Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from June 19, 2011 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Mon. Mar 10th, 9am - Noon: Joe McGasko and his Co-host Brian D
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Favoriting June 19, 2011: My Warm Red Carpet

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Fela and Afrika 70  Excuse O   Favoriting Monkey Banana/Excuse O  MCA  2001  CD  From 1975    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The New Birth  Serenade for a Jive Turkey   Favoriting Greatest Funk Classics  BMG Entertainment  2001  CD  From 1973    0:15:35 (Pop-up)
G. C. Cameron  Act Like a Shotgun   Favoriting Our Lives Are Shaped by What We Love: Motown's MoWest Story 1971-1973  Light in the Attic  2011  CD  From 1971  *   0:20:22 (Pop-up)
Seu Jorge and Almaz  Rock with You   Favoriting Seu Jorge and Almaz  Now-Again  2010  CD      0:23:42 (Pop-up)
Mehrpouya  Soul Raga   Favoriting Persian Funk  Secret Stash  2011  LP    *   0:36:05 (Pop-up)
S.D. Narang  Everybody Dance with Me   Favoriting Sitar Beat! Indian Style Heavy Funk Vol. II  Guerilla Reissues  2007  CD  Originally from "College Girl," 1978    0:39:00 (Pop-up)
The Incredible Bongo Band  In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida   Favoriting Bongo Rock: The Story of the Incredible Bongo Band  Strut  2001  CD  From 1973    0:41:55 (Pop-up)
Nervebreakers  My Girlfriend Is a Rock   Favoriting Politics  Get Hip  2011  EP  From 1978  *   0:49:42 (Pop-up)
Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper  I'm Living with a Three-Foot Anti-Christ   Favoriting Frenzy  Restless  1986  CD  For you dads!    0:53:06 (Pop-up)
Robbie Fulks  That Bangle Girl   Favoriting The Very Best of Robbie Fulks  Bloodshot  2000  CD      0:57:34 (Pop-up)
Rainy Day  I'll Keep It with Mine   Favoriting Rainy Day  Rough Trade  1989  LP  From 1984; featuring that Bangle girl    1:00:16 (Pop-up)
Nico  I'm Waiting for the Man   Favoriting Safe as Banana Suicide - Scott Williams' 2011 WFMU Marathon Premium  WFMU  2011  CD-R  From 1981  *   1:04:07 (Pop-up)
Lodi  I Hope I See It in My Lifetime   Favoriting Our Lives Are Shaped by What We Love: Motown's MoWest Story 1971-1973  Light in the Attic  2011  CD  From 1971  *   1:17:00 (Pop-up)
Cargoe  Scenes   Favoriting Live in Memphis!  Lucky Seven  2004  CD  From 1972, on the radio    1:21:58 (Pop-up)
We All Together  Ozzy   Favoriting 2  Lazarus Audio Products  1997  CD  From 1974    1:25:45 (Pop-up)
Loretta Lynn  Coal Miner's Daughter   Favoriting   Decca  1969  45      1:31:13 (Pop-up)
Duke Williams and the Extremes  First High of the Day   Favoriting   Capricorn  1973  45      1:33:57 (Pop-up)
Wilson Pickett  I'm in Love   Favoriting   Atlantic  1968  45  Pressed slightly off-center...a bit woozy!    1:36:10 (Pop-up)
Doris Troy  Get Back   Favoriting   Apple  1970  45      1:38:37 (Pop-up)
Bedrocks  I've Got a Date La-La-La   Favoriting   Sire  1969  45      1:41:40 (Pop-up)
The Idle Race  Warm Red Carpet   Favoriting   Liberty  1969  45  ooh, scritchy!    1:44:18 (Pop-up)
The 4 Seasons  Electric Stories   Favoriting   Philips  1969  45      1:47:07 (Pop-up)
The Toys  A Lover's Concerto   Favoriting   Dynovoice  1965  45      1:49:51 (Pop-up)
Billy Lee Riley  I've Got a Thing About You Baby   Favoriting   Entrance  1972  45      1:52:29 (Pop-up)
Stronghold  Sow the Seed   Favoriting   RCA  1971  45      1:54:57 (Pop-up)
Merle Haggard  When No Flowers Grow   Favoriting Swinging Doors and The Bottle Let Me Down  Capitol  2006  CD  bonus track on reissue of 1966 LP    2:10:32 (Pop-up)
Hank Williams  The Blind Child's Prayer   Favoriting The Complete Mother's Best Recordings...Plus!  Time Life  2010  CD  From 1951    2:13:34 (Pop-up)
Hank Snow  Don't Make Me Go to Bed and I'll Be Good   Favoriting When Tragedy Struck  RCA Victor  1959  LP      2:16:48 (Pop-up)
Dolly Parton  Daddy Come and Get Me   Favoriting Troubled Troubadours  Omni Recording Corporation  2010  CD  From 1970    2:20:15 (Pop-up)
Johnny Paycheck  Where All Good Daddies Go   Favoriting Nowhere To Run: The Little Darlin' Years 1966-1970  Omni Recording Corporation  2009  CD  From 1969    2:23:12 (Pop-up)
Jimmie Rodgers  Daddy and Home   Favoriting The Early Years 1928-1929  Rounder  1990  CD      2:25:48 (Pop-up)
Swamp Dogg  She Even Woke Me Up to Say Goodbye   Favoriting The Excellent Sides of Swamp Dogg Vol. 1  SDEG  1996  CD  From "Rat On," 1971    2:33:09 (Pop-up)
Mickey Newbury  I Don't Think Much About Her No More   Favoriting An American Trilogy  Drag City  2011  CD  From "Looks Like Rain," 1969  *   2:35:49 (Pop-up)
Michael Chapman  Sunday Morning   Favoriting Trainsong: Guitar Compositions 1967-2010  Tompkins Square  2011  CD  From "Rainmaker," 1969  *   2:40:44 (Pop-up)
Elton John  Holiday Inn   Favoriting Madman Across the Water  Uni  1971  LP      2:44:13 (Pop-up)
Steel Mill  Turn the Page Over   Favoriting Jewels of the Forest  Rise Above  2011  CD  From 1971  *   2:48:25 (Pop-up)
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band  Quarter to Three   Favoriting Hammersmith Odeon London '75  Columbia  2006  CD      2:52:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


