Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from September 24, 2009 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting September 24, 2009: UN General Assembly - Demonstrators in the UN Plaza

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Ultra Nate  Scandal   Favoriting   Warner Brothers/Eternal  1990  12"  Man Exhorts Crowd at U.N. Plaza - NYC (Iranian Demonstrators) 
Jamey Aebersold  6/8 Modal Blues   Favoriting Nothin' But Blues  JA  Mid '70's  LP  Iranian Man at demonstration speaks concerning Ahmadinejad 
Sweetbottom  Her   Favoriting Angels Of The Deep  Elektra  1978  LP  Israeli Reporter observes Iranian demonstration at UN Plaza - NYC 
Iranian Man speaks on the demonstration and issues of the day.
Siobhan Fahey  Bitter Pill   Favoriting The Electroclash Mix by Larry Tee  Moonshine  2003  CD  Background music prior to Iranian musician 
Iranian musician entertains crowd at demonstration
African-Iranian Man weighs in on the event and issues pertaining to it.
Larry Coryell - Philip Catherine  Home Comings   Favoriting Twin House  Elektra  1977  LP  Man addresses crowd from stage 
Hive  Ultrasonic Sound   Favoriting   FFRR  1998  12"  Clay Pigeon - Explanation of the show. 
Iranian woman speaks her mind at the demonstration.
Masked Iranian Man speaks on his country and the dangers of participating in the event.
Weather Report  Dara Factor One   Favoriting Weather Report  CBS  1982  LP  Clay Pigeon explains the Honduran aspect of the demonstration. 
Crowd chants for deposed Honduran leader, Manuel Zelaya, who was recently removed from office in a military coup.
Astralwerks  Beveled Edge (Remix)   Favoriting Double Fine Zone  Giant Steps  1999  12"  Honduran women explain the situation. 
Carlos Zelaya, brother of the deposed President of Honduras, speaks to the crowd at the demonstration.
A short interview with Carlos Zelaya
Members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Cassette Problems
Photek  Book of Changes   Favoriting Form and Function, Vol 2  SD  1994  12"  Woman from Abraham Lincoln Brigade speaks on her disappointment with Obama. 
Peter Easton  Flex   Favoriting Frequency Assasin  Hardstep Recordings  2004  12"  Music behind woman speaking on Obama in 2nd part of interview. 
Hey Hey - Ho Ho - Ahmanidejad Has To Go!
  A Chinese woman is distraught as she holds up an "IMPEACH OBAMA" bumper sticker and pieces of paper explaining that her sister had been killed by the Ahmadinejad regime.
Tim Story  A Fragile Madness   Favoriting Glass Green  Windham Hill  1987  LP  A Chinese woman (not the distraught one) explains Falun Da Fa. 
Side II
Andy Z of Revolution Books in Manhattan speaks on communism. www.revolutionbooksnyc.org
Deodato  Pavane For A Dead Princess   Favoriting Deodato 2  CTI  1973  LP  Andy Z can't love America 
Woman speaks from stage about human rights in Iran
Man speaks in Farsi to crowd.
Nitzer Ebb  Time Slips By   Favoriting Hearts and Minds (Mix Hypersonic)  Mute  1989    Iranian man speaks on Fear tactics of Ahmadinejad regime and election aftermath. 
Jerry Goldsmith  Tommy's Death (Excerpt)   Favoriting The Swarm (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)  Warner Brothers  1978  LP  Iranian man speaks about Ahmadinejad's views on the holocaust and homosexuality in Iran. 
Iran and the Nuclear Issue
In Summation
What About Israel?
Yes  Close To The Edge (Excerpt)   Favoriting Close To The Edge  Atlantic  1973  LP  Much admiration for this. 
Rick Wakeman  Catherine Parr (Excerpt)   Favoriting The Six Wives of Henry the VIII  Atlantic  1972  LP  Chinese woman continues her thoughts on Darwinism, communism, etc. 
Emerson, Lake & Palmer  Toccata   Favoriting Brain Salad Surgery  Manticore  1973  LP  The Chinese woman's strange oddyssey. 
  Live Organ Harvesting --- I must note that though I mentioned the "Bodies" exhibition, I have no actual proof that the corpses of Chinese political prisoners were used. So, in that regard, I retract any assertions I may have made.
John Barry  Science Fiction   Favoriting Midnight Cowboy - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack  United Artists  1969    More Falun Da Fa information and facts on how this woman regained her life. 
George Winston  Theme from The Black Stallion   Favoriting Cinema  Windham Hill  2005  CD  On her love for America and China 
Ultra Nate  Scandal   Favoriting   Warner Brothers/Eternal  1990  12"  Chinese Language message 
  Thanks for checking out this episode of The Dusty Show. It was certainly interesting to wade into the crowd in the United Nations Plaza during the UN General Assembly. I was able to learn a few things and to feel some of the passion and pain felt by those involved. It was also good to see people allowed to demonstrate vocally in public without much interference from the police.

I would also like to thank Andy Z and everyone at Revolution Books in Manhattan for their kindness and courtesy when I visited their store.

If I have any disappointments regarding this episode it is that I didn't have enough time to produce it. Also, I am unhappy with the sound quality of this show. Doing it in analog fashion on cassette machines as I do, there is always some sacrifice of audio fidelity, however, this week it seemed worse than usual, with lots of loss of high-end frequencies. I will do what I can to improve it by next week. Station Manager Ken and I had a discussion about this and the posssibility of going digital. He did admit that it might be nice to hear the improved sonic quality of digital sound on The Dusty Show. At the same time he mentioned that it would be sad to lose the warm analog aspect of the show. This is an ongoing question on my end. Whether to go digital for improved sonic quality or retain the original cassette-oriented sound. I sometimes wonder if entire passages of what people say are not being understood by listeners. I feel that way sometimes, but my ears are fried by years of high-volume music. It is also rarely mentioned by listeners so I have assumed it isn't a problem. If any of you would like to weigh-in on this, I' would be interested in your opinions.

I am often asked by listeners why I don't just go digital. It is difficult to explain my process of analog editing with cassette-based technology. And when I do, people think I am insane to go through the effort it takes to pull it off. Still, some of the techniques would be nearly impossible to recreate digitally, and so as long as there are RS-B11W's to be had and as long as I possibly can, I'll probably stay analog like the stubborn old Luddite I am.

I sincerely hope that the people of Iran can find the freedom they so desperately deserve and that each of us will speak for them when we can. The same holds true for the people of Honduras and for the practioners of Falun Da Fa in China. May the world grow more peaceful and tolerant and may the wicked change their ways.

I'd love to hear from you if you find the time. I like to know where you are listening and what's on your mind. Here's the e-mail address:


Until next time, take care and ... always remember.

CP - Manhattan USA

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