Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from September 13, 2007 Favoriting

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A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Thu. Mar 6th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Marty McSorley
Thu. Mar 13th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Therese

Favoriting September 13, 2007: and remember not to let a school bus get in front of you

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Format New Approx. start time
ken boothe  ain't no sunshine   Favoriting darker than blue : soul from jamdown v/a        0:00:00 (Pop-up)
rod stewart and PP arnold  come home baby   Favoriting         0:03:25 (Pop-up)
vanilla fudge  the windmills of your mind   Favoriting         0:05:14 (Pop-up)
black lips  veni vidi vici   Favoriting good bad not evil      *   0:13:46 (Pop-up)
willie rosario  calypso blues   Favoriting boogaloo pow wow v/a  honest jon's      0:15:53 (Pop-up)
ananda shankar  night in the forest   Favoriting sa-re-ga machan        0:19:01 (Pop-up)
manabendra mukherjee  ami eto je tomay bhalobesechhi   Favoriting memorable melodies from the 50's v/a        0:23:58 (Pop-up)
amen corner  expressway to your heart   Favoriting         0:26:15 (Pop-up)
ulysse  the countess's smiles   Favoriting voyage facing the history of french modern psychedelic modern music v/a  kemado    *   0:30:36 (Pop-up)
meg baird , helena espvall, sharron krauss  fortune my foe   Favoriting leaves from off the tree        0:37:43 (Pop-up)
le ton mite  le papillion   Favoriting les petits contes pour les petits canards    7"  *   0:39:30 (Pop-up)
elliot smith  roman candle   Favoriting roman candle        0:42:37 (Pop-up)
federico aubele  ante tus ojos   Favoriting gran hotel buenos aires        0:45:51 (Pop-up)
mum  they made frogs smoke til they exploded   Favoriting     7"  *   0:50:32 (Pop-up)
esquivel  that old black magic   Favoriting other worlds other sounds        0:55:27 (Pop-up)
federico aubele  corazon   Favoriting panamericana  eighteenth street sounds    *   0:58:15 (Pop-up)
lexie mountain boys  #1   Favoriting woodgrain manicure      *   1:01:40 (Pop-up)
bettye lavette  you don't know me at all   Favoriting the scene of the crime  anti-    *   1:07:49 (Pop-up)
junior wells  i could cry   Favoriting messin with the kid 1957-63        1:11:08 (Pop-up)
darongo  let my people go   Favoriting let my people go        1:15:39 (Pop-up)
liars  houseclouds   Favoriting liars  mute    *   1:17:50 (Pop-up)
the creation  how does it feel   Favoriting         1:21:30 (Pop-up)
tomorrow's children  sister hot stuff   Favoriting funky kingston v/a        1:24:06 (Pop-up)
small faces  you need loving   Favoriting the bbc sessions        1:27:15 (Pop-up)
bonde de role  solta o frango   Favoriting         1:29:49 (Pop-up)
winston g  cloud 9   Favoriting mix a fix Uk floor fillers vol 2 v/a      *   1:31:45 (Pop-up)
clara moreno  meu samba torto   Favoriting meu samba torto  farrout    *   1:38:28 (Pop-up)
grouper  tried everyone in turn   Favoriting     7"  *   1:41:28 (Pop-up)
fursaxa  seven stones   Favoriting maidenstone ep    7"  *   1:44:38 (Pop-up)
misty dixon  striplaine   Favoriting iced to mode        1:47:31 (Pop-up)
hiroshi kamayatsu  song of pig slaughter   Favoriting anthology of japanese new folk 1960-76 Janitor from mars 2005 wfmu fundraising premium        1:50:39 (Pop-up)
animal collective  peacebone   Favoriting Strawberry Jam      *   1:53:34 (Pop-up)
au revoir simone  dark halls   Favoriting the bird of music        1:57:06 (Pop-up)
ocdj  my friend mayonaise   Favoriting hooray  wildfire wildfire    *   2:00:25 (Pop-up)
mouse on mars  stereommision   Favoriting         2:06:07 (Pop-up)
various    man on the moon        2:12:06 (Pop-up)
joe meek  i hear a new world   Favoriting         2:15:20 (Pop-up)
byrds  mr spaceman   Favoriting         2:17:15 (Pop-up)
creedence clearwater revival  it came out of the sky   Favoriting willy and the poor boys        2:19:24 (Pop-up)
lyn collins  fly me to the moon   Favoriting think (about it)        2:23:59 (Pop-up)
beatles  flying   Favoriting         2:26:35 (Pop-up)
monkees  star collector   Favoriting pisces, aquarius, capricorn and jones ltd.        2:30:59 (Pop-up)
deep purple  space truckin   Favoriting         2:36:22 (Pop-up)
seu jorge  starman   Favoriting OST the life aquatic with steve zissou        2:40:14 (Pop-up)
billy riley  flying saucers and rock and roll   Favoriting         2:45:49 (Pop-up)
sun ra  rocket # 9   Favoriting singles        2:47:09 (Pop-up)
scientist  beam down   Favoriting scientist meets space invaders        2:51:18 (Pop-up)
soul sonic force  planet rock   Favoriting         2:53:09 (Pop-up)
the jam  disguises   Favoriting         2:57:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