It begins again, the Force of Sleep vs the Force of Joe, and me in a drowsy funk.
Joe McG:

Hey, 12539! Am I a force for good or evil?
Loving The Tunes So Far:

Force majeure.
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Joe!

Nice Fela and Afrika 70! So who do you think is better...Afrika 70, or Brasil 66!

Joe, you are a force of life, or at least of wakefulness.
Joe McG:

@Matt: As long as it's not Heaven 17, I'm OK. (Just kidding, I've played them on this show.)
Joe McG:

@12539: Life! I'm glad I have something to do with it!

I thought I was in a drowsy funk, but now I think it's a funky drowse.
Joe McG:

@12539: At least it's not a drunky frowse.
Matt from Springfield:

@12539: Fer sure! If you have to be in a drowse, make sure it's a funky drowse! You can also still be on the dance floor if you're in a disco drowse.
Matt from Springfield:

Seu Jorge! The Brazilian guitarist covering Bowie songs in Portuguese in "The Life Aquatic"! I have that CD, and love Seu's interpretation of any song.
Marmalade Owl:

Hey Joe, It's good to catch you live!
Joe McG:

@ Marmalade: Instead of...dead?
Marmalade Owl:

I've caught you alive! :)
Matt from Springfield:

"Suey"?????!!! What am I, chop suey?!
I woulda guessed "Su Hor-hay".

