Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from November 1, 2011 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting November 1, 2011: Sexy Harassment!

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Black Chris T Sabbath  Iron Aerial View Man   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Jack Slack:

Perhaps check out the bad lip synching videos of Mssr. Cain, perhaps find them humorous. Perhaps this is your first comment of the evening?

These Halloween kids have got to go with the slutty childrens costumes. The one time day of the year, children can legally dress trashy.
Jack Slack:

A pack of ciggy's when I was buying them in the early oughts was $3. Meditation has since helped me kick them. I will say they are now $9.
Mike East:

I got out when they were about 7. I just spoke to a co worker yesterday who said they're up to $12 a pack in NYC.

I'm not sure -- $8 in NJ, $11 in NY maybe?
Marmalade Kitty:

£8.50 cigs! think exchange rate
Jack Slack:

American Spirits were a real deal. I'd love the naysayers who'd quizzically attack them with "they last too long". As if lasting long isn't worth it at $9.
Marmalade Kitty:

In Italy and Spain I could buy 4 packs for that..
Sin donesia:

Clove cigarettes do burn out and I have to keep lighting them. Those are made in Indonesia though--not that I can get them in the US anymore.

$5.75 in PDX oregon
Jack Slack:

Roughly $1200 a year should dissuade you.
Jack Slack:

If it was a projectile birth it would be performance art, you see.
cha cha cha:

i'm going to try and quit using those chew sticks that the old bass player from the Roots used
Steve from SF:

27 of 31 on the ranking, Chris.
Marmalade Kitty:

there seems to be a minority of strange individuals who don't get addicted to ciggies.
Steve from SF:

1. Iceland
2. Norway
3. Denmark
4. Sweden
5. Finland
6. Netherlands
7. Switzerland
8. Luxembourg
9. Canada
10. France
11. Czech Republic
12. New Zealand
13. Austria
14. Germany
15. United Kingdom
16. Belgium
17. Hungary
18. Ireland
19. Italy
20. Poland
21. Australia
22. Japan
23. Portugal
24. Slovakia
25. South Korea
26. Spain
27. United States
28. Greece
29. Chile
30. Mexico
31. Turkey
Jack Slack:

They're fill-in neurotransmitter satisfiers.
Jack Slack:


'assistance' and 'on the dole' have become synonymous in most people's minds.
Marmalade Kitty:

why is socialism regarded as such anathema in US and beyond? Why are we cheating ourselves out of a fair society ..it seems dumb!
Jack Slack:

Sexy Harrassment is to countries above us as ______ is to _______.
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