Favoriting The Evan "Funk" Davies Show: Playlist from June 26, 2007 Favoriting

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Every show starts with the ’70s! We’ll rediscover forgotten rockers, revisit unfairly maligned disco beats and replay power-pop favorites. Next: plenty of new releases, occasional live bands and more. Don’t let the nickname confuse you.

Wednesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Wed. Mar 12th, Noon - 3pm: Evan "Funk" Davies and his Co-Host Mark Hurst

Favoriting June 26, 2007: It's 11pm. Do you know where your royalties are?

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As part of WFMU's observation of the National Day of Silence for web radio, tonight's show is made up exclusively of artists listed as "unpaid" by Sound Exchange. Check out this post on WFMU's blog for more info.

Adopt An Artist! Have a few minutes? Pick an artist listed below, google them, and either post the info as a comment below, or if you prefer you can email me what you find. I'll add it to this playlist to make it easier for Sound Exchange to track down these artists. It's a win-win!

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
copperhead  roller derby star   Favoriting s/t  columbia  1972    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
cherelle  i didn't mean to turn you on   Favoriting 7"  tabu  1984    0:03:55 (Pop-up)
ad-libs  boy from new york city   Favoriting     1965    0:08:15 (Pop-up)
alive 'n kickin'  tighter, tighter   Favoriting va-super hits of the 70s vol 3  rhino    listener Ben has "adopted" Alive 'n Kickin' (and passed on the correct spelling of their name!) - see his comment below. Their website is here, and they're still playing right here in our area!  0:11:01 (Pop-up)
amboy dukes  journey to the center of your mind   Favoriting journeys & migrations  mainstream  1973    0:14:22 (Pop-up)
dance hall crashers  queen for a day   Favoriting lockjaw  510  1995  Here's the link to the Dance Hall Crashers' web site, thanks to listener David.  0:24:43 (Pop-up)
gods child  everybodys 1   Favoriting everybody  qwest  1994  maybe if these guys got their royalties from SoundExchange they could afford to buy a couple of apostrophes.  0:27:35 (Pop-up)
silver convention  fly robin fly   Favoriting save me  midland international  1975  listener Jessica has "adopted" Silver Convention - see her comments below. Contact information for Michael Kunze, their founder/lyricist, is readily available here.  0:33:16 (Pop-up)
baltimora  tarzan boy   Favoriting 12"  emi  1985  Baltimora was actually an Irish performer named Jimmy McShane, who died in 1995 after developing AIDS.  0:38:36 (Pop-up)
brownsville station  lady (put the light on me)   Favoriting s/t  private stock  1977    0:52:34 (Pop-up)
local h  bound to the floor   Favoriting as good as dead  island  1996  listener Karli has "adopted" Local H and reports their current members are Scott Lucas and Brian St. Clair. She also sent a link to their website and their myspace page, as did listener Brian.  0:55:37 (Pop-up)
smoking popes  need you around   Favoriting born to quit  capitol  1995  listener David has also "adopted" the Smoking Popes and passes on their web site address.  0:59:15 (Pop-up)
bell notes  i've had it   Favoriting     1959  from Long Island; more here  1:02:56 (Pop-up)
fischer-z  so long   Favoriting       listener Matt has "adopted" Fischer-Z and passed on this link that might help Sound Exchange track them down: "Please feel free to contact us on any aspects of John Watts and Fischer-Z work, past, present or future." Email info -at- johnwatts.co.uk  1:13:55 (Pop-up)
other ones  holiday   Favoriting s/t  virgin  1987  listener Don in Hawaii has "adopted" the Other Ones, and reports:
[Bass player] Johnny Klimek has a web site. It looks like a sound production company. Hope that helps.
1:18:24 (Pop-up)
bo donaldson & the heywoods  who do you think you are   Favoriting va-super hits of the 70s vol 13  rhino    sorry, but there is no way I'm going to play "Billy, Don't Be A Hero."  1:22:04 (Pop-up)
kim wilde  kids in america   Favoriting 7"  emi america  1981  several Kim Wilde live dates are listed here; thanks again to listener David.  1:25:35 (Pop-up)
arthur conley  sweet soul music   Favoriting va-beg, scream & shout  rhino      1:34:24 (Pop-up)
the flirtations  nothing but a heartache   Favoriting va-beg, scream & shout  rhino      1:36:39 (Pop-up)
undisputed truth  you + me = love   Favoriting 7"  whitfield  1976    1:39:20 (Pop-up)
william devaughn  be thankful for what you've got   Favoriting va-blaxploitation vol 3: the payback  rad      1:42:39 (Pop-up)
eddie holland  leaving here   Favoriting va-hitsville usa  motown      1:59:16 (Pop-up)
bobbie gentry  fancy   Favoriting greatest hits        2:01:28 (Pop-up)
nick gilder  got to get out   Favoriting city nights  chrysalis  1978  listener Jeb has "adopted" Nick Gilder - see his comment below, and here's a Nick Gilder web site.  2:05:31 (Pop-up)
RPLA  last night a drag queen saved your life   Favoriting s/t  giant  1993  this counts twice since the singer sounds just like Ian Astbury, who is also on the list.
this just in: RPLA has a myspace page!
I am so adding them.
2:08:09 (Pop-up)
pseudo echo  funkytown   Favoriting love an adventure  rca  1987  per listener Matt (a different Matt from the one mentioned above):

