Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from May 22, 2008 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 6th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon
Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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May 22, 2008: Post Sparks Report - Non Failure
Ken Montgomery comes in with Sparks Special - installment Number 3

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Artist Track Album Format Comments
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Voodoo Party     
Sparks  I wanna Hold your Hand     7"  b-side 
sparks  Pulling Rabbits out of the hat   Luna Reads Sparks     
Firesign Theater  Firesign TheaterHow can you be in 2 places at once when you're Not anywhere at all   Firesign TheaterHow can you be in 2 places at once when you're Not anywhere at all     
Bloodrock  DOA   Bloodrock II     
Emerson Lake & Palmer  Lucky Man   Emerson Lake & Palmer     
Black Sabbath  Solitude   Masters of Reality     
sparks  Beat the clock+   Luna Reads Sparks     
Ten Years After  the Sounds   Ten years After     
ELO  Dreaming of 4000   On the Third Day     
The Nazz  Open My eyes        
The Sensational Alex Harvey Band  Long Haired Music   The Impossible Dream     
10CC  Rubber Bullets        
The Sweet  Ballroom Blitz        
Too Many...  Medley...       Featuring: Jethro Tull, Yes, Aerosmith, Genesis, Pink Flyod, Edgar Winter, Queen, Mott The Hoople... 
Luna  Forever Young   Egnekn's Daughter Reads Sparks     
Lill Lindfors  Albert Ab Begavard   Fritt Fram     
Dirt Bombs  Nothing to Do        
Klepto Maniac zoo  Moon over Kentuky   Amateur Hour: A Global Tribute to Sparks     
Klepto Maniac zoo  this town ain't big enough for the both of us   Live at the Love Club     
Klepto Maniac zoo  amateur hour   Live at the Love Club     
R. Stevie Moore  fletcher honorama   Amateur Hour: A Global Tribute to Sparks     
Egneken's Daughter  Those Mysteries   Amateur Hour: A Global Tribute to Sparks     
Sparks  Here Comes Bob   A Woofer In Tweeters Clothing     
Sparks  Thank God It's Not Christmas   Kimono My House     
Sparks  Girl From Germany   A Woofer In Tweeters Clothing     
Sparks  Peter Cook Number 1 Suit   promo     
Sparks  Lighten up Morrissey   Exotic Creatures of the Deep     
  sparks Promo        
Sparks  I Can't Believe that you would fall for all the crap in this song   Exotic Creatures of the Deep     
  sparks Promo        
Sparks  Good Morning   Exotic Creatures of the Deep     

Listener comments!

  12:18pm AnAnonymousParty:

Who let Don Kirshner in here?
  12:21pm LP:

Gee - I thought I was sober when I went into the office today. (But of all the ELP, why this one???)
  12:21pm Sean Daily:

Third comment! Woo hoo!
  12:22pm jojo:

fabio is getting his pop rocks off!
  12:24pm Bad Ronald:

somethings afoot.
  12:24pm hjmaiere:

How is it that one of the trippiest "Strength Through Failure" shows I've heard is trippy because I've actually heard of some of these tunes? (Albeit decades ago.) The Firesign Theater was total de ja vu until I figured out what it was.
  12:28pm AnAnonymousParty:

Nothing adds to the 70's ambience like the pop and clicks
  12:40pm mike:

YES! as i listened to tony yesterday i kept wanting to hear more of this 70's stuff. i mean, not exactly lucky man, but classic rock isn't ALL 60s pop.
  12:44pm Ted:

Did Sparks by any chance appear in an incredibly cheesy horror flick set in an amusement park in the early 70s?
  12:48pm HotRod:

Sparks have definitely been a strong influence on Mike Patton.
  12:50pm robert1014:

I first heard Sparks in 1972/73, when I was a senior in high school. I read an article about them in CIRCUS and special ordered A WOOFER IN TWEETER'S CLOTHING. At first I didn't care for it, but after several listenings I became obsessed with the record. I went back and special ordered their first album SPARKS, but the record store recieved the FIRST version, when they were still called HALF NELSON. I loved this album ardently, as well.

Although I followed their career and bought their records through most of the 70s, they never equaled those first two albums, which is still my view to this day.

I also love a record by a band which was somewhat associated with SPARKS, namely, SOME PEOPLE WILL DRINK ANYTHING, by CHRISTOPHER MILK.

I stopped buying SPARKS's records after INTRODUCING SPARKS, but I later bought a couple of their 80s records, which were catchy, but they didn't stay with me.

I've been impressed with their most recent material, from L'IL BEETHOVEN and HELLO, YOUNG LOVERS. I haven't bought either record yet, but I may.

Thanks for this show.
  12:55pm Bad Ronald:

This does rock. - TX
  1:02pm Ken:

wow you got the Half Nelson record and Tweeter too. When they performed Tweeter it sounded just like the record. Unbelievable! Whipping and Apologies rocked!
Introdcing might have been a dud but there were many gems since. The recent ones.
  1:03pm ken:

But who's going to believe me when I tell you how good Sparks records are. Check out their website www.allsparks.com
  1:03pm robert1014:

I just posted about my experience with Sparks, but as you're playing the Nazz, I'll add this: my high school art teacher went to art school with the bass player for the Nazz, Carson Van Osten. (Who later, I believe, became an animator for Disney.)
  1:06pm Carmichael:

  1:07pm Mark:

More Sparks please! More Sparks please!
  1:07pm robert1014:

Yep, and I've still got the HALF NELSON record to this day!

