Favoriting The Evan "Funk" Davies Show: Playlist from March 17, 2009 Favoriting

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Every show starts with the ’70s! We’ll rediscover forgotten rockers, revisit unfairly maligned disco beats and replay power-pop favorites. Next: plenty of new releases, occasional live bands and more. Don’t let the nickname confuse you.

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Wed. Mar 12th, Noon - 3pm: Evan "Funk" Davies and his Co-Host Mark Hurst

Favoriting March 17, 2009: thank you.

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
william devaughn  be thankful for what you've got   Favoriting va-blaxploitation vol 3: the payback  rad  1974      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
jonathan kane  thank you (falletinme be mice elf agin)   Favoriting jet ear party  table of the elements / radium      *   0:07:00 (Pop-up)
the bar-kays  i thank you   Favoriting           0:12:46 (Pop-up)
the enchanters  i wanna thank you   Favoriting va-the best of loma records  warner archives        0:16:00 (Pop-up)
pastels  thank you for being you   Favoriting           0:19:00 (Pop-up)
swingin' neckbreakers  you   Favoriting live for buzz  telstar  1993      0:22:31 (Pop-up)
tim lee 3  hindsight   Favoriting good2b3  paisley pop      *   0:30:26 (Pop-up)
sniff 'n' the tears  driver's seat   Favoriting 7"  atlantic  1978  I was in the phone room Friday when someone called and made a pledge/request for Yo La Tengo to cover this song. To my surprise, no one knew what it was! So, just in case any of those phone room peeps are tuned in - this is it.    0:34:30 (Pop-up)
resonars  no black clouds float by   Favoriting that evil drone  burger      *   0:38:08 (Pop-up)
clone defects  ain't no new buzz   Favoriting shapes of venus  in the red  2003  hat tip to Jason Sigal for bringing this song to my attention via the Hoof & Mouth Sinfonia this year    0:40:43 (Pop-up)
thee 50's high teens  nobody knows   Favoriting punch de beat  tokyo no    not sure why they don't list this on the CD as "I Ain't No Miracle Worker"  *   0:44:08 (Pop-up)
magnetix  stranger in a dark   Favoriting positively negative  born bad      *   0:50:52 (Pop-up)
wavves  sun opens my eyes   Favoriting s/t  fat possum      *   0:53:10 (Pop-up)
prince buster  ten commandments (from: man to woman)   Favoriting va-roots of reggae: ska  rhino        0:56:28 (Pop-up)
crunch  cruise   Favoriting 7"  peoples potential unlimited      *   0:59:47 (Pop-up)
errors  pump   Favoriting it's not something but it is like whatever  rock action      *   1:10:57 (Pop-up)
dexy's midnight runners  thankfully not living in yorkshire it doesn't apply   Favoriting searching for the young soul rebels  emi america    winner of the "most like a Splodgeness abounds song title" award    1:18:20 (Pop-up)
fly girlz  love hurtz   Favoriting da brats from da ville  teen action      *   1:20:54 (Pop-up)
mi ami  the man in your house   Favoriting watersports  quarterstick      *   1:22:57 (Pop-up)
london dirthole company  the spaniard   Favoriting for a girl like you 7" ep  radiowave  2008      1:27:58 (Pop-up)
death  freakin out   Favoriting for the whole world to see  drag city    orig 1974  *   1:36:28 (Pop-up)
60 ft dolls  talk to me   Favoriting the big 3  dgc  1996      1:39:05 (Pop-up)
harry harrison  the "in" sound intro   Favoriting           1:42:10 (Pop-up)
jay & the techniques  baby make your own sweet music   Favoriting the "in" sound          1:43:42 (Pop-up)
harry harrison  interview with jay   Favoriting the "in" sound          1:45:51 (Pop-up)
harry harrison  the "in" sound outro   Favoriting the "in" sound          1:46:33 (Pop-up)
irwin chusid, ken freedman & neal adams  how to be a wfmu dj   Favoriting wfmu's golden airwaves: 50 years of freeform  wfmu    2008 marathon premium    1:46:57 (Pop-up)
jack brag with deena shoshkes  hyacinth girl   Favoriting va-a few uneven rhymes: a tribute to winter hours  main man      *   1:51:48 (Pop-up)
the wind  there lies the danger   Favoriting where it's at with the wind  vinyl countdown    orig 1982

