Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from March 30, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting March 30, 2009: Tonight's Program with Dennis Markatos and RU Sirius

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Douglas Rushkoff  The Media Squat   Favoriting 0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Douglas Rushkoff  talks about the economy   Favoriting 0:16:51 (Pop-up)
Neil Young  Cough Up The Bucks   Favoriting 0:41:20 (Pop-up)
Dennis Markatos  interview   Favoriting 0:22:28 (Pop-up)
RU Sirius  Girl With A Radio   Favoriting 0:40:50 (Pop-up)
RU Sirius  interview   Favoriting 0:35:24 (Pop-up)
Legba Carrefour  Collage   Favoriting 0:51:03 (Pop-up)
RU Sirius  more interview   Favoriting 0:55:25 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  3/30 7:11pm

Where is Alan Watts when we need him?
  3/30 7:13pm

My only personal currency is mix-tapes.
  3/30 7:13pm

not listening yet, what is the subject?
  3/30 7:16pm

Fiscal situation on currency, credit industry, housing, bankruptcy and corporation charters. Similar to last week.
  3/30 7:18pm

thanks, just finishing another show up... i'll be right there
  3/30 7:18pm

hey i'm here!
  3/30 7:21pm

ok, yar i yis. hi alan, nice to see you here!!!
  3/30 7:32pm

I've noticed a lot of skepticism in people as to the practical applicability of solar power.

All environmental benefits aside, people who don't believe in climate change are difficult to sell on the idea of solar power based on climate change.
  3/30 7:35pm

my firm belief is that the general person will not really begin to panic until the tree has fallen across the road and he has to get out and move the damn thing out of the way. sorry about the weak metaphor, but it is how i simplify it ..
  3/30 7:36pm
Sean Daily:

Not even close to first comment! Woo hoo!
  3/30 7:36pm

Yea! R.U
  3/30 7:38pm

I hear you. I've also heard a lot of that sentiment where "We'll cross that 'tree' when we come to that" in terms of shifting energy dependence.

When the oil runs dry or demand drives prices too high, solar may not seem so comparatively impractical.

Heh. And I'm a real person doing virtual things.
  3/30 7:39pm

Question for R.U. - Talk a little bit about the role of pranking within the context of financial meltdown. - specifically, things like the Yes Men etc..
  3/30 7:42pm

sumply put, there is no perception of any real emergency yet. and now that spring and warmer weather is here, it will take back burner once again. my aim is to get municipalities and communities to begin warehousing and saving food. NOT the food banks run by government, i mean personal and private people. create them by population of the city. start now!
  3/30 7:46pm

Disseminating info about solar to my students would be appealing if I knew more about it.

Good cause. Stockpiling resources that have intrinsic value as life necessities. Can a brother get a grain receipt?
  3/30 7:47pm

and i hate to say this , but there might be a time when community service will garner you a bushel of food and not cash!!
  3/30 7:49pm

Speaking of Tim Leary-

What is the connection between Tim, RU, and Trent Reznor? I've heard RU mention it briefly before, but he never went into in detail.
  3/30 7:50pm

I hear ya. Take the stamp outta food stamps.
  3/30 7:50pm

of course it should be food and not cash!
  3/30 7:51pm

food will become a very important commodity. screw electricity and cars... food, shelter and clothing... three necessities.
  3/30 7:51pm

Inline with the idea of localizing currency. Circumventing the need for the centralized coin of the realm.
  3/30 7:52pm

word up BF..money means nothing anyway
  3/30 7:53pm

i don't think anything will change until it becomes absolutely necessary to everyone with a plt of land, no matter how small, to grow their food in order to survive. until then we will have nothing but false obamas.
  3/30 7:54pm

right on alan, or whoever you are!
  3/30 7:55pm

i'm a zen buddhist english guy. geez, i thought i was better known.
  3/30 7:56pm

i think i heard of you back in the 70s or so... i was stoned so it could have been anybody.
  3/30 7:59pm

More direct value/bartering transactions. The idea of digital currency, like craiglistdollars, is interesting-- compatible with that notion of local currency, I assume. Since I don't produce any tangible goods (ie, currency), unless a graded math test counts, but provide service in form of public education, I have a need for artificial currency (fake money?!) in order to make transactions.

Speaking of which, I love having to add numbers be able to comment here.

Yeah, dude, he's on Wiki. Check it.
  3/30 7:59pm

yeah i may have sold that to you.
  3/30 8:00pm

Also says he's dead. So sell away.
  3/30 8:00pm

modeled on any kind of local currency, trade even steven... ten dollar hour
  3/30 8:03pm

But is my hour worth your hour, or the hour of a more skilled laborer, say a neurosurgeon's hour? That would also have to be taken into account.
  3/30 8:05pm

This was fun. Maybe I'll catch you again next week.
  4/2 9:36pm
Brian Oregon:

Douglas -- your discussion during the first 20 minutes of this show (listening to podcast) was incredibly clear and helpful. Thanks!
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