Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from October 1, 2007 Favoriting

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October 1, 2007: Bidi, Bidi, Bidi... So Long, Buck

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This is my last show on WFMU for a while, as I will be sitting out for the next air schedule. Thanks to everybody who listened, left nice comments, or sent emails. It's been a great time and I'll miss you all terribly! Expect me to start creeping back into your life as a fill-in DJ sometime in November, maybe. If you want me to drop you an email to let you know when I'll be filling in, send me a note and I'll make sure to do so.

The Anti Static podcast will continue to be a weekly occurrence, and I have plans to go back and fix up my old playlist pages (the ones without timestamps, the ones where the pictures are scattered all over the place in an ugly mess, and the ones where the color schemes are just plain old butt-ugly.) In short, I'll be keepin' busy.

Thanks again for all the support! Captain Scott Williams shall henceforth lord authoritatively upon your Monday evenings. Get ready, and like my man Clay Pigeon says: always remember...

Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Sid Vicious  My Way    
0:00:00 Pop-up)
Cobra Killer  High is the Pine   Das Mandolinenorchester 
0:04:01 Pop-up)
Die Kreuzen  Pink Flag   7" 
0:07:43 Pop-up)
Guns n' Roses  Nightrain   Live 87-93 
0:11:20 Pop-up)
The Ex  Prism Song (Erroneously announced as the song "Huriyet". Whoops)   Turn 2xCD 

The Ex performing live in Ethiopia.
0:16:31 Pop-up)
Man Parrish  Hip Hop Be-Bop   Perfect Beats Vol. 2  compilation  0:22:18 Pop-up)
Turn Me On Dead Man  Killer Soundwaves from Space   God Bless the Electric Freak    0:26:09 Pop-up)
The Humans  Warning   Back from the Grave Vol. 5    0:37:50 Pop-up)
The Wedding Present  Dalliance   Sea Monsters 
0:40:06 Pop-up)
Bee Gees  Nights on Broadway   Main Course 
0:44:31 Pop-up)
Quantic  Transatlantic   Apricot Morning    0:48:56 Pop-up)
Flaming Fire  Natural Light Catastrophe   MP3  New album! (Don't have the title on me).  0:53:40 Pop-up)
Circus Lupus  Pop Man   7" 
0:56:03 Pop-up)
Aesop Rock  Bring Back Pluto   None Shall Pass 
0:59:29 Pop-up)
The Edgar Broughton Band  Hotel Room   A Bunch of 45s 
1:03:56 Pop-up)
The Television Personalities  A Sense of Belonging   Yes Darling, but is it Art? 
1:07:58 Pop-up)
Junkyard Dogs  Breakin' the Law   Their Sympathetic Majesties Request Vol. 2  compilation  1:20:40 Pop-up)
Six Eye Columbia  Casanova   Frowny Frown    1:23:55 Pop-up)
Foreign Objects  TV Wizard   Guillotined at the Hangar 
1:28:08 Pop-up)
Los Mirlos  Sonido Amazonico   The Roots of Chicha: Psychedelic Cumbias from Peru  compilation  1:33:22 Pop-up)
The Black Heart Procession  The End of Love   Amore del Tropico 2xLP 
1:35:53 Pop-up)
Kitty Kallen  Someday   MP3 
1:40:56 Pop-up)
S.Y.P.H.  But the Girls   Am Rhein    1:44:05 Pop-up)
Moby  Flower   MP3  Here's the YouTube link I reference in the next mic break.  1:47:29 Pop-up)
Macromantics  Apple Crumble   Moments in Movement 
1:50:34 Pop-up)
Van Pelt  His Steppe is my Prairie   Stealing from our Favorite Thieves 
2:04:18 Pop-up)
Oneida  All Arounder   Anthem of the Moon  Come see Oneida with Old Time Relijun, Simply Saucer, and Alan Vega at the next WFMU Free Music Concert on October 13th!  2:07:44 Pop-up)
Spectre (feat. Caz)  Vampyr Killa   The Second Coming    2:11:13 Pop-up)
Steven Jesse Bernstein  More Noise Please   Prison 
2:16:15 Pop-up)
The Clash  Straight to Hell   From Here to Eternity 
2:19:30 Pop-up)
Pell Mell  Anna Karina   Interstate 
2:26:40 Pop-up)
T. Rex  20th Century Boy   T. Rextasy 
2:29:44 Pop-up)
Beastie Boys  Shadrach   Paul's Boutique 

Out pickin' pockets at the Atlantic Antic...
2:33:04 Pop-up)
V-3  Another Exterminator Eaten by Bugs   Psychic Dance Hall    2:43:20 Pop-up)
Buddy Holocaust  And I Haven't Decided   Live, 1981 
2:49:13 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  8:02pm SKM:

Oh goodness. I know you said "self-indulgent," but this is close to inexcusable as an opening shot. When is the Christine McVie Power Hour scheduled?
  8:03pm Sean Daily:

I liked Gary Oldman's version of "My Way" better...
  8:04pm KickTheBobo:

Hate to see you go Mike. I've enjoyed your monday nights!