"Oops - the wind."
*   2:06:43 (Pop-up)
tommy roe  everybody   Favoriting 12 in a roe      hear him interviewed on Michael Shelley's show this Saturday!    2:10:06 (Pop-up)
cyclone 60  hello, rocker   Favoriting instant classic  self-released    playing live on my show next week!  *   2:11:56 (Pop-up)
condo fucks  gudbuy t'jane   Favoriting fuckbook  matador    playing live on 3 Chord Monte next Tuesday 3/24!  *   2:14:56 (Pop-up)
obits  widow of my dreams   Favoriting i blame you  sub pop    playing at the WFMU/Aquarius Records SXSW showcase this Friday night at Spiro's!  *   2:18:38 (Pop-up)
the leaders  the decent   Favoriting 7"  regal select    they're from Portland Oregon! more at http://www.myspace.com/leaderspdx    2:28:15 (Pop-up)
cybotron  suite 16 / 9th floor   Favoriting implosion  aztec music    orig 1980  *   2:32:37 (Pop-up)
autograph  that's the stuff   Favoriting that's the stuff  rca  1985      2:35:21 (Pop-up)
dana  digz   Favoriting adult weekend  self-released      *   2:39:28 (Pop-up)
daryl vincent  wild wild party   Favoriting va-gulf coast grease  ace        2:44:06 (Pop-up)
adam payne  never see you anymore   Favoriting organ  holy mountain      *   2:50:57 (Pop-up)
tijuana panthers  creature   Favoriting s/t cd single          2:55:34 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Ken From Hyde Park:

Hi. Nice instrumental from Jonathan Kane.
Ken From Hyde Park:

I sent the first comment? Woo hoo!

agreed this jonathan kane track is great

and that makes two of us in hyde park! if you mean the chicago one. I guess you could be from london and just sitting in a big city park posting away

Hi Ken, hi aw. I was psyched to find that J. Kane track on his new CD tonight.

I always assumed Ken was in the NY Hyde Park.

Hey Evan....great show last week!

Oh, and on behalf of everyone, you're welcome.

heeeey evan ,this past sunday i became a GODMOTHER to my nephew,,,how was the finale i'm sorry i missed it,,=(=(

Hi John, thanks for helping to make it great!

Cheri, the finale was really fun! Too bad you missed it, but sounds like you have a good excuse. :) Congrats!

Thank you for being the voice of us all, John! And for being you.

I can say the finale was great. When I walked in the first thing I saw onstage was EFD playing a cowbell.
Ken From Hyde Park:

I'm in Hyde Park, NY. I listen to the 90.1 signal while in the car and internet the rest of the time. Once in a while, I drive into NY City and you'd think the biggest city in the country and home of a fairly good amount of people who like cool music would have some decent radio stations. But they only have one (WFMU). I guess the other stations just threw in the towel and let 'FMU handle the cool stuff. BTW - Happy St. Patty's Day to all!

evan thank you,couldyou please play the donna fargo tune "happiest girl in the whole usa for me,,ty again evan=)

EFD was ROCKIN' that cowbell!!!

alright cool guess I'm all alone ;)

chicago doesn't have anything like wfmu as far as I know. good public station though (wbez)

I'm really disappointed I couldn't be there Sunday night--it rawked in all sorts of ways, to be sure, but not quite the same as seeing all y'all!

I'm ever so thankful for what I've gor.

The gracious rhino was thankful for what he's gored. In my experience, driving through on road trips and stuff, I have loved radio stations in Chicago. But 'most anything sounds interesting after New York's big ones, which are all terrible!

