Favoriting Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt: Playlist from November 3, 2011 Favoriting

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Scratchy vanity 45s, pilfered field recordings, muddy off-the-radio sounds, homemade congregational tapes and vintage commercial gospel throw-downs; a little preachin', a little salvation, a little audio tomfoolery.

Thursday 8 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thursday 9 - 10am (EST) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio

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Thu. Mar 13th, 8pm - 9pm: Kevin Nutt and his Co-Host Micah

Favoriting November 3, 2011

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Artist Track Label Year Approx. start time
Silver Quintette  Sinner's Crossroads   Favoriting VJ  1956  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Elder Samuel Patterson  This Train   Favoriting Jerico Road  1963  0:02:54 (Pop-up)
Heavenly Echos  We Need To Go Back   Favoriting Victor  1953  0:06:58 (Pop-up)
Elder J E Burch  The Prayer Service   Favoriting Victor  1927  0:11:06 (Pop-up)
Echoes of Zion  King Jesus   Favoriting Modern  1950  0:14:31 (Pop-up)
Swan Silvertones  Four and Twenty Elders   Favoriting Specialty  c.1953  0:16:43 (Pop-up)
Spiritualaires of Columbia, S.C.  I'm Pressing On   Favoriting VJ  1957  0:19:11 (Pop-up)
Soul Stirrers  Jesus Wash Away All My Troubles   Favoriting Specialty  1956  0:22:03 (Pop-up)
Sallie Martin Singers  Keep Me Jesus   Favoriting VJ  1963  0:24:53 (Pop-up)
Four Eagle Gospel Singers  Just Another Day   Favoriting No Label  1985  0:27:04 (Pop-up)
Beautiful Tones  I'll Be A Witness Too   Favoriting Jade  c.1973  0:35:18 (Pop-up)
Union Gospel Singers  Keep On Trusting Jesus   Favoriting Lucky Star  c.1968  0:38:00 (Pop-up)
Four Stars  Touch Me   Favoriting Delta Sound Studio  c.1975  0:40:13 (Pop-up)
Traveling Jubilees  The Lord Is On My Side   Favoriting No Label  1963  0:46:33 (Pop-up)
Gabriealaires  Last Song   Favoriting Big Dee  c.1973  0:48:44 (Pop-up)
Golden Harmonizers of Cleveland, OH  The Blood   Favoriting J&W  c.1973  0:52:27 (Pop-up)
Gregory-Aires  I Know He Will   Favoriting Redi-Soul    0:57:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

mark from barre vt:

Kevin's voice and accent reminds me of long ago when I lived in Tennessee and visited the churches around. especially the pentecostal ones. very trippy.

My father is a Baptist preacher and I like to think I picked up some of his mannerisms and accents.
mark from barre vt:

it seems that when I was down south people had a different way of talking even within a southern accent. even different from a social class accent. which you can pick up on. rich folks spoke a certain way or not. and the devout relig folks spoke a way. and the heathens had an all together way of talking. but all within a southern way.

Yep. There's a whole mess of southern accents.
Marmalade Kitty:

Love your show Kevin!

Bless you, M.K. Take all you need.
mark from barre vt:

i have a mutt accent because I was born in VT and grew up in parts of the south and south west. but people do ask where I am from sometimes because of it. can there be such a thing as a mutt accent? I think Kevin's accent is pure where ever he is from.

Here's what you do: say "own" for "on" and "won't" for "want" That'll getcha discounts on all pork products from your local Piggly Wiggly.

My dad can beat up Piggly Wiggly's dad :-)
mark from barre vt:

oh i miss piggly wiggly. i used to stop by in the morning and get cracklins in a pink tub in plastic wrap. they might also have cracklin corn bread but i would get just the crackilns.

Piggly Wiggly's Dad is real old..... If you are ever at the Piggly Wiggly in Eutaw, AL. be on the lookout for Bipolar Shorty.
mark from barre vt:

i am going to get some pig heads soon from a local farm once they start slaughtering when the temps stay below 50 degrees. I make head cheese and other stuff from the heads. they otherwise throw them away!
Doug S.:

Go Brother Sinner, go! So great to see you chatting with us parishioners.
Marmalade Kitty:


Well the old clock on the wall says we gotta get out of here. Everyone be safe and encourage all the Deacons to not smoke on your way out.
mark from barre vt:

sorry i didn't pledge during the silent marathon. I am just now becoming a fan of the show. long time listener to wfmu. short time listener to Kevin's show. maybe bipolar shorty has been listening way longer than me
Doug S.:

@Mark, you can still pledge in honor of Sinner's Crossroads. Kevin is only $105 from hitting 100% of the goal!

Good for you Mark, but remember you can pledge anytime.

Everyone say hello to Brother Doug S. Assistant Pastor for the Sinner's Crossroads Chapel.
Chris W:

always great to hear your shows in the gospel music wasteland of Yangzhou China!
Bro. jberg from raregospel.com:

Bro. jberg usually listens to pop-up player after live show is over. Great gospel. Sorry 'bout 'Bama's loss to LSU. Go Chicago State!!!
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