I am in love with you, trouble

"You say this product is known as fudge?"

listening in Dublin, Ireland - comin in loud and clear!

good morning ireland!

Sitting here in Atlanta recovering from a broken leg. I was just waiting for your show before starting my physical therapy exercises.
Recently Fallen from a Turnip Truck:

i don't know much, but i agree with paul

good afternoon!
Listener Miriam:

Good Morning Trouble!
The guy who is re-roofing my deck this morning was stunned to hear Manabendra Mukherjee! It is from his homeland and he knows it well. You've just created another WFMU convert!

Nice. Very very nice, as always! (Veni Vidi Vici made me think of Katell Keineg.)

Someone was telling me he was of Irish descent yesterday and I knew he told the truth when I heard him use "God save the Queen," as an expletive.

That is too funny about the roofer. WFMU & Trouble are totally synchronous.

Ooh, now approaching sublime. This Ulysse is making it nearly impossible for me to work (or type here).

you make my thursday morning beautifully workless.cheers to all!

Good morning!
I hope to catch DJ Icepack before my morning meeting. Glad to see Atlanta represented, thought I was the only listener in this city. Wishing you a good recovery, Terry!

lord, working on poetry this morning and this is the most perfect humming of the spheres for it. keep kitty-truckin' trouble~

This morning I dreamed I snuck into Trouble's house. I didn't see her but I could hear her talking to some kids in another room. Turned out it was actually the house I grew up in. She'd turned it into a mysterious cave. The walls were like melted multi-coloured candles covered with beautiful scarves.

in DC. Well I had a dream about Justin Henin--she had a bunch of kids-4 or 5. She was deeply depressed and she kept sending little notes to my wife and I. We spent the dream looking for her because we were afraid she was going to kill herself. I woke up feeling very troubled...

Greetings from London. I'm choosing to listen to Trouble rather than the commentary on the cricket, which, as England look like they're going to be tonked by Zimbabwe of all teams, is probably no bad thing.

WOW. I can't believe you're making me like this group (Lexie Mountain Boys). I thought I'd heard them before and felt differently. I love when that happens. THANX!

PS: It's very hard doing math every time I post. I'm ashamed to say I got it wrong once.

good lord it's a beautiful morning in minneapolis, made all the more glorious by this ear candy presently thieving my attention. thanks trouble.

Hi Trouble, I'm here is Chesterfield UK. Got on to you via Transpacific Sound Paradise which I found searching for Jew's Harp music. I'm framing pictures. (Good footie last night Adrian.)
Ann Arbor Doug:

I was temping in Buffalo and was searching for web radio to listen to around the time of 9/11. I found some WFMU playlist after Googling a band - don't remember who - and was hooked the minute I turned it on. I think the first thing I heard was Seven Second Delay, actually. I found pretty quickly that WFMU and I were made for each other. Made a Mouse pledge that March.

And Sharon Jones! (Soul women of a certain age, powerfully re-emerging.) (She's at the Apollo next month, that shd be dynOmite.

Is this where we talk about ourselves? Great.
I am in Newark working as a graphic designer though I live in PA.

I used to live near Red Bank where I heard 106.3 but one day I began to realize that they were getting worse and this weird college station was waaaay better. Or maybe it was just me that was changing.

Anyway. Someone once said hat I never would have moved if i couldn't hear FMU and I think they were right. I would have been missing it bad.

like rebe-vaca I'm listening while doing the poetry thing. And to the quiz of the day, I'm listening in Vermont, and WFMU has been eternally in my veins, my mother even went to Upsalla, and friends have had shows on the station, but none as cool as yours, Trouble!

hola!... Jim from Lyndhurst, NJ 91.1FM.. into relax time before noontime basketball.. thks Trouble!

