Favoriting The Frow Show with Jesse Jarnow: Playlist from July 26, 2010 Favoriting

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Grand pianos in the surf, singing frogs, hyphenated psych, outtakes, live collaging, twangy drone, old folk, and ephemeral pop.

Tuesday 9pm - Midnight (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Tue. Mar 4th, 9pm - Midnight: Jesse Jarnow and his Co-Host Faye

Favoriting July 26, 2010: vaprous undercurrents.

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Pascal Comelade  Alafib   Favoriting Haikus De Piano  Eva    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Robert Maxwell  Caravan   Favoriting Spectacular Harps  MGM    0:00:29 (Pop-up)
Allen / Shipp / Morris  Bow in the Cloud   Favoriting Night Logic  Rogue Art    0:02:40 (Pop-up)
Jimi Hendrix  Valleys of Neptune   Favoriting Valleys of Neptune  Legacy    0:10:29 (Pop-up)
Sonny & the Sunsets  Lovin' On An Older Gal   Favoriting Tomorrow Is Alright  Soft Abuse    0:14:37 (Pop-up)
Spur  Modern Era   Favoriting Of the Moments  Drag City/Galactic Zoo Dossier    0:20:56 (Pop-up)
The Golliwogs  She Was Mine   Favoriting Creedence Clearwater Revival, Disc 1: 1961-1967  Fantasy    0:23:04 (Pop-up)
The Fourmost  Do I Know You   Favoriting Lovers from the Sky: Pop Psych Sounds from the Apple Era 1968-1971  RPM    0:25:18 (Pop-up)
Arlo Guthrie  City of New Orleans   Favoriting Hobo's Lullaby  Reprise    0:27:29 (Pop-up)
Dokaka  Return To A Girl   Favoriting The Dokaka Discography      0:36:59 (Pop-up)
Tom Ze  Defect 2: Curiosidade   Favoriting Fabrication Defect - Com Defeito De Fabricacao  Luaka Bop    0:38:40 (Pop-up)
Elf Power  I Wander Through   Favoriting Elf Power  Orange Twin    0:42:42 (Pop-up)
Dean & Britta  I'm Not A Young Man Anymore (My Robot Friend Remix)   Favoriting 13 Most Beautiful...Songs For Andy Warhol's Screen Tests  Double Feature    0:44:32 (Pop-up)
No Fun Acid  #2   Favoriting This Is No Fun Acid 3  No Fun    0:48:04 (Pop-up)
Tomoko Sauvage and Gilles Aubry  Undercurrent   Favoriting Apam Napat  Musica Excentrica    0:51:55 (Pop-up)
Outer Space  Side B   Favoriting Sea of Vapors  Wagon  feat. "Time Passing" by Max Richter feat. Robert Wyatt from "Songs From Before" (Fat Cat)  1:05:29 (Pop-up)
Wasteland Jazz Unit  Space Denial   Favoriting Space Denial  Nashazphone  feat. "Love Me Tender" by Caetano Veloso from "A Foreign Sound" (Nonesuch)  1:14:42 (Pop-up)
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paradiso U.F.O.  In A   Favoriting In O To  Important    1:29:04 (Pop-up)
The Caretaker  The Caretaker   Favoriting Persistent Repetition of Phrases  Install    1:43:29 (Pop-up)
Karen Elson  100 Years From Now   Favoriting The Ghost Who Walks  Third Man    1:47:31 (Pop-up)
Grateful Dead  It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World   Favoriting 7 June 1970 Fillmore West      1:50:11 (Pop-up)
The Turtles  Honolulu Lulu   Favoriting Invasion of the Rhythm Butchers, v. 3  Rhino    2:04:23 (Pop-up)
Suni McGrath  Pea Plucker's Pavane   Favoriting Cornflower Suite  Adelphi    2:05:35 (Pop-up)
John Biz  Home   Favoriting Old Familiar  Industrial Park    2:09:26 (Pop-up)
The Shams  3 a.m.   Favoriting   Singles Only Label (SOL)    2:11:14 (Pop-up)
Kuni Kuwachi & Flower Travelling Band  Scientific Investigation   Favoriting Kuni Kawachi & Flower Travelling Band      2:14:06 (Pop-up)
Say No To Architecture  Hives   Favoriting       2:18:08 (Pop-up)
Nicholas Szczepanik  Temporary Inundation Of Sleep By Open Windows   Favoriting The Chiasmus      2:29:51 (Pop-up)
Philip Glass  The Grid   Favoriting Koyaanisqatsi  Nonesuch    2:39:52 (Pop-up)
Dave Van Ronk  Buckets of Rain   Favoriting Bridge Of Sighs: Monica's 2010 WFMU Marathon Premium      2:53:21 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


morning, all.

hiya jessie :) love this caravan song. Wheee accuplaylist. i feel less lonely. cheerio :D
100 leaky pens.:

yo, nice piano usage thus far. LOUNGE!
on-crawling diamond/seashell//traffic:

interestin velvet underground instrumental vibe rhythm here.

it's like the indie rock version of the bo diddley beat.
suspended///((belief)) state:

ha ha, ya bo diddley on tape

lots going on in my head and heart right now.

good morning jesse—and fellow listeners!
KALX plays eno backwards=forwards:

thank g0d, sarah! right??.