Hi, Sybil! Hi, HotRod!

This song makes me happy for no reason I can figure out.
St. Ratford:

I was humming this tune all the way home tonight! Spooky.

Oh, and thanks, it was great fun being there last Tuesday. Callers nearly uniformly super awesome!

And hey, got my request played by YLT!

I always hum that tune. ("Driver's Seat") It's my "All Around The Watchtower".

Hi Sybil, Amanda, St. R, HotRod, and everyone else!

Sybil, I was stunned that nobody knew "Driver's Seat!"
toni d.:

hey everybody i'm back for one nite only just to say happy st. patricks day!!!!

Sybil: Are you a cylon??

I'm not allowed to say.

I have a cylon-proff vault, you might know it
toni d.:

kiss me,,i'm irish ox

good post-Marathon show EFD! I am happy about the Marathon but I am bummed right now. I just lost my lovely silver iPod classic 160 GB player earlier this eve....fell out of my backpack since I didnt have it in usual case. And I either lost it at the rec center I go swimming at (but they said no one turned it in) or on the #3 MTA subway as I got out at the 14th St stop. Is it even worth my while checking with MTA lost and found in the morning or should I just kiss my iPod (which I didnt even have one full year) goodbye? And if so anyone got tips on best place to buy a replacement one - including refurbished ones? Tnx

Prince Buster is kind of an asshole and would make for a shitty boyfriend, no?

yes,,laurie he is so SEXIST

I dunno, I think he's pretty cool.

Well, Matt, he's all yours!

I'm booking a flight to Jamaica as we speak.

Wish me luck!
toni d.:

well i gotta skip outta here,,see yall next week,,g'nite,,,efd thank you for lettin me hang with you,,,,bye

Oh man, sorry BJ. My Ipod died on me a few months ago. It wasn't the cost as much as the music I lost that killed me. I got a zune in protest and actually like it a lot better. They were on sale at Best Buy and were as cheap as I could find them online and I didn't have to pay shipping. I hope yours turns up though.

Thanks for that tip C

hey Billy, sorry to hear about your iPod - that really sucks! I hope you had backups of the music at least, to C's point; I'm pretty sure that the MTA lost & found wouldn't be that helpful, but it might be worth a shot just in case.

My iPod got smashed by a monitor/ottoman combo at a King Khan/Jacuzzi Boys show. It was a wild party, and I bear no grudges. The nice people around me even checked to make sure I was okay as I struggled to wrest my purse from beneath the leather cube thingy. Awww.

I don't know if Apple replaces lost iPods that are still under warranty. Doubtful. I could get a replacement iPod for $120, but I think I'll hold out for an iPhone or something.

Lead singer of Mi Ami sounds a little like Ian Svenonius, no? Or am I crazy?

Laurie, Great taking your call(s) last Tuesday! Bad luck about the ipod, but at least you were OK. I don't know that I've ever seen a monitor/ottoman combo. Are you sure it wasn't a hassock? Or a tuffet?
toni d.:

i'm back for one minute---evan why the silent treatmeant??

ha, yeahs i suppose he does
Danne D:

1-800-98what? The marathon's over?? Ah, well if ya missed the pledge boat you actually still can from the home page but that's another story :)

EFD! Another fantastic performance at the marathon - you just get better and better. And folks that weren't there, EFD is quite the matinee idol, I must say :D even though he's too modest to say the same.

Gotta love a playlist with some swingin' neckbreakers as well as some ska. God bless FMU :)


John: It was definitely ottoman-esque. I know for a fact that it was a leather cube meant for sitting on or resting your feet upon. I don't know, it's a weird club.

toni/cheri, why is it that of all the other people whose comments I'm not responding to during my show you're the only one who thinks I'm giving them the "silent treatment?"

Danne, I appreciate the compliments. Good to see you on Sunday (and throughout the 'thon)!
Danne D:

I was thinking I was getting the silent treatment for a sec there ;) I know you're just make good radio sound easy and that it's like mission control over there right now :) It was great to see you too man. You're a popular dude and deservedly so.

Btw, Evan, ya wanna rap cd i found on the path train - it's apparently some dude named Savage who's from New Zealand and features Soulja Boy. It has a cover reminiscent of the Ohio Player's Honey cover except from the posterior view.

I found it when I went to vol at the station but forgot to leave it in the phone room :)


This is hylarious. I love it.
Danne D:

yeah that is a classic :)

btw good to see ya at H-n-M as well Amanda.
stingy d:

hey i saw ya on sunday too, you was great! i had fun that night even though i'm was very late. on another note it's good to be learning so much from irwin and ken right now.

hey Stingy, you should have said hi. I was looking out for you - were you wearing your Anthony Mason shirt?

Winter Hours....great WNYU band!

yeah, they were a little after my time at WNYU -I'll always think of them as a WHTG band.
stingy d:

yea that was me
stingy d:

i had a yellow hoodie on, someone told me it masked my identity, i told you good job and patted you on th eback but mostly i was just trying to get past you to give my freind a beer.

Yes, DD, for sure. Sorry I didn't talk with you more! (I think you are the nice person I think I met, heh.)

Not that anyone was dying to find out but me, the original of Hyacinth Girl was in fact '85. Kicked up a certain amount of dust finding that out.

And the two records Tommy Roe did with Curt Boettcher have just been reissued on a single CD. A must.

stingy d - oh! I didn't realize that was you - I think you identified yourself by your proper first name, if I remember correctly.
stingy d:

ha, yea most likely
Danne D:

Thx Amanda, yeah that was me :) No worries as I know you wanted to bask in Evan's considerable music knowledge :) I was a little occupied myself as well since H-n-M is always a great time to catch up with friends at the station. But it was great to see you there :)

I am whoo-ing for Joe, since he's not here.


Gasp...! Bask, never -- just drinking several beers and singing along with Bohemian Rhapsody. :)

Woooooooo Cyclone 60! Joe will be so psyched.

A Cabbagehead sketch, maybe? It sounds familiar and like something Cabbagehead might say. But that's a shot in the dark.

stand by...
Danne D:

LOL Amanda, well your joy in speaking with Evan was clear :) Btw I think the biggest highlight of all for me was Keili's sheer joy at basically all things Hoof-n-Mouth. She seems on her way to great things :)

Anyhow I'm going to lay down and bask in the rest of Evan's excellent show. Cheers all! :)
Sam Soule:

Crazy. Sam from Portland, OR here. As I'm listening, I'm writing a press reelease for... THE LEADERS. I've got 'em booked for show at Slabtown here in PDX. They're a Portland band with a new line-up featuring Kelly Gately of Fireballs of Freedom on guitar. Terrific band.
stingy d:

ah yes... this shit is fly! cybotron! absolutely!

hey Sam, thanks for checking in! Is there a link for more info on that band? That single kills! Tell 'em to come out East!

....aaaaaand, I can almost hear the radios and computers clicking off.
stingy d:

i just started a twitter account and everything

That clicking you hear is the approaching centurion...
Sam Soule:

Leaders: www.myspace.com/leaderspdx

thanks, Sam!

Heard Autograph on what I think was a March 1985 American Top 40 on satellite radio this weekend. Apparently, they believed they had "the power of metal but with better tunes." Just saying.

Thanks for another lovely show! Hi! G'night!

Was that THE Jessica?

hi Jessica! bye Jessica!

John - they were right!
stingy d:

ha! this whole time i thought it was "preacher" cool show see ya

Just checking your show on the archive....The 'kids' don't know 'Drivers Seat'? Zoot alours! What is the world coming to! This was an FM staple for like....too many years!
Umed Jim:

At least one dj besides EFD knows Drivers Seat. A couple years ago at the record fair I bought a copy of that Sniff & the Tears lp from Diane Kamikaze. Why was she selling it? She had an extra copy of course!
Someday I will post during the show...
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