Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from April 5, 2007 Favoriting

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April 5, 2007: Emergency fill-in for Trouble

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I got thrown into the DJ seat the moment I arrived (9 AM) at WFMU this morning, completely unprepared to do a radio show. No records picked out, no coffee in my system yet, no ideas for a good opening track. I scraped a few things together out of the new bin, grabbed a few compilation CDs, and entered the studio, where JM in the AM's Nachum Segal was impatiently board-sitting and waiting for me to relieve him of broadcast duties. Since Freeform programming always begins at 9 AM, Nachum knew to randomly select some non-JM in the AM music from the record library until someone arrived to take over for him.

This is the CD he was playing when I walked in:

Hanging out with Nachum while listening to NOFX at 9 AM = comedy gold.

Artist Track
Catherine Wheel  30th Century Man  
Golden  Jazz & Rhythm Beat  
Jesu  Transfigure  
Palomar  How to Beat Dementia  
Cliff Richard & the Shadows  I'm Lookin' Out my Window  
The Bobby McGees  Ivor Cutler is Dead  
Ivor Cutler  Gravity Begins at Home  
Lee Hazelwood & Nancy Sinatra  Some Velvet Morning  
Greenhorn  Conversations with Myself  
Pole  Warum  
Baby Gramps  Cape Cod Girls  
Les Traiteurs Asiatique  Ce Soir  
Dinosaur Jr  Almost Ready  
Nova Mob  Shoot Your Way to Freedom  
TTC  Une Bande de Mecs Sympas  
The Stranglers  Peaches  
Kingface  Dirty Wings  

Listener comments!

  10:38am Lars:

That Les Traiteurs Asiatique track is soooooo good. I cannot find it or the band anywhere on the net. Help?
  11:25am mike lupica:

That CD is a hand-made CD-R that was sent to us by the band (and that's the only song on it...) There's no info on the packaging, but I'll check around and see if I can come up with anything for you...
  6:58pm Ike:

You mean that when a free-form 9 a.m. DJ fails to appear, Nachum no longer plays various heinous over-exposed Motown oldies like the Supremes? Apparently, in the old days when John A. had a show at 9 a.m., he got stuck in traffic or something on his way there, and got so sick of hearing Nachum play stuff like the Supremes at 9 a.m. that he finally said, "OK, *please*, if I'm not right on time, just pull anything out of the library by SUN RA and play that. S-u-n, r-a. OK?"
  7:42am Gina:

If I had my way, I'd take Motown over NOFX any time. And I have a mohawk.
  1:25am james coward:

nobodys fool
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