heh, for a second i thought this fourmost track was the obligatory grateful gd dead selection. It's gonna be okay sarah :D hello y'all :D
I need a bicyclewheel fence:

Nice song. I thought of AG this weekend, drove by some version of Alice's Restaurant in Woodside, Ca..
oh yeah let's forge it the metal & what about the:

(cont). song.
Any ideas out there on how to make trains a mass thing? like a popular thing?. this seems like it would potentially solve a lot of domestic pro'lems.
Go 2 jail 4 the (sea) breeze ((san quentin)):

is he beatboxing?!!

i hope so!
richmond bridge$5 roller coaster:

me tooo! oh, tom ze: i got lucky & found this song on the street a coupla weekz ago.. other people's garbage=GOLD.
don't write on the richmond bridge!!:

altho i certinly hope tropicalia as a genre doesn't get resigned to that!!
txt msgs from joanna on the richmond brdg:

my robot friend played a lot with this insane guy bingo gazingo (bz RIP). you all heard of him?! he does some great version of the 'okay coral'..
where does my cubist map lie//fold??:

ah, this is robert wyatt! strange limbo state you've put him in through the mix..

the drone settings on the max richter disc are pretty limbo-y also, though clearly not enough for me. nor are the murakami passiages wyatt reads. wish he'd just done a whole novel.
bring me a snack oh and meet me at the restaurant:

hm. yeah i think it was the layering that made the limbo, not wyatt's voice per se. i tried looking for that wyatt/murakami once but turned up no product.. yeah too bad it's piecemeal, if you say so

bleeps + drone= good stuff,,

yeah, i think there are only like 4-5 wyatt bits on the album, all about as long as that one (30 seconds or so). they're great, tho!
don't let yr parents tip the belly dancer:

oh alright will try the dig once more, sounds intrestin'. BTW, A.M.T. have kind of the greatest mission statement on their webpage, if you haven't been privvy: http://www.acidmothers.com/Cgi-bin/WhatIsAcidMothersTemple.html
rebetiko_stumble,, dansse:

kind of the best part is that as a result of their philosophy they've "lost money and the trust of society as a whole"" "but gained time and freedom." far out!!

great success!
cook on keyboards_waiter doesz bouzouki_owner she:

(cont.) 's a metzo
yeah & then you stop the show by hanging your guitar on the rafter boards in williamsburg,, he hee
who is the belgian with the vat of champagne to:

(cont.) himself?
oh gawd that caretaker loop brings back my 'soft hangover'.....
wow, so creative with the usernames tonight:

great set jj :)
R U.. vaporizing yr restaurant bill??!:

thx, "wow"! i love all versions of this song. it rulez

'Tis true, Mr. DJ - except when it's a dog's world.

what are your other faves, RU? i <3 the residents' one.
R U.. vaporizing yr restaurant bill??!:

greysoul, which is most of the time.. certinly, unfortunately :-) :-( . JJ, i like the ones by all the bands who mean it.. dunno! james brown can give a woman her worth!
oh no! username duplicate!!:

tape deck glitch.

atho the square is indeed a nice shape., personalities aside. is this show for.. parallelograms, or ellipses??.
listener caitlin:

tuning into fmu on the INTERNET makes being awake at 5 am waaaaay better. nice work, jj.

g'morning listener caitlin. the internet is truly a thing of wonder, eh?

and i think we're the fuzzy shapes in the darkness at the deep center of an ellipses' central dot.

pity for this european sunlight in but i'm closing my eyes
listener caitlin:

i'm closing my eyes too. take us out sweetly, DJ.
Adios, 69cent avocadoes:

i would like to know how to draw an ellipsis. which it says, can indicate "a pause in speech, an unfinished thought, or, at the end of a sentence, a trailing off into silence". oh which is just this: ( …, ... )
(mta) Tony:

No need to take drugs while your show airs; your music provides all the hallucinations necessary for a happy night.

glad to serve ya, tony.

ellipses-wise: i always imagined it as simply "..." with the ...s being done in deep, black typewriter ink, implying the vast space underneath them, filled with creatures of the elliptical deep.
last comment woulda been a perfect signoff:

but henceforth!!
creatures of the elliptical deep, ,, like ink-squids of pens!!
SFwillie brown: “ny remains a constant wonder”:

i am into the open windows, the sunrise & the music,,., as the 3 points of suspension required for an ellipses, according to wikipedia....
good news is a place where nobody parks right in :

the p_lot
what was the last koyaanisqatsi movie version? i remember lasting 10 minutes and walking out of the theater, giggling confusedly. yrs ago..

yeah, the last one was super-lame. all cheesy digital effects. cheeseaqatsi?

In 1936 he published Mort à crédit (Death on the Installment Plan), giving innovative, chaotic, and antiheroic visions of human suffering. Here, he extensively uses ellipses scattered all throughout the text to enhance the rhythm and to emphasise the style of speech.
screenname rip:

nice, eliab!! i want that comment.. he hee. yeah i have a vivid recollection of binary numbers on a screen 4 wwwaaaayyy 222too llooong.
peace above, peacesign:

oh cool i just got this in the mail today. er yesterday or whenever. haven't listened to it yet:: this song v. sounds incredible!!!
peace out:

wait is this the progenitor covering the progeny???
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