An ex-dude of mine used to like to listen to JM in the AM back in the late 90's. Then I found out one of my friends was playing live in the studio on Dave the Spazz's show. 'Sall good! There is nothing else like WFMU out there. Keep crankin' out the tunes, Troublicious! -- Andrea, UMass Medical School ("building better md's for tomorrow, if at all possible")

hi, Trouble!

I started listening to WFMU in 1996, I think. Trouble was the first DJ I ever emailed!

Here are my answers to the quiz:
1. Charleston, SC. No Miss SC jokes, please... :)
2. Software development
3. I'm a huge fan of Yo La Tengo and I heard that they play during your annual drives, so that's what got me hooked 2 months ago. Oh, how I have been blessed!
Marky Boy:

Greetings Trouble. Checking in from England! Lovely sunny day here - shame I'm in work. x


cool show. love federico aubele and mum...having a hard time finding the mum song itself. is it too new to buy somewhere?

quiz of the day: i am listening from scenic Hatfield Massachusetts, where I work getting cookbooks published, but I like to think that my real job is listening to wfmu 24/7. or at least 40/5. I grew up in new jersey and my high school boyfriend and I would stay up late on the phone together, listening to the 'weird music station'... i've been hooked ever since.

Good morning everyone. hello from Baltimore. doing photoshopery while listening to wfmu all day, I think i found wfmu a couple of years ago after randomly clicking on it in the itunes radio tuner. to say that this is the best radio station ever would be gross understatement. thanks for all the great music.

the mum 7" is brand new, might be not for sale as of yet...

My friend Desmond's mom is Trouble! And she turned us on to wfmu... Today there is no school and I am working at my mom's bookshop in Wakefield RI. And I am going to be really good for her.

Sociologically speaking, if I recall "Mister Big Stuff" correctly, it talks about a man flaunting money, and this counterpart talks about a woman flaunting her looks. A cool "proof." Of something I'm not clearheaded enough to be discussing, rambling...sorry!)

Been listening to FMU since the 70's. I lost the signal for a while, til it came on the web. Flirt w/fame note: I once escorted Cynthia Sley (of the Bush Tetras) to an interview at the old studio.
Adrian, again:

Quiz of the day
1 Currently in Sutton, south London, England
2 Copy editing "exciting" piece about chemical tankers
3 I'd heard that Yo La Tengo played on the marathon. When the internet and iTunes was invented, I tuned in (or should that be 'clicked in'?)

i started listening to fmu in a van delivering porn from philly to ny.

1. Kingston, NY. Worst town in the Catskills.
2. Reheating oatmeal
3. My drug dealer told me.

That is interesting, Adrian. I wonder how many others were brought here because of YLT? I also find it interesting that another "zoe" posted before I did...

I first started listening to FMU when I was just a wee child. Friendless and alone, I searched the airwaves for a kindred voice, a beacon of interest, or at least something listenable that I could relate to better than the 'top hits' station. Suddenly, a droning, echoing voice affect hit my tympanic membrane. "Was that just station fuzz?" I retuned the station. No, it wasn't station fuzz. It was WFMU. A legend was born. And I still owe you guys money.

Tuning in from Chapel Hill. I started listening to FMU because i started working for XYC, and they made me listen to it so my radio show would stop sucking. it worked! thanks trouble and thank you FMU!

listening in Amsterdam... friend of mine was telling me about this station for years... so I've started today

i started listening to 'fmu in ... yikes ... 1974? i was a dumb high school kid in jersey - 'fmu made me slightly smarter: irwin, jim price, r. stevie moore, the residents ... i now live in buffalo ny and am as i type working at hallwalls contemporary arts center - updating a web page ... bye.
Jim Harmon:

I moved to NYC in 1985, the east side. I explored, as was my wont, the left side of the dial. Okay, but no great shakes. Until one Sunday afternoon, I happened to tune in this incredible station. Some guy was playing "real rock and roll." Then, during the next song the station faded out again. Still, I kept listening and it would fade in again. Exotic. I fell in love with the station. Later, when we moved to the West Side, the reception was more consistent. I worked as a lawyer in midtown and kept the station playing pretty much 24/7 while I worked (if no one else was in the office). WFMU kept me company many late nights.
Now, I live in ATL and listen pretty much constantly on the web. I've quit law and am now a writer. I've just finished my first novel and WFMU rates an anonymous mention therein—though if you know the station you'll know I'm talking about YOU!! Best wishes.