From Pseudo Echo's official website, updated March 2007:
Contact info: pseudoecho -at- bigpond.com
2:15:50 (Pop-up)
enuff z'nuff  new thing   Favoriting s/t  atco  1989    2:20:24 (Pop-up)
warrior soul  superpower dreamland   Favoriting last decade dead cehtury  dgc  1990    2:24:33 (Pop-up)
human sexual response  a question of temperature   Favoriting in a roman mood  passport  1981  DJ Mike Lupica has "adopted" Human Sexual Response - see his comment below (and add your own!). Here's the link to Human Sexual Response's myspace page.  2:28:35 (Pop-up)
glass tiger  don't forget me when i'm gone   Favoriting the thin red line  manhattan  1986  attention Sound Exchange accounts payable dept: head to the Century Casino in Edmonton on July 14. Glass Tiger will be on stage that night. (But make sure you don't give their check to Honeymoon Suite by accident - they're also on the bill)
(thanks again to 2nd listener Matt for the link to Glass Tiger's web site.)
2:35:33 (Pop-up)
screaming tribesmen  i've got a feeling   Favoriting bones + flowers  ryko  1988    2:39:35 (Pop-up)
easybeats  the music goes round my head   Favoriting definitive anthology        2:43:16 (Pop-up)
flash and the pan  hey st. peter   Favoriting s/t  epic  1979  hint to Sound Exchange: if you can track down Flash And The Pan, you'll be really close to getting a hold of the Easybeats as well.  2:45:46 (Pop-up)
tonio k.  funky western civilization   Favoriting life in the foodchain  full moon  1978  on green vinyl, no less!  2:53:39 (Pop-up)
zager & evans  in the year 2525   Favoriting     1969    2:58:10 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


I will happily adopt Human Sexual Response. There was just a huge article about them in the NY Times. Here's their MySpace page:


I would like to spiritually adopt William Devaughn, also. Mainly because "Be Thankful for what you've got" is the best and most beautiful song I've ever heard.
Jeb Bond:

Here's Nick Gilder's site c/w contact info:
Just read an article about him in the SOCAN members' magazine. SOCAN is the Canadian version of ASCAP.
Jessica Donohoe:

Michael Kunze, the founder of and lyricist for Silver Convention, is still working. http://www.storyarchitekt.com/adaptionen/koenigderloewen.html
Jessica Donohoe:

[Kunze's contact information, inc. personal & business mailing addresses, is prominently displayed here: http://www.storyarchitekt.com/kontakt.html]

Okay, I just adopted Alive & Kicking, now known as Alive n Kickin'. And you know what? It's the easiest thing I've done all day. Here's the URL for their website.
I found it by clicking on a link in their Wikipedia article. As you can see, they play weddings. Maybe now they can take a weekend off.

My god, man, I can't believe you played freakin' Warrior Soul. Last Decade Dead Century probably saved my life a few times in the early 90s. The band are dead and gone, but erstwhile lead vocalist Kory Clarke has his own skeletal webpage (www.koryclarke.com) and a myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/koryclarkefansworldwide) dedicated to keeping the band's memory alive. (www.warriorsoul.com may or may not be linked to Clarke. I can't tell for sure.)

