tony coulter is the most eccentric ,unpredictable
and aural omnivorous found on the web-me and my buddies got huge rec collection ranging from 7thousand to 30 thous and still hear unknown valid music in his show
best american dj that i'm aware of.
thank you for continuously sharing solid tracks for us folks without the means to enjoy them otherwise.
walter goulet:
Thanks so much Tony! for adding my music to your show of sept 24/2007 I didn,t get to here the entire show as haveing trouble with my computer couldn,t get real player to work . so I used the popup wfmu player .Been telling my friends about your shows.Really enjoy the variety of artist music.of meny goulet
David Arvedon:
Superintelligent crows are about to conquer the world.
I am a desk.
David Arvedon:
By the way, 792 + 4 = 689, and if you don't believe me
you can ask a quark!
David Arvedon:
Thanx, Tony, for the airtime. By the way, my next concert will be held under the Atlantic Ocean-- free tickets!!
Frank D. Wright:
I caught your playlists on the internet. I am one of the original artist on the Hometown Album, my song is Ameila.
Please check out my state-of-the-art recording studio in Southern California. Warmest regards,
Frank D. Wright
Ted Cyr:
David Arvedon and The Psychopaths rock.
(C) 2025 WFMU.
Generated by KenzoDB, written 2000-2025 by Ken Garson
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Listener comments!
and aural omnivorous found on the web-me and my buddies got huge rec collection ranging from 7thousand to 30 thous and still hear unknown valid music in his show
thank you for continuously sharing solid tracks for us folks without the means to enjoy them otherwise.
walter goulet:
David Arvedon:
I am a desk.
David Arvedon:
you can ask a quark!
David Arvedon:
Frank D. Wright:
I caught your playlists on the internet. I am one of the original artist on the Hometown Album, my song is Ameila.
Please check out my state-of-the-art recording studio in Southern California. Warmest regards,
Frank D. Wright
Ted Cyr: