noticed this show featured a track from the tulsa sampler double lp from '77, I heard another track off off that and I've been looking for the lp for ever since, makes me wonder how big it's release was back then, do copies still turn up? Do you know of local recordstores that are online?
thanks Abel
I am looking for this album for a lady..Here is her comment
Her name is Cheryl
I am looking for an album that was out in 1970 by a group called Spindrift Liberate which was called Pirates of Penzance. It is on The Steady records label. They were a late 60's early 70's group who took and old opera by someone named Gilbert & Sullivan & turned it into rock music. It was their only album. I had this album & can't seem to find it now that my hubby passed in March. This album was very important to me cuz my cousin is one of the members of this group & sang on it. Plus it is a good album & I loved it. Thanks to whoever might know where I can download it...
ISAAC Johnson:
The Tulsa Sampler1977!!!!!!El Roacho.....Cold Sunshine!!!!!!!/////....Dancing Backwards!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta Have It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Listener comments!
noticed this show featured a track from the tulsa sampler double lp from '77, I heard another track off off that and I've been looking for the lp for ever since, makes me wonder how big it's release was back then, do copies still turn up? Do you know of local recordstores that are online?
thanks Abel
I am looking for this album for a lady..Here is her comment
Her name is Cheryl
I am looking for an album that was out in 1970 by a group called Spindrift Liberate which was called Pirates of Penzance. It is on The Steady records label. They were a late 60's early 70's group who took and old opera by someone named Gilbert & Sullivan & turned it into rock music. It was their only album. I had this album & can't seem to find it now that my hubby passed in March. This album was very important to me cuz my cousin is one of the members of this group & sang on it. Plus it is a good album & I loved it. Thanks to whoever might know where I can download it...
ISAAC Johnson:
Isaac John-Johnson:
doug marcus: