Favoriting This Is The Modern World with Trouble: Playlist from July 10, 2008 Favoriting

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A viking ship appears on the horizon, a likeness of Alice Coltrane carved into its bow. Rare birds flock together to sing Francoise Hardy as soul hits. A sunset of blips and bleeps fills the air.

Thursday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 6th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Marty McSorley
Thu. Mar 13th, 9am - Noon: Trouble and her Co-Host Therese

Favoriting July 10, 2008: rocks don't blow over, and there's still grease on my skirt

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Format Comments New Approx. start time
Free Kitten  Erected Girl   Favoriting inherit  ecstatic peace      *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Colleen  floating in the clearest night   Favoriting the golden morning breaks          0:06:38 (Pop-up)
chantal goya  sois gentil   Favoriting dans les 6 chansons du film " masculin feminin"          0:08:45 (Pop-up)
eric montbel -jean blanchard  bourree de benoit, la coulemele, la giattte du coualhon   Favoriting bagpipes of central france          0:10:47 (Pop-up)
pascal comelade  l'ltaliano   Favoriting September Song          0:13:27 (Pop-up)
catherine deneuve  in the umbrella shop   Favoriting the umbrellas of cherbourg OST          0:17:49 (Pop-up)
flight of the conchords  au revoir   Favoriting flight of the conchords          0:21:44 (Pop-up)
marianne dissard & jim waters  padam, padam   Favoriting           0:22:43 (Pop-up)
kahuna kawentzmann  Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus   Favoriting           0:33:06 (Pop-up)
telepathe  I Can't Stand It   Favoriting living bridge v/a          0:36:16 (Pop-up)
sparks  the louvre   Favoriting       thanks ken    0:41:14 (Pop-up)
patricia  mes reves du satin (knights in white satin)   Favoriting femmes de paris v1          0:46:26 (Pop-up)
michel delpech  pour un flirt   Favoriting     7"      0:50:00 (Pop-up)
fleetwood mac  oh daddy   Favoriting Rumours (reissue) with bonus material          0:53:23 (Pop-up)
GG all stars  mosquito dub   Favoriting trojan dub box set v/a          1:00:37 (Pop-up)
Chants Populaires Tahitiens  chant d'amour   Favoriting hot women v/a          1:02:57 (Pop-up)
celluloide  Amoureux Solitaires   Favoriting           1:03:21 (Pop-up)
jean francois cohen  bleu comme toi   Favoriting tombe pour daho v/a          1:07:11 (Pop-up)
the receptionists  swollen   Favoriting The Last Letter  Ba Da Bing!        1:10:29 (Pop-up)
debut septembre  beg-meil   Favoriting           1:13:36 (Pop-up)
Sebastien Tellier  des heures hindoues   Favoriting tombe pour daho v/a          1:17:14 (Pop-up)
bessie smith  haunted house blues   Favoriting the complete recordings vol 1          1:19:57 (Pop-up)
george simon  bourree droit (3/8)   Favoriting la vielle en france (various artists)          1:23:27 (Pop-up)
amadou & mariam  La Realite   Favoriting Dimanche a Bamako          1:25:52 (Pop-up)
marie queenie lyons  daddy's house   Favoriting soul fever  vampi soul        1:34:42 (Pop-up)
daniel gerard  sexologie   Favoriting get easy vol 3 v/a          1:37:43 (Pop-up)
david porter  i can't tell no difference   Favoriting Memphis 70 (V/A)          1:39:34 (Pop-up)
nirvana vs. camille/dj zebra  come as you are mix   Favoriting           1:42:44 (Pop-up)
the wings  odenigbo   Favoriting Nigeria Rock Special: Psychedelic Afro-rock & Fuzz Funk in 1970's Nigeria  soundway      *   1:46:32 (Pop-up)
morris wilson beau bailiey quintet  paul's ark   Favoriting Spiritual Jazz v/a  jazzman      *   1:49:56 (Pop-up)
Barbara  si la photo est bonne   Favoriting           1:52:53 (Pop-up)
pascal comelade, pierre bastien, jac berrocal, jaki liebezeit  rock'n'roll station   Favoriting Oblique Sessions          1:55:22 (Pop-up)
France Gall  poupee le sire in japanese   Favoriting           2:01:14 (Pop-up)
mc patate  parler de toi avec vous featuring lover b   Favoriting gateau blaster          2:07:00 (Pop-up)
michel arnaud with serge gainsbourg  Les Papillons Noirs   Favoriting la belle epoque  EMI        2:10:47 (Pop-up)
sandie shaw  your time is gonna come   Favoriting Reviewing the Situation          2:13:24 (Pop-up)
Anna Karina  Roller Girl   Favoriting Ultra Chicks, Vol. 2          2:17:51 (Pop-up)
led zeppelin  Misty Mountain Hop   Favoriting           2:19:14 (Pop-up)
sandie shaw  rien n'est fini   Favoriting La Belle Epoque: EMI's French Girls 1965-1968          2:23:51 (Pop-up)
Nara Leao  cancao da terra   Favoriting me 10          2:26:46 (Pop-up)
the gaylettes  take a chance (on me)   Favoriting trojan reggae sisters box set          2:34:08 (Pop-up)
agnes loti  c'est toi mon idole   Favoriting les ep sixties vol 3 v/a          2:36:50 (Pop-up)
Dawn Penn  why did you lie?   Favoriting           2:38:40 (Pop-up)
le tone  pietrafitta   Favoriting le petit nabab          2:40:52 (Pop-up)
blonde redhead  chanson de slogan   Favoriting           2:43:53 (Pop-up)
charles de goal  synchro   Favoriting so young but so cold: underground french music 1977-1983          2:47:31 (Pop-up)
air france  june evenings   Favoriting           2:51:30 (Pop-up)
Isabelle Antena  noelle a hawaii   Favoriting           2:56:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

