stingy, personally, I don't know anything about them, but they sure sound delicious during Pat's show. I went down from 220 lbs. on St. Patty's to 189 today. Wish I could TASTE a "crab chip!"
stingy d:
well tony, i'm glad to hear you've lost your mind. but if you ever get tangled up in a bodega looking for the best 99ยข chip, i recommend the utz brand crab flavor chip.
(mta) Tony:
Thanx for the tip, stingy. Diet or no diet, I swear I will buy 'em when I see 'em. PS, yes, I'm losing it; massive brain shrink. -31 lbs. in 44 days. I ain't stoppin' 'til the scale says 150! fmu helps get me through the pain; thanx Pat.
Boys From Bury:
Hey Pat thanks for playing some of our songs on your great show. Bill Kelly has a copy of the CD if you want to hear more.
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Listener comments!
stingy d:
(mta) Tony:
stingy d:
(mta) Tony:
Boys From Bury: