Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from October 4, 2011 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting October 4, 2011: Won't Get Fooled Again (Or Will We?)

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The Chris T. Who  Won't Get Aerial View Fooled Again   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Jim B:

Re: violence, check out any episode of "The Untouchables".
Chris T.:

Call 201-209-9368

Search for 'occupy <any US city>' and you'll find how far this is starting to go.

You already got fooled again. It's called "the 2008 presidential election."
Jim B:

Re: demands - http://www.thenation.com/blog/163762/occupy-wall-street-why-so-many-demands-demands?rel=emailNation

The Democrat-controlled Senate is refusing to bring up the jobs bill or vote on it. So many things are packaged into the bill that many Democrat senators see nothing in it but a laundry list of things that will be used against them in the many swing senatorial seats coming up in 2012. Obama doesn't, and never did, expect it to pass. He expects to use its non-passage to get people angry at the other side, even though neither side in Congress wants to pass it.

Suggestion: Remake the Who song as "Will Get Fooled Again".

Has austerity programs ever really helped an economy grow?
Jim B:

Petition for a constitutional amendment to ban all contributions to federal campaigns, via MSNBC:


Yeah bring on the apocalypse, yeeehaaawww! Give me some of that rapture baby, whooopeee!

we got Obama 'cuz General Dynamics needed the defense contracts back.

But seriously this is all the stuff I'm always talking about, transference of wealth, cash being withheld from the economy, tax reform, capital gains tax, etc...

1. 48% of Congress members are millionaires while only 1 percent of all Americans are millionaires
2. 55 members of Congress have an average wealth of $10 million and 8 members have an average wealth of $100+ million
3. During the worst part of the recession 2008-2009, the median wealth of a congressional member rose $125K
4. The median wealth of a House member is $700,000+, while the median wealth for a senator was over $2 million
5. 5 of the 6 Republican members of the new Super Committee for the Budget are millionaires.
6. 136 members of Congress who are millionaires have voiced opposition to President Obama's Buffett Rule
source: DK, 9/22/11

Add to the "getmoneyout" pteition the "get people out who get money from the government" provision, including businesses and government beneficiaries. It's classic conflict of interest for people to volunteeer in favor of candidates who send them money. Volunteered time is just as valuable as contributed money, if not more so.

Legally, Social Security was challenged many, many decades ago because there are no actual savings accounts of actual money accumulating for individuals, just formuals and numbers. The courts said FICA tax is an income tax and sanctioned by the 1913 Income Tax amendment to the constitution. A later court ruling also said that Congfress can change the SS payout formulas any time they vote to do so. There's no guaranteed Social Security benefit; the Congress can change it any time. What is guaranteed is a guaranteed FICA tax on income.

The government will never be in it for you. They will always be in it for themselves, except to the extent voters discipline them via elections.
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