By the way, you just played another fave of mine: THE SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND, who I first saw in 73 on Don Kirshner's ROCK CONCERT. I saw them in 75 or 76 in Jacksonville, Fl, (where I lived at the time), opening for Jethro Tull.

They were great!
  1:10pm Bad Ronald:

Everyone Attack!!!!
  1:11pm Mark:

I remember that Don Kirshner's Rock Concert episode with the Sensational Alex Harvey Band ... they did 'Vambos' ... the same TV series that introduced me to Sparks! More Sparks!
  1:12pm HotRod:

Nice show so far, Fabio. Who knew failure would lead to success?
  1:12pm Bad Ronald:

Gotta say FMU's gone above and beyond this week.

TX please keep it up.
  1:12pm Greg:

To Ted - that movie would be ROLLERCOASTER ...
  1:13pm maria:

wow am so hearing where Electric Six comes from in this Sweet song.
  1:15pm gregg fr.s.i.:

WOW what century is this????
  1:15pm andy:

  1:15pm mike:

yes... YES! two days in a row on fmu! amazing!
  1:16pm Mark:

  1:17pm gregg:

  1:18pm GUMBY:

I can't believe I missed Sparks. Damn work meetings.
  1:19pm Bad Ronald:

You have brilliantly failed not to step up to rise to the occasion.
  1:19pm Brian:

Ummmmm WTF??????
  1:19pm mike:

  1:20pm maria:

goddamn! Fuckin awesome ken.
  1:20pm robert1014:

mark: Yes, it was SAHB's performance of VAMBO on ROCK CONCERT that electrified me and cause me to find the one store in Jacksonville that carried their album featuring that song, (THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM).

Unfortunately, when I saw them, they didn't play VAMBO, as, the night before they had performed in Miami, and afterwards, their truck, with all their equipment and stage scenery, (including the faux brick wall where Alex would spray paint VAMBO ROOLS), was stolen. They performed in Jacksonville using equipment borrowed from Jethro Tull. (They did have their regular stage clothing, though.)

This incident became the subject for the song THE MAFIA STOLE MY GUITAR, the title song of the "NEW" Sensational Alex Harvey Band album that came out after ROCK DRILL (and which featured none of the regular band).

It's a great record, though, perhaps even better than any of the others, in my view.
  1:20pm Brian:

First Tony ? Now Fabio?
  1:21pm mike:

live genesis too apparently
  1:22pm ron:

what is playing right now?
  1:23pm hjmaiere:

A collage of pink floyd and frankenstein.
  1:24pm ?:

Queen! Is this a live mix? What is this?
  1:24pm Bad Ronald:

What Maria said but louder!
  1:26pm GUMBY:

This is the flashback intro to my 30th high school reunion coming up this summer. Oh God just shoot me now. Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!
  1:26pm Carmichael:

Not only Mott, but the Hoople too!!!!
  1:26pm AnAnonymousParty:

My Lava Lamp is starting to boil!
  1:26pm Carmichael:

Not only Mott, but the Hoople too!!!!
  1:29pm AnAnonymousParty:

Hwy, yer records are scratched.
  1:30pm GUMBY:

Maybe I didn't miss all the Sparks. Oh joy!!!
  1:30pm Bad Ronald:

You also played "Funny How Love Is" off of Queen's 2nd!
  1:32pm dei xhrist:

It was like listening to my older brother's records while he was away in the Air Force. Except the selection was far better, and the audio stacking makes anything sound better.
  1:33pm ted:

I saw Mott the Hoople, Aeorowshit, in 1972. Also on the bill was The New York Dolls
  1:34pm Peter:

Ken sounds just like Charlie Lewis. Nice...
  1:35pm Bad Ronald:

Were the Dolls too wasted to play?
  1:37pm Ted:

No, the Dolls were great. It was in West Palm Beach FLA. It must have been right at the end.

I had to endure Areosmith twice. That time and opening for Lou Reed's Transformer tour
  1:39pm Mark:

Talent is an Asset!
  1:40pm GUMBY:

Saw the Dollsa at the Stone Pony a few months ago, I had a blast. SPARKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1:41pm ted:

How was Johnny Thunders?
  1:42pm Mark:

Nothing to do!
  1:42pm GUMBY:

Real quiet.
  1:43pm ken:

I also saw aerosmith opening for Mott too!
re:enduring Laurie Anderson

if you know the lryics to Talent is an Asset on Kimono My House you'll enjoy KMZ's cover of it which you'll hear on this program soon.(if Fabio lets me play it)
  1:43pm ted:

Sounds like a quiet blast
  1:43pm Bad Ronald:

Nice Ted. Yeah I agree, I'd rather see the Breeders doing "Lord of the Thighs".
  1:47pm robert1014:

"Nothing To Do" is from another of my favorite Sparks albums, BIG BEAT. ARTHUR magazine didn't think it one of their more impressive achievements; they're wrong.

