Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from February 27, 2011 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
Mon. Mar 17th, 9am - Noon: Stuart Staples of Tindersticks (More info...)

Favoriting February 27, 2011: Full Stop

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
The Philly Armada Orchestra  For the Love of Money   Favoriting Strange Games & Funky Things Volume 5  bbe  2011  CD  From 1977  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Flame and the Sons of Darkness  Solid Funk   Favoriting P&P Funk - Classic Funk from the Vaults of P&P records  P&P / Traffic  2005  CD      0:07:14 (Pop-up)
The Bright Lights  Motor City Funk Part 1   Favoriting The Git Down! Raw and Rare Funk Jams 1969-1971  Soul City  2002  CD  From 1969    0:09:57 (Pop-up)
Winter  Bones   Favoriting California Funk: Funk 45s From The Golden State  Jazzman  2010  CD    *   0:13:08 (Pop-up)
Soul Vibrations  The Dump   Favoriting The Funky 16 Corners  Stones Throw  2001  CD  From 1973    0:15:49 (Pop-up)
Rudy Robinson and the Hungry 5  Mut-ley Doing the Crawlpen   Favoriting The Get It!  Get  1997  CD      0:18:32 (Pop-up)
The Devastation  Congestion   Favoriting Quantic Presents The World's Rarest Funk 45s Volume 2  Jazzman  2009  CD      0:20:55 (Pop-up)
United Soul Association  Sticky Boom Boom   Favoriting Inner City Sounds: Gritty Soul & Underground Funk from the Vaults of Inner City Records  Ubiquity  2003  CD      0:26:26 (Pop-up)
Freddi/Henchi and the Soul Setters  I Like Funky Music   Favoriting Crown Princes of Funk: The Last Set  Wind Hit  2011  CD    *   0:29:16 (Pop-up)
Pig Bag  Whoops Goes My Body   Favoriting Volume One  Fire  2011  CD  From 1981  *   0:40:25 (Pop-up)
Rip Rig and Panic  Alchemy in the Cemetry   Favoriting Knee Deep in Hits  Virgin  1993  CD  From 1983    0:46:14 (Pop-up)
Family 5  Bring Deinen Korper Auf Die Party   Favoriting D-Funk: Funk, Disco & Boogie Grooves From Germany 1972-2002  Marina  2009  CD  From 1981    0:49:30 (Pop-up)
Special A.K.A.  What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend   Favoriting In the Studio  Chrysalis  1984  LP      0:54:29 (Pop-up)
Snatch  Joey   Favoriting This is the Modern Girl: Trouble's 2008 WFMU Marathon Premium  WFMU  2008  CD-R  From 1980    1:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mechanical Servants  Problem? What Problem?   Favoriting Lost Girls 1977-1982: Female New Wave/Punk Underground  No Label  2010  Cassette  From 1980    1:02:45 (Pop-up)
The Suzan  Home   Favoriting Golden Week for the Poco Poco Beat  Downtown  2010  CD    *   1:06:31 (Pop-up)
Delicate Steve  The Ballad of Speck and Pebble   Favoriting Wondervisions  Luaka Bop  2011  CD    *   1:09:18 (Pop-up)
Lame Drivers  Go for the Map   Favoriting Cruisin' Classics 2003-2010  No Label  2011  CD-R    *   1:11:59 (Pop-up)
Jim Bob and the Leisure Suits  Gangland Wars   Favoriting Oxford American Southern Music CD No. 12: Alabama  Oxford American  2010  CD  From 1982  *   1:15:37 (Pop-up)
Randy and the Rainbows  Denise   Favoriting   Rust  1963  45      1:27:42 (Pop-up)
Van McCoy  Soul Cha Cha   Favoriting   H&L  1976  45      1:29:21 (Pop-up)
Tony Joe White  Save Your Sugar for Me   Favoriting   Monument  1970  45      1:32:48 (Pop-up)
Ramona Brooks  Skinnydippin'   Favoriting   Manhattan  1977  45      1:35:03 (Pop-up)
Rat Cheese  Let's Fall in Love   Favoriting   Capitol  1972  45      1:38:28 (Pop-up)
Giorgio  Full Stop   Favoriting   London  1966  45      1:40:54 (Pop-up)
Rose Colored Glass  Mystic Touch   Favoriting   Bang  1971  45      1:43:26 (Pop-up)
The Soul Searchers  We the People - Part 1   Favoriting   Sussex  1972  45      1:46:45 (Pop-up)
Steve Alaimo  Nobody's Fool   Favoriting   Entrance  1972  45      1:50:00 (Pop-up)
The Everly Brothers  So Sad (To Watch Good Love Go Bad)   Favoriting   Warner Brothers  1960  45      1:52:47 (Pop-up)
Leroy Hutson  After the Fight   Favoriting The Man!  Curtom  1974  LP      2:07:11 (Pop-up)
Mixed Grill  A Brand New Wayo   Favoriting Brand New Wayo: Funk, Fast Times & Nigerian Boogie Badness 1979-1983  Comb & Razor Sound  2011  LP    *   2:10:35 (Pop-up)
R. Kelly  Taxi Cab   Favoriting Love Letter  Jive  2011  CD    *   2:14:58 (Pop-up)
The Crystals  Please Hurt Me   Favoriting Da Doo Ron Ron: The Best of the Crystals  EMI/Legacy  2011  CD    *   2:18:58 (Pop-up)
Bad Company  Shooting Star   Favoriting Straight Shooter  Swan Song  1975  LP      2:21:11 (Pop-up)
Twiggy  Vanilla Olay   Favoriting Twiggy  Mercury  1976  LP      2:27:22 (Pop-up)
Marie LaforĂȘt  A Demain My Darling   Favoriting C'est Chic! French Girl Singers of the 1960s  Ace  2010  CD  From 1963  *   2:30:58 (Pop-up)
Keith Top of the Pops and His Minor UK Indie Celebrity Allstar Backing Band  Two of the Beatles Are Dead   Favoriting Two of the Beatles Have Died  Brainlove  2011  CD    *   2:33:20 (Pop-up)
The Child Molesters  Don't Worry, Kyoko (Mummy's only looking for her hand in the snow)   Favoriting Killed by Death #2: Raw Rare Punk Rock 77-82  RedRum  1989  CD      2:36:40 (Pop-up)
Lisa Miller  White Rabbit   Favoriting Within Myself  Sundazed  2011  CD  From 1967; she's 11 years old!  *   2:41:31 (Pop-up)
Kitty Wells  Death at the Bar   Favoriting Juice Head Baby: Vintage Songs About Booze and Bars 1925-1953  Buzzola  2005  CD  From 1949    2:43:41 (Pop-up)
Lamb  Where I'm Bound   Favoriting A Sign of Change  Fillmore  1970  MP3      2:46:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


