Favoriting Sound and Safe with Trent: Playlist from August 20, 2007 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 20, 2007: Baby Baby, Don't Freak My Box This Morning BABY BABY

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New
D'Arcangelo  Stepping Out   Favoriting Eksel  Rephlex  2007  CD  These guys are some Italian Twins

DJ Yoda  Wheels   Favoriting The Amazing Adventures of DJ Yoda  Antidote  2007  CD  Uh...

Sambassadeur  Subtle Changes   Favoriting   Labrador      Hey guys

Sweden of course
The Brunettes  Brunettes Against Bubblegum Youth   Favoriting Structure & Cosmetics  Sub Pop  2007  CD  WTF is this suppossed to mean?

Justin Timberlake  My Love (Rene Goulet's D-Cup Send Up)   Favoriting         This is Rene Goulet

This is Justin Timberlake

Kerrier District  #4   Favoriting Kerrier District 2  Rephlex  2007  CD  This is Luke Vibert. But this shit is like fuckiiiiiinnnnn'''' Nasty.


Music behind DJ:
Vampire Weekend 

Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa   Favoriting





They're getting famous fast. Just you wait


The Pierces  Lies   Favoriting         Va Va Voom Vroom Shooty Wolfy Ladies u so crazy i bet they're gonna get big too

Angels of Light  My Brother's Man   Favoriting We Are Him  Young God  2007  CD  Aw yeah dawg. I think Akron/Family are still Michael Gira(Swans)'s backing band in this band. Nice cover

Holy Fuck  Lovely Allen   Favoriting         OK to be honest I had no idea this was what they sounded like. I thought it was going to be all, you know, fucked up

Oh wait, I think I was thinking of Fucked Up
Rodion  Luna Dark   Favoriting Romantic Jet Dance  Gomma  2007  CD  Whoa cool!!!

Johan Agebjorn  Spacer Woman f/ Sally Shapiro   Favoriting         Oh she's a big crush. But she won't even let a person take a picture of her. Oh wait never mind.

Manual  Crockett's Theme   Favoriting Lost Days, Open Skies, and Streaming Tides  Darla  2007  CD  Jesus fuck I love this guy. Sound familiar???

Ulrich Schnauss  Goodbye   Favoriting Goodbye  Domino  2007  CD  Jesus, this part of the set is like a warm gooey bath in a tub full of like nice yeasty bready dough. Or like some creeeeeeeeeeamy nice warm shaving cream with scrubbing bubblers in it. Oh yeah.

Black Lips  Navajo   Favoriting Good Bad Not Evil  Vice  2007  CD  These are my favorite guys

The More Assured  Beat You Down   Favoriting        

WAIT this isn't the more assured!!! But these fine ladies came up when I googled TMA so I'm in no position to argue with them. From Trafalgar Square (the real More Assured)
The Mabuses  Mirth   Favoriting Mabused!  Magpie  2007  CD  Hey guys!!! You said hi to me in the comments a few months ago and now look what happened!! I love you, see you soon

Armand Van Helden  I Want Your Soul (Fake, Justine & Alt Edit)   Favoriting            
Petra Haden  Don't Stop Believin'   Favoriting Guilt by Association        Rentals vs Journals

Michael Dracula  Another Distressed Damsel   Favoriting In the Red  Ze  2007  CD  Actually a Scotswoman - DIRTY CHEATERS

Laurie Anderson  From the Air (Dan the Automator Remix)   Favoriting         These people are so fucking weird

Dinosaur L  #3 (In the Corn Belt)   Favoriting 24-24 Music  Sleeping Bag / Traffic  1982 / 2007  CD  Arthur Russell recording during full moons, what more do you want? You know, he was FROM the corn belt. If I'm thinking right

Master Don Committee  Funk Box Party   Favoriting D.J. Afrika Bambaata Death Mix "3"  Paul Winley    CD  I'm sorry, I said this was Tany and Paulette Winley but it's not. It's actual Master Don.