This is a cover of "Moon Over Kentucky," from their great A WOOFER IN TWEETER'S CLOTHING. "Girl From Germany" is my all time favorite Sparks song!
  1:50pm ted:

Girl Rom Germany is good.
  1:51pm MLK:

Sweden is listening!!!! A blast! ah, haven&#180;t heard that song since i was a kid and didn&#180;t even knew about the Sparks
cheers from STHLM
  1:51pm ted:

Speaking of enduring, I have to endure Mr. Giant Man every week.
  1:53pm Bad Ronald:

ted - Fabio has failed you once again!
  1:54pm ted:

more than once, once a week.
  1:57pm Bad Ronald:

A veritable continuim.
  2:00pm ted:

not really
  2:00pm krinkle kutt:

worse than my junior high band
  2:01pm Tyler:

This is great. I like the way you are singing. No need to disclaim some sort of deficiency . very cool
  2:01pm ted:

ha ha
  2:02pm andy:

this is great. thanks for being cool in both the past and present
  2:02pm Bad Ronald:

reminds me of PIL
  2:03pm krinkle kutt:

sorta like tuxedo moon i suppose
  2:03pm louis:

reminds me of Suicide
  2:04pm Bad Ronald:

No continuum of failure ted?
  2:06pm ted:

Continuum of Failure - Great name for a show
  2:07pm Bad Ronald:

I fail to disagree with you.
  2:10pm ted:

It more like the repetition of failure.

"Monotonous, isn't it?"
  2:13pm maria:

Luna and those mysteries is sheer brilliance
  2:14pm dc pat:

I agree, this rules!
  2:14pm Bad Ronald:

No monotony isn't what it's cracked up to be.
  2:23pm Bad Ronald:

Lighten up Morrissey is hilarious!
  2:25pm go2kay:

DJ Lizbot on WPRB is a huge Sparks fan and I think did a whole show of their music about 2 or 3 years ago. If not she does play them often and they are friends on her myspace page
  2:26pm dc pat:

like the English punk band called Come Off It Weller
  2:28pm Bad Ronald:

It was self inflicted
  2:29pm Randy in NC:

I've been watching the live streams. Unfortunately, it's really low bandwidth. It's like watching someone with a camcorder. The sound quality is bad camcorder.
  2:30pm Randy in NC:

But the fans are obviously really into it. You can hear them singing along with the songs.
  2:32pm Randy in NC:

At the risk of jamming the already slow bandwith, here's the link: http://www.cdpulse.com/venue/page/Carling+Academy+Islington
  2:33pm Randy in NC:

Check it at 4PM east coast time (9PM London I think)
  2:43pm Randy in NC:

Interesting, at the ends of the live feeds, the camera pans around to the crowd. It looks like it's at least 95% guys. I remember in college in the mid 70s I would try to get girlfriends interested in Sparks but never could...
  2:47pm GUMBY:

I guess Sparks are like the 3 Stooges of R & R.
  2:48pm ken:

as a matter of fact there is a large percentage of men who travel around the world to see them and maybe bring their wives or girls friends. However in the early days they had a huge teenie bopper audience. I saw them in the 80s opening for Rick Springfield and the uadience was 12 - 16 year old girls many with their mothers along. Ron did a strip tease for them!
If you want to meet a woman a Sparks concert may not be the best place to go.
  2:48pm Randy in NC:

Far cleverer IMHO
  2:49pm dc pat:

cleverer than the 3 stooges?? You need to sit down and watch a couple hours worth of stooges..
  2:49pm robert1014:

Oh! I've heard this! It's great! I heard it when viewing various Sparks videos on YouTube. They have a video of this up there. (There's also a video of them with their first, American, band, performing on some forgotten teen dance show. Ron had his full "afro" hair style. Obviously it was filmed during their TWEETER" period. In the video, they lip sync to "Wonder Girl" and "Do Re Mi.")
  2:50pm Bad Ronald:

I will forever think of bull terriers when I hear the name Rick Springfield. I mean Spuds Mckenzie.
  2:51pm jojo:

is trouble hangin with the sparks?
  2:52pm north guinea hills:

(w/ exception to my gf), ken, you know as well as i do that 4/5th's of most concerts aren't the best place to meet girls, unless you want to latest the latest brooklyn flavor.....

but yeah, sparks... total awesomehood!
  2:53pm Randy in NC:

ngh, yeah you're right.
  2:54pm dc pat:

ngh: unless you're on stage...
  2:56pm Bad Ronald:

...girls that look like bull terriers
  2:58pm north guinea hills:

dc pat: unless your on an never ending world tour, it's the same half dozen girls ;)
  3:00pm Bad Ronald:

good day
  3:01pm jojo:

pierced ones with bright clothes
  3:01pm dc pat:

thank god that never happened to me...
  3:03pm Randy in NC:

Thanks! A blast!
  3:09pm gregg:

wasn't sparks on sat. night live long ago??
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