hold off on the toilet talk, though.
  8:16pm Listener Michael W.:

Yikes yikes yikes! You're not on the new schedule?! What's up with that? Say it ain't so!
  8:17pm Sean Daily:

  8:21pm Lupica:

Yep, it's true! I'm takin' a break from doing a regular show. Blowing all wads, both real and imagined, right here tonight!
  8:27pm bunbun the terrible:

But...but...you'll be back, right?!?!
I'll miss the sweaty, passionate scene that is Mike Lupica Monday night.
Godspeed, friend!
  8:33pm Crackerbash:

Now where am I going to get my B-grade Ohio punk rock band fix? We're really gonna miss you!
  8:41pm Richard:

Ah... the Wedding Present...love this track...great big steve albini drum compression
  8:42pm Irwin Chusid:

Mike, I notice Kenny G is missing from the Fall schedule as well. Are you and he the same person? I've heard rumors.
  8:45pm appreciate all of you:

very very important to me that you guys post playlists,
  8:46pm SKM:

it's the Barry Gibb talk show!
  8:50pm slugluv1313:

I'M BARRY EFF-IN GIBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9:05pm Irwin Chusid:

P.S. Seriously, Mike: you give DJ's a GOOD name. Monday nights will be less fun w/o you commandeering the airwaves. Scott is cool, but you're leaving some excessively large boots to fill.
  9:15pm Sybil:

You're outdoing yourself tonight, Mike.

I will really miss this show on Monday nights. Irwin's comment pretty much says it all. I hope we hear you again in the not-too-distant future.
  9:16pm Avi:

Good luck in all your ventures! Thanks it's been a great... what 13 years since prb? Enjoy yourself!
  9:28pm James Graham:

I'm gonna miss you Mike. GREAT set tonight!


  9:29pm fey:

thanks for bringing back pluto tonight. that made me insanely happy.
i also loved the obvious rip from "war pigs" in the song cassanova.
good stuff, man. good stuff.
  9:33pm Jon Solomon:

I believe the new Flaming Fire record is called "When the High Bell Rings."
  9:33pm ed:

I am so digging this TV wizard song! And loving the set overall.
  9:34pm Mark:

Fantastic show as always, tonight, Mike. Your impending departure is more disturbing to me than the existence of donkey basketball. In truth, I must have been taking you for granted, my friend, because this news has actually shaken me up--you've done a great show (and so much more) and will be greatly missed. Relax, deservedly! But come back often.
  9:39pm timotato:

Yours is the show I never miss. Your departure will be a difficult one. You've brought more pleasure than you know. Best of luck!
  9:40pm Melissa:

Beautiful Black Heart Procession song! Please come back to the air soon Mike.
  10:02pm BFN:


You exposed me to alot of great music that I would never find anywhere else. I hope that you're back soon.
  10:12pm Bruce:

As it gets closer to 11:00, I get more and more depressed.

Mike, Best Wishes Always!
  10:13pm lee:

i've always enjoyed your show no matter where you were scheduled. have a nice break. snd come back soon!
  10:23pm XYZZY:

Thanks for all the fish.

  10:23pm Listener Michael W.:

All Lupica shows achieve greatness but I think the "Dark Skies" one in the aftermath of Katrina was truly transcendent. "Straight to Hell" featured just before the first mic break as I recall. All best to you, Mike. Come back soon.
  10:28pm Lupica:

You are all totally going to make me weep.
  10:37pm rubadub:

saaaay...I was picking pockets at Atlantic Antic too!!!

See ya, mate! Yeah, see ya mate. See ya mate! Yeah, see ya mate...ad infinitum
  10:46pm Neil Bostock:

I only just discovered your show two weeks ago, when I heard Wooden Shjips and was hooked. Don't go!!!
  10:51pm Jon Solomon:

It really wouldn't be one of your shows without Buddy Holocaust (and Turn Me On Dead Man).
  10:51pm jason:

Buddy Holocaust! I was so bummed I didn't win that during the last Marathon. See you in Saigon, Mike--you WILL retake Mondays.
  10:55pm unmake:

never been a regular listener, but this set is tight.
  10:57pm richard:

thanks! and bye
  10:57pm jeff:

via con dios, brah...

catch ya on the anti static.
  10:59pm Listener James from Westwood:

mondays will be rough without your show. enjoy your break and come back to the schedule soon! aaaaaand ... see you at the record fair.

damn, that 300 quote still kills me
  8:56pm SW Colorado Dudes:

You must return Mike....our world is becoming increasingly dim. You will be sorely missed!!! We have tuned in and archived now for a whole year...we do have awsome public radio here and a fine college station but nothin' they do compares to what you bring. Are we forever doomed to just the A side of Hank? Vaya Con Dios Amigo!!!
  12:24pm Jason:

Bummer. Come back soon.
  9:23pm Dave McGurgan:

Mike Lupica is my favorite DJ on WFMU. Seriously. Hope you enjoy some time off, but looking fwd. to a return to the airwaves (and web) in the future.
  12:19pm Thunderbolt Pagoda:

We're all going to miss your regular show a lot.
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