intro (black pope mix)
"intro (black pope mix)" by "ALF"
Zeph & Azeem
here comes the judge
"here comes the judge" by "Zeph & Azeem"
Scott vs. Johnny Cash vs Misfits vs Miss Kitten & Goldenboy
I killed a man in the derert
"I killed a man in the derert" by "Scott vs. Johnn...
Cut Chemist
my 1st big break
"my 1st big break" by "Cut Chemist"
Music behind DJ:
new instrumentals
"new instrumentals" by "RJD2"
The Metro Section Turntable Army
why oh why would he sell my shorts?
"why oh why would he sell my shorts?" by "The Metr...
"various" by "J-Dilla"
Matmos live at the Whitney in NYC last year
I'll sleep when you're dead
Jungle Brothers
straight out the jungle
"straight out the jungle" by "Jungle Brothers"
James Brown
black on black/say it loud (live)/taurus
"black on black/say it loud (live)/taurus" by "Jam...
"4:19" by "ALF"
Brazilian Girls
just one of those things
"just one of those things" by "Brazilian Girls"
Bill Murray & Mark Webber
broken flowers
"broken flowers" by "Bill Murray & Mark Webber"
Put the needle on the record "2007 Global Warming" premium mix
Zeph & Azeem
"various" by "Zeph & Azeem"
Rise Up
Music behind DJ:
" This is WFMU DJ Fine WIne....He rocks!"
This is WFMU DJ Fine WIne....He rocks!
Skratch PissTolz
stop it Martha!
"stop it Martha!" by "Skratch PissTolz"
Marathon 2007 Mix
MC Serch
back to the grill again
"back to the grill again" by "MC Serch"
Mike Boo
"Mike Boo"
Dunhill Drone Committee
If even a cat can call and pledge their support, can't you? NOTE: this is a cat actor. The real cat (Pixie) that pledged their support could not be pictured for this playlist appearance......Can U hear me meow? Can U support WFMU meow?
Danger Mouse
"Danger Mouse"
Cat Power
free (skratch pisstolz)
"free (skratch pisstolz)" by "Cat Power"
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