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May 22, 2009: Do It My Way

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Andy & Frangry 

Listener comments!

  6:01pm Danne D:

dum dum dum, da dum, da dum dum

Hey Frangrophiles!
  6:02pm Curious:

You preplanned some, this week? Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6:03pm The Truth:

I like you Francis, but you guys really bring down the level of the station. Please stop doing this show so Ken can replace it with something worthwhile.
  6:04pm Danne D:

Wow, Wife Swap: Frangry Edition
  6:04pm Troublemaker:

Have sex on mic in honor of the next show
  6:05pm Danne D:

Francis? uh Francine is there um, a secret you've been keeping from your audience...
  6:06pm Androo:

Winking, definitely. If that doesn't work, grab 'em by the short hairs.
  6:07pm G:

Andy's show ideas just now sound like someone's bad ideas for first date chat. Not much game there, dude...
  6:08pm Androo:

Explanation: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/by-the-short-hairs.html
  6:09pm Danne D:

Earlier in the week I thought I had ideas for this show but now I think they are too boring (yet again) :(

Over/under on Frangry boredom declarion: 6:17pm
  6:10pm nobody:

Frangy is all sugar and no spice.
  6:11pm G:

What if she was bored with saying she's bored so many weeks in a row? That might push it back to like 35 past.
  6:11pm Danne D:

btw Throwing a Fit is totally underrated as a manipulation tool.
  6:12pm Danne D:

okay that's one vote for the over
  6:12pm Hey Danne D:

Not by females :-) Check it out.
  6:13pm Androo:

Darren Brown IS AWESOME.
  6:15pm Danne D:

wait - Ding! I do think I have something marginally call worthy. This call has inspired me.
  6:16pm "I need your help":

is overused. My silent response is always, why do I owe you any help? What do I actually get from this? Mother Theresa is dead, and I've given plenty to people already.
  6:18pm Hint to Manipulators:

People who see through manipulation attempts don't always come out and say they are totally on to you.
  6:20pm The Man:

You're fired.
  6:22pm v:

Honesty. Like the man on the phone said! Works every time.
  6:23pm Charo:

My Charismo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6:24pm Check:

Frangry and Unforgiveable, perfect together.
  6:26pm Danne D:

I've reconsidered, my story is still boring I think :(

btw, congrats to the "over" - no callers means no real chance for frangry to become bored ironically enough
  6:28pm Hey Danne D:

Frangry never gets bored with herself, only with other people. Her real name is Narcissa. Hence no point in flirting.
  6:29pm John McCabe in LA:

the only thing I read now is Frangry's blog
  6:34pm chris:

david foster wallace gave up so you can too frangry
  6:34pm Marshall Stacks:

Gravity's Rainbow vs. Infinite Jest: my opinion of Andy just went way up.
  6:34pm Danne D:

Yay - Ken saves the day!
  6:37pm Ken's Trick:

Sic the "We Love You DJ" Listeners on Recalcitrant DJs. The Man triumphs, using the velvet glove method.
  6:39pm G:

If "I had enough" while getting her boss off the phone equates to "I'm bored", I called 6:35 and she hit 6:37. :-) {bows}
  6:41pm Danne D:

wow an upset - I thought for sure I'd get the first actual "I'm bored" of the day. Though I have to say "I had enough" is pretty good.

Sadly that's an above average call by me.
  6:43pm Danne D:

Shut Up Weirdo: Like a Bad Reality TV Show, minus the TV and most of the reality.
  6:43pm New Title:

The Bitchelor
  6:47pm Danne D:

That eye contact guy is right. I know that when I'm in NYC I can convince a 1-ton car that it will lose in a collision simply by staring the driver down while I'm in the crosswalk. Though I must say I have a pretty intimidating stare.

The Bitchelor is an awesome parody title btw.

6:47 is the winner!
  6:49pm A Clue:

Ken must have a pitiful crush on Frangry. That explains a lot. (Speaking of Frangry's manipluation techniques...)
  6:52pm Fashion Police:

Frangry is wearing a great skirt for radio.
  6:53pm von Hayek:

Don't drag me into the muck. I am dead and can't do much about it. But please!!!!
  6:54pm Danne D:

even this guy can't make reading about cats sexy.
  6:56pm FCC:

Heads up, Andy!!!!!!!!!!!
  6:59pm Dead Air:

I wouldn't be so bad
  6:59pm Danne D:

Looking forward to the 6/3 trainwreck!
Have fun on your vacation guys.
  7:00pm Hey Danne D:

Figure out the over under on 6/3 bored...
  7:02pm Danne D:

Hm, that's a tough one. Probably should be a line for both Andy B and Frangry. Preliminary line set at 6:24 for Frangry and 6:32 for Breckman (inevitable mid-SSD lull).
  7:06pm The Truth:

man, this show blows
  8:45am listening from afghanistan:

Just found time to listen to the latest show on podcast. Wow, talk about a morale boost...frangry..
  2:48pm A big fat hog:

Shut Up, Weirdo is the Meet The Spartans of WFMU. You have to have horribly shitty show on to make the good ones look even better. SU, W does it's job of making everything look better in comparison.
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