M.I.A.  XR2   Favoriting Kala  XL  2007  CD  OK it's officially out now, so no longer quite as cool to play but STILL REALLY GOOD

Keith Hudson  Man from Shooter's Hill   Favoriting Savage Pencil Presents: Lion vs. Dragon in Dub  Trojan  2007  CD  Man, I gotta read up on my dub / reggae / Jamaica history. I have no idea what any of this lion / dragon shit means. I just fire up a fatty and let my brain do the history

Lucila Campos  Toro Mata   Favoriting            
Liars  Cycle Time   Favoriting Liars  Mute  2007  CD    *  
Caribou  After Hours   Favoriting Andorra  Merge  2007  CD    *  
Brightblack Morning Light  Everybody Daylight   Favoriting            
Deadbeat  Refund Me f/ Bubbz   Favoriting Journeyman's Annual  ~scape  2007  CD  Wow, this is a really good album. For real

Bola  Halylooya   Favoriting Kroungrine  Skam  2007  CD  This guy is just the creamiest. I think IDM is ready for a "comeback"

Glass Candy  Rolling Down the Hills   Favoriting Italians Do It Better  Italians do it better  2007  CD  Ain't that the truth

Area Code 615  Devil Weed and Me   Favoriting Prins Thomas Presents Cosmo Galactic Prism  Eskimo  2007  CD    *  
Crue-L Grand Orchestra  Candymountain In the Rainywoods   Favoriting Prins Thomas Presents Cosmo Galactic Prism  Eskimoc  2007  CD    *  
Glissandro 70  Bolan Muppets   Favoriting Prins Thomas Presents Cosmo Galactic Prism  Eskimo  2007  CD    *  

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Listener comments!


i'm listening from work in copenhagen (denmark). moved here from brooklyn a couple of months ago. eating out is very expensive here, but i have been to a pizza place w/in 5 minutes by bike of our apt. its pretty good. its called lief's pizza i think.

Still in Thailand! Eyeballing the playlist and trying to figure out how to plug my headphones into this computer! I am homesick for New Jersey. What is wrong with me? Hahahaha.

Hey thanks catpatz, you win the prize!! If I'm every in Copenhagen (got a couch?) I'll be sure to stop by Lief's and strip off the cheese and eat it.

Ike - just reach around!!

MY FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT which is just a lil' 2 minute walk from my front door is RESTAURANT GEN on Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Check this shit out: http://genrestaurant.biz/

I live in Encinitas, California. We're kind of sprawling so 5 minutes drive is a big limitation. There's a lot of good stuff on the 101 with Roxy being my favorite. Vegetarian menu, cute servers, and small-batch ice cream. Mmmm.

Oh my god Jason. I have heard so much about california lately, and I've only been there for about 14 days of my whole life. I need to make it more AND FAST!!!

If you're ever up in the Cambridge/Somerville area in Massachusetts, I recommend Gargoyles in Davis Square http://gargoylesonthesquare.com/, if possible a table by the window, or simply at the bar. Friendly but elegant, inventive and delicious menu, excellent drinks, no TV! (The fucking TV thing is out of control up here, even at supposedly finer eateries.) It's a leisurely five-minute bike ride from my house.

I love the show! Keep the Monday morning party going, it means the world to us Tuesday archive stragglers.

I just realized I'm not near my favorite places, so I pick HOT BAGEL, also known as "La Bagel Delight," on Court Street. There is no website so here's a picture: (O)

Erik: There's this place called "beast" really near me that has a bunch of gargoyles around it. But they have TVs. Restaurant cousins? THANKS you straggler!!! How many of those do you think there are?

Barbara: What a descriptive picture - looks like a Lender's to me!!!

My kitchen is the best place for miles around when my housemates are cooking - good food, good company :-)

We love you too, Trent - The Mabuses are playing the Knitting Factory Old Office the 09/22 - Why don't you come?
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