Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from January 28, 2008 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting January 28, 2008: Oh, to sleep without the nightmares!

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Artist Track Album Label
Emmanuel Ax: Chopin  "Scherzo Op.20: Presto con Fucco (B minor)"   Favoriting Chopin: Scherzos -Mazurkas  CBS 
Renaissance  "Island"   Favoriting Innocents and Illusions  Castle/Sanctuary 
Lacrymosa  "Helium"   Favoriting (demos)   
Marco Benevento  "If You Keep On Asking Me"   Favoriting Invisible Baby  Hyena 

Music behind DJ:
Emmanuel Ax: Chopin 

(Mazurkas)   Favoriting

Chopin: Scherzos -Mazurkas 

Abdullah Ibrahim  "Aspen"   Favoriting African Suite  Enja 
Thelonious Monk  "Ugly Beauty"   Favoriting Underground  Columbia 
Josh Mease  "Illusion"   Favoriting Josh Mease  (self released) 
John Luther Adams  "Red Arc/ Blue Veil"   Favoriting Red Arc/ Blue Veil  Cold Blue 
Nora York  "Masters of War FIVE"/ "Donna"   Favoriting Power/Play   

Music behind DJ:
Emmanuel Ax: Chopin 

(Mazurkas)   Favoriting

Chopin: Scherzos -Mazurkas 

Yusef Lateef  "A Long Time Ago"   Favoriting The Yusef Lateef Anthology  Atlantic 
David Hykes & The Harmonic Choir  "World Three"   Favoriting Harmonic Worlds  Harmonic Presence 
Marianna Sadovska  "Oi plyve kacha po Tysyni"   Favoriting Songs I Learned in Ukrane  Global Village 
Theo Bleckmann/ Ben Monder  "Apocryphon"   Favoriting At Night  Songlines 
American Music Club  "The Stars"   Favoriting The Golden Age  Merge 

Music behind DJ:
Emmanuel Ax: Chopin 

(Mazurkas)   Favoriting

Chopin: Scherzos -Mazurkas 

Redwing Blackbird  "Hummingbird"   Favoriting Redwing Blackbird  (self released) 
King Cretosote  "Fine Horseman"   Favoriting VA: Migrating Bird: The Songs of Lal Waterson  Honest Jons 
Richard Crandell  "Diagonal"   Favoriting VA: Wayfaring Strangers - Guitar Soli  Numero 
Kitchen Cynics  "If I Found a Heart in Me"   Favoriting December  (self released) 
Steven R. Smith  "The Tree King"   Favoriting Owl  Digitalis Industries 
Sigur Ros  "Salka"   Favoriting Hvarf Heim  XL 

Music behind DJ:
Emmanuel Ax: Chopin 

(Mazurkas)   Favoriting

Chopin: Scherzos -Mazurkas 

David Bowie  "Aladdin Sane"   Favoriting Aladdin Sane  Ryko 
Siouxsie  "Sea of Tranquility"   Favoriting Mantaray  Decca 
Ferrante and Teicher  "Get Out of Town"   Favoriting Ferrante and Teicher with Percussion  ABC Paramount 
Terry Adams with Roswell Rudd  "Hilda"   Favoriting Terrible  New World Records 
Opa  "African Bird"   Favoriting Back Home: The Lost 1975 Sessions  Lion Productions 
Company  "When the Morning Comes"   Favoriting Old Baby  Brah Records 
Broken Parachutes  "Tall Skyscrapers"   Favoriting (demos)   

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Listener comments!

north guinea hills:

irene, frederic chopin is just what the doctor ordered, thank you... (weekend sucked etc, this scherzo rocks!)

I'm with you there! A little Chopin helps bring us back to our senses.
Sean Daily:

Third comment! Woo hoo!

thanks for the monk!
north guinea hills:

this john luther adams is really growing on me. and it has more 'soul' then john adams.... (safe white bread minimalist classical tripe) (ok, i like some john adams)

John Luther Adams is a different composer than John Adams. His pieces lean very ethreal, with loads of percussion, rise to a climax and fadeaway. Nice stuff!
north guinea hills:

yeah, i know, john luther adams is a young up and coming composer, while john adams is "the most played living american composer".

Yusef, bringing the cosmo-conscious soul jazz. Love it.

Very nice song by Marianna Sadovska.. though I think it was in Polish, not Ukranian...still beautiful
vitaliy, ukraine:

that's great. thank you
north guinea hills:

i have a different version of "fine horseman" done as an a capella by some 70's folk female vocalist, and it's killing me i can't remember who!
north guinea hills:

was it shelagh mcdonald?
bruce mccall:

Who are these King Cretosote guys? I once wrote a voice-over for a fake industrial film for The National Lampoon Radio Hour and it was titled "King Creosote," which sounds too similar to be coincidental.

The Marco Benevento track is amazing. I plan on picking up some stuff by him as soon as possible.
Alan Cynic:

Chuffed to be in amongst so much lovely music! As well as Lal's original version, there's a great version of 'Fine Horseman' by Anne Briggs.....and one by the Silly Sisters (June Tabor & Maddy Prior). Perhaps it's one of these that north guinea hills was recalling?
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