Ian Astbury's on the list? cripes. The RIAA ought to subcontract the finding of artists to the IRS. They seem to be better at it.
Michael Kunze:

Michael Kunze: 3D: Dreidimensional: Instrumental: Production: DIP: 3DIP: 3 Different Instrumental Production: two different instrumental background and one lead instrumental: Come Away With Me: Don´t Know Why: Sunrise: into the background: Only Time: Enya: instrumentals: and: the beginning of: Senden Oldu: M-u-s-t-a-f-a Ö-z-a-r-s-l-a-n: the quality: background: listen: Love: Love In The Time Of Cholera: and: In The Time Of Cholera: 05:41: try to combinate: do what you like but do it right: there are only one life: there is nothing to lose: Leyli Leyli: N-u-r-a-y H-a-f-i-f-t-a-s: in combination of: Love: Senden Oldu:Because Of You: at that time you are the first one on Germany with a 3DIP: 3D: video quality: design, colors: Poster: ain´t no other man: Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King: the quality of: Gone With The Wind: enough quality to survive: see you later: Benjamin Button !
Michael Kunze:

Michael 3D: DIP: 3DIP: thre different melodies: two background: you must to diserve it: 3DIP: background: one lead melody: 3D: never happend before: 3DIP: you can use Lisa Lavie: FYM: the lyric system as album track system: 14 tracks: with instrumental: instrumental has a title like: A Day Without Rain=Instrumental: you can use as background your own melodies: Fly Robin Fly: playing like the beginning of: Senden Oldu: as background 1: now you know: you got only one life !
Michael Kunze:

Michael Kunze: muss schnell veroeffentlichen veroeffentliche: habe speichern muessen: ich habe eigentlich keine Zeit mich mit deutschen Kuenstlern zu beschaeftigen: tue ich aber trotzdem: seit 1998: 3D: Dreidimensional: Instrumental: Production: DIP: 3DIP: 3 Different Instrumental Production: three different melodies: two different instrumental background and one lead instrumental: Come Away With Me: Don´t Know Why: Sunrise: into the background: Only Time: Enya: instrumentals: and: the beginning of: Senden Oldu: M-u-s-t-a-f-a Ö-z-a-r-s-l-a-n: the quality: background: listen: Love: Love In The Time Of Cholera: and: In The Time Of Cholera: 05:41: try to combinate: do what you like but do it right: there are only one life: there is nothing to lose: Leyli Leyli: N-u-r-a-y H-a-f-i-f-t-a-s: in combination of: Love: Senden Oldu:Because Of You: at that time you are the first one on Germany with a 3DIP: 3D: video quality: design, colors: Poster: ain´t no other man: Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King: the quality of: Gone With The Wind: enough quality to survive: see you later: i submitted few minustes ago: Dieter Bohlen: das Ihr nicht machen duerft auf keinen Fall: die Leute angreifen: provozieren: euch ueber die Leute lustig machen: das ist Casting: genauso wie ihr auf der Strasse geht und ihr werdet angegegriffen: ihr macht euch lustig ueber die Leute und provoziert alle: auch wenn die nicht singen koennen: schauspielert einfach: die Leut denken sich nichts dabei: kommen zum Casting und Ihr macht euch als erwachsene Leute lustig ueber die alle: ihr greift die Leute ohne jeglichen Grund an: das ist Casting: ist genauso als ob ihr die alle privat angreift: sobald iht nicht unverschaemt werdet ist das in Ordnung: aber ihr werdet unverschaemt gegen ueber den zu Castenden: ihr provoziert die alle: ihr muesset eigentlich auch vorher die Leute angehoert haben: bevor die vor stehen: auch wenn ueber Monitore: um zu sehen: ob die geeignet sind fuer das Casting: ohne das ihr mit denen in Verbindung kommt: aber auch dann: wenn die danach vor euch stehen: duerft ihr die Leute nicht provozieren: ihr muesset die Leute auch von euch fern halten: die duerfen nicht in eure Naehe: eigentlich geht immer zu jeder Zeit einer auf euch los: ihr greift die Leute ohne jeglichen Grund an: die Leute kommen zum Casting und denken sich nichts dabei: artig: dann faengt ihr an die Leute anzugreifen: ihr duerft auch nicht jeden dort hinlassen: einige wollen nur ins Fernsehen: das Gehirn einiger ist sehr unterentwickelt: die aeussere Ausstrahlunng und die Stimme ist erwachsen: aber sind mit dem Gehirn eines Kindes ausgestattet: ohne das Abitur darf man nicht teilnehmen: man erfuellt die Voraussetzungen: ein Realschueler..... ist mit dem Gehirn eines Realschuelers ausgestattet: Hauptschueler:......: das Gehirn ist unterentwickelt: bei jeder Kleingkeit gegen die auf einen los: ein Abiturient kann sich unter Kontrolle halten: weil der Kommunikation gewachsen: macht einen Spruch gegen euch und geht: mit euren Provokationen bringt ihr sowohl euch auch als die der Kommunikation nicht gewachsen sind in Gefahr: Gehrin unterentwickelt: bringen sich und andere in Gefahr: ihr laesst es zu: dass die am Casting teilnehmen duerfen: sind wie kleine Kinder: das darf sich auch Nina Eichinger durchlesen: fuer Hollywood konnte ich nicht retten: fuer die kommenden 30 Jahre sind die Filme geschrieben: man kann sich aber beliebt machen: you wanna play with me: 30 Days Of Night: Nina Eichinger: knuddeln und kuscheln: i think about it: wetten ich schaffe es nicht: Nina Eichinger: in irgendeine Hollywoodproduktion einzusetzen: kann ich schon: Wicked Little Things: Benjamin Button: ..... : Youth Without Youth: mak sehen: was ich fuer Nina Eichinger tun kann: nichts: irgendwann muesste auch Bernd Eichinger five + one + four: fuenf Teile jeder Film: Projekte: one bekomme ich 10 % und four jeweild 1 %: das wird richtig teuer: 65 % + 45 %: das Konto von Bern Eichinger wird ausgepluendert: jetzt sind alle anderen Bonusprojekte fertig geschrieben: vielleicht schaffe ich das noch in kuerze die Bonusprojekte fuer Bernd Eichinger: die Bonusprojekte bekomme ich jeweils 1 %: die Filme muessen guenstig sein aber in Qualitaet: natuerlich wurde Youth Without Youth gekickt: mit Benjamin Button: sogar 13 Nomminierungen genuegen: J-o-h-n R-a-m-b-o: und: J-a-s-o-n B-o-u-r-n-e: ist fuer Bernd Eichinger: fuer Youth Without Youth ist schon laengst fertig gestellt: seit 15 Jahren hat sich einges geandert meine Gute: Nina: Eichinger: sehr huebsche Augen: der andere Film mit A-n-g-e-l-i-n-a J-o-l-i-e wird ihr sehr gefallen: alle Prduktionen sind fertig: in drei Filmen kann sie mitwirken: USA: auch wenn nur ueber die Strasse geht: dresses: Daredevil: do it right: Dieter Bohlen: aber 3D: nicht produzieren: nur wissen: dimensional: geht auch mit nur einer Melody: ist auch dimensional: Love: .....: ist eine Melodie mit diversen Instrumenten: 3DIP: spaeter: nur wissen: Nina Eichinger: i can speak monkey: but i don´t want to: Lemony Snicket: in den Filmen: keine Nacktzenen und keine Kusszenen: das kann ein Film fuer sein: Nina Eichinger: The Secret Garden: in combination of: The Grudge 3: ..... : The Boogeyman 3: alle arbeiten hart: haben aber nicht die gewuenschte Qualitaet: The Boogeyman 2: ist auch eine Kombination: diverser Filme: do you like: Mirrors: The Abandoned: The Uninvited: the next are you: Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans: die Qualitaet von: Gone With The Wind: design, colors: camera: dvd: poster: enough quality to survive: widescreen: die Filme stehen zur Verfuegung: Nina Eichinger: das ist alles: das ich tun kann: sie selbst kann auch mit einer Tierdokumentation anfangen: The Yearling: oder einen Kinderfilm: USA: do what you like but do it right: there are only one life: wishing you the best: i have so many girlfriends: too: when you hurt me: you will be my: EX-GIRLFRIEND: Famous In A Small Town: the grammy is the greatest award not the oscar: www. you tube com. de broadcast yourself, search for: California Love: fighting girl like: UltraViolet: do it right: Serenity: twins: Mirrors: One Missed Call: Shutter: the productions are not clean not t available: see you later: girl you know it is true !
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