What. is ?? that silly Boy Bryce concocting there for you ms Pseu???
I get nose zits too boo hoo.
Tom (The Bactrian Support Network) (in Brooklyn):
would love to hear now *KingCrimson - MoonChild* coz i'm like so up yooo and hope you and Bryce enjoying the weekend too :) < smiley face
Is the guy above a regular of yours ms Pseu?
jackie burkhardt:
heeeeey pseu,,hope you had a grooooooooovy week,,how ya like 2008 so far?? i'm enjoyin it,,i know that xmas is way over but i forgot to send tihs weird youtube xmas vid,,are you interested in me sendin it??? please lemme know,,thanks pseu,,and keep watcin FAMILY GUY!!! SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!!!!! =)
ms mrrria!!!!
it's a goopy mess much like purple accumulated lung butter....
eeeew, that'll make both of yall start to feel a lot better Im sure
hi jacquie -- you know mila kunis is a russian girl? send me whatever I'll take a look-see..
poor Mr Chang, he sounds like a real trooper . I had a kitty once, Dino, he had ot have a sex change op. on account of pee crystals.
I'm glad Mr. Chang is on the mend. My cat used to have urinary tract
problems until the vet said feed him only Iams or Science Diet. No
probs since.
Randy in NC:
Maybe your work is getting you sick through shared computer keyboards or telephones. It happened at a place I worked at once.
Radio Dave:
Unpaid radio is the ONLY good radio.
Thanks for the good wishes for the Changer. I'll send them along.
Ice cubes in the water dish is another idea.
You look Pretty in Pink
aw, poor Mr. Chang! i am glad to hear that he is doing better!!!!! (and glad to hear that you have an awesome vet, too!)
(by the way, i tuned in part way through your account -- and i swear, even right up to the point you were talking about the ultrasound, needle insertion, etc., i *thought* you were talking about the guy who used to call Chris T.'s show -- !!! Mr. Chin, i think?)
anyway, a number of my kitties have had these bladder/urinary tract/etc. *issues* over the years . . . one of my current guys is on S/D for a month, then i have to switch him over to "Urinary SO" for maintenance/crystal prevention . . . i dunno, with some cats, they do just fine being on the prescription foods for a short time, with others, you have to be SO careful that they stay on the prescription diets for life
please give Mr. Chang a big hug for me!
jackie b.:
hi pseu,,i'm sorry,but did you receive my e-mail??
pseu i have a suggestion . action without place violence without seriousness americans without aricans
uhh, one of these is *excellent advice*, thanks!
Glad you are feeling better, and here's my comment: Bryce made a sound/comment when you were talking about the gross anti-semetic guy at your job who criticizes israel...i would like to second bryce's sound: many if not most of the people active in the palestine solidarity movement are in fact jewish, and , please, can we not conflate anti-semitism with criticism of israel? I think it is really important to be careful and make that distinction...given what's going down. I don't know how aware you are. Though I sense a range of opinions at FMU, seems that there is much need for some serious introspection and exploration beyond the mainstream media crap, and also seems that the folks there who may be more aware of the theft and daily abuse of Palestine and Palestinians, are intimididated, a shame in the free form station of the nation.
This is really not the place to grandstand about personal politics, rebecca but to answer your question about this specific comment I made --- and to clarify-- this guy at work has a whole paranoid conspiratorial slant on catholicism, israel, our government and the like. His information about any of these topics is culled from quite a few questionable sources and he just RUNS with it.... Also for your edification, I can assure you, any dialogue between interested fmu staffers, listeners, etc is never one-sided -- there are healthy informed and enlightened opinions about this particular topic from Jews and Christians here at FMU you'll be pleased to learn. No one here would be comfortable taking one side of the issue, and we expect our listeners are advanced enough to respect that WFMU's programming at any given time is not meant to represent a general opinion of the staff, management it's DJs, etc. RELAX.
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Listener comments!
Tom (The Bactrian Support Network):
I get nose zits too boo hoo.
Tom (The Bactrian Support Network) (in Brooklyn):
jackie burkhardt:
it's a goopy mess much like purple accumulated lung butter....
problems until the vet said feed him only Iams or Science Diet. No
probs since.
Randy in NC:
Radio Dave:
(by the way, i tuned in part way through your account -- and i swear, even right up to the point you were talking about the ultrasound, needle insertion, etc., i *thought* you were talking about the guy who used to call Chris T.'s show -- !!! Mr. Chin, i think?)
anyway, a number of my kitties have had these bladder/urinary tract/etc. *issues* over the years . . . one of my current guys is on S/D for a month, then i have to switch him over to "Urinary SO" for maintenance/crystal prevention . . . i dunno, with some cats, they do just fine being on the prescription foods for a short time, with others, you have to be SO careful that they stay on the prescription diets for life
please give Mr. Chang a big hug for me!
jackie b.:
Glad you are feeling better, and here's my comment: Bryce made a sound/comment when you were talking about the gross anti-semetic guy at your job who criticizes israel...i would like to second bryce's sound: many if not most of the people active in the palestine solidarity movement are in fact jewish, and , please, can we not conflate anti-semitism with criticism of israel? I think it is really important to be careful and make that distinction...given what's going down. I don't know how aware you are. Though I sense a range of opinions at FMU, seems that there is much need for some serious introspection and exploration beyond the mainstream media crap, and also seems that the folks there who may be more aware of the theft and daily abuse of Palestine and Palestinians, are intimididated, a shame in the free form station of the nation.