Favoriting Diane's Kamikaze Fun Machine: Playlist from March 6, 2008 Favoriting

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Music to slaughter livestock to; 5,000 factory farmers can't all be wrong.

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Favoriting March 6, 2008: 2008 WFMU Marathon with co-host Michael G

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Artist Track Label Comments Approx. start time
Blurt  The Fish Needs A Bike   Favoriting Armageddon  45  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Baroness  Rays On Pinion   Favoriting Relapse  CALL in To Win THIS CD NOW! 800-989-9368  0:13:55 (Pop-up)
100 Flowers  Presence of Mind   Favoriting     0:39:44 (Pop-up)
Glenn Mercer  Morning Lights   Favoriting Pravda  Wheels In Motion  0:45:10 (Pop-up)
Middle Class  Out of Vogue   Favoriting     0:48:00 (Pop-up)
The Fall  Rebellious Jukebox   Favoriting Castle  Live at the Witch Trials  1:00:05 (Pop-up)
Snuff  Nick Northern   Favoriting Fat  Demmamussabebonk  1:10:23 (Pop-up)
Jay Reatard  My Shadow   Favoriting In the Red  Blood Visions  1:18:11 (Pop-up)
Angry Samoans  Gimme Sopor   Favoriting PVC  Inside My Brain  1:24:46 (Pop-up)
Kraut  Unemployed   Favoriting     1:26:50 (Pop-up)
Nick Lowe  The Club   Favoriting yep Roc  At My Age  1:40:14 (Pop-up)
Lurkers  Freak Show   Favoriting     1:50:18 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Shadowplay   Favoriting   STILL - Double CD being given away -pledge $10 or more NOW ! 800 989 9368  2:02:31 (Pop-up)
Cult Hero  I Dig You   Favoriting   45  2:13:59 (Pop-up)
Queens of the Stone Age  Sick Sick Sick   Favoriting   Call & Win this CD! 800-989-9368  2:27:13 (Pop-up)
Stooges  My Idea of Fun   Favoriting Virgin  The Weirdness  2:36:17 (Pop-up)
Exciter  Stand Up and Fight   Favoriting     2:40:08 (Pop-up)
Sigh  Introitus/Kyrie   Favoriting   Win this CD! Call 800-989-9368  2:47:40 (Pop-up)
Alabama ThunderPussy  The Cleansing   Favoriting Relapse    2:54:46 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Greg from Detroit:

Comments!? I remember when Diane didn't even have an accuplaylist!

I remember when I didn't know that WFMU existed.
Dark days.
Dark, dark days.
Sean Daily:

Third comment! Woo hoo!

I remember when I remember was a Naked Raygun song.
mike g.:

Pledge now to be in the running for the baroness cd!

$75 gets you Diane's 2008 premium and $150 puts you in the running for the DKFM Grand Prize: It's all about the Rock Fun pack!

Van Halen Book
Sabbath Interview Book
Roky Erickson DVD
Stooges - the Weirdness
and... the Lurkers cd!

Did anyone else think the Weirdness rocked? I couldn't believe all the negativity I heard from people about the album.

Same here. It wasn't groundbreaking, but it was a darn good rock album.
David Gilmour:

I'll come clean ... the last good album is Obscured By Clouds, but that might even be overly generous.
mike g.:

Glenn Mercer's Wheels in Motion is the next prize up! pledge $10 or more to be in the running! $75 gets you Diane's premium, and $150 puts you in the running for the grand prize!
Gregg Jarvis:

Tough to argue Echoes not continuing the standard of prog rock- and the length t never to be aired on commercial airwaves. So i gotta vote for Meddle.
David Gilmour:

Meddle has it's moments, that's for sure. Last time I spun Dark Side I fell asleep faster than Joe Torre come third inning.
mike g.:

up now is the fall 5 cd set AND the glenn mercer
Tom (The Bactrian Support Network) (in Brooklyn):

I dunno I still like early Floyd,,, Piper at Gate of Dawn , Saucerful of Secrets,, and Piper was a groundbreaker with Syd,,,and the Flic , Pink Floyd at Pompeii,,, by 1980 the records were just unfocused and bland I think they should have quit the same time LedZep did....

First-Piper @ Gates, then Saucerful, closely followed by Meddle...throw in some of the Relics, a bit of Obscured by Clouds and I've washed my hands of Gilmour and Co.
mike g.:

now up.. jay reatard - blood visions & nick lowe - at my age
Wish You Were Here:

Don't I have any friends in this ol' place?

I promise to pledge but I did it on behalf of Diane last year and wanted to spread the wealth around the WFMU talent pool.

I'm a huge Meddle fan also. Pledge to Diane's show! Syd would have wanted it:

Anthony Kleidouchakis:

Is it possible for someone to do a pledge twice? I mean to do a second pledge?

You can pledge as many times as you want. Then you will just owe the total amount. (Or u can charge it por paypal it if you want)
mike g.:

up now! joy division - still double cd and the dead moon - unkown passage dvd

Forgot to mention to him...don't enter me for the drawings... fellow pledgers can have slightly better odds w/ me outta the mix :)

Pledge now to be in the running for the Joy Division STILL double cd or the DEAD MOON dvd!

$75 gets you my 2008 premium and $150 puts you in the running for the DKFM Grand Prize: It's all about the Rock Fun pack!

Van Halen Book
Sabbath Interview Book
Roky Erickson DVD
Stooges - the Weirdness
and... the Lurkers cd!

Is Cult Hero related with Robert Smith?
mike g.:

now up..

the queens of the stage - era vulgaris
sigh - hangman's hymn

The best T-shirt was the"WFMU monkey brain tonic"

I like the Monkey Brain one and the Day of the Dead one; also the purple rodent one is great. Thanks all for your support, let's keep 'em coming!

Hell-o! This cd is amazing! please pledge $10 or more 800-989-9368!!!!!!!1
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