Soy George is a good one though, could even work as the name of a Latin American electronica DJ!
Joe McG:

Soy George works at the health food store, I think.

do you have "Proud to Call Him Dad" by The Reeves Brothers???
Matt from Springfield:

For those interested in learning more:

There's quite a long history about this musician, very interesting past!
Joe McG:

@slugluv: I can look for it...do you know if it was on a comp?
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe: And if the health food customer is also named George:
"Yo soy George. And if you like, I get you some soy, George."
Matt from Springfield:

Loved the Soul Raga, and this one from S.D. Narang is amazing 70s Indian, like translated from American rock styles. You need to do a block dedicated to "Indian Style Heavy Funk"!
Joe McG:

@Not a bad idea, Matt!
Matt from Springfield:

Iron Butterfly! Was thinking the exact same thing during S.D. Narang!
Joe McG:


oh! hey!
the incredible bongo band does one of my favorite versions of Apache.
Joe McG:

Hey, #K! That "Apache" superset is going to happen any day now!

well please let me know if you need any suggestions
Matt from Springfield:

Is this Nervebreakers "new, new" or a reissue?
They really rock like the 70s in any case!
Joe McG:

@#K: Will do do do!
Joe McG:

@Matt: late 70s Texas, I'm pretty sure. Need your research help, Matt!

i just did a search -- cannot seem to find it ANYWHERE! and the song itself may be called "Dad" -- i have the cassette SOMEWHERE; i bought it from the restaurant that was run by the family called Paw Paw's Place in Elkton (i think) Maryland -- maybe 1992?

(Tuvan Bryce?)

You rang?
Joe McG:

@12539: Good ears!
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe: "Crowdsourcing" on FMU playlists is the most effective way of researching anything!

Hopefully someone can chime in on the Nervebreakers (or better still, one of the members of the Nervebreakers will leave a comment here tomorrow thanking you for playing their stuff!)

enjoying the show tonight while making my dad a cake for tomorrow.
not once have i had a twitch debating to change the station.
Matt from Springfield:

Good ears indeed, spotting Bryce! Was that promo to promote a throat-singing guest, or just for S&Gs?
Joe McG:

Cool, Steveroo! What a nice thing to do!
Joe McG:

@slugluv: Wow, I may not be able to get that Reeves Bros. on! But I hope you dig what I do put on. @Matt: I just liked his station ID, so I recorded it surrepsuperstitiously.

Nervebreakers: Texas, late 70's through 1980. How about trying...
...too obvious?
Joe McG:

Ha ha..maybe I'm too lazy!
Jonathan Skinner:

yes, very nice show! working late -- it's a good, good vibe. thanks, Joe.

he may not think so. my dad is not a drinker but the black forrest cake calls for liquor. i mentioned it to him and he just mumbled make it how the recipe calls for. it'll be my first time having it not store bought from a grocery store.

as long as i'm doing something productive; your show is better than SNL on a satuday night

Matt from Springfield:

@12539: Obvious, perhaps, but it is an official history. Crowdsourcing on FMU works every time! Thanks!

no prob, Mr. McGasko! although if i ever find the cassette -- wil figure out a way to get a copy to you and WFMU -- turns out that the restaurant was called Pap Paw's Place and oh no! it appears that DAD has just recently passed! :( http://www.rtfoard.com/obits/obituaries.asp?listing_id=171425
Joe McG:

@slugluv: Oh, no! Poor dad! I wish I could play it in his memory.

excellent show tonight. so many great songs
Joe McG:

Thanks, Chris!
Marmalade Owl:

The battle of the beanfields 1985

THANK YOU, Mr. McGasko! i know what you mean! only about a month ago . . .
Adam in Portland:

R.I.P. Clarence Clemons.
Marmalade Owl:

-The battle of beanfield 1985
unedited unseen ITN news footage of police assaulting summer solstice alternative festival and travellers
Adam in Portland:

Sorry to be a downer, but so fitting to mention on WFMU.
Joe McG:

@Not at all, Adam. @MOwl: Is it Glastonbury time over there?
Adam in Portland:

I just thought it'd be great to hear him blow soon in remembrance of his myriad contributions to Jersey rock.
Matt from Springfield:

@Adam: Yes, I saw that earlier on a news site and on Daniel B's playlist. But he lives on in another era, ruling the world in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure's future! :)
Adam in Portland:

Matt: you are so, so correct, Sir.
yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Earth):

Goood morning everyone
Adam in Portland:

Hey, Yair!!!
Matt from Springfield:

@M Owl: I've heard of various confrontations between police and travellers (New Age and Irish) in the 90s, plus stories of how they banned Rave parties; never saw that footage before.
Joe McG:

Hey, Yair Yona!
Matt from Springfield:

Good morning Yair!
How's it going in Tel Aviv? Eating breakfast now?

