Mon. Jan 27th, 9am - Noon:
Surface Noise (Almost) Live from Lincoln Center with Special Guest Don Fleming
(More info...)
On January 13th, Surface Noise was poised to do a special live remote broadcast from Lincoln Center's Library of the Performing Arts with special guest Don Fleming . Unfortunately, technical problems prevented the show from being broadcast. While still at the library, surrounded by the music they had selected from the library's collection, Joe and Don decided to do the show anyway. The show that they recorded will be broadcast in full on today's Surface Noise.
November 22, 2009: FREEFORM: The 22nd Day of November
Nice show - good sunday morning music - good morning from Rome/Italy
Welcome, Mike! Thanks for checkin' in from Rome! Never been, hope to one day....
mike COOPER:
Call by if you do...:-))
Cheers! Will do! What's the weather like over there this time of year?
mike COOPER:
Beautiful - warm days - cool / cold nights (cold as you just observed depends on what you are used to) - having said all that from my window at the moment its fog on the Tiber - but it will clear Im sure as the day proceeds
Bradford Eugene LaBonte:
Morning, Joe! Really enjoying these Kennedy tunes.
Ahh, a sanctified start to my Sunday courtesy of Joe McGasko and Bishop Perry Tillis.
i was alive -- but do not remember much accept the extremely VIVID memory of watching the funeral procession on TV
mike COOPER:
Of all the days of my life that i remember i remember 22nd november 1963 and I know exactly what i was doing when i heard that news - i walked into a pub to buy tobacco and the tv was on and there it was.
Brian Sanders:
It's very dull here in the UK waiting for more rain to drop. I first heard the news of JFK on the radio at 7:30 PM. I was only eleven but I knew that it was somehow stunning. Great variety, Joe. Jan Dukes de Grey. Wow. Hope to see you at Cafe Oto next month Mike.
Mike Sin:
re: The Glass Bottle
Wow -- I completely forgot about that lost hit (that one actually cracked the top 40). I always found it puzzling that certain quick marginal hits from the early '70s, which scraped the bottom of the top 40, became staples of oldies radio, while a track such as this one got thrown into the ether by those programmers.
As usual, another cool find from Gentleman Joe McG!
Joe M.:
Thanks y'all for your comments this mornin', folks!
Joe do you have a copy of psychedelic sitar headswirlers vol.2 ? let me know--If so i would like to make an offer you cant refuse
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Listener comments!
mike COOPER:
mike COOPER:
mike COOPER:
Bradford Eugene LaBonte:
mike COOPER:
Brian Sanders:
Mike Sin:
Wow -- I completely forgot about that lost hit (that one actually cracked the top 40). I always found it puzzling that certain quick marginal hits from the early '70s, which scraped the bottom of the top 40, became staples of oldies radio, while a track such as this one got thrown into the ether by those programmers.
As usual, another cool find from Gentleman Joe McG!
Joe M.: