Favoriting Daniel Blumin: Playlist from March 7, 2008 Favoriting

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The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.

Monday 9pm - Midnight (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 9pm - Midnight: Daniel Blumin and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting March 7, 2008: 2008 WFMU marathon show #2 w/ Hatch

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Ministry of Defense of the USSR Orchestra  Happiness of Victory   Favoriting       0:00:00 (Pop-up)
George Abdo and His Flame of Araby Orchestra  O Paliatzis   Favoriting       0:04:23 (Pop-up)
Daevid Allen and Kramer  Thinking Thoughts   Favoriting       0:08:39 (Pop-up)
Bridget St . John  If You've Got Money   Favoriting Thank You For...  Cherry Red    0:11:46 (Pop-up)
Isaac Hayes  Three Tough Guys Title Theme   Favoriting       0:16:34 (Pop-up)
Gladkov/Entin & Urban  Evil Pirate Song   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium    Yours fer a pledge of $75 or more!  0:26:19 (Pop-up)
Henson Cargill  None of My Business   Favoriting       0:27:50 (Pop-up)
Michael Dracula  What Can I Do For You?   Favoriting       0:29:33 (Pop-up)
The Rock*A*Teens  I Could've Just Died   Favoriting       0:33:12 (Pop-up)
Electrelane  Saturday   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  0:45:09 (Pop-up)
a.P.A.t.T.  BBQ Tonite   Favoriting       0:49:22 (Pop-up)
Nemeth  Transitions   Favoriting       0:53:42 (Pop-up)
Cluster  Caramel   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more! Yes!  1:05:35 (Pop-up)
Max Goldt  Die Volkspampe   Favoriting       1:08:30 (Pop-up)
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282  52 Girlfriends   Favoriting       1:11:05 (Pop-up)
Rybnikov/Entin  Dialog Between the Wolf and the Kids   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium    Yours fer a pledge of 75 dollars or more!  1:15:45 (Pop-up)
Rybnikov/Okudzhava  Song of the Cat and the Fox   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium      1:16:15 (Pop-up)
Swell Maps  Full Moon In My Pocket/Blam!/Full Moon (Reprise)   Favoriting       1:26:37 (Pop-up)
Steve Treatment  Tempest Fashion Baby   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  1:43:12 (Pop-up)
Japan  Adolescent Sex   Favoriting       1:44:36 (Pop-up)
Band Of Holy Joy  You've Grown So Old In My Dreams   Favoriting       1:49:10 (Pop-up)
Sonic Youth  Teen Age Riot   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of 75 dollars or more! Grand prizzzze!  1:51:14 (Pop-up)
Rybnikov/Entin  Automobile Riddles   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium    75 dollars and you take this premium home!  2:06:04 (Pop-up)
Ilaiyaraaja Yesudas + Chitra  Kuyile Kuyile   Favoriting       2:10:51 (Pop-up)
Roky Erickson  You Don't Love Me Yet   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  2:15:03 (Pop-up)
The Soundcarriers  Without Sound   Favoriting       2:19:29 (Pop-up)
Broadcast  Look Outside   Favoriting       2:23:04 (Pop-up)
Labradford  Soft Return   Favoriting       2:26:28 (Pop-up)
Ernest Wilson  Kiss Me Girl   Favoriting       2:29:54 (Pop-up)
Willi Williams  Run Them A Run   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  2:41:09 (Pop-up)
Remarc  Suicidal   Favoriting       2:43:37 (Pop-up)
Black Dog Productions  Olivine   Favoriting     By Close Up Over  2:48:33 (Pop-up)
Gladkov/Entin  Ray of the Golden Song   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium    75 bux or more and you OWN this!  3:03:46 (Pop-up)
Richard Youngs  Low Bay of Sky   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  3:05:59 (Pop-up)
Felt  Primitive Painters   Favoriting     w/ Liz Fraser  3:09:59 (Pop-up)
Ziv/Uspensky  Shapoklyak's Song   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 Marathon Premium "Russians Love Their Children Too"    Premium 2008 fer 75 dollars or more!  3:27:03 (Pop-up)
Daniel Johnston  Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Your Grievances   Favoriting     Grand prize! 75 dollars or more makes you eligible  3:32:01 (Pop-up)
Cause Co-Motion  Don't You Know   Favoriting       3:32:17 (Pop-up)
The Woodentops  In A Dream   Favoriting       3:32:54 (Pop-up)
Butterfly Child  Nymphs Sing The Blues   Favoriting       3:40:49 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Means To an End   Favoriting     Could be yours fer a pledge of ten dollars or more!  3:47:44 (Pop-up)
Vic Godard & Subway Sect  Split Up The Money   Favoriting       3:51:42 (Pop-up)
Kompaneyets/Belinskiy  To Morning Exercises!   Favoriting Daniel Blumin's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium    last chance fer the premium!  3:57:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Open your wallet and make some room for Daniel Blumin. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online, right at the top of this page.