Either Wilson Pickett is warped, or I am. Maybe both. Evening/morning everyone, Joe
Adam in Portland:

Heya, Fleep! I felt a bit woozy myself.
Matt from Springfield:

@fleep: Seemed OK to me, so judging by Joe's comment I must also be "pressed slightly off-center" tonight!
Matt from Springfield:

Doris Troy = "Just One Look" back in '63.
Thought that name was familiar, I have that one!
Marmalade Owl:

Yes glastonbury starts next wednesday, 22nd-26th june. but a stone throw from Glastonbury is Stone Henge, which also currently has solstice festival (which was banned for 15 years following the gov/ Police shutting down and creating new prohibitive laws etc..)
Joe McG:

I was just reading about the solstice festivals in that book "Electric Eden."
(mta) Tony:

Hi Joe, did I hear you say you wanted to have the album, "Chameleon" by Frankie Valli on MoWest? It's available on Amazon for 5 bucks. If you want it, let me know now and I'll pick it up for you and transfer it to CDR for you, too, with full artwork. Or, perhaps I misunderstood you and you said you wanted a different thing, such as the original Lodi album. Let me know now so if you want the Chameleon album, I'll get it for you now. - Tony
Marmalade Owl:

Joe, sounds a good book, thanks
Joe McG:

Wow, Tony, that's so nice! I'm always hesitant to buy records over the Interweb since you can't tell about condition...
(mta) Tony:

This one is brand new. Do you want it or not? It's my gift IF you want it...
Joe McG:

Wow, thanks, Tony, you're the best!
Adam in Portland:

Apparently Clarence Clemons guested on Twisted Sister's "Be Chrool to Your Scuel." Supremely versatile. Haha.
(mta) Tony:

I just got it for you, buddy. It's brand new, and sealed in its original cellophane wrapping. I'll transfer it to CDR like a always do, including full artwork, my friend. It's my pleasure to do something for you.
Matt from Springfield:

@M Owl: The Castlemorton Common Festival in '92, that was the one I was looking for. The spontaneous gathering in the tens of thousands that sparked a new law banning parties with: "sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats"(!) Too bad there's no "open" raves to go to--prob would be safer that way.
(mta) Tony:

I meant, "like I always do..." - Tony
Matt from Springfield:

Always such a generous listener, MTA Tony!
Haven't seen you in a while, glad you made it!
Jonathan Skinner:

it's ok, Joe. we will never recover from the 'seventies.
Adam in Portland:

Joe McG: scritchiness greatly appreciated.
yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Earth):

Had my breakfast , now on the bus with too many people , great show so far!
Guys, this week is going to be great, I'm finishing the recording for my next album , gonna be so much fun!
Adam in Portland:

Congratulations, Yair!!! Maybe we'll get to hear bits of it on WFMU.
Marmalade Kitty:

@Matt; The 80's early 90's, serious government focus on clampdown, Blue Meanie style :(
(mta) Tony:

Thank you, Matt from Springfield. Ir's very kind of you to say something nice about me. I greatly appreciate your good vibes. Yes, since I'm not wealthy, I do what I can, within my means, to do nice things for my fmu brothers and sisters. It's really my pleasure. Happy Father's Day to you, Joe, and all listening fathers.
yair Yona (Tel Aviv, Earth):

Thanks Adam ;)
Matt from Springfield:

@(mta) Tony: My pleasure, don't mention it!
In fact, I myself sent some CD-R copies of some CDs to DJ Julie here on Valentine's Day. First time sending my recs to a DJ, and I love it! Generosity makes the world a better place! :)
Adam in Portland:

Safe training, D. Blumin.
Joe McG:

Thanks again, Tony, for the wonderful gift. Happy Father's Day to you, too!
D. Blumin:

Many thanks, Adam!
See yas, Joe! This'll send me off cryin... best way to go!
Matt from Springfield:

In fact, Julie told me that was the first "fan mail" and music anyone sent her, so please send her (and any other DJ!) stuff you were talking with them about! You're helping them, as well as the broader listening audience!
Matt from Springfield:

Oooh, Hank Sr.! And I never heard his regular "speaking" voice before now, so thanks Joe!
(mta) Tony:

You're welcome, Joe. As a child, receiving gifts was a lot of fun, but as an adult, giving, is far more satisfying.

Matt: If you enjoyed that previous Hank Williams song, you should check out his, "I've Just Told Mama Goodbye," IF you haven't heard it yet. But of course, it's not a Father's Day song, it's a Mother's Day song. It's a real tear-jerker.
Matt from Springfield:

@(mta) Tony: I know that title, but haven't heard the song! Will listen ASAP!

@Joe: Thanks for a tear-jerking Father's Day country set--takes away some of the pain of Betsy not being on for the summer!
Matt from Springfield:

"Where All Good Daddies Go"!! This is a SN classic! How appropos!
Joe McG:

@Matt: Yes, I feel that everyone should play more country to make it easier for all of the Betsy fans!
(mta) Tony:

Matt: thanks for noticing I've been lying low lately. I've been here listening, nevertheless. I just didn't want to be a nuisance like some folks became with too many posts that weren't really relevant. As soon as I hear a dj wants something, if I have it, I always offer a copy to them. If I don't, I look for it, and if I find it, I get it for them. It's the least I could do for my fellow dj's and listeners, plus, it's fun for me to give something back after so many years of listening (since Vin Scelsa's premier show in '67).
Matt: you can hear it (the sad Hank Williams song) here on an fmu archive:
Adam in Portland:

I remember getting extra-excited about Dallas' game six win over Miami, knowing it would bring great joy to Miss Betsy Nichols.

Matt from Springfield:

@Tony: Thank you much! I could've found it any number of places, but you just made it easy!

Wow, listening since Vin Scelsa's days, you sure have "seen" the station through a lot, you give hope to us who still want to be listening to WFMU years later!
Matt from Springfield:

Mickey Newbury, I knew Joe had played a version of "She Even Woke Me Up To Say Goodbye" before.
Brian in UK:

Mornin' Jor & folks. See you played The Idle Race, great Brit pop.
Joe McG:

Hey, Brian! Yes, my copy was a bit rough, but it's a great song.
Matt from Springfield:

@Brian: Morning Brian! The Idle Race played was amazing! Joe did not disappoint!
Brian in UK:

scritchy like it, thats a new word to me!!
Adam in Portland:

Enjoying the deeper exposure to Mickey Newbury. Thanks, Joe!
(mta) Tony:

Yes Matt; I've been listening since I was 14 in '67. I just happened to scan the radio dial when I caught Vin's voice and fell in love with him via the music he played. He played the entire album, "Rotary Connection" the day it was released to radio stations. It was my initiation to fmu. Check this out: about 15 years later, dj Stan got turned onto fmu by turning the radio dial and HE heard fmu play the same original Rotary Connection album, and was immediately made an fmu listener, too. In other words, we both got turned onto fmu with the exact same set of songs, the playing of the entire Rotary Connection album! How's THAT for a coincidence? It's practically unbelievable!
Joe McG:

@Tony: Wow, I want to play the whole Rotary Connection LP!
Brian in UK:

I recently bought Max Ochs CD on Tompkins Square. Similar vibe to Michael Chapmans.
Joe McG:

It's an excellent label...
Matt from Springfield:

@Tony: Amazing, though there's probably more shared experiences with WFMU than we may think.
@Joe: Do it! That seems to be the best way of catching new listeners!
Brian in UK:

Do not know if you can watch this over your way but heres a link to a programme about festivals this way.
Matt from Springfield:

Yaaay! Clarence tribute!
Joe McG:

R.I.P., Big Man.
Matt from Springfield:

While Jeff Mullin is off for the summer, we can now listen to Mary Wing! I'll see some of you there!

Good night Joe! Fabulous show as usual!
Good night Tony, Adam, M Owl, Brian, Yair!
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