May I say, sir, that funkiness becomes you!
Joe McG:

Thanks, Carmichael. Get down with your bad self!

yes waiter--i'll have the casserole ala funk--also could you bring me a bib!!!
miss biscuits:

Who's gonna help a sistah get funky
Joe McG:

Did me best, miss bisc.

Joe "funk" McGasko!

Joe "funk" McGasko!

can you play this again when it's done? thanks

Silly Bryce, that's your show that does stuff like that
Joe McG:

Hey, Meghan! Evan's had enough time with the Funk. It's my turn.
Joe McG:

Get back to work, Bryce!

you're distracting me

And he doesn't play funk.... Hmmmm
Joe McG:

I can't help that I'm so pretty.
Joe McG:

Meghan, think of a new middle name for EFD.

That's tough... I can't think of anything....

We can come up with nick names for everyone when you cohost!

glad everybody at the wfmu drive up window has the correct change--all i have is a coupon that expires at 3am
Matt from Springfield:

Hello Joe, regulars...and other DJs! Quite the 'FMU Funk Fete tonight!
Matt from Springfield:

How bout Evan "FUN" Davies? Joe's played more funk, on average--Joe "Funk" McGasko is indeed, more becoming!
Joe McG:

Hey, Matt! I like your idea! Drop the K and bring the fun! Hey, Coalhard, I'll accept your coupon anyway.
Matt from Springfield:

The Suzan--you've played them before? Or someone here has? I love this "Home", and I remember this Japanese band getting some airtime recently.
Joe McG:

Yeah, I like 'em, Matt. They're coming to town on March 4, actually. I believe they're Chinese-American, but I'm not sure.
Matt from Springfield:

"The Suzan is a pop-rock band from Tokyo, Japan", or so says a Google result. I thought they were somewhere in Asia, so I just did a quick search to see what came up (psst--don't tell the comments board that A LOT of my "reporting" is unconfirmed, unvetted glances such as this!)
Joe McG:

Wow, thanks, Matt! I thought they were from San Francisco! I won't tell anyone your secret. :)
Joe McG:

I'm playing more Evan Davies-ish music now, don't you think?
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks! Us researchers have reputations to protect!
(cautiously brushes off shoulders)
Matt from Springfield:

Any Alabamian listeners to comment on "Jim Bob and the Leisure Suits"?