Pledge $75 or more between now and 6am EST to win Daniel's great premium CD Russians Love Their Children Too, featuring 38 rare Soviet-era children's songs.

Right now we've got Electrelane's album "No Shouts No Calls" up for grabs.

Also up "on the block" is Cluster's krautrock classic "Zuckerzeit." Call us up at 1-800-989-9368.

There you go, one years subscription in your direction. Thanks a million for providing the best programs in the entire universe ;-) It wouldn't survive my working days in the office without wfmu
(mta) Tony:

Geez! Alright already!

Tony, thank you for being our one and only commenter this evening. And thanks for the pledge too, of course.

Cheers, Martin.

good morning , if you into russia stuff you might like
sorry i cant donate, my first pledge put me in debt

As long as you pledged Mark, we consider you a friend.
(mta) Tony:

You're welcome, guys... it's my pleasure to be part of the magic. Yes, I started listening since '67 when fmu went free form with Vin Scelsa. I was 14 years old. Thank you for your kind words about me. I do what I can for the greatest station in the world.
Andy C (UK):

Sorry - going to find something else to listen to - listen to WFMU for music not chat!
(mta) Tony:

Yeah, Andy, why don't you do that. Perhaps you should pick out a good archived show to listen to, instead. Don't forget to pledge anyway.


Don't make us send Tony over there on a boat to beat you up.
(mta) Tony:

My bags are packed and will be happy to meet Andy in Picadilly for a shootout.
(mta) Tony:

Damn! I forgot about the airport metal detectors. Guess an old-fashioned bout would have to suffice. C'mon Andy, get with the program and show some understanding and consideration!

That's alright Tony, you can just pummel him with your fists.

Perhaps that's why Hatch said "boat" not "plane." See, Hatch had it all thought out. In any case, Andy has meted out a sad punishment upon himself simply by switching off FMU.

Hatch, your phrasing is confusing there. You don't "get in the running" for a premium CD. It's guaranteed to anybody who pledges $75 or more during this show. Even a sad phone slave like me knows that. I'm sad I can't scrape together an additional pledge for this show. So many great shows to pledge for! Damn my budget.

yeah for chattin'!!! even when they speak, WFMU DJs rock you!

How bout you get in the running, Ike... for some fisticuffs. With MTA Tony.
(mta) Tony:

You're right, Ike, I should have paid better attention to Hatch's instruction. Guess I got carried away when my vision saw only RED. And you're right again when you say Andy only hurt himself. Surely he knows not what he said. No need for fisticuffs between us as we're on the same side! Hey Marion, get into it with us! Say something French...

Je peux pas!!!! d&#233;sol&#233;e, je n'avais qu'un seul pledge dans ma poche! pourtant c'est pas l'envie qui me manque avec toutes les goodies &#224; gagner =)

that's what happens when you write in another language on WFMU... the computer won't read the accents. so 1st word is desolee, second is a , add little ccents on the Es and on the A you get what I wanted to say

If only one of us spoke French...

avez vous une grande concumbre dans la maison?
Rob W:

Hey folks, I've noticed a few web listeners upset about the chatting during our fund shows but friends, if we don't pitch, we won't get pledges, and if we don't get pledges, we're out of business. Hopefully you'll agree our pitching is more fun and lively than on other non-commercial broadcasting outlets. And 50 weeks of the year most of us, um, do let the music do the talking!

So get behind Daniel and Hatch, leading the vanguard of WFMU's youth wing! It's especially nice to pledge to new djs, to overnight shows, when the phones aren't nearly as busy as during the day. Until recently FMU was careening towards a dj-geriatric abyss but now some really great younger djs have stepped up, and this means FMU can march proudly onward into the future. This is a great time to show your support for the next generation. Pledge via this page, or call 1-800-989-9368.

