt for sure but curious what it looks like. I'm sure will be revealed all in good time. etc,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ WR @3:59
If you get the mailout the pic is on that :-)
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

~ TY Always DJ GG ~
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DJ GeorgyGirl:

↳ Revolution Rabbit Nov63 @4:00
Thank you, dear Rev! <3
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