A friend from school had a cat named Jim Bob, and I called his cat bed area "Jim Bob We"!
Matt from Springfield:

And yes--EFD would feel at home with this current set (although even more so, this year, if it was 1970 to 1979 material!)
Matt from Springfield:

I LOVED that Lame Drivers! No clue that was Jason Sigal!
Matt from Springfield:

This is a lot of comments in a row, but the Rip Rig and Panic album "Knee Deep In Hits" is funny--because they once had a song that was called that, except it was an anagram of that last word!
Matt from Springfield:

And thanks for "Denise"--I heard this since I was a little kid on my Dad's Oldies stations but didn't know anything about it. Now I know it was '63, know of the band Randy and the Rainbows, and Blondie's cover!
Joe McG:

Cool, Matt, glad you liked it! My copy is a bit scratchy, but...

we have 12 people in space right now-plus 1 robot named R2-WATSON wanted to go go but he had jeopardy gig

is it time for the slow jams show?
Matt from Springfield:

Could I get your number, Ramona?
hunkapappa Syracuse:

Loving the grooves.
hunkapappa Syracuse:

Loving the grooves.
hunkapappa Syracuse:

Loving the grooves.
Joe McG:

Like your monikker, hunkapappa.
hunkapappa Syracuse:


neat how we can change the world with our fingers!!! instead of guns!!!

george bush and bin laden must be crying in their soup right now

wait i can't hear this PSA over the generator and pressure washer that i'm using inside my apartment right now.
Matt from Springfield:

Here's to the day when we take pressure washers into our homes!

This was one of your "greatest hits" Joe! I thought of the last time you did this PSA when I saw this recent letter to the editor on generator safety:
Joe McG:

Kiemzi, you have the cleanest walls in America, I'll bet. Thanks for the generator safety letter, Matt. Very important, people!

i was just pressure washing my laptop. she's running like a champ now!
Matt from Springfield:

I like the Crystals, this one's new to me.
Brian in UK:

Mornin' Joe, everyone. Beautiful day here, 'bout time too.
Joe McG:

Hey, Brian! Welcome!
Brian in UK:

Loved the Willie Wright last week.
Andrew in Vic, Australia:

I love this, my first time listening to WMFU (I knew of it from the 365 Days Project)
I think Shooting Star is the only song I'd heard before. Good job!
Joe McG:

Thanks, man. That's my favorite album of the year so far. I have to keep myself from playing it every five minutes.
Matt from Springfield:

@Andrew: I also was into the 365 Days Project before I ever heard of WFMU--hearing it for the first time is like coming home, isn't it?
Brian in UK:

Has this got Francoise Hardy singing 'Tiny Goddess' by English Nirvana?
Joe McG:

Welcome, Andrew! Love to hear from Australia.
Joe McG:

No, unfortunately, Brian. There's a nice Francoise, though: "Je Ne Sais Pas Ce Que Je Veux."
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, is that Keith's whole professional name? It sounds like the names people running for office in the UK use, like the Monster Raving Loony Party!
Andrew in Vic, Australia:

This is awesome, too bad I don't have a laptop so I can listen outside.
hehe, this song is funny.
my favourite albums are the blue & the red, haha

i tied a string around my big toe--in case fund raiser starts without me next week--give me a tug !!!
Matt from Springfield:

The funny thing is, I couldn't tell this was supposed to be "Don't Worry Kyoko" despite knowing the original well! I think the important part is to just be noisy with guitars and screaming!
Joe McG:

Don't worry, Coalhard, we'll be tugging!
Matt from Springfield:

@CH: What color is the string? If I see a loose string of that color, I'll give it a tug and remind you of the marathon!
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe: You got Irwin beat on this one--kids' covers are normally his department. Usually obnoxious or incorrect covers, but he's played some pretty good kids vocals before.
Matt from Springfield:

And KITTY WELLS! Thank you!
Joe McG:

HIgh praise indeed, Matt. I don't have any Thomas singing the Beatles...wish I did! Happy birthday, George!
Brian in UK:

Looks like you covered most bases tonight.
Joe McG:

Sex, drugs, death. Yep, most of 'em!
Matt from Springfield:

OMG, FEB 29! It IS George's birthday! Make sure you say so at the end, if you haven't already.
Joe McG:

Sure as shootin' will, Matt!
Matt from Springfield:

Feb 25 I mean...already happened. I Should've Known Better!

Have a great night/morning/day everybody!
Joe McG:

Thanks for listening everybody!
D. Blumin:

Sure as shootin, it done happened!
Bless ya, Joe McG! See u next week, pardner!
Andrew in Vic, Australia:

Thanks for hosting ^_^
Amazed that singer of white Rabbit was only 11yo
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