Favoriting Miniature Minotaurs with Kurt Gottschalk: Playlist from April 26, 2010 Favoriting

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"I fancy him at the court of Minos, anxious to know what sort of unmentionable monster the Minotaur may be, whether he is as frightful as all that or perhaps charming?" - Albert Camus (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting April 26, 2010: Blue Magic

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments
Blue Magic  I Like You   Favoriting   Atco  1975  45   
Mori Chieko  Midnight Forest   Favoriting Jumping Rabbit  Tzadik  2005  CD   
Rinshō Kadekaru (嘉手苅 林昌)    Ushinawareta Umiheno Banka  Teichiku Records  2002  CD   
August Born  Dead Bird Blues   Favoriting August Born  Drag City  2005  CD   
Utah Kawasaki / Tetuzi Akiyama / Jason Kahn  untitled   Favoriting Luwa  Rossbin  2001  CD   
Captain Beefheart & His Magic band  Bill's Corpse   Favoriting Trout Mask Replica  Reprise  1970  CD   
Rollerball  Officer Down   Favoriting Einaugige Kirsche  Felina y Magia  1999  CD   
Mourner  Still II   Favoriting Still  MCD  2009     
Earth  Lens of Unrectified Night   Favoriting Hex: Or Printing In The Infernal Method  Southern Lord  2005  CD   
Pierre Belouin with Sébastien Roux  The Island   Favoriting Awan ~ Siguawini ~~ Spemki  Optical Sound  2007  CD   
Wall of Voodoo  Granma's House   Favoriting The Index Masters  Ryko  2005  CD  By request (mta) Tony, was that you? 
Hanson  Weird   Favoriting   Mercury  1997  Single  Special dedication to Evan "Funk" Davies 

Music behind DJ:






Burning Witch  Rift. Canyon. Dreams.   Favoriting Rift. Canyon. Dreams.  Southern Lord  1997  CD   
Trondheim Jazz Orchestra & Kym Myhr  Aeolian Bloom   Favoriting Stems and Cages  MNJ Records  2010  CD   
Ruby Ruby Ruby  A Night in Tunisia   Favoriting The Shadow of Your Smile  Zarek  2009  CD   
Blue Magic  Grateful   Favoriting   Atco  1975  45  two copies played at 33 simulataneously with lots of reverb, then backwards, with bits of ruby ruby ruby coming back in as well. 
Rahsaan Roland Kirk  The Seeker   Favoriting Rahsaan Rahsaan  32 Jazz  1998  CD  Originally released in 1970 
Ustad Zakir Hussain with Fazal Qureshi  Tal Pancham Sawari in 15 Beats / Raga Asha Mand (Naghma)   Favoriting Essence of Rhythm  Polygram International  1997  CD   
Debashish Bhattacharya  Rasika   Favoriting Calcutta Chronicles: Indian Slide Guitar Odyssey  Riverboat  2008  CD   
Whisper Room  untitled   Favoriting Birch White  Elevation  2009  CD   
Petula Clark  The Show is Over   Favoriting Beautiful Sounds: The Petula Clark Songbook  Castle  2000  CD   

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Listener comments!


i liked that midnight waltz.
dj kg:

glad you liked! thanks for tuning in, jen.

Hello from Seattle
deej kert:

hey katherine!
(mta) Tony:

Good morning from New York City, upper west side. I'm not reading a book, I'm writing one, and the music you're playing helps so much.

Hanson, WTF?!
(mta) Tony:

No Kurt, that wasn't me who requested Wall of Voodoo, but I'll thank you for playing it, for whomever it was for. I rarely, if ever, make requests. Last time was almost 10 years ago!
jen at latitude 53:

i'm reading non-fiction: stuff about knitting, stuff about heart disease, stuff about the history of public dancing as ritual and the squelching of such displays by western european culture.

What are you reading?

I'm reading Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Health = nutrition divided by calories. Eat only the most nutritious food. OMG, it's like--low fat vegan. I have to figure out how to eat kale (tastes like evergreen bushes)

i love bitter greens! i'm currently reading yet another jose saramago - "death with interruptions."


okay,i'll play this week...but i won't know 'till i'm in bed(soon).There's 9 books over there. prob."Magnificent Maya"(history). so,I'm off.Thank you for the curvy ride.and Hansen was actually welcome in this context! (. . .ps- Katherine- don't trust any one book.A little fat is necessary for hormone -& therefore overall health.Try steaming kale 'till it changes hue,w.some minced garlic,little celtic salt or raw sea salt,maybe a sprinkle of cayenne powder- a bit of oil after cooking...olive,grapeseed,walnut,toasted sesame...if you like ginger- that cuts the bitter slightly. or make a meal of it w. some chic peas, or brown rice...'hope you don't mind .maybe it helps.)

coelacanth - Thank you, I will try this! I love chick peas and ginger

hey,Katherine.i'm not in bed yet,so i'll just say - fresh lemon juice is something i put on kale...but much else too. 'probably wise to add one thing at a time 'till you like it.i have it many ways- sometimes steamed, w.just lemon & salt. Or mix w. another green that you like until you're used to it. To your health! peace.
brother lucy:

coelacanth and katherine: i love that your having this conversation here. for really. thanks for tuning in and typing up!

It's worth it to stay up to listen to the Brother Lucy Show!

coelacanth - lemon! Perfect, thank you for the advice. It will help a lot

Thanks again for the soundtrack. i'm going to read about the genius people who originally inhabited s.america.
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