Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from July 25, 2005 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting July 25, 2005: Monday afternoon at the movies, with Pere Ubu and "X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes."

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Artist Track Album Label
Pink Floyd  "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun"   Favoriting Ummagumma  Harvest 
Curved Air  "Piece of Mind"   Favoriting 2nd Album  Collector's Choice 
Perfume Tree  "Flare"/ "Virgin"   Favoriting A Lifetime Away  World Domination 
Mum  "The Ghosts You Draw on Your Back"   Favoriting Summer make Good  Fat Cat 
Thomas Truax  "Audio Addiction"   Favoriting Audio Addiction  Psycho Teddy! 
Pere Ubu  "Real World"   Favoriting The Modern Dance  Geffen 
The Mothers of Invention  "Help, I'm a Rock"   Favoriting Freak Out!  Ryko 
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  "Shifting Sand"   Favoriting Part One and Vol.2  Head 
Pere Ubu performs their soundtrack to Roger Corman's "X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes"
Over the past few years a number of ensembles have been specializing in creating their own soundtracks for sound movies, often adding their own dialog as Roy Nathanson's Jazz Passengers did with their hilarious version of "Creature from the Black Lagoon." In the summer of 2004 Pere Ubu jumped into the pool for the Celebrate Brooklyn concert series at Prospect park, creating their own soundtrack and adding their own incidental dialog for Roger Corman's classic sci-fi thriller "X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes." Ed Haber and Irene recorded that performance which we got permission to present on WFMU. Audience participation is encouraged, in which we ask that you sync up your own copy of the movie to watch along with us. (The DVD version is recommended, because that's what Mr. Haber did his fabulous remix to. I should also mention that the equally fabulous Tony Maimone, longtime bassist for Pere Ubu and a fine producer as well, contributed major assistance and consultation on the remix.) We'll tell you when to hit 'start' so you can enjoy the glorious spectacle as it was originally presented. It should be noted that we had to restart the performance, due to a technical problem. At 1:21:28, I played a song by Ghost ("Comin' Home" off the Free Tibet album) to fill while we reset everything. If you cue the archive up to 1:26:17 you will reach the proper start time. (Listen to this set: Pop-up)
Lee Feldman  "Big Women on the Shelf"   Favoriting I've Forgotten Everything   

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