one time i was driving through port jervis and heard
what turned out to be Irwin and Michelle's Incorrect Music (candy pants was playing i think). so every time i'd drive downstate, i'd try to find wfmu on the dial. then i figured out that i could listen online..so Troubles show (and Andy Waltzer's show!!!) became big favorites. WFMU has totally changed my musical and creative life.
Dave in vermont:

ok- i am totally slacking at work so i can read the comments. this is bad. and the page keeps refreshing when i am in the middle of a sentence. i am glad to see, jon, others in vermont.
i found fmu on endless commutes and other random driving around NJ and when i was going to move to vermont one of the things i feared was lack of great radio. i was so excited to find WRUV the UVM radio station but i still feel it isn't as great FMU(sorry ruv and vermont) I still feel that way even tho i had a show myself off and on for several years(i should really do that again). it was thanks to you and other independent stations(like centenary college in hackettstown) that made me believe that little old me, noraml lover of noise, could have aradio show too. THanks!!
anyway, i started listening to fmu regularly again this summer at wrok where we have a company wide no music policy.
thanks for letting me take up so much time and space-hopefully i can catch up on all the these great comments when the show is over and the page stops refreshing.
Ben (again):

and for the record. i KNEW you were going to play fursaxa after that grouper record. <3

Greetings from the depths of Mississippi. I started listening online when broadband came to my crummy little town about five years ago...can't remember who recommended it. I might have just been browsing around iTunes' "radio" dial.

This morning I am emailing ad clients, with very little enthusiasm.

To Dave in Vermont: you have a company-wide no-music policy? God, that sounds terrible. I'm freelance so I'm always plugged in. It's not like they can fire me!

hi other zoe with a y!

The first time I heard WFMU I was driving across the bridge into Manhattan on a early May morning in 2005. My friend Katie had raved about you guys but because we live in Toronto, and I didn't have a computer it was my first chance.

Today I was reminded about wfmu from an ancient blog post by my friend Gwen in Seattle. So, now I'm sitting in my pjs, trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast on a surprise day off listening to awesome music. Thanks from the Tee Dot!

i am listening from work in copenhagen denmark
i am supposed to be learning how to put together some sort of financial report but really am listening and going through the tabs of my browser
i started listening to fmu sometime during or after college in nyc. its been the soundtrack to my work for many years, in nyc, ann arbor, and recently copenhagen (shows are difft now)

cheers from detroit! started listening to wfmu couple of years ago when an instructor of mine told me about hit hit stochastic parade on sunday evenings. from then on it came down like an avalanche and trouble, and fabio, and ken, and scott, and and give the drummer some. cannot imagine life without this station. greetings to all fmu enthusiasts out there.

oh fuck yes! saw AC on tuesday and i'm still trying to pick my dropped jaw up off the floor. hallelujah! these guys are life changers.

... but this isn't peacebone...

first heard wfmu in high school in the 80's.. it's been on preset "2" or "3" in the car(s) since!

Dave in VT, I am also disturbed by this No Music Policy. Was it headphones that allowed FMU to help free your mind? Before that was there different music playing from every desk? Am I asking too many questions?

Oh no, hear comes the math. Couldn't it at least just be single-digit math? Have the spambots got that sussed awready?

yayyyyyy ocdj!!!

This is the greatest MIDI song... EVER!!!

It's been so long since I started listening to the station that I forget when my first time was...it has nothing to do with it not being special. I swear! I must have heard it on the radio when visiting my mom in NJ and then found it on the internet. (mid 90's?) Thankfully I have worked in environments that allow streaming, since it was only last year that we got DSL at home. Now I can listen to it at home too! One day my husband walked in and said - is something stuck? :-) And I love Trouble, and not just because she's from RI (my place of birth - Pawtucket)

the animal collective track played was "unsolved mysteries"

swear to god, everything sounds a bit like Severed Heads to me now...

I just wrote a big long comment and it didn't post, and I know I did the math right!

Listening since the mid 90's - at work until we got DSL last year. I love Trouble because she's from RI. And plays great music. And has a great sense of humor. And...
dave in vermont:

the story is that there was a woman who used to listen to one of those little clock radios at her desk. apparently (post event rumor)it was bothering some people so the ceo sent out an email to the whole company with the new no music policy. i am in a pretty easy going department so i they are in collusion with me i guess. and i surreptitiously reach for the volume whenever i see a person who might be offended.


haha sorry for the correction, the strawberry jam tracklist is up on amazon, domino records, etc. not that it really matters, the whole album is perfection. :)

excited for this space stuff!

