Favoriting The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff: Playlist from April 27, 2009 Favoriting

The Media Squat is freeform, bottom-up, open source radio looking towards similarly open source, bottom-up solutions to some of the problems engendered by our relentlessly top-down society.

Each show will initiate a series of discussions, which will themselves comprise part of an expanding wiki of resources, support material, and community-generated content.

This isn't pure '60s or Whole Earth radicalism and self-sufficiency (though it's certainly related) but a 21st Century, cyberpunk reclamation of all technologies and social contracts as essentially open source, up for discussion, and open to modification. It's an application of the hacker ethic and net collectivism to everything, done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

Ongoing forums with host, guests, and listeners take place at http://www.mediasquat.net.

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Favoriting April 27, 2009: Theme: "Hidden Sources" - Guest Joanna Harcourt-Smith

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Artist Track Album
The Ramones  We Want the Airwaves   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Rushkoff Media Squat Intro our theme tonight is hidden sources - our guest is Joanna Harcourt-Smith   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Rushkoff monologue The Money that feedsthe ec onomy   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff Town Want  Towns need this   Favoriting  
The Langley School Choir  Space Oddity   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Mark Eliot of Collabforge   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Wiki's are transparent and keep history   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  TARP wiki idea   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  participatory democracy   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Wikipedia is an example   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Beyond Life with Timothy Leary - Afterlife   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Joanna Harcourt-Smith   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  The professions of the Jews (banking & money lending by default.)   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Observations of compassion   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  House Arest with Eldrige Cleaver & Tim Leary   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Cruelty & intellligence, handmaidens   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Tim Leary in Switzerland & Joanna Harcourt-Smith   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Escape from Nixon and the US   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Joanna Harcourt-Smith & Tim Leary in Afghanistan   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff  Joanna Harcourt-Smith & Tim Leary at the Plaza Hotel   Favoriting  
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith as Mata Hari 
Douglas Rushkoff    Quantanamo ways were being used on Tim Leary 
Douglas Rushkoff    Stockholm Syndrome 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith busting Tim Leary's lawyer 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith Sobriety 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith let go and gained herself 
Douglas Rushkoff    Self Inprovement and sane and grounded spirituality 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith waxes against corporatism 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith futureprimitive.org 
Douglas Rushkoff    Talks about the site (What is Sex Magic?) 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt-Smith is more the creator of futureprimitive.org 
Douglas Rushkoff    Joanna Harcourt Smith & Douglas Rushkoff are friendly terms 

Listener comments!


The Media Squat with Douglas Rushkoff is ON (I'm Charles-A on the board. :)

The question is: Can the public at large wake up from the shell game nightmare? I don't think most people can currently conceive of an economy that operates otherwise. It's not even in their imaginations.

Nuke USA; Solve the the economical crisis.
Save the time and energy for the human well-being and the human enterprise.

Should have nuked it in the first place, though.
But now... Let's gear from Australia'1

I've never thought that nuking anything would solve the problem.

USA owes one, though. Perhaps if it is going for the right purpose, it would not hurt. As a symbolical value, at least :)
War has been declared over more feeble things in the past.

The poem was called "Lets Drop One" which would remind us of how despicable we are. (In potentia :-)
Bad Ronald:

I didn't think this show was about war or violence.
I think what the US owes anyone is some better ideas.

We are who we are, but sometimes we aren't very nice

Yes, supposedly USA owes all kinds of things to other countries. Start with the aggressive violations and the list is pretty long as we know. Begin with the end of the WW2, for an example. But ameriscum is not going to pay these back. Not these, not the financial crisis, not the Iraq invasion or anything, really. Anything goes for them. Not very nice, but bomb-worthy, in my opinion. I would bomb a country if it happened in Europe in the modern age it does not. Perhaps due civility or whatnot. Anyhow, what can you expect from a country that is stuck in age of enlightenment value climate.

Still, the heart bleeds in this boardcast. A yank heart but a heart still, perhaps. Some say so,

Loving the show Douglas! Can we please have less Ramones please- I know the theme of the song is appropriate but I think it's time we admitted that they were rubbish. Just a few seconds of the chorus would suffice, otherwise it's taking about 2 minutes out of your excellent program.

Would you link or post the websites of your guests and web addresses mentioned during the show?

This would be a help if you would post these on this page.

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