55 Fingers:

Good morning Trouble. Try rubbing some D&L on that and see if that helps.

Is this another Bastille Day playlist? I loved the one last year...

why yes it is...

Tr&#232;s Magnifique!

Comments do not support ascii characters :)
55 Fingers:

I feel the same way about Tr&#232. Btw, who sang the Piaf role in 'La Vie En Rose'?

Happy Belated Birthday Trouble!

My birthday is the day before Bastille day! I tell folks that and they end up thinking my birthday falls on Bastille day. Anyway, can you play Carol Batton's Dandelions with Four Tet for me and Bastille day?

Great show Troubs! Always listen (when your actually there). Is this new Sparks? I can't believe how excellent the new album is. I can't wait to get it!

happy b-day vivian. kieran hebdan( fourtet) is playing next week ,i think ,at world financial center with steve reid, free show...
R. P.:

nEGATOR, it's very old Sparks. From an album I wish I had, "A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing."
55 Fingers:

Now that you're playing Fleetwood Mac I don't feel so bad about switching on 'Legally Blonde: In Search of Elle Woods'.

Thanks R.P. I thought it sounded old. That's how good the new stuff sounds! Very excited for the old guys.

A Woofer in Tweeter's Clothing may even be a better title than "Kimono My House" my previous sparks favorite
Adrian in London:

This playlist looks fantastic. Shame I've got a stupid firewall or dial-up or something at work. Delayed pleasure tomorrow, with the pop-up player.

In honor of Bastille Day, could you please play France's Eurovision '08 entry? Sebastien Tellier's "Divine" totes should have won.


Don't ya just love syncronicity?
I'm currently reading Julia Child's 'My Life in France' and inspired by that I'm working on a mixtape of French and food related music.

Today's show is giving me a ton of ideas!

Thanks for the inspiration, Trouble!

I LOVED that book! bon appetit!

I'm really enjoying it. I grew up watching her and in my head I hear her distinct voice reading it to me. Awesomeness!

I dunno whether Miss T had that Julia clip ready to go anyway or dug it up in response to Jen's post, but either way, it was a great Bastille Day touch. I spent a big chunk of the 70s in Boston, where Julia admiration took some weird forms. The local commercial rock station would do things like re-record "You Can Ring My Bell" in Julia's voice.

Thanks for playing Sebastien, Trouble!

This Nirvana/Camille thing reminds me how much I miss mash-ups. BRING BACK, MASH-UPS!!

Laurie, you don't listen to Girl Talk? That's the logical endpoint of the mash-up phenomenon -- 10 or 20 things hyperactively scrambled into four minutes. They're a little heavy on the dumb tough-guy top-40 rap, but they often paste it over something that makes it sound delightfully silly. DJ Zebra can't really compare.

Bonjour Trouble, Avez vous Les Chauds Lapins?

Ike, fair enough! That Laffy Taffy bit on the first Girl Talk release was pure genius.

I prefer Andy Votel, though, to be honest.

non, je suis desolee.
World's Worst Jukebox:

Darn, I was hoping to hear Nurse With Wound's "Rock and Roll Station" after the French version. Next time?...

This is deliciously horrible (mc patate)

i agree dave..deliciously delicious.
andy waltzer:

I can't imagine a show being more beautiful! The sweetest, sigh like music and mixes- brilliant, and beautiful. I am forever your friend & fan and it's an honor!

You should do an WFMU blog post with you collection of bird recordings
World's Worst Jukebox:

Andy, it was so GREAT to hear you back on the air the other day. I heard your voice come on and I did a double take at my speakers. It was like receiving a wonderfully unexpected gift in the mail when you get home from a long day at work. Or something like that. Welcome back!

Golly gosh, "My Boy Lollipop" is swell in any language

yes it was so fab to hear andy! le tone goes out to you, my dj brother!
andy waltzer:

Le Blush! Le blush et la Andy? Anyway, thanks so much! I"ll be back in September, can't wait...for now, listening to Trouble with birds perching (red winged blackbird at the moment) by the window is making summer feel like summer. Cheers!

scot, i like that blog post bird songs idea...i just might do that this monday. thanks!

Where is DJ Icepack!!??

dj icepack is at day camp running around in the noonday sun...keeping up with the latest world soccer news.

Trouble this was a FANTASTIC show, diamonds every cut. So glad you came back.

Thanks. Many thanks
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