Oui, avec Daniel Blumin. Parlez vous 1-800-989-9368?
(mta) Tony:

Marion, here's my translation:
You poor soul...
Desolate ass, why don't you pledge without my pooch or else you will envy me much with many goodies to gag you with. Hope you got a giggle. Je comprende nada. Vousez Vous Avec Moi C'est Soir is about all I remember from from High School but I love hearing the language spoken. It's beautiful.

et bien, vous parlez FranCais finalement!!!! no I don't have a big cucumber in my house...

And tony, you've tried, but the translation is not quite right...I did get a giggle out out it though hee hee hee
(mta) Tony:

That's great, Marion, just having fun tonight. Can I ask where you are? I know I should remember from your previous posts, but I'm not even sure of your sex. You can call me just a dumb NYC guy, as if you didn't know.

No sex talk during the Blumin show.

Next prize: the terrific Summer Records Anthology CD. Some great late 70s/early 80s reggae, recorded in Canada.
(mta) Tony:

Yeah, the East Village, I got it. I used to go to the Fillmore East back in the day, as well as the Electric Circus among other places down there. God, I was only a kid. No sex talk, just wondering if you were male or female, like the name, "Carol" being either way. No biggie and don't freak, Daniel!

Sorry Tony, just pulling your leg.

My sex seem to be troubling you, my name isn't really helping an English speaker to guess it though. Marion is a girl name indeed, and I'm in Rennes, France. I don't usually call people dumb;) rest assure!
(mta) Tony:

Glad to hear that, Hatch, thanx for straightening me out. Going to bed now 'cause I gotta wake up early as I promised Hot Rod I would support her during her show as well so I gotta catch a few winks now to be up when she's on in just a little over an hour! Thanks and I hope you reach your Marathon goal this morning. Peace, Tony

Sleep well, Tony.

Can I add, that Tony deserves sleep, he's been pledging on every show I've listened to. you guys should play a lullaby for him!
chris in london:

great tunes right now

j'habite dans ma maison avec une tomato, zut alors!

c'est bon les tomates! j'en ai fait pouss&#233; dans mon appartement l'ann&#233;e derni&#232;re, je me suis r&#233;gal&#233;e!
Great show guys!!! I love Fridays, I always start them in good spirits thanks to you, and Hot Rod.

F*** I won't write in French any more!
(mta) Tony:

Hi Marion, thanx for writing back. No, your name wasn't "troubleing" me, I was just interested. I have an uncle Marion so I know the name can be used either way, like "Carol" can. I was just wondering. Rennes must be beautiful. I've been throughout France's wine producing districts, to all the great chateaux (I'm not sure of the plural spelling) but unfortunately I missed Rennes. Thanks for supporting America's greatest radio station. I think you're a new listener (correct me if I'm wrong) and if so, you've entered a wonderful world of music. Make sure you tune into "Trouble's" show as she plays a LOT of GREAT and CLASSIC French songs I know you'd enjoy, in case you aren't aware of that already. Peace, Tony P.S. Thanks for not calling me a jerk

What!!! You're still up! Time to go to beddie now!
Glad you liked French wine testing! I never went on such a trip, cause I can never find someone who will drive me around!
Thanx for the hint about Trouble's show, I did listen to it before and it was good, yeah i'm a new listener, I discovered WFMU through a friend last year. and I sure do realize what great world I've entered! I used to listen to a similar radio when I was a teenager in my home town, but they started to talk too much about health and other youth related social matters to keep getting their grants... Too bad there isn't a public supported radio spirit in France, cause with our government, all the public cultural services are starting to crumble!
dj - Copenhagen, Denmark:

you've been spinning some AWESOME tunes Daniel, good work :)
vigfus - NY:

Good stuff again tonight!

Last chance for the Richard Youngs CD... we're also offering the 2 CD reissue of Joy Division's "Still" to a lucky pledger. Call 1-800-989-9368.
D. Blumin:

Thanks to everyone fer listening and pledging! Week #2 broke my week #1 record! A Y3K pledge from the UK last minute... Hurray! Keep pledging everyone - goal is in sight - 3 more days to help us reach one million dollars!
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