DJ Ice Pack sounds quite a bit like Lincoln... hmmmm.... :)

hey DJ Icepack, I just bought this Man on the Moon 45 at a church rummage sale on Saturday!

(hee hee my math answer is 666!!)
Astral Traveler:

i am digging the outer worldly tunage. it definitely blends well with my personal time/space continuum.

Dj Icepack! I'm at work with my mom too. But all I get to do is make beaded bracelets, already made 3... I am your biggest fan ever! BFF Amick

I am REALLY enjoying DJ Icepack's set. And I love the theme. It's out of this world! ;D

I bet DJ Icepack's better at math than I am. Gotta calm my math-nerves...Here goes...
john hood:

da bnawn a hello chan gwrymiau!
holland oats:

oh this is too cute, go get 'em ice ice baby!
Priscilla from Brooklyn:

Could DJ Icepack be any CUTER!?

Whoa! that Monkee solo sounds like it was thier first try without a ghost band.

Dang, I missed the Byrds because I was cleaning up a mess at work

I don't remember that great Monkees' song, and I bought it when it was new on Vinyl. (That means I am O.L.D.)

THANKS DJ ICEPACK!!! Your set is truly awesome.

When does DJ Icepack get his own timeslot? I'd happily give up my own if I could hear him on the radio every week. Also, I just had a great idea. DJ Icepack should do "I Am An Astronaut" by Ricky Wilde or "Jersey Slide Pt. 1" by 3 Stars at the next Hoof And Mouth.

When I was a kid I loved this novelty song "What do you get a Wookie for Christmas (when he already owns a comb)"

Obviously DJ Icepack is already doing better than I was.

The greatest space song of all time, amen!

zomg!!!!!11!! this deep purple sond is kicking my ass!

How about "Books about UFO's" by Husker Du?
holland oats:

it's who you know, hatch

I love The Life Aquatic! A new Wes Anderson movie is coming out on Sept 29th!
Bad Ronald:

Nice One!!!!!!
holland oats:

play "honeymoon in a rocketship" by hank snow -- then we'd have snow & ice!
holland oats:

somebody let this kid take over WMG

DJ Icepack is a wicked selector!

Oh!!! Time to start poppin' n lockin'!!

scientist meets space invaders! i just discovered my girlfriend has this album last night. synchronous! it has an awesome cover.

Zing indeed!


excellent show! dig those live feeds from outer space. thanks!
He Who Must Be Obeyed:

Lynn, could you guys pick up a gallon of milk on the way home? Tx!

PS: Thanks Dave in VT for letting us interrogate you!

Late to the party, but slamming tequila shots to catch up.
1. oh boy what was 1 again? uh, listening, start listening? I lived in Kingston, NJ in the 80s and WFMU sometimes came in OK late at night. It was worth the static! Then I moved to Wisconsin, then Paris, France, lost touch... Around 1999 I discovered the stream supreme. Then my friend David got a show! Yes, DavidS, the previous occupant of this finest of slots!
2. Doing? Sauza Hornitos! And software-y stuff in a cubicle.
3. I don't remember what 3 was. Oh, 3 was listening. I live in Somerville, MA. That's where Marshmellow Fluff was invented.
Travis Parkin:

One of my instructors at a Graphic Design class turned us onto a program/website called Spinner.com Spinner had many genre-based "stations," but only two actual radio stations included in their listening options boxes, WFMU and KCRW in Santa Monica. That was about 5 years ago. Spinner is long gone, but when it died, I went straight to the source. I host a Freeform program in Albuquerque on KUNM (Public Radio www.kunm.org) every other Thurs afternoon. I use WFMU to discover new music for my show which has added greatly to my program's popularity. (And I ALWAYS give credit to FMU hosts that turned me on to songs at the end of each show). Thank you, thank you, thank you WFMU (and I put my $$ where my mouth is during your pledge drives). My fav DJ's are Trouble, Monica (please come back), Charlie, Doug, and Ken F. Keep up the great work!

Portland. Something I don't care to think about on the weekend. When I was a student in NYC I worked as a waiter in a Japanese restaurant and one day a fellow waiter brought in a tape that was the best collection of 60's ska I'd ever heard. He said he'd taped off the radio (Sunday mornings early, WFMU). I've been listening ever since. The ska is long gone but Trouble is the best!
(C) 2025 WFMU. Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson